Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1964, p. 32

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ae ° esata 0 ae i aie Seri it gyi sb sy nO cs cI ey yO eI ee -- Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings NOTICE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION | APPLICATION | "ima cite cre | ma sm maint a sae mines ane fi aig : Toronto Stock Exchange--May 27 | wConst Tr 275 $194 19% 19%-- 4! Cent Pat 155 151 151 --® The Liquor Licence Act The Liquor _{Rutation i conts unless markes s,| Weston A 225 S17 17% 17% | | | Chester ee TAKE NOTICE that McCRO- Licence Act mdividend, XF--EX! Wein 42 APF BS $2502 9 95a -- MA] Comb 2% 2 21 = Ve HANS AND COMPANY LI- oat Is] Woodwd A 30 $254 25 5 -- M4 a ae ee! pbb albert Bed io wil TAKE NOTICE that HOTEL OILS 2» 42 oe rr ceetia! | LANCASTER (OSHAWA) LI- INDUSTRIALS + make MITED of the City of Osh- All. Rox 1000 30 3 3 --2 ak Meeting of the Liquor Licence ow, in the County of On- esi uh kod ac ee siminex xd eae ho ee 9 9 +% di $8a8s8 seg izice8,3t gzgh- ape bd te 82=R 3 Fa sz he! ; 4 6 6 1 sy the OROYAL CANADIAN torio, will make application 15% Banff 300 145 145. 145. 8 CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. Take naar tt a Special Meeting of the 25¥2 25Va-+ Val Cal Ed 100 $22' 22a 22% LEGION, 217 MURRAY | % 2 ise | Me 38% + Va] Calv for freezers. Fresh roasting chickens, 3 10 4 Ibs., $1 and 3125 each Deliveries on in. the CITY of | Liquor Licence Board of On- | Ais Gos w too CS" Pete "100 310 310.310 orders of or more, Call Oshawa) BereRBOROUGH in the tario to be held at the ROYAL | Alta Nat 500 © Delhi 7a! COUNTY of PETERBOROUGH | CANADIAN. LEGION, 217 | Algoma 285 C Ex Gas ASPARAGUS -- Excellent freezing var- MURRAY STREET in the | Alumini 1720 33% © Homestd 1000 98 98 98 +1 jety, $2.50 for eleven quarts. $1.50 for} on Friday the 12th day of City of PETERBOROUGH in | Alum 2 pr 40 0% € Superior 700 $17%4 17% 1™-- six quarts. Ralph Hills, Enniskillen.) JUNE, 1964, at the hour of ty Anthes A 150 $24% 24% 24% + Cent Del 300 #0 05 se 70 263-2448. 10:00 o'clock D.S.T. in the the COUNTY of PETERBO- | Anthes B pr 40$102/%102 102 +1 | C Dragon 500 phe ROUGH on Friday the 12th Duvan 1000 itv im 4 Dome 9% 2% forenoon for the issuance of doy of JUNE, 1964; at the Fargo 100 320 320 --10 wi 200 7 7 Oo +e 1750 8 34--Lost And Found @ LOUNGE LICENCE, for 'the ia Ashdown B 100 $8 8% Giacier 1000 7H FMaritim xr 300-195 195 195 +1 Leary Sales fo 11 a.m.: 2,684,000. Bive Budge, answers 10 "Joey" sole and comsumption of li- hour of 10:00 o'clock D.S.T. $15% 15% B n16 $i7% 1736 is Genex 179170 33. 308 31% +3 500 895 975 895 oer ree aren Whitby. Tele- rand a DINING LOUNGE in the forenoon for the issu- Be | M 1100 445 445 Glant YK xd 100 $11% 11% 11'%4--%] Oorchan FOREIGN TRADING LICENCE, for the sale ond ance of a LOUNGE LICENCE ' 7 hikiom 000 41 ala +1.) Glenn Ur 12500 32% 2 Discov LOST -- One pair of foxhounds, Bleck! consumption of liquor with for the sale and consump- | Bath P pbs Fi =}° | GF Mining 26500 -Iwhite and brown. Enfield area, Substan- f fi the follows tion of liquor. DINING $2 | Goldray 2Y\tial reward. Phone collect Oshawa) meais, for wing -- LICENCE the 567 5555 Grandroy | fal cee sie LOUNGE LICENCE for th os gui Meintosh-And sale and consul ion OF i inner : . Service in the chapel on Friday|LOST -- West Brooklin area, small black he hotel premises of the quor with pula 3H) $2 204 2% Wi R br pada --1 | Har-Min ; on 'noon (time to be announced later).