Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1964, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 27, 1964 25 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilion CBLT-TV Channel 6~--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffuie © WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie WEDNESOAY EVE. 6:90 AM, ¢o-tehe Thirty | 200 PL 9--Cartoons ; Family cheatre $:00 AM. vig tdlaed rt Captain Andy he Early Show 9--Romper Room Gsenaime Oarze J--Jack LaLanne Show | 2a "ea Giant" se , 4--Popeye's Playhouse 4-Edge of Night 6:9) P.M. 2--Mike Douglas Show 4:00 P.M. ihe "Rinemen Lisouliened 9--Meta Presents 6:00 P.M. ae 8 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford } - 2--Today 1964 10:00 A.M. 2--Captain Bob seiaiics a . 4 ev = Me Piavtine. With Bobby 4:30 PM. I yy SSE NO, 10) VHAT WERE )THEY MIGHT HA\ ore IT, Seeetine ow Fy inn ether Ro: Best PL, P et on 2. MONEY, JOHN CORNER BETH 2 7--Girl Talk 4--Leave it To Beaver TA Bo? " 6:30 PM. 63--National Schools 4--Calendar Set cosye 11-9-8-43-2--News; Weather . THURSDAY EVE. and Sports 10:30 A.M, 5:00 P.M. 7--NM-Squad NS Bi N--Family Theatre &--Sports Folle t2---Word For' Word 9--Theatre 7--Pri 1 i juperman PEE Tilo hese : 63--Chez Helene JoThe Early show #2 -Huntiey Brinkley | ~! Love Ney 4-Five O'clock Show 7:00 P.M. 11:00 A. 2--Huckleberry Hound Vi ah eee 9--Coravan (Yorkdale Apogee hands every day, I am only a fee peers Weather, 8-2--Concentration yin Hop } ' Yip youth of 13 and have been play- 4-The Honeymooners zeneeenpe 2--The Rifleman ; ty ing bridge for three years. I 3--Candid Camera 6--Lorett Young y A 4 | y 2--Death Valley Days | The McCoys FEE peeve CROSSWORD ; Y Y would like very much to enter 7:30 P.M, 11:30 A.M, 3--Tombstone Territory Se ene REA ARETE ES a Es y my hand in your daily column. 9--Dick Van Dyke Tl--Albert J. Steed Show| 2-Today, 1964 th) I know you are busy, but I 'irgl 8-2--Jeopardy 218 Pi Aan sity tras ue hee é-Hesdtine Sac would appreciate it greatly if z irl Ta is =) ¢--Nation's Business | | 4-Pete and Gladys 6:30 P.M, ACROSS 2. Not 17, Largest [ane nana = 7 "wed my bridge hand varian 11-9-8-4-3-2---Newss Weather | 1. Audacious secretly conti- --[PIAINIDIANEE MIME and publish it if you think it Senator Fulbright 12:00 NOON MIMIETT] %&Phil Silvers Show , and Sports 5. Employs 8. Table nent PIRI VEL [AIBA IS} good enough. Sincerely yours, PR 9-Noonday, Report 7--M-Squad 9, Indian's supports 20. Thus ee J : Sean Sullivan. ¢ 8-2--Y. Y i AIDIOIRIEL f | N ---- fme. Fett impression. HO seh ol oo & Tunis ruler 21. Dissolve DiC PIADID 2 : bd WEST SHOULD HAVE KEPT es Bik Maverick ey ley . Nostrils . Wavy: 24, Music AINE 4 6 a) 2" Pal BIG MOUTH SHUT 6--Elwood Glover 7:00 P.M. 12, Funeral Her. note SEIS , By Sean Sullivan T--Milcheel Shayne srttan | 4-Noon. News §--Dodna. Road song 6. Actress: é , Yy i seeiy 'Doe | 3-Popeye's Party 7-6--News, Weather 13. River into -- medan i In today's hand South would &3--Red River Jamboree 12:15 P.M. py ee the Danube Bernhardt world 6:30 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House pr, Kildare 14, Trans- 7, Expunges : . ssiong 8. Taxin; Movie i000 P.M. 2~Bishop Sheen gre: k 4 J--Farmer's Daughter 7:30 P.M. 15. Stopped 9, Hard 63--Perry Mason 9--1 Love Lucy 9-40 Outer Li 16. Dancers coating of 4--Suspense #2-Truth oF the: Premieres" als a seed 37. Weird: Dear B. Jay Becker: I love to play bridge and read your JANE ARDEN probably have played naturally, ; (se and gone down to defeat, had F { ig: it not been for West's double. i B 4 & MICKEY MOUSE ca pa: Coussmuerichs /--The Flintstones 1-8-2--Espvlonage 'i 6--Movie Matinee 2--87th Precinct ' b ee! 