Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 May 1964, p. 15

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17--Male Help Wanted ACCOUNTANT Required by manufocturing plant in the Port Hope area. A second or third year R.1.A. student would be preferred We have an opening on our night shift FOR G.M, MECHANICS | We Ser G3 "oh Se. or om hour teed tywy ra eat Sb coveralls pal other sean Wie Please MR. D. W. BISSET CENTRAL CHEVROLET 2665 Yo <-- Toronto "Po, On 481 5233. INVOICE CLERK to type soles invoices and bill accounts receivable and oli related duties. Must be good typist. Good wages. Company benefits. 5 day week, Apply in person To Mr. Curl Curran & Briggs Ready-Mix Ltd, 991 SIMCOE S. OSHAWA CANADIAN ARMY (REGULAR) There are career opportuni- ties for young single men who have attained their 17th but net their 24th birthday. (A special plan for 16 year olds, with Grade 1X educa- tion) See the Army Recruiter at the Oshawa Armoury from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. 12th and 26th of May, 1964, Experienced but this qualification not es- sential. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Usual fringe benefits. Applicont to submit written resume of education, experience, etc, and salary expected to: Classified Box 4 Oshawa Times LICENCED MECHANIC 4) GS Apply Harry Donald's Ltd. Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Phone Whitby 668-3304 Attention --- HORACE MEAD Service Manoger EXPERIENCED -- Route Salesman For Oshawa and district. Ex- cellent remuneration for en- ergetic man. Must have ex- perience in laundry and dry cleaning route work ond have i knowledge of district. ortact FANNINGS' LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS 171. King St. Peterborough 743-3588 TAX! DRIVERS Preferably. between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 ATTENTION! Energetic young men. If you are now employed in the service! industry, and your future appears fo be Nantel we would Jike to talk to you, and W. Drive-in' of Canada Ltd, re-| re additional men to train as assist-| ant managers due to an expanding pro-| gram. Requirements: Must have complet- ed Grade 10. Must be 22 fo 32 years. Must be neat in appearance, a selt- starter, and desire more r ty Ci teed weekly woge. /1e--Male Help Wanted" 25--Apartments 26 --Rooms For ee 27 --Real Estate For Sole 27--Reol Estate For Sale THE COHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 23, 1964 99. SIMCOE NORTH, 82: Four- fag Boggy St SICK OF PAYING hot 'wet, | -- WANTED EXPERIENCED TEACHER for kindergarten tarded children's ae S rooms, stove, rete $7.50 per week ee dor water. Centrally located. Apply above ad- old boy. Telephon & he. hydro, seven-year: le 623-5345 GUIDE REALTY LARGE front BEATTY bel a ol 14, furnished Hatt rte Sait tae street ll Suitable for ee san above nhl Sy AS SSONaR Sa" Realtors -- 723-1121 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-- it, 29 Russet? Ave rooms Wy JA pergon after 5 rv 1 Ave | FURNISHED pm. af fa, mae ae | {ust Beton ¢ 4 Dedeom prick storey home on King St. West ae 26---Rooms For Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale ience sed On ex rience. in writing only to:---~ _ MR. D, LAWRENCE Chairman of Education Com- mittee, Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Association for Re- tarded children, P.O. Box 86 Ajax, Ontario 20--Room and Board IY ED bed-sitting room, close to , salt Lady preferred. Telephone ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Sicliae in private home Call between 5 cnd 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 Whitby and Ajax Built and backed by G. Armstrong and Sons $950 DOWN One N.H.A, Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly 1 and P. Built in -- ovens, storms ond ROOM AND BOARD, . lunches bie parking. wer South General packed, tenes vg arty Yueh Telephone ROOM AND BOARD for lt ing tq 'share. 