24 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 28, 1964 '27--Real Estate For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale 32--Articles for Sale (32--Articles For Sale 32--Articles For Sale BIRTHS CLASSIFIED he gel cl Barbara ime fa oh their first child, the the a a énughier, be pPetina gtr: Al Ment _ ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 23) KINGSMERE GARDENS New brick "bungalow just completed, very spacious with 3 fomily size bedrooms ond Oshawa General anks to Dr. King and staff of the fourth floor. HUTCHESON -- Ray and Madelene ae, ere ae ot ee Tuesday, May 26, 1964, at Oshawa Hospifal, Richard Kevin. A bro- for Reymond. Mrs. Myers, end Mrs. Victor Cummings, Etobicoke. STIRLING -- Dorothy and Bill are happy to announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Margaret Gail, on Wednesday, 27, 1964 at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Bill 27--Real Estate for Sale separate dining room. Built W. FRANK Real Estate Limited 177 Church St., Bowmonville Member Oshowa ond District Reol Estate Board Estate Sale -- 4 bedroom brick home centrally located on a large lot. Bowmanville. $12,000 -- Terms. DEATHS Newtonville --.4 bedroom home x e ocre lot, $7,000 -- $1,200 down. BARRELL, Florence M. ; Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on iy, May - 1964, 6 aged years,' late William Barrell dear mother of Mar- fory (Mrs. Fred Mulholland); Mildred (rs. Heath); Nellie (Mrs, L. Hall); Fred, Frank, Hazel (Mrs. Gordon Ferguson) and Kate (Mrs. Joe Sey- mour. Resting at the Morris Funeral |, Bowmanville. Service in the Chap- @k- on 'Friday at 3 p.m. manvilie Cemetery. BYERS, Annie Miriam After a prolonged iliness at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Wednesday, May 27, interment Bow- Margaret Connell of Spencerville x Bove 82nd year. Resting at the W. C. Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in "ne -- on Saturday, May 30 at 2 p.m. St. John's Cemetery, Port wer Minister the Rev W. J. S. Mc- Clure. Visitors commencing 7.30 p.m. Thursday. FLINTOFF, Ethel In Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, May 26, 1964, Ethel Mann, In her 7ist year, beloved wife of Ernest J. Flintoff, dear mother of Glen, Ronald and Doug- las, dear sister of Miss Edith Mann, Mrs. Herbert Hawley (Florence) and Roy Mann, all of Oshawa. Mrs. Flintoff is resting at Mcintosh-Anderson fFunera! Home. Service in the chapel on Friday, 2 o'clock. interment Mount Lawn Cem- otery. GAY, Millie L. Entered Into rest in the family residence, Courtice, Ont., on Wednesday, May 27, 1964, Mille L. Jackson, beloved wife of Russell R. Gay and mother of Miss Velma Gay of Bowmanville, Bernice of Toronto, Jean and Harry of Courtice, and sister of Miss Florence Jackson of Bow- ménville, Lesiie of Bowmanville and Roy Stouffville, In her 7éth year. wa, Chapel Saturday, May 30 at 11 a.m. In- ferment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. JARDINE, Ada Florence Jane intered Into mo- » Richard Smith (Phyllis) and dohn Jardine both of Oshawa in her 67% year. Resting at the Armstrong Fu- neral Home, a, with funeral ser- vice In the Chapel on Saturday, May 30 at 3 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- tery. (Friends are asked not to call at the Funeral Home before Friday af- ternoon). MASIEWICH, Mary Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, May 27, 1964, Mary Danylyk, beloved wife of Nicholas! mother Mi of Mrs. of Parkhill, Mrs. nterment yg! his the funeral Sane frorsdy at 7.30 FR lage s ed Frank € the Oshawa General Hospital on Wed- fos morning, May 27, 1964, Frank Meindoo of 4 Liberty Street South, Bow- manville, in his 82nd year, beioved father Mrs. H. Hepburn (Ruby) of Ennis- 'and Mrs. J. Maguire (Josie) of Bowmanville, dear brother of Mrs. C. J. ort Lan gg of Detroit. Smith Funeral Home, Porkwoy Crescent --- 4 bed- room brick built 8 months ago. Owner transferred. Many extros, Only $16,500 -- Terms. Lamb's Lone -- 4 bedroom bungalow. $9,000 -- terms. Bowmanville. Bowmanville -- 3 bedroom brick very central. This is on exceptional home at only $13,500 -- terms. $3,500 -- 2 bedroom house near Mosport with 2% acres of. land. $13,000 -- near Newcastle 5 room brick bungalow with three piece bath and oil fur- nace. $5,000 down. Sunset Terrace Subdivision -- Homes by Loupan. 3 bedroom brick bungalows priced from $14,200 with $1,739.00 down, Balance N.H.A. terms. 