'e 18, Queen 15. Kind of dummy's good hearts, 3--Movie ¢ 2-Father Knows Beat | S--condid Cemere 17. Land 11. Type of | var. 7--Ben Casey card his losing club on one 4--The Beverly Hillblifies| 4--Search for Tomorrow 8:00 P.M. g ' #:30 P.M. 1--Fractured Filckers | 19, Flower "aby Vy i ie Accordingly, he won the 63--Wilderness Awards side an Be vel pwede vee 22. Japanese ie a 5P - J |with the king and played a Program 4-Guiding Light 63--The Lucy Show coin 4 trump. West took the king and 4The Dick van Dyke 1:00 P.M, 4-Rawhide 23. Lubricated |? returned the jack of i Show 8:20 P.M. 7-2 Fs clarer won with the ace and 9--December Bride N--Hennesey Fran played three rounds of 9--To Tell The Truth 28, Permitt i bio gp ad pone Hour | &--Matinee $2-_Dr. Kildare 32. Sarg i4 discarding a club. South 7--77 Sunset Strip 7--Afternoon Show 7--My Three Sons $4, And: L. 4Tha Danny Kaye Show! 4--Meet the Millers 63--The Serial 35. Before io f 11--Lucky Score 10:00 P.M. sure that West had both missing diamond honors, South now played the queen of spades. West could not do bet- 2--Divorce Court Ns 19:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 36. Bigger 9--The Twilight Zone 1:30 P.M. Vi--Route 66 38. Sylvan 63--The Lively Arts Nl--Mid-day Matinee bag he ss deity 11:00 P.M. 9--Our House Jimmy Dean 39. Maxim 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News +-As The World: Turns | 63--Grind! 40, Pants for ALL Weather, Sports 2:00 P.M. 4--Perry Mason breath 26 1:15 P.M, 9--The Millionaire 9:30 P.M, 41, Mi 6 9--Metro Final ¢--Home Cooking 9--Jack Parr of length 6--Viewpoint 7-Day tn Court 8-2--Hazei 42, Rugged 6-4-3--Password 63~--Parade g 11:20 P.M. 2--Let's Make A Deal mountain 7-4~Late Show a ie 10:00 P.M. crest ge 1--Steve Allen 48, Not any 11:90 P.M 9--Dougias Fairbanks |! : 11--Music 8-2--The Doctors 8-2--Kraft Theatre 44. Silver Yy, : suai OD ATAQ "ey LES CANADIENS 9--The Best of Berton | 7--Day In Court 7--Maverick coins: Pern 5 'oni Scarlett Hil . DE CROWN POWT ET DE ' fier. [ae |EePe | sates our is rand mic oman.w"| aa eet aca 0] 3:00 P.M. a ity " . a in O00 . "219d OL MBVID LNG YICVTV eves. on = {mi THURSDAY 9--Here's Looking At You 10:30 P.M. " 5a Ts WOCsuN iA 3SBSPO7 DOME EK Sted a \ Masterson, parole Varies SOTA a ASCE 5 NDT ONE wt turned out that West did not 8:00 A.M. &2--Another World 11---Official Detective have both diamond honors. 4--Captain Kangaroe 7--General Hospital %--Sports Hot Seat : ' ; West took the but now, es " queen, ' ' whatever he returned, South I|was sure to win the last three , : . BEST BUYS NOW for your SUMMER DRIVING _ [irsct west'vas codstared. DRIVE A GOOD +2 os ATi SALLY'S SALLIES BARGAIN yy Rha |») The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 260 KING STCWEST OSHAWA " and finesse. In fact, South was MEANWHILE, AT THE tEWHAT /@ DOWN IN THAT /F YOU NOT STOP PALEFACES | | NEARBY PUEBLO CAMP+ ++ bx LNDERGROUND PLACES FROM TRYING TO FIND SECRET | PUEBLO SILVER MINE, PUEBLOS G0 ON WARPATHS THE LONE RANGER A. E. JOHNSON 0.0. OPTOMETRIST 142 King St. East . 723-2721 BUYE __ SELLER 728-9474 PAUL RISTOW ip REALTOR a a _-- 187 KING ST. E. sty 'iy ai Lf BUT, SIR, WE DON'T SELL BY THE DOZEN! BUSINESS ELSEWHERE! DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER a ory ; ; HEAT WITH OIL 90 YOU THINK YOU'LL WELL, WHY WoT?! SP La JENNIFER, THAT YOU SoRRY--Gor ) get mre ag EVER GET THE MONEY= GIVE ME ONE Boe «RS ) A DERO GN A COVEY OF GUNL ANC e DIXON'S , REASON 4/ = * .__ BANGED MERRILY AWAY : " NO ONG FAMOUS 4 OIL 313. ALBERT ST... 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER - 50 YEARS JULIET JONES NO, NO, NO-- WT]; ELMER, YOU HOLD |.| WRONG AGAIN! ) UP THE RIGHT PAW || THAT'S THE THE RIGHT ONE, LEFT PAW ri AY eigen aK A I'M 6O SORRY THAT'S O.K,, JOY... E «wT DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS LITTLE LEROY JUST THOUGHT HE LOOKING FOR GOMETHING TO GRABBED YOUR WAS BEING FRIENDLY... BITE WITH HiS NEW. TOOTH! SMART WOMEN ... na i St Wat by DURACLEAN 728-8518 Tae, 1964, World rights reserved, [in © King Feateres Syadicam, : N47 © Kine Femreres Symcicmtn inc. | 964 Bevid nghee remerwed

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