|and white dog, Answers to "Pepper".| Central Hotel, Oshawa, On- "hata 3 BC. Pow 1050 48 me Hastings Interment Mount dnd Cemetery. old girl keeps calling '.) tario, having facilities for a for the: following premses: Bulld Prod 325 $36% 36% 36% + % 1000 205 Headway 655-4709, ' , Loncaster Hotel, 27, 29 and 4 lounge, dining lounge as well / 4 372 $12 «12+=«12 ni 350 tiie 'te sia Ys) High-Bell bows bas fe pag 'inn incl tee Stamey red einer strap on| 08 the required bedroom ac- 2 ng -- ge" Bd 8 "ter 920 910 918 43 | Un Ol os 239 ar a? +7: | Hud Bay rtice or Whitby, r: 'ap Py i i in Is a Hospital 'on. Wednesday, Aney 2 1964 neck. Telephone 736-0721. commodation " for overnight ae of us 2 Plon "Cre. 300 $2414 244 24+ Yel Un Reef P 6000 36 35 38 --1 | Hu-Pam 4000 15 yanor |. Mary Danylyk, beloved wife of Nicholas guests, being municipally yo) pid ' 195 $47% 474° 47% Int Hellum 3 155 3 % + Masiewich and mother of Mrs. George 36--Legal known as 7 - 9 King Street gistered in the Registry Of- Can Cem pr 169 $28 28 = MINES Iso A io = 370, +5 | | 'WE DELIVER--728-7321 Slater (Helen) of Parkhill, Mrs. Fred so : West, in the sold City of Osh- fice for the Registry Division | an Foils A 215 $4 34) 34 Jacobus j : % f vs of the Coynty of Ontario, and Fndry 1330 $362 362 362+ Vu 1400 201 207 21 + Jaye Expl IN THE MATTER OF THE |. 92 and further being com- : ' q Con Malt n '215 $2046 220 tae | Aree LEN, Bi a Fe Funeral Home, Oshawa with funeral serv- posed of Lot Number Three which premises has all the | cag 2 9 et Se lee In St. John's Ukrainian Greek, Ortho ESTATE OF EDWARD @s marked upon Gibbs' Plon pong a sony f iaftern ni eure eg eg re 'hurch Friday, May 29, at 11.30 a.m. ivisi " on the business of an hotel. Belch 50 7 OD interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. Pray.| ERNEST COX, DECEASED | fs subdivision of Lot. Num 'Any person resident in the lie | S-8 AL8 w zlo 190 160 180 cee ee ee aa be taarel fare Tearadey ef 7:0 ber One on the south side of Aojshierlea : COE ae ae Bi Bn 3500 23 20% 23 os | E King Street, os morked upon censing district may:object to ¢, ime Bk € 162 $6512 6512 6514-- % chee ney 300. 14 ae 14 Macassa xd NOTIC a Plan of Village Lots laid | 'he application, and the | Cl 250 $1996 1056 19%6-- 961 Cl Tung 290 100 100100 +1| Macdon 26 McINDOO, Frank E. | out on port of Lot Eleven in grounds of objection in writ- CPR 696 $474 A7e AT %| Con Keeley 2000 34 34 34 Magnet ki ri 13th Ai te Chews Gores) Hewpts! on wee| 1 CREDITORS the First Concession of the | ig shall be filed with MR. | ¢'Pet p xa. 450 siz 12% 13m-- Mj Candore 1500 174 17s IZ + Ya) Marbov, © Lt) Tae DN a 4 nesday morning, May 27, 1964, Frank TTHERS ; A H. J, BROWNE, the registrar C Util pr 10$100 100 100 +2 | Captain 10000 82 82 Biv il rie | Meindoo of 