Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1964, p. 30

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30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 27, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Mortgages oa Ist Time' in Canada 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION Investment Co. Ltd. The foremost Canadian Pub- lic Co, in the field, now . introduces long YEAR - OPEN - mortgages: Borrow what you need on the security of your home - Repay in small monthly payments over 10 to 15 years. For full details, call 723-2265, (after hours 728-3376) Schofield-Aker Limited 360 King St. NEED MONEY? TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR ?} TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS | Let's discuss, without obli- MASTER MARINE | NURSERY SOD gotion, your financing plans: McGIBBON funds available for 10 to 15 Year long- (JACK HOAR) term 2nd. mortgage with low wa potion 2 Simcoe Street North,| Taunton Rd, West at Garrard : interest and small repayments 728-7336, Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar amg : may prove much easier for. F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. 'Edmondson. | CROSS TOWN your budget. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, Rolled, Fertilized, cut 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 ' 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted AVON RETAIL Expense Paid Vacation SALESMAN Earn expenses without ne- REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. oming Avon Copmeticg |" POR LARGE RETAIL Write _' COMPANY STORE P.O. BOX 512 ot nen Picross bere in selling to the pub- OSHAWA or Call 728-5883 ester Ab conbore Ganlee CLERICAL HELP fits availab'e including Paid vacation, bonus, FOR PHARMACY | Pion, ,cxcallent, peony Full _ time work, Experience for advancement with lead- in this line preferred. 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent THREE-BEDROOM cotti sleeps north of Madoc, greg as 4 29. conveniences, Phone 623- CAMERON LAKE -- Sandy beach, three bedrooms, Open after August 1, After 5 p.m., phone 723-9802. ait ygie LAKE -- Housekeeping cot- emg gd beach, good fishing, boats. ig 7 Haliburton, plait or telephone 23 NEW are ines -- large living room, modern kitchen, two-plece tile floors 2x boda comple! nine, inside By-R J. SCOTT Gardening and Supplies Building Trades PLASTERING new and repairs. Frank Fravts, 310 Drew Street. 723-3924. HOUSE 7 gf cal dite os side- -|walks, verandahs, garages, kitchen cup- boards and repairs. A. A. Summers, 728-7245, ALL TYPES of building repairs, ene Gordon May, 728-0394, Accountants ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account- ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Ontario. 723-1221. "Garden Supplies" BULK GARDEN SEEDS SEED POTATOES LAWN SEED GARDEN TOOLS BUG KILLERS WEED KILLERS FUNGICIDES PEAT MOSS SO-GREEN 7-7-7 MILORGANITE 5-4-0 EVERGREEN 6-9-6 GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 GOLF GREEN 12-6-6 TURF SPECIAL 10-6-4 GARDEN SPECIAL 4-12-8 4-12-10 10-10-10 : SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL Service to the Salad Since Cooper Smith Co, Oshawa } 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 | MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 262 King Street East. 723-4697. Residence, dial 723-4029. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36/2 King Lar ae Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys. Cartage B; 37D. Humphreys: BA. LLB.| JOHNS MOVING AND CARTAGE, Ohs- 4326, : 725-| awa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully 4604, 'Whitby 660-276. equipped and insured, 728-3661. mortgage funds available. LA LONDE, all types of cartage, Bay BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Ridges, 839-4191. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. ' |Dressmaking Cae REO AOE ono ccycr i ORESSMAKING © Ledies, children's fered wear, uallty work. Mrs. Vooglarv, 1110 'Bankruptcy, 6 64 King Street t East, 7 728-7371. Henry. Street, Whitby, DLE AND CO., Charter-| --D | orgies. 