Thought For Today Once again June college gra- duates are being threatened with inheriting the world, VOL, 93 -- NO. 124 She Oshawa Zimes Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1964 Authorized os Second Class Mail Pest Office Department Ottawa ond for poyment. of Postage in Cash. Weather Report Sunny but cool Thursday, Winds -- will be light tonight and to- morrow. No rain - expected, arte THIRTY-FOUR PAGE: vor | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-; ident Johnson announced today| jan historic consular treaty with |the Soviet Union and termed US,, Russia Negotiate First Pact lay to American consular of-, ficials."" George Reedy, White House) press secretary, was asked| RUSH RARE BLO Stour Canada * Bd ay jthe event "a significant step"/ whether this would apply to any} PEARSON HOISTS LEAVES AND STRIPES jin building' understanding be-| Americans who might be: ar- jtween the American and Soviet rested on espionage charges. Government Unfurls Canada Flag Design OTTAWA (CP)--The proposed, members of Parliament and the; The manner in which the res- new Canadian flag consists of three red maple leaves on aj today, six days after the design, would go through only one de- white background with a verti- cal blue bar at each side. The government today un- veiled the design it will ask' Parliament to approve as the official flag of Canada, and at the same time it was revealed parliamentary approval will) also be sought to make O Can-! ada the national anthem of Can-| ada. A slored reproduction of the proposed flag was distributed to Starr Sees | No Holiday Parliamentary Press Gallery was approved by cabinet. Prime Minister Pearson and several cabinet ministers were known to have favored the de- sign and its selection had been predicted. ALSO FLY UNION JACK A notice of motion appearing on today's Commons order pa- per says: "That the government be au- thorized to take such steps as may be necessary to establish Officially as the flag of Canada, a flag embodying the emblem proclaimed by His Majesty King George V on Nov. 21, 1921) --three maple leaves conjoined on one stem--in the colors red and white then designated for Canada, the red leaves occupy- ing a field of white between vertical sections of blue on the | Peoples, . "The statement says 'for any| lt The > age Welnictos ana reasons'," Reedy replied. jtaneously in § | |Moscow, will provide. for the Johnson said po Bc apiece! opening of consular offices in which must be ratified by | e} \the two countries. It is the first) Senate before it can take effect,} ( will be signed in Moscow on June 1. treaty ever negotiated between the United States and the Soviet ' hal In announcing the completion) of lengthy negotiations on the} Union, ': Johnson, citing the advan- ; tages which eg expects this|agreement, Johnssn hailed the country to receive as a result|treaty as. "a sigificant step in of the agreement, said that/our continuing efforts to in- when the treaty takes effect|crease contacts and understand- "Americans detained in the So-|ing between the American peo- viet Union for any reasons will|ple and the peoples of the So- be assured of access without de-iviet Union." | Opposition MPs Rescue Liberals OTTAWA (CP) -- With help| porters before the election cam- from two.New Demorats and! paign was two weeks old," eight Social Credit MPs, the mi-| When Mr. Hamilton moved} nority Liberal government Tues-| the non-confidence motion Mon day night survived its 10th non-|day he charged that the Liberal| confidence motion of the 1964) government was u<ing the flag' parliamentary session. issue to cover up "a whole ser-| The motion, defeated 130 to/ies of sins of omission" and| 112, came as Parliament. Hill) that the question of eastern ag-| waited in suspense for today's| riculture was one of them. | olution was presented meant it bating stage, as opposed to four stages in the Commons for ordi- nary legislation and five for money bills, Accompanying today's edition of the notice paper MPs re- ceived a color reproduction on foolscap paper -- eight by 12 inches--of the proposed Cana- dian flag. Opposition Leader Diefen- baker got his first.look at the design from a copy handed him by a reporter. He said he had no immediate comment. But he