48 Liberty Street South A Township of East Whitby, by swe . a) Vy 14¥a 14 + Vo} Cassiar 550 $1114 11¥e 11% Marcon 2000 manvile in Nis tel vier, taloves tain? Eunice McGrigor; and further of the licensing _ district, cheney 100 3" x" os hg : ¥ ' whose address is 55 LAKE- andes Ld ] 3 zo. 3 Bs FF ¥ 'Mc we ESERREALGRA CCR eer! Sebgsighseded z F Syusdess Beg =ghSyoudes ua yauBgeassBesgsagsists Byes 3 3 2 20 -2 + $144 14¥e 14% 272 272 272 beg tBosuudnegés sash. 92 § Gt bbettg tL , bit g Rees Mrs. H. Hepburn (Ruby) of Ennis- H othe: i i Clairtone 1000 $65 6% Killen and Mrs d. "Mopuire. (Josie) of| Creditors and ra having being composed of the twelve SHORE BLVD, EAST, TO- | Clairton w 200 270 270 270 +5 Bowmanville, dear brother of Mrs, c. J.| claims against the Estate of foot lane as shown on Plan RONTO 5, ONTARIO ot least Con Bldg xd 100 $914 9% 94+ Perry (Florence) of Detroit. Resting at} EDWARD ERNEST COX, late number 17 in the City of Hegel ath before the meeting Con MS 122 $35% 35% 35% + Ve J3r AND LAST TOMORROW the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home| of th City or Oshawa, in the Oshawa, lying immediately Con Paper 95 $42% 42% 42% + Yu WEEK! ey é 2 PERFORMANCES - 2 P.M. -- 8 P.M. serge gare lle bag eiclock! County and Province of On- west of and adjoining lot 3 pal Rota soallay application is Lo A ne : i i H ording to said Plan num- : tery, Millbrook. tario are required to send fu' according said Plan nu DATED at Oshawa, Ontario Crush int 1630$11 11 particulars and details of ber 17 ond part of the twelve : Dist Seag 110 $574 57% nor 7 ; Ae be ; this 20th day of MAY. 1964. | D Bridge 675 $23. 22% : ', 3 NICHOLS Charles &. th ing or 'oo shown on sa 4 _--s* ene 0 ne ing hed id plon | HOTEL LANCASTER (OSH: | Dotasco." 390 s22% 22% WINNER OF 4AC ADEMY AWARDS! : Charles Dickens At Peterborough Civic Hospital on Mon-| otherwise, to the undersigned, and lying immediately south AWA) LIMITED Dom Stores 650 $0'4 0% day 2, 1964, Charles E. Nichols, beloved! Solicitor for the Executor or of and adjoining lots 4 and 5 : Dom Tar xd 1540 $222 Marie Homme Maer! or before the ISth day of | according to said plan, ond | CHARLES LANCASTER, | Bom Tous tas ta" i727 a reg including . Bruce Ferguson) Brantford and! July, 1964 in as much as further being composed of CHAS. F LANCASTER. Bute or 10 Woy Bey ay BEST PICTURE! * . ' 4 o Eleanor (Mrs. Gien Huntley) Potertor:| ofter that date the assets of part of Lot 11 according to Falcon ough; brother of Vera (Mrs. Henry Smith) : . Bat F Treasurer. . | this Estate will be distributed Registered Plan. No. 17. F Fam Play 4 d We Batis "tecsi| boving tevord only to the Any person resident in the li- 27, pat Ae bt -- West, Ald We | W. C. FIELDS + LIONEL BARRYMORE Home. Service inj the Chapel on Thurs-| claims that have been receiv- censing district may object to g : G YV V p Mi oll . i Wateh pt yy Allg oll ag ite tac or ae ed by the undersigned. to the application, and the oL pokes y * bg fr these great 4bttractionsl ers donations may be made to the Har- i grounds of objection in writ- NOTICE OF Gr Weg @ bo ne ak ; 3 THURS., JUNE 4th JULIUS CAESAR mony