. \ . . 'g | THE OSHAWA TIMES; Thursday, Mey 28, 1964 King Street Senior Schéol THE STARS SAY yey BS : mils' Tal Ni ht : 'By ESTRELLITA Where ob matters are con-|October should make cfeative ok resents I up ent 1g. MORROW { cay will ip Sing tog personality. The May meeting of the King Grade 7 girls -- Folk Dancing: be Bev Street Home and School Asso-|Patty Cake Polka, Mrs. Marionjences suggest that you concen-| situations, so that your mind) but brilliant wit. / \ciation was the occasion of-the|Knox; "I Want to Sing Along" |trate on routine matters will be free to concentrate on "\annual Talent Night presented|a pantomime of Al Jolson -- by|the early hours completing new programs by the students under the guid-|David Harlow; square dancing, | unfinished tasks if possible. The|ties in January, an | |ance of the principal, Mr. J. D.|Grade 8, Grapevine Twist andip.m. may bring some new op- th for all ; Galbraith and staff. Dip and Dive under the super-|portunity for advancement and : With Kathy Jones as Mistress|vision of Mr. A, E,-Maycock;|the more time you have to look) October late f of Ceremonies, the boys and|Scottish dancing, Lord MacDon-|into it, the better. should give you a lift in the MR. BERNARD girls of King Street School, pre-|ald's Reel and Lamb's Skin-| 1¢ tomorrow is your birthday,| meantime. sented an outstanding progtam|net, directed by Mrs. Wils0n.|yoyr horoscope, though an ex-| Personal matters will be un- Of Leading Tene : to a large audience of parents King Street's answer to theltremely pleasant one, suggests|der good aspects for most la . and friends, gueewy M Beatles -- The Eliminators: Ken|that you be especially consery-|the year, 80 domestic, Se HOME f Violin class og ". T./Sherban, David Cutler, Bernie|ative for the next 10 months.|and sentimental interests should ; Edward Oscapella; © "nt MeDonaid and P, Collard.|xcept for brief periods in|proper. Romance, in fact, willl APPOINTMENTS Sonata y ray £ a (Please, Please Me and Fun,| July, August and January, you|be governed by especially good yy : solo by Archer Guy; Mr. \s-/Fun, Fun) cannot expect much planetary influences in July and October; PHONE AFTER 9 P.M, nt! i also next May. 728-9317 capella's clarinet class, plano Mrs. Leif Bangsball, conven-jhelp in financial affairs wi Some excellent news in early solo, The Old Music Box, Dy!" inanked the students and|April, 1965. a ggg Oday --_ the teaching staff, for their com- " * bined hard work to make 'the the Pg a goed, evening a success. | "Mazurka" and "Galloping Ju-| Mr. R. Goddard's Grade 8 nior', Shirley Puskas, . sccom- class won the attendance prize panied by Mr. A. E. Maycock for May. The winner of the class at the piano; accordian eole, with the best attendance for the "Marines' Hymn" by Dougias| Yea", Was Mr, A. E. Maycock's Kadoski; duet, "Santa Lucia"| Grade? Gibes. Mice, ieee ae se es, Mr, J. D. by TAnds Kemp and Elesnor Mr. Carmichael's classes' were Lowry; a piano medley, by Bar-|cigse, however, and on behalf ry Mills; solo by Pamela Mar-|of King Street Home and School tin, featuring "In the summer| Association, Mrs. Lloyd Harlow, of his years" (a baltad of the/presented Mr. Maycock with a assassination of President Ken-|card table and an electric tea SPORTSWEAR Lid. nedy), accompanied by Mr.