'sual Financial Trade Build-| EXPERIE aD dressmaking, pant | avn i and alterations. Reasonable rates. est. Hopkins, Car H. E.| Mars. Harding, 67 Montrave, 725-6476, | fle, CAs E, cons CA. MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS. and Co., , Gardening and Supplies Chartered Accountants, 728-7527; Oshaw REPAIRS and | chest wie, any bedroom furniture, new oil hi = chrome suite, Lawh Boy mower. Winer articles. On % acre re fandscaned Owner on property . weekend: Ih ee at Post office, Caesarea, 11--Articles For Rent ing manufacturer upon obility. Call for appointment E. N. HARRIS B. F. GOODRICH STORES 88 KING ST, WEST 725-4543 TAX! DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings,. Apply MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 CLASS "A" MECHANIC Steady employment. Start ot $100, per week, Must be ex- perienced in ignition and corburetor work, Apply CROWELL'S SERVICE STATION 22 Bond St. East, Oshawa LICENSED mechonlc tor small fleet, Telephone 72: : WILL aacnines $43. per week for twe hours work each ipeveliog:? Write Classi- fied Box 807, Oshawa Times. TRUCK drivers. wanted for route work in Oshawa, Whitby area, $100 weekly, 17--Male Help Wanted Write ciassitied Box 806 Oshawa Times. BAR 18--Male or Female TENDE RS Help Wanted Please apply THE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR eviinlioes CLINIC See Don Vallance For Rental Equipment | _ backhoes, We hon o on jae for experienced LUNCH COUNTER HELP Apply in person S. S. Kresge Co. Ltd. Oshawa Shopping Centre __ HOUSEKEEPER for general household duties. Live-in preferred. Adult family, rs 098 one between~ noon and 6 - p.m. Tractors, loaders, ond Forklifts, Brooklin 655-3291 Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Tables - Chairs - Linens Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets also Mink Stoles Sargeants Rentals 463 Ritson S, 725-3338 LAKE VISTA Beauty Salon requir CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church / ; 'equires| On aisle runners. Cleve "hex Rentals, mn? experienced hairdresser, full time, 728- Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, _ (9422 or 723-4712. Ask for Joe, __ WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds! walkers,|EXPERIENCED waitress for coffee bar reducing machines, sick room supplies.|2nd variety store. Day work. Apply Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 7 725- 1644. Smith's Coffee Bar,.317 Simcoe South Call 725-3932, ENTERTAINING | fifty to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- MIDDLE-AGED woman or pensioner pre- quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking. Rea- ferred for light housework. Live in, quiet sonable rates, 723-2140, home. Mother and son. Phone 725-2914, 12--Articles Wanted A * Qu MAIL CARRIERS SWIM MAIL FROM PASSING SHIPS 10 PORT AS TI?CAM ISLAND IN THE AONGAS. THERE ARE NO SUITABLE. PORTS AND SHIPS DUMP THE MAIL OVERBOARD IX SEALED Ti CANS. Sa WHAT 15 THE ANNUAL COST oF CRIME IN THE U.S, ef fit 4 Court Foo. WAS XO FOOL. HE WAS OFTEN Anout $15,000,000, 000, waste WAX HE, enn awe Weld Aghte caer West ----- Bc lig ae 25E; Alex| 9 A 4 WILSON AND BURROWS, -- arr SERVICE Ochewer Ronald R. 'D. Wilson, CA; OUTBOARD MOTORS POWER. MOWERS CHAIN SAWS ROTO - TILLERS | G. Edmond Burrows, -CA, 728-7554. | | Immediate Free Pick-up and sos CLANCY'S Accounting Service. | Delivery in Oshawa and Whitby 5--Former's Column PRESTO FARM. SERVICES Weed |spray, grain, foliage, fence rows, brush. |Atrazine corn treatment a specialty. Fly |control and whitewashing. Lorne Tregun- |na, Don Mountjoy Phone 725-9871. ONE ALLIS-CHALMERS tractor, trailer, power side rake, one two furrow tractor plough. Telephone Whitby 668-3834, |CasH on the Spot, Highest prices paid |for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- | phone collect, Hampton. 263-2721, Marg- will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64. | NEW IDEA side delivery rake, on rub- ber. Also 95-bushel spreader, both new. Telephone Brooklin 655-3154, TV--Radio » Repairs -- TV TOWERS - and Antenna Repair | TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST, E,, OSHAWA = |7__ Trailers CORONATION be aes INVESTMENT. 