United Church Building Fund.) | DATED AT OSHAWA, this ing shall be filed with oe ae | | U4 , >) THURS., JUNE 11th PRIDE AND PREJUDICE | 25th day of May, 1964, MR. H, J. BROWNE, the re- , Hawker-S 275 ul ) 3 a Ph co dion eae ana JAMES A, MACDONALD, | Sistror of the licensing aistret, | AXPPLICATION | tome & x3 18 § ko ae oF; ' THURS., JUNE 18th A TALE OF TWO CITIES ae nee Fepepeal on TUse-| 5 4 Nee ' whose address is 55 LAKE- : i : 0, Nay a cute sean Popsen. of pigs md ote SHORE BLVD, EAST, TO- : : Horne Pt 10180, 30 3 + 1%, " ee aAS ne wae 4ee THURS., JUNE 25th KIM husband of Georgina Margaret Woodcock ae alee: Viety RONTO 5, ONTARIO at least |The Liquor Licence Act} tur erie 25 seals 6ave 68a + BS % ; 7:00-9:20. Pl dear father of Mrs. Charles Mahoney OSHAWA, Ontario. ten days before the meeting Husky 1125 $8% 8% 8%--Y : Peete b :00-9:20. Please (Jeanne) of Cempbeliford, Debbie, Rachel ee t which the lication 1640 LICENSING DISTRICT No. 7 imp Oil xd 570 $52 51% 52 Attend Matinee If Possible. and John ail at home. Also surviving are Solicitor a L opp! Imp Tob xd 1400 $14% 141% @ TAKE NOTICE that HOTEL 6 DMITTANCE three grandchildren. Friends may cali at be heard, T . Imp Tob pr 650 $6 6 Quang the Kaye Funeral Home, 539 George EARL EDWARD COX, DATED ot Crhaws this 19th AJAX LIMITED, carrying on Ind Accep mH re ati Mie: Ma To ron 1a Yosns OF on Ove Street, Peterborough. Service in. the Kaye Executor of the Estate of doy of May, 1964. business as FLEETWOOD Hi ja ch he he Memorial Chapel -on Thursday, May 28) EDWARD ERNEST COX. McCROHAN ND M- MOTOR HOTEL of the city 7 pet Rg hak oh victee" 7 MecROHANS A bess of Oshawa in the Province of Hind 'Ti a pooh ou 3% -- "Ms SORRY -- NO ADVANCE TICKET SALE DRIVE OUT fery, Tweed. per: EILEEN M, HENRY. Ontario, ol erat re Inter PL 150 $234 83 «834 ¢ ; ' v tion at a Special Meeting o' Inv Syn Ms re SENYK, Martha Want-Ads Dont A. L. CHAMEBERS President the Liquor Licence Board of : 2 TONIGHT Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General ans " Secret Ontario to be held at the = IN-DOOR ALWAYS 4 COLOR CARTOON! Hospital on Wednesday, May 27, 1964! Cocst--They Pa cretary | ROYAL CANADIAN _LEG- va 5a Bo ats i oe y Pay | res toge ir" | Min ARN Ee] BEC ECE our-poor imeris)s inthe Ukraine, Mrs. Omowg, Ontario. in the CITY of PETERBOR. | L2farge - A et | ko (Alexandra) of London, Ont., x h TY of Pe: ae ae ee Bennie sea (eatrna) PETERBOROUGH on Fridoy, | ont com p 29 $s LIVER POOL ROAD and 401 EAST 'Michael of Oshawa; in her 69th year. TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY | 500 $40 40 4 3 meaner gaat | be fe Phere. 282-8369 or 839-2171] Resting of he Arian, Foner ant, | the 12th doy of June, 1964 Ba ite i me.282-8369 ot. 839-2171 Winner of 10 1961 i 27. $29% 29% SALE AND CONSUMPTION SERVINIS, Ellen CLOSE AND DISPOSE OF HIGHWAY | @r Liouor wiTH MEALS | Maher '330 390. 30 Entered into rest in the Oshawa General | AND A LOUNGE LICENCE M Lf Mill 3350 $17" 1M Hospital on Monday, May 25, 1964, Ellen FOR THE SALE AND CON- ogg ' oy hes 27% miners tnered tite, Seerue, Sern : ' SUMPTION OF LIQUOR Me tee pin sn 8 That Beverly Hillbilly Ukrainian Greek x Church | Fri- D.S.T, in the forenoon for $20 19% \ er a2? 