|kettle, to be used in the teach- é ' Mayecock at the piano, er's lounge. ; Tango miniature, a pisne solo) Mr, Maycock expressed his HOLY CROSS Roman Cath- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. py John Mercer; Okefenokee esouiiatiin me ar of Ga ~ arr was the gh pat gb weenagrene Bye gine Two-Step by Marilyn Morrison| staff, and assured his many ia Pe i 'or a morning ceremony when and the legroom is the SOM |ang Barbara Gunn; boys' tum-| frien She ensure he aa Sl aaa . a Ruth Marion Coolidge became of Mr. ard Mrs. . Lucien |pling class under the direction =, Bool or of the staff OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE - §T. MARY OF the People and Mrs. Mic ohn Quin- | the bride of Paul Seveno, La- Seveno, LaChute. __ lof Mr. R. Goddard; piano solo,|took in getting acquainted with Roman Catholie Church was' jan, Madoc. The bridegroom | Chute, Quebec, The bride is --Ireland Studio |conata in C, Kathleen Stewart; |the parents of their students at the setting for the wedding, j. the son of Mr. and Mrs. ' the Home and School meetings. recently, of Barbara Jean Neil Johnston, Queensboro A cheque was sent to the Ca-; ASSUME WOOD LOOK Mr. J. D. Galbraith, princi- Free tant Chues, The rein oe ! LODGES AND nadian Cancer Society. ' MONTREAL (CP) -- North/pal, 'announced the forthcom- bride is "the daughter of Mr. --Mary's Studio SOCIETIES | A penny and bake sale was _-- ot ag re Fag Migr ns ee hae S57 SPY NSE Th IE held while refreshments were|0n the "wood look * ay roug 5 Presbyterial U CW | TNITS, GROUPS | Se aay tek shown at a home show here are|suggested there should be no Ne ee decuts ote an example of what is te come.|time lost in starting review work Z | The fifty-third birthday of\tress Florence Strank receiv- slr rors Poon diged _ age were served by Executive Meets AUXILIARIES a, re Lodge, mie a hid i sak hs can pearance, Several kitchen wall-|the mothers from the classes of ly in the Orange Temple) papers have a grained wood|Mrs. Marion Knox, Mrs. R. aA, i, To Hear Reports | MERRY MATES | with supper at 6.30. Reon Barrand and Mr. R. Goddard. | 'The Merry Mates of Christ) The regular meeting opened The president, Miss M. A |Memoria] Church held a_pot|at eight o'clock, WM June Good- Luke, welcomed everyone andijck supper for their MayY)man welcomed the visiting of- ve ee aie re ficers and members from Ty- DRAPERY a4 ie Mrs. L. F. Richardson of Whitby|- puring the business session it p j ; who is the Bay of Quinte Con-|was decided that there would|'O"® Whitby, Bowmanville and) MATERIAL 4 j an ference UCW president. not be a meeting in June, | Oshawa, i j The supply secretary, Mrs.| Following the business Mr. WM Sister Mildred Carno- 98° 2 ' James Gray. RR 2, Janetville,Jand Mrs. Jack Simmons show-|chan, Victory Lodge, Oshawa, 'Gsnpere Rg feed PORTRAIT announced that the supply allo-led slides of their six weeks'|jand WM Helen Shantz, Pine ' , cation for 1964 would go to Deer|tour of the world by air when|Ridge, Bowmanville, brought M. & ¢. Dry Goods Make Your Appointment Today : SPRING-TH RU-SUMMER Lake, Ontario, and should be at|they visited Hawaii, Japan,| greetings and best wishes from &D j % , her home by October 15. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore,| their respective lodges, raperies ' Mrs. H. M. Kyte was chair- Thailand, India, Egypt and) RW past mistress Martha/ ie Py Sig Ly | STUDIO man for panel presentation of a/Greece, |White, past mistress Annie| ey e SUITS report from Conference UCW) The meeting was well attend-|Toms and Sister Annie Fish | 21 ATHOL ST, W. 723-3680 | } r 2. AND 3-PCE. STYLES held at Kingston. jed. were reported ill. | i 3 i - - , Mrs, Philip Romeril reported on the session by Miss Lois 4 ; e COATS Boast and the Reverend Duncan White on "The need for the New | ry ah aR Carriculkumn $ David emin and ' / Mrs, Carl Down .a\« a resume 2 000 e DRESSES of the session when four lay- ve fen prover fe, 8 Pe 0 r 9 ) | ne COTTONS -- SILK -- KNITS official and . probation officer! - ; : e a 1 i ee . Ki ¥. "tian?" 