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Jack Ricord Pat Yeo Ken Hockin Joe Bornoski 623-3154 623-3077 623-5055 2202 Newtonville by HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION FULL PRICE $15,550 with N.H.A, financing, early possession. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY 668-5893 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE TUDOR Hardtop, spotless Oshowa blue with matching interior. Automatic transmission, radio, whitewall tires. Excellent con- dition. 1962 FALCON FUTURA Tudor sedan tutone red and white with red vinyl interior. outomatic transmission, ra- dio, wheel discs ond deep tread whitewalls, Immaculate 28--Real Estate Wanted throughout. WANTED good. two substantial cash for fore? home. Please phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, King Street West, Oshawa. consider . Present thr room homi Real Estate (723-2265). and three-bedroom bungalows for cash buyer, also buyer with two-sti evenings 725-0243. Cal Olsen, Realtor, 299 TWO-BEDROOM home required in Grier- son - Mary - Masson area, Buyer would ee-bed- for same. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 1962 IMPALA SPORTS CONVERTIBLE V8 engine, automatic trons- mision, 'radio, bucket seats, full power, Al condition. 1961 RENAULT three-bedroom, two-storey family Phone 723-497. 29--Automobiles For Sale CASH BUYER ooking for moderate home with fireplace, in Mary - Masson district, 5. ' CARAVELLE CONVERTIBLE Finished in Honduras Maroon, equipped with radio, white- walls, wheel discs and extra hardtop. Spotless. KO. USED CARS Roy W. Nichols 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 door hardtop, radio, white- wall tires, discs and washers, A real sharp one owner auto- mobile. 1961 CHEVROLET Coaches (3 from which to choose), 2 standard trans- mission, 1 outomatic. METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 $1,000 DOWN - ONE LEFT For only this small down poy- ment, this new home can be yours in 30 days, or for $756. down ,we will build you © new one to your specifica- tions. Hurry! Onily one left. DREW STREET Lorge 7 room, 2 storey home where the taxes ore reason- able, 2 washrooms. Ideal for two fomilies and priced to sell at only $13.500. HUMBER AVENUE 'This 5 room 5 year old brick home is ina very choice northwest location: Just off Pork Rd. N. Large 53' x 120' lot with paved drive and huge finished combination bedroom and recreation room. Asking only $14,900. Northeutt and Seemenvilie. Funeral service 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. interment Zion Ceme- tery, Millbrook. SENYK, Martha wineres | Into rest In the Oshawa Generat Hospital on Wednesday, May 27, 1964, Martha Smishko, beloved wife of Andrew Senyk, mother of Mrs. Michael Sirchenko (Maria), in the Ukraine, Mrs, Mykola Tychenko (Alexandra) of London, Ont., jr ont gee Sirko (Ketrina),. Peter and Oshawa; in her 6th year. ing Po the Armstrong Funeral Home, Resting with funeral service in St. John's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church Fri- day, May 29 at 9 a.m. interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. (Prayers at the funeral home Thursday at 8 p.m.) STIRTEVANT -- William John Franklin (Frank). (Auctioneer) Suddenly, the result of a heart attack at Oshawa on Tuesday, May 26, 1964, William John Franklin Stirtevant, belov- ed husband .of Martha E. |. Martin, dear father of Evelyn; dear grandfather of Lioyd, Nac brother of Roy of Orillia, in his 63rd year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby for service in the-Chapel on Friday, May 29, at 2 p.m. Interment Union er Oshawa, Min- Ister Archdeacon D. Cleverdon. VALLEAU, James Kenneth Entered into rest in the oe ee Hospital on Wednesday, May 27, . J Kenneth Valleau ,beloved husband o Carrie Stinson; father of Mrs. Raiph won (Marie) of Oshawa and Mrs. aig (Hla) of Burlington, brother are Nightingale (Dora) Roy and pag 'all of Belleville, in his 77th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with funeral service in the Chap- May 30, at 2 p.m. Inter- pe nT Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. "LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funerai arrangements and floral. requirements for all :GSHAWA SHOPPING : CENTRE } 424 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 7 55 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW UNERAL HOME F 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 MONUMENTS -- MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. ' 723-1002 728-6627 CARD OF THANKS) ANDREWS -- | wish to thank Doctors Lowes, Halam-Andres, Rowseli, the spe- cig! nurses and the nurses of 38 for care given me during my recent stay the Oshaws a Smart | Business | People 'Sing the Prolses tot Oshawa | Times Clossified --Mrs. H. Andrews BUILDERS' LOTS Full price only $3,600, -- 14 serviced ravine lots in Downs- view Park -- special terms to builders. Call now for full particulars. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Diol 728-4678 Dick Barriage Ken Hann Bob Johnston Joe Maga Jack Osbarne W. Schatzmann REALTOR 114 Brock St: N., Whitby 668-3338 Whitby, 5 room brick bun- galow, LARGE REC. ROOM, close to school, $13,900.00, terms. 3 bedroom brick, nice resi- , dential district, BIG REC. ROOM WITH FURNITURE IN_IT, $13,900.00, terms. $10,950.00 full price, 2 bed- room bungalow, spacious, central. in "Whitby, terms avaliable. Country, 7 room modern big ranch home, rec. room, HUGE ROOMS, lot 120 x 200'. Asking $25,900.00 terms available: 106 acre farm, 8 room house, renovated, modern conven- iences, 26 miles from Whitby, asking $18,000.00 terms, OPEN TO ANY OFFER, Pickering, 3 acres on high- way No. 2, 1628 frontage Business, small but steady, one man operation goed turn- over, asking $4,500.00 and open to offer. Call Hcan Simpson at 668- 3338 of Bill Schotzmann evenings 668-3253, WELL ¢ CARED fo for ¢ five-room | brick bun- galow, enclosed verandah. Smaii roorh in basement. double garage. Near schools and parks, 10 'minutes' walk from centre of city. Low taxes and heating costs, $1,500. down and balance on one mort- gage bf suit _Durchaser, Phone 725-1468. $1,500 DOWN buy buys foom dweiling in Street. South. Only Doug Skinner, seph B Bosco, R saltor, Whitby $11,900 full SECLUDED scenic "two ecres, ¢ Oshawa-| Whitby Nag $2,500 full price. HU HU 9-9726 Toronto ie sc SCENIC ACRES with. fh two cle terms. Phone 725-2: nome. bathrooms. NEWCASTLE two-family modern kitchens and two Just two minutes from 401. | Ade $10,000 with $2,000 down, Betate Broker. 728-4284, rec Two extra rooms possible upstairs. Oil furnace, TV tower, $9,500; this spacious five- on Byron ice, 728-4900 or 728-7377, Jo- clear Streams. An ideal spot fo build a cottage or permanent home, with a trout pond. 15 minutes drive from Oshawa. $5,000 and 577. Two Asking only McGill Real 1960. CHEVROLET Sedan, 8 cylinder, standard transmision, radio and wash- ers. A real fine car. 1960 FORD FAIRLANE 500 6 standard transmision, with radio, whitewall tires, wash- ers. In exceptional condition, 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR Sedan, 6 cylinder standard, with radio, two tone blue and white. 1958 PONTIAC Sedan, 6 automatic, radio, etc. A good family car. "SMALL CARS" 1963 CORVAIR 700 Sedan, automatic trans- mission, whitewall tires, discs and washers. This car is still under G.M, warranty. 1961 AUSTIN A55 Sedan 27,000 original miles. New motor with only 4000 miles. Immaculate condition, black with red leather trim. 1958 VOLKSWAGENS 2 to choose from. Both have radios. Good running order. 1957 VAUXHALL SEDAN 175. "3 Roy W. Nichols GUARANTEED USED CARS 2 LOTS Bowmanville Courtice 623-2556 728-6206 1960 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Fordor sedan, snappy V8 en- gine, automatic transmission, radio and rear speaker. Smart tutone tan and white. Low milegae. 1955 CHEVROLET Tudor sedan, V8 engine, radio ond floor shift. Completely rebuilt engine. 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Tudor, economical 6 cylinder engine, autometic transmis- sion, radio, deep tread white- wall tires, Al throughout, 1959 MONARCH LUCERNE 4 door sedan, finished in gleaming black with contrast- ing interior, Equipped with automatic transmission, ra- dio, power steering, washers and new white sidewall tires. A true aristocrat. Always a good selection. of Better Used Cars. Your Authorized Dealer for Ford's Family of Fine Cars. SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS ST. w. WHITBY 668-5893 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or | down, Liens. paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421" 1962 GLAXIE hardtop, Chestnut and white, with matching interior. Full power, low mileage. 723-3236 after 5. 