9 air interment Coens NO 'e) LAW TO the is f a DINING 1210 $% 8 Academy Awards! 1 o e issuonce OF 0 H <i TICE OF BY bi LOUNGE LICENCE FOR THE | Lerce, 8 | 1400 sla N OW Pp LA Y i NG nis and mother of Viki, Donna, Pauline} - The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitby will Resti ii i * Mid-West 100 315 315 315 Sr te Armatreng 5 Funeral Home, Osh ot the regular meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, eg ieee it PeTOREY maleonA 50 soy 3M 31% f awa, with funeral service in sy may} Brooklin on Monday, June 8, 1964 at the hour of eight BUILDING TO BE ERECTED , | Mon Foods 300 OV 6% Guy Is Here $ ! 27 at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union! o'clock in thé afternoon, Daylight Saving Time, consider and pe TE a 4 bce rg bed i a Cemetery. e , i . ey es ta es tae | En RT IE | i ee" lo ie ae BUDDY EBSEN @ JANE GARNER STIRTEVANT -- William John Franklin) ing of two portions of Road Allowances In the said Township, city of Oshawa Net Trust (Prank). (Auctioneer) i ' i : P Norand oisleie the cowl of 0 teert attack which parcels are more particularly described as follows: die satncceinin cde eres ene @ LEE REMMICK ogg eg rl td licensing district may object Ogilvie at ae Franklin Stirtevant, Désar| (1) PREMISING that the bearing of the Road Allowance between to the application, ond the | ooewe.A = father of Evelyn; dear_grandtather . Lots 22 and 23 in the Broken Front Concession is N 17° 04' grounds of objection in writ- PC Jewel o 9% x, ' "M il 4 d B id aa aa mee you henihe at the W. C, Town 40" W and relating all bearings used herein thereto: | ing shall be filed with MR. Price ae ; eet % al r er rl e * Funeral Chapel, Whitby 1 suvice in Be ga Met -- QN Gas 525 $8% ie + ' 'hapel Friday, May 29, at 2 p.m. | icensiny istrict, IN Sb stizse 11258 11238 -- Interment Union 'Cemetery, Oshawa. Min-| COMMENCING ot @ point in the west limit of the soid Lot | whose address is 55 LAKE. | Revesteke 210 s0. 10 10 | NATALIE RICHARD ee en ee eee 22, Broken Front Concession, distant southerly therein | SHORE BLVD. EAST TO- | Rolland A S00 site tne ttt + ff) "The Wheeler Dealers" -- e BEYMER ae "ame 3,378.84 feet from the north-west angle of the said Lot 22: RONTO 2, ONTARIO at | Royal Bank 250 $75% 75'4 75¥4-- % LOCKE'S FLORISTS : eas ae sah : least ten days before th Rovallt 25 $25Va 25Ve 25Va-- Vo Funeral arrangements and THENCE S$ 72° 55' 20" W to a point in the east limit imation oe whieh an ecu, Si Corp $2146. 2198 21%6 | ITA floral requirements for al! of the said Lot 23, distont southerly therein 3,378.76 feet cation is to be heard. tg arts 20 ag 48 ere CHAKIRIS & ENO occasions. from the north-east angle of the said Lot 23, a distance of Shully' 600 450 435 450 +15 OSHAWA SHOPPING 66.0 feet: | DATED at OSHAWA this Simprons 0 $2 2% 23 aS SA EE TEs CENTRE 19th day of MAY, 1964, | aM, Sete ease \\ = 2 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 A wk dee 8 r+ apa THENCE $ 17° 04' 40" E along the said east limit of Lot | HOTEL AJAX LIMITED | Stell") 5 Sova gov aoa + MA ane of ONE SHOWING