carefully scanned the resolutions and, turning the de- sign picture around, said: 'It doesn't make much difference either way." He was expected to make a statement later in the day. MOTHER-TO-BE, For Right Type By GORDON MITCHELL (Times Staff) Rare blood from two women donors in a remote Nova Scotia fishing hamlet will be given Saturday to help in the birth of an Oshawa baby. The: blood will be used at the Oshawa General Hospital Mon- day when Mrs, Evelyn Curtis of 123 Wilson road north will give birth to her second child. Mrs. Curtis, 28, has. an extreme- ly fare blood type which has developed anti-bodies to kill the new blood of her unborn child. e ec beaaudines (habens Care She said that there was family connection with the people in her blood group. Cross:authorities said-that Noy Scotia and the Alberta foot are the only known. places the Dominion where the bio group crops up, = In all there: are approximate- ly 80 nore gpa the bloga group but youth or age limits the number of prospective donors. aie The blood is known as ™@ Rhesus negative type which hae a chr e deletion. 0: Mrs. Edward Li di and Miss Helen Hendsbee of Half Island Cove, N.S., will travel 200 miles to Halifax to give a bottle of blood each to Red Cross rep- resentatives. TO FLY BLOOD i The blood will be flown: from Halifax to Toronto and from there will be brought to the .Osh- awa General Hospital by car. Red Cross officials in Toronto 'said today that the blood was MRS.. CURTIS | unveiling of the new maple leaf Meanwhile, a number of Con- 3 e flag that has dominated discus- servative MPs re-affirmed their edges of the flag: and also to) For House provide that the royal union! (Special to The Times) flag, generally known as the OTTAWA -- Parliament may, Union Jack, may continue to be have to forego any summer) flown as a symbol of Canadian| speculation on the government's| their support behind the Con-| settle the contenti-|membership in the Common-j¢hoice. holidays to ig issue, Starr,|ealth of: Nations o riding, said/allegiance to the Commenting on the choice Of! 46 motion: "iseseael Troops Arrive | intention to battle the govern-| sion in the Commons for the last ment's flag resolution right into| week. Ze general election, if possible. ; If the 10 opposition MPs who Mr. Pearson's motion ended] backed the Liberals had swung | servative non-confidence motion jthe. government would have been toppled. The Conservative motion, moved Monday by former agri-' Farmer Robert Nixon D flag design revealed by the government this morning, Mr. Starr said he was not surprise at it in view of earlier specu- lation. ° 'lt I had to make a choice) between the Red ensign and the} Pearson flag I would choose the|be recognized as the royal an-| GEORGETOWN Red Ensign," Mr. Starr said. | He reiterated his view that) there should be a national pleb-| Iscite, held separately from an election, on the issue. He sug-| gested that four flags should be) submitted for a vote -- the Red| Ensign; the Red Ensign alter-| ed in a way to make it accept-| able to Quebec; the Pearson flag and a flag'featuring a single maple leaf. "This is too important an} issue to be hurried through) and I am sure almost every member of parliament will want to speak on it. This should not be considered a filibuster and if it means that Parlia- ment won't have a summer re- cess, that is all right, too," Mr.) Starr said. He pointed out that the selec- tion of a flag was different than passing a piece of legislation. Choice of a flag would mean it would remain that way, prob-| ably for all time, whereas a/ piece. of legislation could be} amended a year later. | He indicated that he person-| ally favored a more distinctive) Canadian flag than the ensign' but said he was not in a posi- tion to suggest how the ensign might be altered or what a maple leaf flag design should be. Pearson Pays Nehru Tribute OTTAWA (OP)--Prime Minis- ter Pearson said today the loss of Prime Minister Nehru of In- dia will be felt by ail who hope for peaceful progress in the world and for good relations among men. " He said in a statement: "I had the great privilege of ' enjoying Mr. Nehru's friendship over many years. I learned to appreciate his deep and far- sighted wisdom, his strength and moderation, his