'The panel established prizes In the : . bi ri ' bad SWEATERS several conclusions: That to- day's society was not predom- {nantly Christian; that much of a a Pe s ei the effort toward a mora] and : \ : ig es BLOUSES ethical arti yee motivated by 2 i ; man's early religious training : i <4 and that today's Christian must ¢ : SLIMS return to a face to face re- sponsibility for the welfare of csi tau his fellow man. ae ; : SHIRTS Mrs. Allan Down reported on the address given by Mrs. L, A. ee : ; j a VanDuzer, Chairman of Stew- E é ; 5 ardship and Recruiting Board of \ SKIRTS Women. She said that a steward . was an administrator of total % : AN fi trust -- skills, abilities,- time, es : \ : CO-ORDINATES money and faith. The School for United Church Women will be held at Albert 99 ' Ee i : College, Belleville from July 20 i ee eee ; j to July 23. | a ts REDUCED The segional meetings will ge a j ee be Tuesday, October 27 at Pick- ? : Ad ering and Thursday, October 29, d " : fg at Claremont with the Reverend : . ff ONE THIRD TO ; Charles Catto, Hampton as guest speaker. : © ? : 4 j ee "God has not given us a timid ee% } PRIC E pirit, but a spirit of power and re S ne and Discipline'. wae the Ist Prize: $1,000 PLUS A TEDDY BEAR ; P keynote for the afternoon ses- 10 2 d i g : é ' : a' sion conducted by Miss M. A. oa d pion nd Prizes of $100 PLUS A TEDDY BEAR Mrs. Kenneth Werry conduct- PLUS 2,000 Teddy Bears ed an impressive and inspira- tional closing worship, using the i 2 THE NEXT 2,000 NAMES SELECTED theme "take my hands"'. - It's Ti NOW! ue Enter Often. It's Easy--just print your ip sna a ougead . Print name and address on the entry form and mail together wit To Store Your name and address on the entry form below (or use the any 6 Heinz Baby Food labels elias "Teddy Bear Contest," handy entry forms available in most Baby Food depart- Box 2147, Toronto, Ontario. ; OG od cl 1h a OME dae © Bote Batre 2 Mal each ny eparattys csi AT REDUCED PRICES,'ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE With labels to the Heinz "Teddy Bear Contest," ox 2147, dune 30, 1964. pos on or before midnight, | OSH AW A Toronto, Ontario. . Contest is open to all residents of Canada except employees of the 1. J. Heine Coommany of Caupite Ltd., their edvertathe chancy an | Now showing a complete stock of Summer Sportswear--For Special Bonus Prize: If you include any a. s Cavéal Herbert A. Watts Lid., or members of ther immediate families. Fun-In-The-Sun. New, Smart and Perky, mix-and-match FUR & C0 LD | box top with your. 6 Heinz Baby Food Jabels, and your caaion if oer es waren." correctly answer a skill-testing |: | te your hearts content. | entry is selected a winner, a second teddy bear will be . Decision of the judges in all aspects of the contest is final. - . e@ SHORTS vee @ DECK PANTS STORAGE sent to a person of your choice. Clip this official entry form now. Fill in and mail to: "@ BERMUDAS @ POP-TOPS TTT TTL e on aeseneue e 1 ¢ HEINZ BABY FOODS "TEDDY BEAR CONTEST" Suigith © COTTON SHIRTS Box 2147, Toronto, Ontario. @ SKIRTS @ JAMAICAS DRESSES - BATHING-SUITS - CO-ORDINATES ALL AT TINY PRICES Guaranteed Protection from | @ MOTHS @ FIRE | @ THEFT, Etc. @ "SHINERIZING" (Fur Coot Cleaning) || ARE 66 pi CANOE 6066665 658s Foie cs SN 6 veda ee Cua b Caw Oe (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS. ce ccsccocscncceseasesssesscesesscasssece eeeenes WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR. IN OSHAWA A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE Don't forget: enclose 6 Heinz Baby Food labels. : T am enclosing a Heinz Cereal box to if L. FREE! Bonded Pickup would like the cesont Teddy Boar sont ig ohans wae, 7 have! and Delivery! NAMB is csk ss -- PHONE -- HEINZ BABY FOODS (7) AOEOE a chases bieik ky ces i cavens a, , | 723-3012 The good they do your baby now--lasts a lifetime | 4 E J iH S Centre OPEN TO-NIGHT AND: FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. encneeereendencecnensennnend