562 Simeone § soul. Telephone 728-7664, 217 CHURCH STREET for two genfi men, extra large front room, gle good meals. Near downtown plant. Apply above address. SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- room and Beas me, we 5 room, for lady or poe Te a privileges, private entree parking space. Telephone 724- - fu yi CSE Pernerige rg room, clean. Cook denirest, bid meee Road South. je- | PRES tion for at etc. See our finished peg One block east of Ajax Plaza. H. GRIFFIN Real" Estate Broker Ajax 942-3310 Whithy 688-9371 r '007 m. clerks, FULL PRICE $12,500 -- 3 bedroom 2 brick' home with private drive and gar- LIST AND MOVE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD | BROTHERS ---- Real Estote -- ---- Insurance -- -- Mortgages -- SPLIT bevet $18,200 Just $5,000.00 poy- ment required or te beau tiful 3 bedroom br Choe featur' fn room, ond many other ras, Lo- cated in o select area with bus on at door, Delay will mean Me™ eet Coda "ee 728-5205. $14,800 NORTH WEST | your old, 5S room brick Hollywood kitchen Hi built in stove and oven. 27--Real Estote For Sele 27--Real Estate For Sole PAYMENT this week-end - SPLIT LEVEL 9 Weibinas St. or 2 p.m, to 9 p.m. each day. RANCH TYPE storting Friday, Moy 22nd, BUNGALOW 4 a, "sone: fot. low ga w oles hens ro From $13,450 FULL PRICE porese and etect Sines Noth of Ge Solesman on site this week. cairn to Woodlea, te our sales and Gen We Get tinal ante information office ot Phillip Murray Ave- nue. BOWMANVILLE -- pi] new, time Leite work. Apply evenings. 800 North, Whifby. storey home, breakfast If SINGLE furnished room, Li fo bus desired. Centrally --, Close p.m. 623-2609. two low down payer cvronaed. Coll after 5 walking pl North G.M. Large living room ond kitchen: also sepa- service. NEW Ticsebedroa board for single working girls, T 728-9277. ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman. -- packed. Apply 148 Bast Haven treet, WRK REET -- = fooms, one vag] Nga Pounetuengire i one slew. ing emp! gentlemen. e tin evel ge 'oad. furnace, fenced, 100 amp. wiring; Bony room. School bus at door, Many @xtras. 725-9167. i fat thon $200. Can be bought with $1,800. down payment. Outstanding 5% room brick with fenced CARNEGIE AVENUG, off Rossland Road. Roem and board for gentleman, parking, Telephone 723-208. T ONE single room 'end ane double room| |< Cenc ACRES with Iwo to rent, private bathroom, Telephone 72-9684 after 4 p.m. or permanent home. With trout pond. --|ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen. Lunches packed. Private home, single beds, fiveday week, home privileges. Telephone Whitby 668-2368 aftr 4.30 pm. ROOM and board for "gentlemen, Mari- time, French speaking preferred. Tele phone 725-8450. 21--Room & Board Wonted LADY with one child wishes room end board or furnished housekeeping room with person who will mind child while she works. Write Box § ,Oshawa Times. 22-----Offices, Stores, Storage MEDICAL office for rent, 700 sq, tf. For further particulars, phone 725-5132, 23---Wanted To Rent 3 or 4 BEDROOM HOUSE required by family. Must be clean and in pleasant orea, Oshawa, Whitby or Pickering, Approximately July 1st. WHITBY 668-8811 9 to 5 Week Days |\YOuNG EXECUTIVE and family re quires bedroom home June 3. Prefer | clase fo separate schools, Will sign lease. |Phone 728-7237. GARAGE WANTED for sign shop, Must be electrically wired. Telephone 728-0643 from 4 to 5 p.m. must have automobile. Benefits: Four weeks paid holidays yearly. Group bene- fits. Good starting salary, Opportunity fo advance, Write: Post Office Box 223, giving details of complete background. TRUCK drivers wanted for route work In Oshawa, Whitby area, $100 weekly. Write Classified Box 806 Oshawa Times. WANTED -- small furnished apartment or bed - sitting room, immediately by young businses executive, Call 723-1901 between 10 and § p.m, WANTED by June 15 or 20, three- or four-bedroom house, good tenants. Tele phone 725-7783, feb family-type home by July 1, for PART-TIME driver. for weekends, Must be available from 4 p.m, fo | a.m. Apply in person. Envoy Restaurant. Golf Course WORKERS REQUIRED |r LICENSED mechanic for small fleet. 