1962 CHEVROLET, two-door, 6 Magri standard transmission, Maa miles condition. $1900 cash. 725-89 1960 GMC '2 ton pickup with propane equipped aluminum camper, Will sell Separately. Apply 328 Hilicroft Street. 1957 TRIUMPH TR3, new top, Interior redone, overdrive, Brae new tires. Blue finish. Telephone 725-043; FOR SALE Complete Stock of H: D. WILSON HARDWARE 23 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-3622 Until 6 p.m. ofter 6 p.m. call 725-4367 ~~ WATER SKIIS Laminated, reg. $29.95 To clear Att jee 00 20 PAIRS ON ALUMINUM ski 'FINS ey Big toe Now $1.50 98 WILSON RD. SOUTH 725-0520 ofter 6 p.m. 1S-FOOT BOAT 76" beam, steering wheel, convertible roof and trailer, 1962 CHEVROLET Bel a sedan, auto-| matic 6, power steering, fond seat hee 378 Rossland Road West or used only 48 BICYCLE, lady's, 28'; also boy's 26" bicycle. Telephone Brooklin 655-3738. 12_ times, $0 or best offer. Jolene Drive. 1954 DODGE Ve t RedRam mas radio, fair $150. 728-0332. 1957 CHEVROLET pent black and white sedan, i Apply 239 Montrave Avenue, Apt. 5. 1956 AUSTIN, green in color. Good condi- tion. Telephone 728-6756. 1960 FORD convertible, automatic, ¢ power steering and brakes. in ed condition. Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-4089. € CLASS Hydro runabout, with all con- trols, $130 or best offer. Call after 4.30 p.m. 725-7818. 17" TELEVISION, 21" television, both jconsoles, J-piece chrome set, electric heater with fan, folding wood door, Cole man lantern, electric deep fryer, 200 ft. of furnace pipe, wood and aluminum hall tree, juke box with 500 1964 CORVAIR Monza, red with black In- terior, automatic transmission, 110 HP engine, very low mileage. Many extras. Call 723-2655. body fair, one owner. Will accept best joffer. Telephone anytime 728-9191, 1963 CHEVY Ii Super | Sport | hardtop, bucket seats, automatic on floor, power steering, radio, whitewall tires, padded dash, window, washers, 8,500 miles, Tele- phone 725-4871, 1957 PONTIAC, 2-door, radio, standard,| windshield washers. Apply 88 Westmount. 1960 AUSTIN sedan, 4door, one owner, garage protected, radio, economical pact, excellent condition, 728-1310, 1957 DODGE V-8, standard transmission,|> records, 36 ft. ladder, lawn roller, severa| Pictures, hand saws, large tool box, § men's suits, size 38 to 40, 2 reversible top coats, 1955 Plymouth station wagon. Street, HOW TC SMOKE WITHOUT REALLY SMOKING!! Are you one of the millions who want to quit smoking? If so, this may be your ons- wer:-- NOSMOKE is a sanitary plastic pocifier which -you do not light, shap- | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16/2 BOND W. 728-4401 GUN WANTED -- --" antique. Tele Phone Oshawa /25-8183. 1h MOFFAT four-burner range, 24 heavy duty. M eg coe al AS new. Telephone 728- MAN'S bive suit, size 38, and shoes, both worn once. Will isonet 1 sg for te frigerator. Telephone 723-4 ed like a king-size cigarette, containing a couple of months' supply of menthol flavor. No more buying 1, 2 or 3 pocks a day! To obtain your plastic case containing two (2) NOSMOKES send one dollar ($1.00) with the coupon to: DONNA-DEE ENTERPRISES Box 323, Chetham, Ont. AGENTS WANTED Write for information Please send --- packs NO- SMOKE for which | enclose $-- at $1.00 per pack (Ont. Residents 97c¢ plus 3¢ tax). Nome Address .socssvccccecces Apply 1279 Minden T 28-2061. TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with ai! channel antenna, WINCHESTER, ELECTRIC stencil with Armstrong, Quaker, Congoleum, all on sale. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street Seo Amictes for Sale c SALE CONSOLE CABINET For lc with any regulor price ed automotic sewing mach- ine. Trade-ins accepted. * OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE 329 SIMCOE S, 728-2391 PROPANE gas fads three burners under welts two open burners, : . One a, BABY CARRIAGE, maternity wear, muskrat back % coat and stole, evening gown, RCA Victor DINETTE suite, extension tabie, chairs, two arm chairs, upholstered, dark brown finish. Good condition, $75. Must ibe seen to be appreciated. Apply 918 King Street East, television, Fidelity record player, like new, records, Telephone 723-3889. USED car parts, wheels, spindies, imake Srailers, also used tires. 509 Street East. After 4 723-2281. 14 9 MOULDED plywood boat, forward, centre and rear deck. Telephone 723-4493 before 5 p.m. BUY and sell, goo used furniture and fappliances. One location . Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. 4 FT. ALUMINUM boat, Mark cury motor, Tee-nee trailer, four life jackets, paddies, boat cover; also tent 9 x 9%, Make offer, Telephone 728-3814. 25 Mer- STOVE -- Molfat range, fourburner. - Call 725-0820, ances. Elmer, SIX 900-20 tires; five-speed Generali Mo- tors ransmission. 668-5268, Ajax 942-0543. DOUBLE continental bed; spring, mat- tress, Sultable for cottage; also. new Gooderich 670-15 snow tire. 668-4928. TRADE in bargains! ideal for cottages, two-piece erfield suite, ta odd ches- terfield chairs, $6; three- bedroom suit, $35; five-piece kitchen te $15; two- piece sofa bed set, $29; kitchen cabinet, $10. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. BUYING or selling furniture or appli Call Hampton . 263-2294 or 263-2695. BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 33--Market Basket . 'CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. Take orders for freezers. Fresh roasting chickens, 9 to 4 Ibs., $1 and $1.25 each. Deliveries on orders of 10 or more. Call Oshawa 728-5291, : FLOOR coverings by the roll, of yards, bright cheerful patterns, All reduced . . . from 23 cents per foot. Brand name floor coverings. Sandran, 35 GALE electric motor, I. ASPARAGUS -- Excellent Treating. v s leven quart By quarts. Regn ile, igcnisntiion, 2488. cond tion, $395, best offer. 723-9750 or 728-9936, 34--Lost And Found scope and strap; also one man's Pr CCM racer. Telephone 723-4762. $50, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. TENTS, trailers, sleeping bags, stoves, picnic jugs and coolers. Best prices. Terms, Dominion Tire Store, .48 Bond Street West . THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $298.50, No down payment. Discounts for cash.| Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. 13' NYLON ri bout, 18 H with stand and supplies used. Telephone Pickering 942-1802. WATER HEATER, 22 gal. $ gla for a cottage. Apply 88 Westmount, electric motor, McGinnis trailer. In ex- cellent condition. Private, 668-5152. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli- prea Name brands at biggest discounts SMALL DESK with book case and chair, oak finish; 'Roto-broil rotisserie. Call Whitby 668-3769. anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- ly mattress furniture lines. Your author- ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West. ;CANVAS awnings, curtains, canoples.| Complete service, Free estimates. No waiting, Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. BARGAINS for baby! New 1964 mefal body carriages, $38; playpens, $8.88; 1964 Lioyd strollers, $12.88; large, full peosl 1988 PONTIAC, 6 ~ eylinder, radio, $795. Good condition, Simcoe North. 1960 PONTIAC convertible, Parisienne. Excellent condition. Very low mileage, One owner, Telephone 725-5518. 1959 PONTIAC Strato Chief, 'sedan, lovely lovely black paint, whitewall tires. Excellent 6 cylinder motor, custom radio, windshield] washers, etc. $825. Terms. apply 1376| REFRIGERATOR, stove, table, 72 HP outboard motor, various other items. Suitable for home or cottage. Road North. TWO DIAMOND RINGS for sale. Tele- phone 728-6903. DRAPES, i+ it. wide, long length, beige poten again with floral pattern; also dresses, size 12-14. Telephone 728-6070. 236 Park) 669.8) PLYWOOD cabin taller, good sleeps two or three people. 8135. ize, McKEEN'S Furniture, new and used, 426 Simcoe Street South, Refrigerators, stoves, bedroom suites. Telephone 725-5181. ONE PAIR of French doors with beveled glass, 2'4" x 6'7". Call 728-8546. 728-2741. 1958 PONTIAC, American, 4door hard- top, automatic, radio, 4 new tires. Good condition. $900. Telephone 728-7204 after 5. 1956 PONTIAC, American, V-8, standard Shift, good condition, Call Bowmanvilie 623-7058. TYPEWRITER, portable; one standard; also IBM electric typewriter, two-total CHESTERFIELD and chair, grey frieze. Good condition. Telephone 725-3781. cash register, adding Very rea- sonable. 723-4434. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. TRAILER: Home-made Siiverliner type trailer, 12 ft. x 6 ft. 4 In, Electrical out- let, ice box, sleeps Bae Apply 462 Fair- lawn Street, Oshaw: a" Lata bap a $45; GE washing PRIVATELY owned, 1953 Pontiac, me chanically very good. Good rubber. Tele- phone 728-1534. 