devotion to "That the government be a q\ thorized to take such steps may be necessary to provide! ' that O Canada shall be the jnational anthem of Canada and) that God Save the Queen shall them in Canada." } AMONG 3 DESIGNS The proposed flag was among three designs shown to the press on two previous occasions by the prime minister's office. j The other two under consid-| eration included one similar to} the design selected, except it had no blue bars, and the other had three red maple leaves on a solid blue background. Since the decision was made, the 25 cabinet ministers and the half-dozen others who knew the choice have been sworn to secrecy, and despite daily prod- ding in the Commons there was no official indication of what design would be proposed. 'bauxite mining area. culture minister Alvin Hamfl-| q;; | ton charged that the govyern- To Keep Order | ment had. failed to taoek the | Pressing agriculture problemS)schoo] teacher turned farmer.|leader of Ontario. f 260 acres of farm land little} vention more than an hour's drive from/northeast, to choose him over! abbling In. Politics _ ST. GEGRGE, Ont. (CP) --|be asking delegates at.a con-!the family by winning Brant in in Toronto, 60 miles|a 1962 byelection, Although he won't turn 36 un- -Toronto, Robert Nixon, 36,\four or five others as Liberal | til July 17, Mr. Nixon regards this age as no hindrance to his B itish G +4 jof Eastern Canada, |maintains a 30-head dairy herd,| To this end Mr. Nixon held a/position as one of' the two or Tl ulana |. The 89 Conservatives present| grows 60 acres of oats, 15 acres press conference Tuesday, pre-|three serious contenders for the drew voting support from 12) NDP members and 11 of thelin beef cattle. Creditiste group. There were) (Reuters) --| More British troops were due a ried To nd -- order} 120 Liberals in the chamber. in strife-torn British Guiana. ' j 965. i : i A request for the additional! mons: Liberals, 128, Conserva.| poy se troops came from Sir Richard] tives 96, NDP 17, Creditistes 13,| Luyt, British Guiana's gover-| Social Credit nine, vacant two.| = 3 New Platform nor, following renewed out-- Hy. A. Olson (SC--Medicine| breaks of racial violence be- Hat) said his party agreed| Is Promised tween Negroes and East Indians/ there were pressing agriculture At least 27 persons have been|but they couldn't vote for the| 8 i ] i | y Lempieton | party is moving toward the left,| is to provide the electorate with) a reasonable alternative to the Conservative government of Premier Robarts. during the last four days. problems in Eastern Canada, killed in the racial strife follow-| motion for this reason: | ing the strike of sugar workers) «There are problems of unity three months ago. and other matters before the The coastal steamer ran a 60-mile gauntlet of angry) sure that if we were to su Negroes to carry 800 East In- dian refugees down the Dem- erara River Tuesday from the tense town of Mackenzie, a rich} former premier of Ontario who) pport} this (motion) tonight and thus | party, plunge the country into another| that it election at this stage, the word- ing of this amendment would be lost in the minds of its sup- promised Tuesday night! he becomes leader he} |will establish a thinking and |planning conference of top Lib-| jerals to hammer out a new Sargent Raps party platform with challenging proposals. | He said a criticism of the| Tory Policies Ld the Progressive Conservatives. ST. MARYS, Ont. (CP) -- TO * But there is a great differ-/Owen Sound Mayor Eddie Sar- g once: he continued, which has| gent opened his campaign for NEW DELHI -- Jawaharlal Nehru, builder of modern India and its prime minister since in- dependence in 1947, died from a heart attack at his home here today. He was 74. Shortly after the death of the leader of India's 470,000,000 peo- ple, a new prime minister was sworn in by President Sarve- palli Radhakrisfinan. He is Gul- zarilal Nanda, home minister at the time of Nehru's death and most senior government cabinet minister, Nanda, a man with a reputa- tion of getting things done, was one of 'he officials that broke the news to Parliament that Nehru was taken ill suddenly. Before Nanda's. swearing-in, On Taxation Liberals was that there was lit-| | tle difference between