'elephone 725-3521, CHERRY DOWNS 18---Male or Female Help Wanted GOLF CLUB Paddock Road (one mile north of Highway 7 at Greenwood Village PHONE TORONTO 921-1970 APPRENTICE MECHANIC with tools, Company benefits. Hourly wage. Apply: Harry Donald Ltd. Chevrolet. Oldsmobile Phone Whitby 668-3304 Attention --- HORACE MEAD Service Manager YOUNG MAN for general work in Drive-in, Will train. Call 728-6756 for oppointnient to interview. Big K Drive-In King St. West, Oshawo WILL EXCHANGE $43, per week for two hours work each evening. Write Classi- fied Box 807, Oshawa Times. WHITBY CLASSIFIED Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, Sond, gravel, top soil, stone, Plastering materials, wall- beards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- , Tile, 668-3524, iS' (Whitby) 'LIMITED Fuel and Bullders Supplies 244 Brock St. $,, WHITBY, Ont. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service on calls, bs lgg™A Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. ORESEMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting specialty, Mrs. Tors, 668-2372. SALE -- some used furniture and FOR oe trailer. Also room or room and board) 668-2398. mae AND BOYS' crested softball ra seys, Special club prices. Mercantile De- partment Store, Whitby Pleze. SAND, gavel, Toor. & Oshawa Alex, 668- and *~ delivered to area, Telephone THREE-ROOM ggg serpent, $60 monthly, 1 wear Whitey WE HAVE large con ment or cash -for three gh nested home, cen tral ag " ley * gg please, Apply Box 48 Oshawa FOR sant - ae on ground floor, self contained, one child consid- ered, $70 monthly. Ti evenings.' WANTED -- Three genti roomers, clean quiet home. Centra. uy Buciid Street, 668-8512. FOR Rant = Twobedroom apartment, also one bedroom apartment, an onver lences, Central, Children welcome, Park: ing, 668-8414. Fou RENT -- <= Tieee Tooms, unfurnished floors y Serine apartment, aauits only, MSaton couple preferred. Phone 668-3129 or apply rig. Walnut Street. annals chs ne AVON CALLING! Ali ambitious women with free time A sw would gh A to ost Income, ie eopariense Sie wain you. Write Box 512 2 Oshawe er diel 722-5883, TEACHERS FOR NEW SCHOOL 'oung Would 'consider option is buy if suitable, Write Box 903, Osh- awa Times. 24--Houses For Rent FOR RENT wi SEMI DETACHED Soe foun Available immediately. Apply RR 1, Nestieton or phone Nestleton 986-4781. FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow and garage, Centrally located, Available June 18, Adults preferred. References required, Phone 725-6188. BROOKLIN The Brooklin Separate School Boord requires 2 qualified teachers, grades one to four, ona Kindergarten ---_. for new 4 room schodl opening September 4th, Will be bint satisfactory sal- ary. schedu Please state experience to E. J. DOPP, Sec,, BOX _206, Brooktin, Ont, EXPERIENCED "nurserymen for season, good pay, eventually room and board, Telephone Bowmanville 423-2837, Jerry Trejbal, Mearns Avenve, KECORDIAN ANB" GUITAR teachers, full or part time, Please state quall- fications to Box 43, Oshawa Times, 25--Apartments MOTEL accommodation, Shared. $10 weekly, Free parking, Restaurant on Premises, 800 Brock North, Whitby. DESIRABLE second floor, down town 27--Reol Estate For Sale terms, Phone 725-2577. OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND 10 HOMES ONLY TO BE SOLD! Buy Your New Home In HARMONY ESTATES First Phase Sold Qut -- New Phase at Original Prices THE KEKETA THE $13,495 HARMONY HOUSE with $13,595 $756.00 DOWN with Monthly Payments of 83.42 $1240.00 DOWN Pal Montly payments of 80.92 "2 Blocks from Public School 1 Block from Separate School 1 Block from High School BEST VALUE IN THE CITY Clay brick veneer, Ceramic Tile Storms and screens, Mahogany Cupboords prepaid services, Stove Coble, Laundry tubs, 100 amp. Service Lecated on Harmony Road 1 Block south of Donevan Collegiate CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENT L. METCALFE REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING STREET EAST PHONE 728-4678 streams. An idea! spot to build @ csiogs minutes drive from Oshawa, $5,000 and apartment, three rooms and bath, unfurr nished, heavy ny heat and water Adults only, 728-6175, THREE-ROOM aparteanth: in Bowman- ville, Stove and refrigeraotr included, Beautiful surroundings, Telephone 725-0576. DIVISION STREET -- One-bedroom, self. contained apartment, refrigerator