195) MORRIS Minor, very good condition, low mileage, paint like new. After 5.30 call 728-0238. engine, V-8, automatic, power equipment, radio, seat belts. Call 728-9059. TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc- ture, Including all channel antenna, in- igre and guaranteed by experts with 0 years' og $50. Trio Television. Telephone 728-514: LAWN MOWER Genagariors _- and used, 2-cycle, 4-cycle electric or gas- Store, 48 Bond Street West. skirt, $30; both In very good poi Phone 728-1742. FIRE DOOR and track, 80" x 3514", $15. Phone 728-9677 between 7 and 9 p.m. 1959 CEDARSTRIP boat, motor, trailer, '4 life jackets, windshields, steering wheel, controls, paddle. $525. 67 West Beach, 1963 CHEVROLET impala Supersport 327|oline from $15 up. Terms. Dominion Tire|Bowmanvilie, 623-2252. ABOUT, GE RE TOR, 9 cubic ft., 1956 OLDSMOBILE, radio, good condition. Reasonable Pp as, Telephone 723-2932. refrigerator, $40 each; als car trailer. Apply 218 Perry Street, whit. by. 668-5996. 1959 CHEVROLET 8- cylinder automatic sedan. Very clean condition, $1100. After 6.30 telephone Bowmanville 623-7079. Ask for Wayne. 16 FOOT LARSON fibregiass boat, 45 horsepower Mercury electric start out- board. All controls and trailer, Newcastle 987-4594, 1952 METEOR standard, 1953 Ford avto- matic. Your choice, $99: 1956 Ford stan- dard. Good transportation, '$125. New |i- cences. Apply 509 Bloor East. 1948 MERCURY coupe, body and mech- anically A-1, Apply 66 Cabot Street. MECLARY Easy dryer, like new. Boat' trailer, 2,000 Ibs. Telephone 725-2898. 4 ft. plywood, with 35 ght aga siete far, A-l 724-9955 cribs, $19.88. Rockers, walkers, kinder- garten sets. Wiison's Furniture, 20 Church a Dial Whitby] Street. MONEY MADE Selling Things through Oshawa Times Classified Ads Call 723-3492 Place your order TODAY LOST -- Bive Budgie, answers to "Joey" in 'Dufferin Street aoe Whitby. Tele phone Whitby 668-548 LOST -- One pair of foxhounds, black, white and brown. Enfield area. Substan- tial reward. Phone collect Oshaws 725-8483, LOST -- West Brooklin area, small black and white dog. Answers fo "Pepper". Three year old girl keeps calling it, F 655-4709, LOST: Siamese cat, Monday, vicinity Courtice or Whitby, red leather strap on "Ineck. Telephone 728-6921. LOST: Wrist watch, gee white gold, vicinity of centre. Reward. Whitby C8 8119, "brometpeed Mido wrist Yend, Telephone Kom Gent's" watch, -biows 728-8806. 36--Legal NOTICE Tenders for Fuel Oil--Light Industrial or Domestic approx. 18,000 gallons will be re- ceived up to June 8th. Please include specifications and mail tenders to: Y.W.C.A. 199 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario, The lowest or ony tender, not necessarily accepted, after 5 p.m. BOAT, 14 HP Evinrude. Phone ite MOVED! Now Biil ven eg quipment, jeg overhead, low prices. New and used. |tarce stock. One year guarantee. Terms. Raglan (just north of 11% ft., all purpose plywood, with 725-6285. Free pick up and delivery. pe BOAT, 14 ft. cedarstrip, equipped with 35 HP electric Johnson motor. Many) extras, Must be seen. Phone 728-9867. |BOAT aluminum 12 ft., also trailer. New. Apply Solena Road and No. 2 Highwa' "east of Oshawa. ~) herney's 80 KING ST. E. -- OSHAWA 1960 CHEVROLET, 198 VAUXHALL Cresta, sedan, Excellent condition. Low mileage. T 728-8749, four-door sedan stan- dard tr After 5 p.m. or weekends teleptione 723-7492. 1961 CORVAIR for sale, radio, whitewalls, 2-door coupe, Call 728-2065, 1961 CHEVROLET convertible é-cylinder, power steering, radio, white walis, $2200 Bowmanville 623-3463, 1955 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, automatic. Good condition, $300 or best offer. Tele phone 723-4971. 1%1 CHEVROLET BeiAfr sedan Power steering and brakes, custom radio, whitewalls. viceable car at a reasonbale price. Teie- phone 728-3317. heater, in géod shape. v8, Top condition. A good ser- 1963 MERCURY COMET convertible, radio, Al $2400 COMING EVENTS best offer. 728-9747. 1963 CHEVY {| Nova two-door igh md 1,116 miles, $2,300. Puli Palomar red, 725-8374, 1957 FORD sedan, automatic, motor over- hauled, interior clean, new paint fob, transmission good. $475. Phone 725-8503. 1961 ENVOY Special, low mileage. Excel- lent condition, Best offer.. After 4 tele- phone 725-3296. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2door hard- top, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, 1957 PONTIAC, deluxe sedan, BoS, after 4. 