them and| |to be emphasied by a distinc-|the leadership of « the' Ontario tive platform, | Liberal party here Tuesday with Mr. Templeton and two other|the warning that unless prop- leadership candidates spoke at| erty owners are given some tax- a political meeting in Toronto's| ation relief, the present policies Riverdale riding, 3 which he|of the Robarts government will!' floor bedroom, He |S¢eks the Liberatffomination for|bank rupt municipalifies and a byelection made necessary by| Property owners. the resignation of Conservative) Mr. Sargent, 49, Liberal MPP Nehru acted and apparently felt Robert MacAulay. _ _|for Grey North, said Conserva- as usual. But within minutes he, "The other candidates speaking) tive governments for years have was stricken and immediately| were Robert Nixon, member of| turned a deaf ear to the plea lapsed into unconsciousness. He|the legislature far Brant, and|of municipalities for a change} never regained consciousness. Joseph Gould, member for Tor-|in the present system of muni- Doctors, who haq lived in the onto Bracondale, cipal taxation. prime minister's mansion since his first stroke last July 7 left his side partly paralysed, quickly administered ven PD M In Favor Yee Of Free Trade tion was termed "desperate and! critical," ang he died at 2 p.m.| It was announced soon after'. MONTREAL (CP)--The old second seemed normal and cheerful. Upon arising this morning, wedppeceacmsarcpetmtey PRS spp spread: through the house that "he is sinking." of corn, and dabbles somewhat senting himself as a left-wing|Liberal leadership. k \Liberal who wanted no associa-| '"The direction our party has Mr. Nixon also dabbles in poli-| tion, of his name with any right-|to take is not only to emphasize |tics. Come harvest time he will! wing-element within the Ontario|reform or left-wing policies, but < jalso to appeal to the uncom- Mr. Nixon said the Liberal] ™itted or young voters. "If the Liberal party is to, go and must continue to do so if it)anywhere, we have to get the interest and support of these people. I think I can do this." Mr. Nixon said he had 'al- jready has a good indication: of Son of the late Harry Nixon,| support for his candidacy. While some support came : TORONTO (CP) -- Charles|tepresented the riding of Brant|from within Metropolitan Tor- Barima| country at this time, and I am|Templeton, Bo Ae Phe jeaa. (from 1929 until his death in 1961;) onto, said Mr. Nixon, he con- ership of the Ontariq Liberal|Robert Nixon kept the seat in)ceded that another contender, | |Andy Thompson, probably was stronger there. Mr. Thompson is member of the legistature for available from only eight per- sons in Canada, Blood was flown to Mrs. Curtis from Hali- fax for the. birth of her 16- month-old child, Gerald, Her sisters, Mrs. Donna Hail, 100 Cromwell avenue and Mrs. yc erg stated. th the previous ild-beari the three sisters had senettisal their blood to, the Rhesus. fae- tor which their blood lacks, ., The search that led. to Lumsden and Miss Hendsbee was organized by Dr. Harold G Read of Halifax, medical diree- tor pf the Red Cross Blogg Transfusion Service-in Halifax Dr. Donald Seaman, practitioner at Guys about 12 'miles west of Island Cove on. Chedabucto' found the women and a the trip to Halifax, Bessie Glode, 476 Montrave ave- nue, also required blood trans- fusions for 'their children 'at Medical authorities said. that antibodies. had built up in the blood of Mrs, Curtis and her sis- ters which would be harmful if used in transfusions to any. is dren within the family. Mrs. Curtis, wife of a truck neared. driver, said that the birth would be by 'elective induction as dan- ger to hér child 'increased: as end of her pregnancy Stolen Goods Recovered In Toronto Garage TORONTO (CP)--Detectives said Tuesday they had recov- ered $10,000 worth of stolen goods after smashing open a& west-end Toronto garage. Detectives raided the garage after St, Catharines police and a Toronto newspaper received telephone calls from a man sought in connection with a se- ries of. thefts in Toronto, St. Toronto Dovercourt. Catharines and Thorold, Ont. PRESCOTT, Ont, (CP) bg special comm town. township officials Sad stepped into a 'dispute the South Grenville The school board had earlier demoted Mr. Cousins to head of the mathematics' department, claiming 'he lacked) administra- tive ability for his job. The en- tire. 16-member board later' re- signed when the Ontario } dary School Teachers' Federa- tion pink-listed the school ~ A unanimous vote of officials of Prescott, Cardinal, and Au- gusta and Edwardsburg towh- ships reinstated the principal. Members of other school boards in the area were also present, The officials also decided te appoint all new board m by. today, . 