and stove, adults only, $85. monthly, Avall- able June 1. Also two-room apartment, partly furnished, $60. monthly. Suitable two ladies, Telephone 728-4525. THREE- ROOM unfurnished apartment, Suit couple or two ladies, $50. monthly, T 728-7240. SAGUENAY "AVENUE -- Two-bedroom basement apartment, unfurnished, adults onlv, Available June 1, Telephone 725 5579. | 17------Male Help Wanted 117----Male Help Wanted IF YOU ARE: Between 17-24 A Canadian Citizen for Service as Officers i Roval Canadian Navy Successful applicants enrol after enrolment, Royal Canadian Navy ANNOUNCES The R.C.N. Short Service Plan Single A Highschool Graduate (Grade 12 or Better) General or Technical Course. / Physically Fit YOU MAY 'QUALIFY FOR THIS: New Plan Giving Young Men an Opportunity to Train n Ships, Aircraft of the Applications are being accepted now for entry in September, 1964, on a seven year appointment. as officer cadets and take an intensive four-month course in naval subjects and language practice, Cadets then take training in ships or aircraft, according to their choice. Successful completion of courses and training quali- fies a cadet for an officer's commission 12 months $13,300. OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK-END 83 THOMAS STREET Now vacant, move in next week, directions, Simcoe south te Thomas turn right. Watch for signs. Better than new, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive, T.V, Tower, storms, and one of the most beautifully landscaped lots in the city, completely fenced and large maple trees. CALL 728-5157 VICKERY REAL ESTATE 46 KING STREET WEST WHITBY PROPERTIES _ Architecturally designed two storey, 4 bedroom homes being built in Whitby, close to school, Only 5 being built new, features ere, 2 bathrooms, full dining-room, double stainless steel sinks in ottractive kitchen with cupboards of walnut, knotty pine or birch, oak floors, oil heating, These extra large homes have many other features not mentioned and are selling ot $20,900.00. Coll our office for further information, Cochrane St. better than average neighborhood and close to schools, ranch bungalow with attached garage, fireplace, oil heating, large lot. Must be seen, owner transferred, Henry St. 4 bedroom house with double glazed doors leading to patio, fully londscaped, Full price $14,000, Owner will take a low down peyment. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY 668-5853 NOTE: THE FEATURES MEDICAL AND THIS FIRST COURSE STARTS APPLICATIONS Toronto 7, Ontario APPLY NOW, VISIT, WRITE OR PHONE RCN Recruiting Office after 9 P.M. evenings call Audrey Moore 668-4088 or Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 yard. Attroctive red brick exterior and tastefully decor- ated interior. Built in china cabinet and planter in dining area. Large kitchen with lots of cupboards and eating orea. Panelled recreation rom in besement. School just a couple of blocks away. Ask- ing $12,300. and with sub- stontiol down payment car- ries for $82. per month in- cluding taxes. $8,500, FULL PRICE -- 4 room bungalow with 4 pc. both and full basement on o 35 ft. lot. Taxes only $129. There is a lot of inexpensive living in this home ond ven- dor will take $1,000, down poyment and carry the bal- ence on one open mortgage. EXCELLENT FINANCING -- on this 5 year old brick bungalow with finished re- creation room in Whitby. 6 spacious rooms all in imma- culate condition and taste- fully decorated. Lot is fenc- ed and nicely landscaped. to schools. Full price pc. bath with vanity. Home onrctae de- corated. Be sure to inspect, Ask for Mr. Rov" Yeo ot 728- 5123 of 725-2217, NO WHERE ELSE Con your purchase a 3 bed- toom brick. bungalow, living room with broadioom, Bi num storms and landscaped, for $11, 500. 