1956 METEOR, two-door hardtop, 1957 METEOR, green and white, door, V-8, standard, radio, $300 or best offer. Call 725-0118, motor, fifteen thousand miles, automatic, Requires 'some body work. Best offer. Brooklin 655-3109. 1960 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, four-door standard, radio, mechanically good, body fair, Must sell by weekend. Apply 109) Agnes Street. 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard-| top, automatic, new paint and tires. Tele-| phone after 6 p.m., 1963 METEOR, A-1 | ohio: 'radio, wind- shield washers, one owner. Price $1,750. Call 728-6702. ONE owner 1959 Chevrolet, good tion, radio, white walls, etc, Teleprone | 723-2415. Just like new, Sickness forces sale. Can be seen anytime. 481 Drew Street. 1985 CHEVROLET V-8 26,000 miles on motor. Standard floor shift. New dual 24 HOUR SPECIAL! 1962 CORVAIR | MONZA SPORTS COUPE | 900 with all equipment poss- ible. Black witn red interior. One owner. Just like new. Original price $3250. Sale Price $1695 RUDY 728-6007 TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 TILDEN CAR AND FRUCK RENTALS (All Makes_and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshowa 728-0921 1957 WILLMAN, 4door sedan, new cluich, satrter, coll. In good shape. $495 or best offer. Phone 728-9677 between 7 and 9 p.m. 957 8 BUICK hardtop, in ¢ Good 'condition | radio, automatic, one owner, $600. Tele phone 723-2694 1962 ACADIAN < convertible, radio, white- wall fi ag buck- | -- | jexhaust. New fires, radio, mechanically Al. Phone before 3 p.m, 728-7902. 1955 PONTIAC V8, floor shift, | posi-trac- \tion rear end body spotless. One owner. }Telephone_ Whitby 668-2344. [1987 TRUCK four-ton International. Phone lise CHEVROLET deluxe, six cylinder standard transmission, new tires and brakes, body perfect, immaculate inter- jor, $775. Telephone 725-8885, 1952 OLOSMOBILE, $75 or best offer. 563 Lakeview Avenue, Phone 725-3622. 1959 CHEVROLET, coach, 8-cylinder, stenderd, radio and whitewhiis, Call after 5 p.m., 723-2540. 1959 METEOR station wagon, V-8, auto- matic, good condition, ie 728-1468, 1958 VOLK: black, condition. 41 miles per Sahn. after 6. 725-5376 6, auto matic, radio, wheel discs. Excellent con- dition. Apply 170 Park Road South, Apt. wheel discs, radio, A-1 condition, $395, 728-7959 two- white walls. 1954 METEOR stationwagon, with rebuilt 1961 GMC half-ton pick up, 5,300 miles.| radio, one owner. Phone 725-3638. 1957 METEOR convertible, new motor, standard transmission. Good shape. Eve- nings, 5 to 7, telephone 728-1909. 30--Automobiles Wanted $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars: or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. yp he Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668. 3331 SMALL VAUXHALL wanted, "Must be "In| jfop ¢ condition. Phone 725-2987. ~ 145 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk 'Cash' to.the: New Car Dealer and 'SAVE' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid, 220 Wentworth East, 725-1181, OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 1175: Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- ing. Telephone 725-2162 Or 723-4225, LAKESHORE Auto V Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices Id. 220 Wentworth East, 725-1181, 45 | ----| 32--Articles for Sale 1" PLYWOOD BOAT, 35 HP Evinrude jand trailer. In good condition, Must sell by weekend. Apply 506 Malan Avenue, Oshawa, OUTBOARD | motor, 1951 Joh Johnson 4-cylin- ler 32 hp, $75 or best offer. Telephone 728-1306. 33 HPO JOHNSON « completely 3 serviced, full warranty for 30 days. Private. $350 or best cash offer. 725-5555. TENT trailer, well equipped, sleeps five; 1955 CHEVROLET, two-door sedan black |standard 6. Good condition. Phone Ajax 42-0706, : |1958 OLDSMOBILE, newly overhauled, automatic transmission, two-door hard- top, radio, four new tires. One owner. $1000. Apply 116 Adelaide West. a white 1954 PONTIAC four-door, bive, walls, standard, Best offer. Telephone Whitby 668-3490. 1955 BUICK sedan, power equipped, white walls, automatic transmission, runs well. $225 or offer. 725-1459. 1961 PONTIAC convertible, \ V4, 2 auto- matic, power steering and brakes, black with white top, 26,000 original miles. Will accept trade. Can be financed. Must be seen to be appreciated. $2,300, Phone 773-4406. 1959 DODGE, 'door, V-8, automatic, radio, Will accept trade. Can be financed. Telephone Port Perry 985-2729. 