728- 9143 EVERYTHING Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond/ Sean west 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. Barristers THOMASH. . GREER, BA, Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, Building, 86 King Street East, Mortgage funds available. and BASTEDO, | ~ Barrister, | The Times 728-6209. Barristers, Merion Blue and 50-50 30c¢ per yd. and up Free Estimates--Free Delivery Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank Commerce wilding, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. Crieghton, QC, or residences: G. K. Drynan, QC, 72p- SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts Cars for Wrecking. Brooklin Gardening and Landscaping WAITRESSES in 9554; G. L. Murdock, QC, 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agree- ments of sale bought, and arranged. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and| Solicitors, etc, 69 King Street East.| Telephone 723-2201. se JAMES MACDONALD, © BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| fresh daily, 725-8504 _ ""All-Green" Nursery Sod Growers Townline N. (-M. N. of Taunton Rd.) Oshawa, Phone DIAL 655-3049 __|° JOHN BROUWER LANDSCAPING Free landscape designs. Ever- greens, shrubbery, trees, an- nuals cnd perennials. Clean ups, fertilizing, sodding and CO. iTe, A Canadian Public Company In Oshawa area call SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 360 King St. West 723-2265 (after hours, 728-3376) | } TV TOWERS -- Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED FOR TRAILERS Tag-A-Long Camping Trailers Cabin Trailers Sales and Rentals MILLER'S HARWOOD NORTH AJAX 942-3491 Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, .etc, bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-3211--89 BLOOR E. GUNS WANTED -- Old antique. Phone 725-8183, Oshawa. WANTED TO BUY -- Tractor, suitable for front end loader. Telephone 725-3521. WANTED apariment size, - refrigerator and pressure pump with tank, reasonably For steady employment Cocktail lounge in Oshowa but we are ready to train in- experienced applicants. Good salary. and benefits. Apply, stating age and references to BOX 7, WANTED full or part-time 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. and 11 p.m. to 7 a.m, also Short Order Cook Ne, The Commercial Building, 286 King) West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking) available, 725-4716 or 725-4717. } pr-snatighfl and BAILEY, Barristers; Soli-| 725-9674. Growers of Blue Grass Nursery Sod. Inspec- int tion Welcomed, Give. your Maintenance. Notaries Public, Mortgage funds), home the 'Green Carpet CALL 728-6392 Srabio. 36% King Street East, 723-1107.| Treatment. Tt -- HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barristers, Sol-| SOD) gnd TOP SOIL NURSERY SOD citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times} Oshawa Buliding, 86 King Street East, 723-1137.) Clients' funds available for mortgages.) Garden Service 1259 SIMCOE NORTH i $. Hyman, QC; Herbert S. Hyman, | Phone 723-1161 Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots levelled. Loaders. Trucks for hire. BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 GENERAL Lawn : Spray | Service. We xiil| |lawn weeds fast! Also --"_, spraying, | |aquatic weeds, brush, polson ivy, crab- grass, fertilizing. Residential, Industrial or Summer properties. Oshawa, Cobourg, | rife Pickering, Bowmanville, Whitby, | priced, Telephone 723-1248, WILL PAY best cash prices for good, used TV's, washers, stoves and furni- ture. Telephone R. Whitaker, 728-6341. S-INCH heavy duty, Beaver saw. Must be in good condition, with V2 or %4 hp motor, Call Whitby 668-3794, Pickin' Chicken Franchise 'Take-Out' and "Delivery" Evening Shift APPLY MR, CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL 17--Male Help Wanted