ONLY Meh Ja PN ------ 23 to a point of intersection with the north limit of the | per Harry Finer, Suptest ord 25 $19 19 I HH an4 AT 9:1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Kindness beyond Price, yet f Secretary-Treasurer T Fin A 500 $12%4 12¥e &, ' 4 ' ae : within reach of all land expropriated by the Department of Transport for the | 343 King Street East Tr Can PL 555 ata ae ' tte Se 723-4972 GERROW Dominion of Canada under the provisions of the Expropria- | Oshawa Being Mle Bend pied i i Gas $245 $21'%4 21% tion Act, Chapter 64 of the revised Statutes of Canada ill 175 glove 10s FUNERAL HOME | 1927, funder Instrument No, 9945, registered in the Reg- | NOTICE OF Vie @ ty xd a0 se Pi 390 KING STREET WEST " -- said County, a distance of 1,285.75 | WOR ka we TELEPHONE 728-6226 : j APPLICATION | ; |36----Lesel | THENCE N 72° 25' 20" € along the north limit of the said lands described in Instrument No. 9945, to a point 'The Liquor Licence Act of intersection with the west limit of the said Lot 22, a NOTICE OF p a famoys : oo ™ distance of 66.0 feet; LICENSING DISTRICT No.7 APPLICATION ANN TO os Fo : : ; - Fooled! -- In lovil memory of our cT j i | [The Liquor Licence Act ODD ccs TECHNICOLOR * mother, Rosannah Timmins, who passed THENCE N 17° 04' 40" W along the said west limit of OSHA HOTEL (ONTARIO) / 3 away May 27, 1961, and our father, . i 4 ; Gideon. Timmins, who passed away June Lot 22 a distance of 1,285.79 feet more or less to the {| LTD. of the city of Oshawa 2nd ACTION HIT IN COLOR . »» For the World's 2, 1955. ; i ms aed © aay ju, tenh teak bs pence Point of Commencement wil ma Calter ee | LICENSING DISTRICT No. 7. : da: Meet Fania # Until we meet again, W i 4 ' | : } * --Lovi i Special Meeting of the Liquor | TAKE NOTICE that The Osh- . ' Secor. ee ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land Licence Board oF Ontarie to awa Naval Veterans Club of : ' \ Chicken Dish Order ond premises situate, lying and being in the Township of be held at the ROYAL CAN- the City of Oshawa in the ee ' 8 DALE YVONNE WILUAM MONUMENTS --. MARKERS Whitby, County and Province of Ontario, being composed ADIAN LEGION, 217 MUR- Province of Ontario will make . ; : : wT RIMAR f . ft Pree S ' : j RAY STREET in the CITY of application at a Special Meet- Fess ' of part of Price Street according to Campbell and Way's PETERBOROUGH on - Friday ing. of the Liquor Licence MEMORIALS: Plan of the Village of Brooklin, Township of Whitby, the | the 12th day of June, 1964 Board of Ontario to be held ' 3 ao boundaries of said | described as follows: at the hour of 10:00 o'clock t the ROYAL CANADIAN | | 152 SIMCOE ST. S tu ri said parcel ore descri as follows: DST On tha: fre nea. for PE GION a7 MURRAY TODAY A OSHAWA the issuance of a DINING | STREET' in the CITY of PE- |FRIDAY REGERT Y FRIED shoestring om i 4 OFFICE EVENINGS COMMENCING at the intersection of the South limit of | LOUNGE LICENCE FOR THE , % 8 TERBOROUGH the COUN- 723-1002 728-6627 Campbell Street. with the East limit of Price Street said | SALE AND CONSUMPTION | ty of PETERBOROUGH on |SATURDAY CHICKEN ge aay intersection being also the North West angle of Lot 80 OF LIQUOR WITH MEALS Friday the 12th day of June, AND A LOUNGE LICENCE 1964, at the hour of 10:00 sin uit ge . according to said Campbell ond Way's Plon; » | BOR. THE SALE -AN D CON- You Will es SUMPTION OF LIQUOR, afciom, DET, i te te EI D E FOR THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN-- THENCE § 19° 43' 20" W along the East limit of Price for the following premises: CLUB LICENCE (Restricted), o6. 