1956 FORD, V8, stick shift, radio. Excel- }lent condition. $295. Phone 723-7880 or 37 Wentworth Street, Apt. 1. FUEL OIL Register 1 for the free|= money-saving guarantee, All in the price of oil, Call Western Oil Company 725-1212. 1955 MONARCH hardtop, 00d clean con guitar and case; also Labi bicycle and boy's bicycle. 725-3744. "CANOE -- 16 ft. red, one year old, 36-inch beam, 55 Ibs. New $208, asking $140. Also Porter Cable skill saw, 7% inch heavy duty, new $90, asking $50. One year. old. Cail 726-0208. i3 FT. Fiberglass boat and treiler tor sale, $175. Good condition. Apply 309 Col- borne Street East. 728-2805. 18 FT. inboard cabin cruiser, home made, 4 cylinder Austin motor, $150 or nearest offer. Telephone 725-0118, TWO-TRUCK cran for % ton truck, Lifts three ton. Cable and hook, $100. Tele phone Whitby 668-2797, SELLING compiet@ household furnish- ings, television, home freezer, 2 refriger- ators, 3 bedroom suites, steam Iron, a other articles. Telephone 725-8132. FOR SALE: Ailis-Chaimers | tractor, sal model, in good condition. Price $400, Tele-| phone Brooklin 655-: 3517, PHILCO combination automatic washer | and dryer; chrome bird cage and stand;| both nearly new. Telephone 723-1393. GIRL'S BICYCLE, $15; deluxe barbeque $15; figurine lamps, original price $100 each, for $20; large footstool, $15; fix- ture, $5. Telephone 723-4029. dition, all power, $195. 0483. MOFFAT stove, 4burners Locomotive dryer, $40; two gray 'rugs and pads, 12x9, 1957 TRIUMPH TR3, never been raced, hardtop, overdrive, wire wheels, new con- vertible top, tonneau cover. 723-4268. OSHAWA TUNE- Up CENTRE offers ex- pert carburetor and auto electric service; 222 King West, 728-0817. be TRA SPECIALISTS -- Tra et prieed. "ber rate call 723-2874, our only A aad oss sim- Pione 728-' and 9x9; one pair drapes, 7 ft. long, 13 ff. width; two pair drapes 72" long, 54' width; blue shower drapes, Apply. 108 Laracor Avenue. FULL LENGTH organza wedding gown size 12, $50. Call after 5.30 p.m, 723-1678. Micelle 3 -|WRINGER washer, good condition; plece bed chesterfield set; one red plat- form rocker. Apolvy 612 Gordon Street OSHAWA JAYCEES BINGO TO-NIGHT 20 gomes at $20, 5 games at $30 -- $150 Jackpot 2 -- $250 Jackpots NUMBERS 50 and 55 Early Bird Game RED BARN SWIM POOL OPEN DAILY 2-5, 6-9 P.M. BUCKAROO RANCH End of Rossiand Rd. E. RUMMAGE Sale at the UAW Hall, | May 29, 1964 at 11 a.m. A VACHS apartment costs you money! Fill that vacancy quickly with & low cost Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Just dial 723-3492 today to reach the re lable tenants you want, LAKE VISTA ASSOCIATION DANCE OSHAWA AIRPORT Sat., May 30 at 9:30 p.m. $3 Per Couple Music by THE CAVALIERS DAILY TRAIL RIDING $2.00 per hour Reservations 725-2737 _BUCKEROO RANCH NOVEL BINGO ELL i _ <a ENTIRE INVENTORY Spring Bros. Furniture : | | | FRI. & SAT. | FINAL TWO DAYS! THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20. May be doubled or trivled $200 IN JACKPOTS Door prize $15 CKLB's SLIM GORDON PRESENTS The Cavalcade of Country Music Stars WEEKLY SHOWS FRIDAY, George Jones & Melba Montgomery ot the ANNALDA COUNTRY CLUB Interchange No. 65 a revolvina circular bandstand spe meet and chat with the st ADULTS 2.00 each for the Ist 2 children (wit at Two SHOWS 7 P.M, (Matinee) 9:30 P.M. (evening performance) clip this ad, because it is wortn 50 cents on purchase of one adult ticket to ei Matinee MAY 29 ind 401 at Pickering cial room so you can personally ars (bring your cameras) CHILDREN 50¢ h parents) rest of family FREE ther show. SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT KING ST. EAST one bi FRIDAY, MAY. 29th, 7:45 Early Bird Games 20--$20 Games 1--$150 Jackpet Must Go 5--$30 Games 2--250 Jackpots Nos. 52 - Door Prjzes -- Admission 50e lock east of city limits 57 'Rain or Shine' 'Day-In' and 'Day-Out' and not promptly when he calls, He's Always on OSHAWA Please Be On Time With Your Payments When He Calls! REMEMBER! Your Oshawa Times Newspaper Carrier Hos te pay for his papers EVERY WEEK, so PLEASE don't keep him waiting for His Payment. He's in business for himself and the money you owe belongs to HIM . In many cases he just cannot afford to keep on paying for his YOUR Corrier to meet his obligations + » + by paying him The Oshawa Times 'Read By Most Everyone In Oniario County' The Job To Deliver Your TIMES! +» not to the Newspaper. . 80 please try and help