seeding. Patios, rockeries, and Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Mémbers Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 ____ OSHAWA TIMES EXPERIENCED salesman for top line stereo equipment. Apply The Disc Shop, Oshawa Shopping Centre. PART-TIME driver for Must | be available from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Apply' in person. Envoy Restaurant. SALESMEN EARN WHILE YOU LEARN A PROFESSION This is a new concept in the Real Estate business. Proven and successful. Full education program. Investigate this op- portunity, FOR APPOINTMENT. CALL... 668-884 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN OSHAWA TV |~ SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. Travel Trailers ~ 728-8180 | su TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING See the complete line of Golden Falcon Now cutting choice quality Kentucky Blue. Pick up and save. We also deliver and lay. Dial 668-4965 AFTER SIX O'CLOCK CEDAR TREES -- FOR HEDGES Choice quality guaranteed. Free Estimates. Cedar fence posts all sizes. CALL 723-1303 LAWN MOWER | SHARPENING AND REPAIRS y Trailer Park and Sales 10 Dundas E. Whitby 728-5286 Parts and accessories |FOR RENT -- Modern 'housekeeping Cot- OSHAWA [tages by the season, half-season or by ELECTRONICS |: ere oe, ener, Sa CDE ROGET ------= jwith each cottage at Jasper Park on oaaae AND KELLY, Barristers, i. etc., 114 King Street East. Dial) 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL.| | 726-5832. CEONARD JAMES ¢ BROOKS, Chartered! Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop-| ping Centre, 725-9953. | Building Trades | ED LANGLOIS city TV. Towers, antennas, al also 'repairs. | Balsam ik All work guaranteed. 511 Dean Avenue.) (45 Francis. "Stree, Lindsay. me Telephone _ 154 0500. pacitown ea CAMPING trailers, low price. Can | financed with no down payment. Sol Road and No. : 2 highway east of Oshawa, "SAL One "only, , Silverliner Lou's TV | SERVICE, rowers antennae, 529 Emeraid Avenue. 728-580. FOR SALE Well Dritling--Digging |camp trailer, sleeps six, used one year. | --- |Original price $825. Will sel for $495. |WELL DIGGING by machine specializing | plus 3 per cent provincial sales tax. Can in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut] be seen at Spencer's North Plaza, Ajax, Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, |942- 6440. |14-FT, GLENDALE cabin trailer, used one season, propane gas stove and re ----------- |frigerator, Afte tel mn '25- Pape Hain hogs or. After 4 p.m. lephone 7: T \9. Stores now avaliable for Osh- awa area, For appointment. CALL TORONTO 368-1359 or write ~ Pickin' Chicken International Ltd. 150 King St. West Toronto Musical Services (PIANO, reed, Pipe and "electronic ¢ organ 1--Women's Column uning and repair, instruments appraised.|5oaiaaw ear A. Hi % PERMANENTS on special. Nddiems "Alex 942-1664, dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. 725-5363. Ss Properties For Sale or Rent Removal of superfluous "hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa May 25th, 26th and 27th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723- 464] 'LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Suits--Dresses--Alterations Invisible Mending PAIGNTON HOUSE Motei and cottage units on Lake Rosseau. Finest resort facilities including 9 hole golf course, Rates $55.00 to 98.00 per person weekly with meals. Write for free 22 full-color picture brochure, Minett, Muskoka, Ontario. Phone Port Carling 765-3155, or see your travel agent. FOR FAMILY VACATIONS| THE ROYAL | Honey: Harbor, Muskoka Un Georgian Bay SPECIAL FAMILY RATES *lumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, | |MODERN cut-stone service station and ph oigg Ft in centre of Sunderland, for ale. Highway 7 and 12. Beautiful con- dition, with large paved parking area. Ceramic file toilets, town water. Cash, nouse or cottage as down payment. Bal- ance over 20 years. Harry O. Perry, 46 Rossland Road East, Oshawa. ANYONE interested in operating a. laun- dramat in Port Perry telephone 75- 3262. FOR SALE CHEAP for quick sale. Res- taurant, fully equipped, possession im- |mediately. Good turnover. Apply Ralph Vickery Real Estate, 46 King Street West. Telephone 728-9571. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Street, reasonable rent, modern building, steady sales in tobacco, confectionery, modern lunch counter, etc. Asking $3,000. down, small balance and terms. Money maker for young couple. To see phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725- 0243, Carl Olsen, Realtor, 299 King Street West. 14--Employment Wenrted MOTHER'S helper -- high school girl aged 17 requires employment during sum- mer months, baby-sitting etc., while mo ther works. Experienced references. 725-6817. SPARE TIME job war wanted outside, paint- Ing, cutting grass, etc. Telephone 725-0878 DUTCH WOMAN wants office or store) cleaning, evenings. Whitby -- 668-4372, | OFFICE "CLEANING or ee eeinaanine wanted by Hungarian speaking women learning English. Telephone 728-7630. 16--Female Help V Wanted -- SECRETARY required for LAW OFFICE "HOME BUILDER" 173 ALBERT STREET 728 4169 SHEARS SHARPENED |Port Hope area. Phone Oshawa 728-4974,/ PICK-UP AND DELIVERY |GRASS CUT, hedges trimmed, General 480 Phillip Murray | gecdernine and repairs. Mr. Kane, CONCRETE FOUNDATION 12, " }OAVEY TREE SERVICE. Pruning,~ FREE ESTIMATES!! Feat cine gy MA fv og NA Me GOOD TOP SOIL [Painting | and Decorating BING. how' a |stump removals. e oldest and lar: PLASTERING, new and repairs, stucco, FOR SALE |HAVE your painting done now. Interior, 2--Personal secatinialeiciiattistinnnncnanrelohereeatieier ee |phone 723-1361. camer ccs 4 ping th galt accsoey 'cearme, Cite LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING Ser- ivan Sand & 'avel eek esa asa Stones, planters, dry walls, sand, gra' Grav GENERAL pa painting and decorating, wail-| mates, lawns seeded, sodded, fertilized, pric call Hampton 263- 2682 Papering and furniture refinishing. Tele- ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing |rolling, pruning, hedge clipping, ferttil- For prompt! delivery ; Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing) Bowler, phone 728- 7787. DR and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. ~ |ROTOTILLING cone "pnywhere. Reason-| ACKERMAN IMPROVEMENTS -- Rootiog | 'i Excavating, loading, backhoe eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting) 455-49: new and used materials. Reasonable and searat repeirs. All work guaranteed, beatae BEN, adi.) trenches, drains, rates, Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. P. Nellis, 1279 Minden Street. 726-2061,|RON'S power mower "tuneup and repair a ok tied ah es and dack filled with new ma- 17 ALL PLUMBING and heati i Guelily. Work ef B reasonable cost, Grand. |°Y_machine., Quick service, 72-92 ;| Chine. 24-hr. water service. | Telephone 725-3521, Harold ig ayo ee Electric, 62 Grandview South, 723- sae DRIVEWAY gravel, Woe ua ae Reasonable rates. Plumbing,- Heating and Engineering 255 YORK PLUMBING and Heating. Special. modelling, alterations, painting, roofing,| GARDENS "and lawns Roto-tilled, "ready | zop7 SOIL, loam, rockery stone, fiag-|izing repairs, remodeling. 2, Spaciel etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. M. mai shane 7-787 'mt om rates. |stone, sod: Reasonable rates. 728-6456. rates. Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South.) one after eanirhtaintatante -------- < Oshawa, 725-8576. ite --_----|GARDENS plowed with Gravely Roto if eS 10 Prince St. 728-531} pressure Beescheaae "Sat ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable|IF YOU have a drinking prob'em, write poke vey. _promnph gelvery. | Soin |rates. Estimate free. Dial" 723-1191, - J.