PERSONALS Miss Sandra Winnacott, Gar- rard road, was hostess at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Donna Burrows whose marriage to Mr. Allan Irwin is to take place next month, Twenty-five guests attended and Miss Geor- gina Knapp, . Miss. Arlaine Ed- wards and Miss Carol Edwards assisted the hostess. Mrs. Gordon D. Conant pre- sented the Verna R. Conant Cup, her trophy for public duties, to the West Toronto Nursing Di- vision of St, John Ambualnce at Those who attended from Osh- awa were Mrs, Jones, Mrs. Gor- don Varnum, Mrs. Everett Warne and Mrs. J. E. Hinkson. The fifth delegate, Mrs. George Murless was unable to attend due to illness. Members of the Golden Jubi- lee Chapter, IODE dance com- mittee, met recently at the home of Mrs. A. H. Murdoch, to make initial plans for the din- ner and dance to be held on October 24, 1964. The Laurel Group, Unit 4, of Pegg, Mrs. D. J. MacLeod, Mrs, Carnwith, Mrs, William Siksay and Mrs. R. E. Moore. The University Women's Club of Oshawa and District, French Conversation Group, met tast evening at the home of Mrs. Robert D. W. Gusselle, Con- inaught street for their monthly | meeting. Mrs. Robert McCallum, Ed- monton, Alberta, returned home yesterday after spending a few days visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. Paul Shulga, Mr. Shulga and their son Michael, Tooley's road north. Robert Aldsworth, Mrs, John KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN 'Two years ago a young home- maker, age 30, who was 30 pounds above her desirable weight, wrote: "T often think of joining the' weight problem instead of try- ing to lick it, One young woman I know did just that. She had tried all sorts of diets, Finally she decided to buy a whole new wardrobe in her larger sixe and Easier To Gain Weight With The Passing Years "I realize this burden of fat makes me look and feel years older than my birthdays, but I am still not willing to put forth the effort to cope with my weight. Any encouraging words from you would be greatly ap- preciated," she concluded. Well, I tried to dissuade her from graduating to a larger size. I never heard from this reader again and I have often ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 27, 1964 }] ' a year. Also, with each gle. Understand ¢hat until you, decade nature uses five to seven| gain this new concept it won't . per cent less fuel to run the human powerplant. same food habits, weight tends seem worth the while to stop So, on the : overeating and to find enjoy- le exercise, eee to go up, As the years go by|#bl it's easier to gain and harder to lose. OTHERS WHO DELAY Other procrastinators write: "If only I had someone to force me to change my ways of eat- 'ing and slim down!" This too is wishful thinking. Do you honestly believe the in- centive to take action can come from someone else? It is not possible to borrow motivation. Heart's desire is St. Andrew's Church Women, has finalized plans for its June Tea, to be held on Wednesday, June 3, at Stonehaven. Mrs. Norman Irwin, the hostess, will receive, assisted by the. presi- dent, Mrs. A. J. Parkhill and Mrs. John F. G. Morris. Those pouring tea will be Mrs, Lloyd Varsity Arena oh Monday night. Major General George Kitching Oe. DSO, CD took the salute at the march past. | Mrs. A: D, Cornett returned to her home in Kingston yester- day after spending a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alton E. Werry, Adelaide av- enue east. Mrs. Cornett is the widow of the late Reverend A. D. Cornett for many years min- {ster of Simcoe Street United | 4) Church, 4 The Travel Group of the Uni- "| versity Women's Club met Mon- "\day evening at the home of | '\Mrs. Frank M. McLellan, RR "|3. Bowmanville. The hostess *| told of her recent trip to Japan. The Ontario Women's Liberal | Association celebrated the 50th | anniversary of its organization | recently. in the Royal . York | Hotel, Toronto, An election of | officers took place witht he of- fice of Chairman of Political Education being filled by Mrs. Ralph (Frances) Jones, Oshawa. | spirit, The power is tremendous. Fat jn Oe eg ie 'at for fat frying ma be re-used 'sa isn't phir pnp i after each use. ag wondered which course she took|Boiled down, motivation is an and what size she wears now. |wanting to do something. De- Joining the problem is no sol-|sire is the motivating force, but ution. It's not that simple. Your|it must be directed and acted weight does not hold steady, even at a higher level. It does not take much over-indulgence to gain three or five pounds in THURSDAY opfREE TILL 3 5 be content with her lot. "I'm tempted to follow that course myself. It's easier to re- main in a rut than to climb out of it, And it's easier to stay with a fixed, fattening pattern