46 EAT IN; TAKE OUT OR HOME DELIVERY ! Find it Street a distance of 66.96 feet to fhe West limit of said '. six storey her ----_ + for the sale and consumption ] vw v ww | | Campbell and Way's Plan; | 1S CORTON ee cere erreee ee of beer and wine with meals : |. and Mary Street in the city ond beer without meals in an | n é : THENCE N 15° 34° 40" W olong said West limit of | games | Seabtaenent chenetied: ao 6 | ROSSANO BRAZZI v7 CHICKEN by the Bucket! Y i Any person resident in th club. | @ MITZI GAYNOR Profitable ; ss gd big ws el : distance of 73.81 feet to the | 'jicensing district may object for the following premises: | JOHN KERR e FRANCE NUYEN in SAVE! *° By SAVE! -- ipond y |. to the application, and the awa Naval Veterans Club, ; ese " | grounds of objection in writ- 320 Viola-St. Oshawa, On- \ . Son . 15 Pieces of the BEST CHICKEN TO USE THENCE N 84° 36 50" E along the production Easterly of | ing shall be filed with MR. tario, a two storey cement : ; : ek : : the South limit of Vipond Read a distonce of 15.90 feet to | Of "the teeming: ramen | ROCK building. nthe TE : in Towa --- Delivered FREB I! the intersection with the production Westerly of the South wee address is 55 LAKE. | licinsing sllstilet Wey. obisc' : : e@ Large Order Chips limit of Campbell Street previously mentioned; HORE BLVD., EAST, TO- | to the application, and the 3a ae / DE LUX TIMES | RONTO 2, ONTARIO. at grounds of objection in writ- ! pay nla ©. Som te We -@ Het Rote to ak a = ing shall be filed with Mr. H. a 20 century Fox =" BE "ta PDD ne le Oppit+ J. BROWNE, th ist f WANT THENCE § 70° 13' 50" E along said production Westerly cation is to be heard, the licensing util, hiss > - FREE DELIVERY -- of the South limit of Campbell Street a distance of 28.26 oddress is 55 LAKESHORE oe Orders of Over 3. nod feet to a point of commencement, of which al DATED at OSHAWA ° thi BLVD. EAST, TORONTO 2, vey cg or 1964, | ONTARIO. at least ten days ADS interested will take due notice. | Bagg Retay get oy . | before the meeting -- P SEDGES; Ser bae {|r I Envoy Restaurant eee ees the application is Dated ot Brooklin, Ont. (ONTARIO) LTD. | heard. this 4th day of May, A.D, 1964 | Per HARRY FjNER, DATED at Oshawa this 27th } , =e Ll i v, 522 RITSON RD. S. 723 o~ 3492 ' | Secretary-Treasurer day of May, 1964. 'HONE -- TORONTO -- 282-3969 -- WHITBY 668-2608 iy ; : Murray Robinson, CLERK, 343 KING STREET EAST Earl W. Goyne : , PHONE 728-7321 : TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY! OSHAWA, ONTARIO, -- Cadillac Ave. §. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK © FREE HEATERS Tt tt eee Cee . Ontario,

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