|Box 333, Whitby or call 668-3034 aes YOUNG LADY would like ride to To-| 25 WORD MINIMUM EXPERIENCED lawn cutting and yards ronto, vicinity of Victoria and Church Better describea offers get faster results. Streets, arriving at 8 CASH |FIVE-ROOM summer Cottage for sale, fully furnished with boat; good beach and fishing. Dial 668-2296. BALSAM LAKE -- - Rosedale, | two-bed- your hair, Just call 725-2521 Genosha|foom cottage and boathouse apartment. Beauty Salon. All conveniences. pereon or oy Fishing and 1, Fenelon Falls, Oniiite: SHELTER VALLEY | PARK, Grafton, 16 acres, fishing, swimming, picnic area, booths equipped for aa Ber orders, Three-bedroom Weill ed business, $22,000. Terms. Evelyn Parker. Real Estate, 76 King Street West, Cobourg 372-9824. LAKE SCUGOG + Lakeside "Beach, lake- front cottage, five rooms, completely fur- nished, flush toilet, safe beach, good swimming. Cali Whitby 668-5264, HOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric range, refrigerator and boat. Reasonable rates, Weekly or weekends. Dial 725-1483, 100 ACRES wooded land, north of Peter- lborough, wide lake frontage, also includ- ing small private lake, good fishing and hunting, serviced by-road. Hydro avail- able, $3,900. Also lake frontage lot. Phone 728-8876, WANTED to rent large, summer cottage, good fishing and swimming. Any 2 weeks from July 18 to August 8. Reasonable. Phone Brooklin 655-4659. ARCHITECT design, three-bedroom cot- eae North shore of Lake Scugog. Piumb- ing and hydro. Township road. Lot 75 ft. x 210 ft. Asking $5,600. 10 per cent down. Cail Whitby FOR RENT -- Lakefront cottage, sate, a.m. Telephone} SPECIALIZING IN f 728-49 728-6879 tree saving service in the world." Tele- A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, 728-2420. | | exterior. All work guaranteed. Free esti- { EARL BOTTRELL ainda Lioyd Simpson, 130 Colborne, stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free est- vice. Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs, Ube s76. @ 728-0225, our specialty. New work and repairs.|zers, trees, hedging, nursery. stock, Len ip Jt HOME andjable Jack Mulligan, 43 Bagot, Brooklin, foundations, septic tanks du Sharpening to all makes of reel mowers P 9 Foley ELECTRICAL WIRING and repairs. |Simcoe Street South. HOME AND OFFICE improvements. Re. (510° Yat_stone, roofer stone, 723-3325, Bowmanville 623- 5756 728-173) ae |plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES res. | }maintained. Basements. or garages clean- 728-0759. Rug-Upholstery Service _ OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Cleaning. At Our Store, or at your home. 725-9961 |CHESTERFIELDS re-upholsmred and |restyled. Free estimate. See our mate- rial _for re-covering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. |RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts, Estab- |lished 17 years. Complete range of ma- terials, Workmanship guaranteed 5 years. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-built, Furniture re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering Company, 10 Bond West, 725-0311. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- |covered like new, Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South, Call 728-6451, Free estimates, ed. Telephone 728-3522 or 728-2259. PAINTING and decorating by experts. Call Port Perry 985-7191 after 6 o'clock at 728-1866. | CHARGE original copy $4.13 3 Consecutive days, original copy 2.48 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage 'tileged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding: such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise Professional listings only, 3 lines per month .. 8.50 Each additional line, per munth 1.60 (Not opp licable for merchandise advertise ments ). DEADLINES WORD ADS... 5 p.m. Day Previous, Card of Thonks In Memoriams LADIES! Before "leaving on holidays don't forget the most important thing -- 6 Consecutive days, instruction ONTARIO DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to' Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control! Cars LICENSED INSTRUCTOR Automatic and Standard 569 Ridgeway Ave. ain 728-6934 TWOOINTE | DRIVING SCHOOL For prompt, courteous, service, al! new cars. DIAL -- 725-8305 3--Pets & Livestock HORSE -- five-year old, Western broke. Telephone Whitby 668-5249, TOY POODLES Champion stock, eight weeks old. Registered. Brown, $150; black, $100; male and