4 freedom for nations and individ- it had been announced that his uals. He had a deep respect also for law and for order; he had appointment as prime minister youl oe te ery 3 would be temporary PANDIT NEHRU conquered prejudice and con- tained passion. - "He js rightly regarded as, the architect of his country's inde- pendence and he guided India with skill ahd dedication in the early and critical years of its national existence, 'THE LIGHT IS OUT' "I have grave news to an- nounce to the House and the country," Minister of Stee] C Subramaniam told the lower house of Parliament. "The prime minister is no more. The Hlight is out." Nehru was stricken at 6:25 a.m., shortly after he got up at his usual hour. He died at p.m seven hours and 35 'minutes later Eight doctors, including a brain specialist, tried him. The Associated quoted a member of his CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT: 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 | per x {Nehru died of a stroke, his sec:| ond in the last five months. A reliable report said he had suf- fered a thrombosis (blood clot) Home Secretary V than said Nehru's physicians at- tributed his death to tack and shock," TELLS OF LAST HOURS The official gave this report ~ of Nehru's last hours: After returni Viswana- "heart at- Nehru went to Other specialists hurried to the mansion, But at 11:45, word the death that Nehru's body will/question of tariffs versus freer be cremated Thursday moming|trade is back with a vengeance on the banks of the Jamnujto haunt Canada's manufactur- River, near the spot where re-|ers, vered Indian independence! The 1,200 delegates to the leader, Mohandas Gandhi, was/93rd annual meeting of the Ca- cremated 16 years ago. andian Manufacturers' Associa- tion, which ended Tuesday, TO MOURN 1 DAYS heard both sides of the argu- The mouming period will last|ment from shifts of speakers. 12 days. Mrs, Indira Gandhi,| Leading the freer-trade _bri- Nehru's only child, was at his) gade was Prime Minister Pear- side when he died. Nehru's two|Son, Who told the closing ban- sisters, Mrs. Vijayalakshmi/quet that the world now is in Pandit and Mrs. Krishna Hu-|ome of those periods of transi- theesiingh, left Bombay by spe-|tion "when old patterns, old) ng to New Delhi cial plane for New Delhi. Mrs./ideas and old concepts gradu-| to save Tuesday night from a three-day Pandit is governor of Mahar- Press holiday in the mountain resort ' of Dehra Dun, sonal secretariat as 6 ayinisibed at 11 p.m. as usual in his| ally give way to new--and sometimes not so 'graduariy." | The urgent needs and _ insis- tent demands of the new and ashtra state. (See Also Page 14) * developing world have come to the fore, he said. "No country can afford to ig- jnore these currents or to lag behind in adapting itself to the changes that are taking place. "Especially is this so in the case of Canada, "High levels of prosperity} and employment require that! our economiy should be resilient) jand competitive and. that we |should exploit every opportunity to gain access to wider markets and to establish. the friendliest possible contact with the peo- ple they represent. Earlier in the day, two speak- ers had criticized Canadian bus | inessmen'for not taking a greater part in interfational trading. _ NEW US. FIGHTER PLANE - The Defense Department re- leased this drawing in Wash- ington yesterday of the mov- able-wing design of the F-111 two-man tactical fighter fo be built for the U.S, Air Force he and Navy. For takeoff. and low , altitude flight, wings would be in the forward posi- tion. They would be moved back alongside the tail for high afte flight, Assembly > » * * % ww of the: first 'test model of the plane, known as the TEX, expected to be completed later this year, 4 ~AP Wisp