of eating than to create a new, slimming one. OPEN SAUCER COLLECTION MONTGOMERY, Alta. (CP) Mrs. Mary Nielsen of Montgom- ery in suburban Calgary col- lects saucers from all over the world. Her colection currenty boast more than 5,000. upon, The start is to get a new con- cept of yourself in mind--a new idea of yourself and of your * WE INVITE CHARGE ACCOUNTS AND FRIDAY A PICKERING BOY of Mr. and Mrs, William Ger- rits, Pickering. His grandpar- ents are Mr. and) Mrs. An- thony Besters, Pickering and Mrs, Martin Gerrits, Sarnia. --tIreland Studio ia . . . %. This young man is going to sa ' » break many a young girl's = heart in a few year's time, He fis Martin Anthony (Marty) &Gerrits the three-year-old son 1 FINAL WEEK ENGEL'S MEN'S « BOYS' WEAR 6 SIMCOE ST. N DOWNTOWN OSHAWA) GOING-OUT.OF-BUSINESS SALE MEN'S SUIT SALE ) Ist GROUP FINAL 9.99 A bargain rack, sizes 36 to 46. Only A Few Left! ..ssccerore s:econi PRICE 4 2 | ib Hy "9nd GROUP seks Better quality suits at terrific ppicg MEN'S PANTS savings. Reg. to 49.95... cece... VALUES 3.88 a 3rd GROUP Best quality suits. Special group FINAL of the finest styles. Regular price BATHING SUITS FINAL 4 OFF values to 69.50 CLEARANCE FOR YOUR OLD May Bonus! MATTRESS OR | 1 0 BOX SPRING (Regardless of Condition) uf BS ewe. aay " on the purchase of a New SEALY SIMMONS SERTA RESTONIC MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING SAVE 26.00! FINE WALNUT BEDROOM ALL 8 PIECES 279.00 Magnificent Scandinavian off-the-floor design . . . expertly crafted in hand rubbed walnut -- you get large double dresser; framed plate mirror; chest; panel beds plus quilt top innerspring mattress; mat. ching box spring and 2 pillows. FREE STORAGE DECORATOR POLE LAMP MEN'S BRAND NAME Underwear « T-Shirts 1/3 OFF MEN'S TIES , FLANNEL and BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS 1/3 OFF BOYS' SUITS Continental style suits with Dak ponts. Sizes 8 to 18. Values to 21.95. Final Price BOYS' SHIRTS Sport & Knit FINAL CLEARANCE 1,00 Reg. to 2.50 BOYS' NS SPORT JACKETS ~ NG ; aE AR ; j P : sii 4 ath ve, ~ ee wae : H All the latest colors. Sizes 8 to 16, f Ke a << Md ers || As of Values to 14,95. A Ms F Le Beeb "2 ' y ~ #| ib ~~ FINAL 8 11 8 got, te i ¢ oes % 5 \ . ln <6 : : \ y K Boys' Car Coats Some with hoods. Reguler to 19.95, FINAL CLEARANCE MEN'S LINED HUNTING PANTS Reg, to 9.95 FINAL CLEARANCE 3.88 CLEARANCE MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Ceatance...... 1,00 SPORT SHIRTS * FINAL 1,00 i e BOYS' DRESS PANTS Values to 6.95. 4,88 FINAL CLEARANCE DOUBLE FEATURE! < 9x 12 RUG and PAD § he. Wonderful value opportynity! $ i a" The resilient foam pad gives + this wool/rayon blend rug extra 'luxury and assures longer wear, Choice of colours. m Come in or call 725-6559 for "'Shop- gy ot-Home" service and free estimate. READY MADE LINED - READY TO HANG Dozens of Spring Patterns .2 -3-4 and 5 widths. LINED 4 iy FROM. over 'ug GLAMOR FOR EASTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST SELECTION OF QUALITY FURNITURE YOUR BEDROOM | HoLLywoop y "| BED SET. COMPLETE | Attractive shirred a 49.55 ti x spring and MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE LINED Underwear % PRICE BETTER QUALITY CONTINENTALS MEN'S PANTS Sser28 1040... 1:08 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Sizes 36 to 46. Values to $35. CLEARING 18.88 BOYS' 7 Outdoor Shorts Sizes 8-10-12, 99° MEN'S Work Clothing 'o ¥ OFF BELTS 1/3 OFF CLEARANCE Vs 9 <<' 11-PIECE COMPLETE ie "100% NYLON and FOAM SUITE PA. Compare at $299 or More! : = v Yes, the price is right--ond. what a volue! You get the $ ( " luxurious 84" sofa and matching lounge chair in massive slant arm styling, covered in decorator nylon frieze with ONLY $26 DELIVERS : As Little as 10.00 Monthly MEN'S BIG "B" BRAND Carpenter Overalls | PAL CLEARANCE 3.88 LUGGAGE % PRICE COTTON DRILL CHINO BOYS' PANT Sizes 8 to 18. 2.88 VALUES TO 5.00 Men"s First Quality Brand Name White DRESS PANTS OUT THE GO 1,88 AT ONLY . BOYS' SPRING WINDBREAKERS 1/3 OFF TOP COATS Wn Sige Heh. 16 88 MEN'S PANTS 2.77 deep, reversible foam cushions; the king-size self-adjusting recliner chair in plastic-and-nylon frieze; cocktail table and 2 step tables in walnut finish, 2 ceramic-and-walnut lomps; plus 3-light pole lamp and pair of colorful toss pillows. Hurry in! THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY. MEN'S BRAND NAME SOX 1%, PRICE ENGELS MEN'S « BOYS' WEAR DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 725-6559 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. Ba | set of 6 legs .. 9. 16 SIMCOE ST. N 0 Complete Sets for PEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. i 3 3 « 4 7 = i i = = i : * WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET A "GOOD DEAL!"