female. Te!ephone Whitby 668-5426, GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, six weeks old. Telephone 728-6641 or 723-7195. GERMAN SHEPHERDS, puppies. Regis- fered champion bloodlines. Stud services, Quarter horses, colts. Cozy J Ranch Ken- nelis. Ashburn, Brooklin 655-4662 prefer- PUREBRED poodie puppies, white. Reg: istered, paper trained. Excellent temper ament. Call 725-4858. GERMAN SHEPHERDS, | Puppies, istered champion bloodlines. Stud serv- ey "your furni-|!c@S boarding, Quarter horses, colts. REUPHOLSTER and refinish your furni- ture by J, and J. Custom Furniture. Free bag J. ge ct rie Ashburn, Brook- see Whitby, 668-5753, if out 668-/lin_655-4662,_ appointments. 5376. ¢ PUPPIES, 6 Pm AE EE ee te s. Reg- 5 p.m, Day Previous 5 p.m. Day Previous Lost and Found 9:30 Day of Publication. Births and Deaths ; 9:30 Day of Publication. Lote Deaths .. . 11:00 a.m. Day of Publication (Page 3). een, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 2 Column or Larger 1 Column Space SATURDAYS American Cocker Spaniels, black, males and females, excellent pets, $30. Kittens, part Persian, free to good homes. 725-6473. PUREBRED Poodle | puppies. . 10 weeks old. Small standard black. On terms, $10 down, $10 a month, Cash sales $75. Can be seen at 505 Athol Street, Whitby, or telephone 668-3556. ROSES ARE GAY By ALICE BROOKS Fresh, bay charm for beds! Use chart for. gingham rose, Sales and Service ae SUMMER _ 1S, HERE Do you think it is the time to look after your venetian 4747 SIZES 34-48 10. a.m. Day Previous . 4 p.m. Day Previous here we are 12 Noon For Monday 10 A.M. For Monday Word Ads. Classified Display MAURICE MASTIN LEARN TO DRIVE ~ blinds? Well, specialized in retaping, re- cording, cleaning, alterations: Call right now. Service same GERMAN "shephard "puppies and iaaaie. Telephone 725-6753, MARE with white markings, broken ¢0 sandy beach, three bedrooms, $45. week- ly including boat. Phone 725-9646 after 5 o'clock, FURNISHED cotfages and lots for sale Experience in real estate transactions essential. Please \stitch roses on 7 - to - inch transier for other squares. Bedspread beauty! . Cross- TO SIZE 48! By ANNE ADAMS ride or harness. Excellent confirmation. Bred to registered Arabian. Aliso pony mare. Exceptionally quiet. Hampton 263-2790, BAY GELDING for sale or tra Weil broken to ride or drive. Reasonable. |Phone 725-9279 after 4.30 p.m, shies |GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, silver and |black, six weeks old, Call Ajax, 942-5905 anytime. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin East. FOR SALE -- Boxer, male, light brown, four years old, $45. Excellent child's pet. 728 day. ERIC'S VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE or rent on south shore of Stoco Lake, Sandy beach, good fishing, and hydro. Dial 725-2927, LOST LAKE CAMP, Elk Lake, Ontario. Spring bear hunting, modern housekeep- ing cottages. -Good fishing, boats, mo- tors, guides. FURNISHED a cottage, bedrooms, 60 miles north of Whitby, weekly, monthly or season's rates. Whit- by 668-3473. COTTAGE for rent, Lake Kushog, Hall- burton County. a hig Yaa and good beach. Reasonable. » 668-3106, KASSHABOG LAKE itape for sale, Hydro, sand beack, furnished, terms. Also lakefront lot, $10 per ft. O. A. Mc- Kellar, RR 4, Peterborough. Phone Lake- field. ATTRACTIVE lakefront cottage for rent. Sandy beach, conveniences, Lake Ontar-| - io, eight miles east of Oshawa, sleeps four, -Telephone Bowmanville 623-2209; 623-5500, PAPINEAU LAKE -- large three-bed- |room cottage for rent. Private lakefront, safe, sandy beach, fishing, off-season rates. Port Perry 985-2136. FOR RENT. -- Lakefront cottage, all conveniences, boat, Haliburton district, two weeks commencing June 27, $50. weekly. 668-5447, forward full details of exper- |checked gingham and solid ience to |squares, Pattern 7080: transfer 6 motifs; chart; color key. OSHANYA TIMES THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) BOX 906 for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of _________.____. |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Experienced Only Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario SALESLADY residents add 1c sales tax. Print; For Ready to Wear Apply plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. Fox's Ladies Wear 7 Simcoe S. 206 HHANIDCRAFT HITS -- 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys, fashions, crewelwork, bazaar SNACK BAR at attendants, mainly week- ends. Apply Oshawa Drive-in Theatre, between 8.30 and 9.50 p.m. hits -- crochet, knit, sew, em. broider, quilt. Send 25c. WOMAN to babysit and do light house- work for three school age and two ore: SOMETHING NEW -- BIG, schoolage children, while mother wars, DELUXE QUILT BOOK! .16 a til i ti lete quilt patterns--pieced RELIABLE hougekeeper for widowed|COmPlele quill Pp P mother of three. Live in preferred. Pri-|and applique, for beginners, ex- 1 le ti off, After 6 eve-| nings, 725.3990. eT, werts. Send 60c now. Best day iti, day out choice --this casual with six gores that balance the larger figure beautifully, Choose checks or print--feel fresh always. Printed Pattern 4747: Wom. en's Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48. Size 36 requires 3% yards 39-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for thi: pattern. Onfario residents add 2c. sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME , ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, eare of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. DO YOU KNOW HOW TC GET A PATTERN = ABSO. LUTELY FREE? It's simple-- order our Spring-Summer Cat. alog including FREE COUPON to get any one of 250 design jicvas. Send 50c, today, at the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars, Professional Instructors. 728-0091 OSHAWA AND WHITBY |PRIVATE "TEACHER, student CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Cancellations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. Deadline will be processed for the following day's paper. counsel} 'lor, 15 years' experience. By REGULATIONS ois) FREE SERVICE. only. Act now, 725-1054. The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- : ¢ ; aoe se Ap ret ments submitted otherwise than: in writing, not for more than | HVeL NOPSITS, GN MAKES, One incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the PETE'S h t | he advert t hich opie alt iM i scaled te arg oll vid mortgages; mortgages and agreement of| LIGHTER CLINIC error occurs. 7 sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising Murdoch. (See "Barristers".) 59 King St. E., upstoirs |GUARANTEED Re REPAIRS fo all w ®e,._ pmacording to its proper classification. ~ ---- In the case of display advertisements, The Times wil not be | |washere and ranges. Free estimates. Call held responsible for more space than that in which the actual | ba sisi ae ReneS error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ali adver- Pig Tg Mg Reg wie tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement |234 Gibb Street. Call 710-7057. ci sate if ony inaccuracies in any firm are contained therein. Open line 24 hours. Phone 728- -8020 jitage, Canal Lake, two Mortgages PRIVATE and Corporation monies for all POODLES, biack miniatures, ¢ sr|needies, registered $75 or ses! s#er ness forces quick sale, Call 728-9122. temporary i} Smart ' Biaiiaas \4--Sportsman's Column We are now open for selling DEW WORMS and MIN- NOWS from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Sunday from B a.m. to 12 noon 859 NELSON STREET Corner of Wolfe Street 723-7112 People Sing the Praises. of | Oshawa |Surveyors _ jo0 NEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, | Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue) jprints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. |. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land! + pg 11) Elgin Street East, mee 6081, For Classified Service Telephone the Direct to Classified Number 723-3492 For All. Other Departrnents, Call The Times Switchboard, P ' Times Classified Ads

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