0 with $1300.00 down payment Carries for $107.00 monthly including taxes. Situated in north west Whitby. Hurry for this one. Ask for Mr. Ed pum at 728-5123 or 725- GUIDE REALTY JOSEPH BOSCO LIMITED REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. $ 728-7377 REALTORS ED DISNEY 723-1121 George Blyleven REALTOR 723-2333 REALTOR Phone 623-5300 138 ACRE FARM with good 2¥% storey brick Mople Grove 4 bedroom Family home, hotwater heat- ed on % acre of land, Priced house, two barns, drive shed ond hen house with well pre- served 150 year old log cabin, at $10,500, Terms. Bowmanville --- Bokery busi- valuable river fronrane with spruce timber. A haven for mess. Full line of bakery equipment and store fixtures, wild life. Excellent trout fishing. Owner has to sell because of SIX ROOM FRAME HOUSE health reason. Give us an outside of city only offer, Close to Oshawa 3 suite $5,000 Call opartment building. Over $200. veri income, Agsk- JOHN SANDY 725-8010 ing price $16,200. Terms. 3 Bedroom bungalow on 10 Brande and na iden ways ne Foor apartments. Full es = S723 San tle od out BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Every Evening LOOK HERE $1000. DOWN 4 bedroom brick home with attached store, hot water with oil heat- ing, garage, close to school and bus, excellent location in Oshawa, Asking $14,900. KEITH PETERS REALTOR __ 728-7328 or 725-4162 CHOICE building 'ot | In East Whitby. 100 feet x 214 feet, water proneule. $2,200 or nearest offer. Cash or terms. 723-7701, V.LA. Priced at $15,800. NEWCASTLE twotamily nome. mregern kitchens and two ba' two minutes from 401, Aski two-bedroom) $1,000 with $2,000 dawn. Meal Estate Broker. 728-4285, 2" fo) DeLuxe aabearcon brick bunge. attached garage, imag north-eas® Two ocres of land, Suitable for three-bed: Ri men on site. Follow void Murray pe Boy the our Realtor, 728-7377. Close $13,500, APPLE HILL -- Move right into this 5Y%2 room brick with carport and paved driveway, Recreation room, shower doors, colored bathroom fixtures, fenced yord, T.V. Tower, stone plant- er in front and storage lock- $13,900, -- NEW BRI tee Kes ae RICK spi bun- gal salesmen on every | schools jevening until dark. Follow Park Road South to Phillip saree. Svenve and our ine office. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728- pereray is Rossland Wer ae sh insportation, 'elephane 725-5135. Nhe aad dngy ga spilt-level with cat. located In north-east end, bullt-in stove and oven, plus decorating | Call §. DB. Hyman Real Estate 728-6286. BEAUTIFUL ravine lot, six-room solid brick bungalow. Four years eo Patio. 6 per cent NHA mortgage, $2,000 down Phone 723-9017. PRIVATE SALE, choice split-level, three bathrooms, family room, den, fireplace. Beautifully landscaped with creek. Sub- stantial down payment, No Satu calls, 728-3893. THREE split-level home, stone fireplace and chimney, large lot, close fo separate and Dutch irday payor northwest section. Telephone! (Continued on Page 16) ers in corport are but a few of the extros included, Owner has moved out and is on- xious to sell. We have the key, call us tonight. DON'T FORGET -- Open rouse f this gerh-end ot 749 bungalow with electric heat and finished recreation room, Come up and toke @ look for yourself, VARCOES RD. ----- 4 room bungalow on a large lot 60 x 660 ft. with good well. Aluminum storms and screens ond finished roam in_base- ment. Full price $8,900. For full particulars call 723-1121 After 5 p.m, call Roy Flintoff . 725-3454 Lloyd Corson .. 723-2537 John Hutchuk .. 723-9266 Leon Menitius .. 725-8068 Ernest Mueller .. 728-0208 Siblock . 725-4362 Richard Young .. 723-7183 Edith Gifford .., 728-0768 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 Steve Englert ... 728-5581 Jean Peacock .. 725-4330 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simeoe St. S. OPEN HOUSE COMING EVENTS BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MAY 23 7:30 P.M, 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Net Admitted Monday, BINGO 8;00. P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL FREE - ADMISSION - FREE 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL -- $120 in 56 Nos, $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT -- $100 in 53 Nos, $20 Con SHARE THE WEALTH EXTRA BUS SERVICE NO CHILDREN, PLEASE EAST COAST EASTVIEW PARK WORLD'S. FAIR. TOUR ASSOC. MEETING to be held' TUESDAY, MAY 26th 8 P.M. This meeting is of importance as there will be a discussion of a. new clubhouse and election of officers. Mem- bership drive underway. OPENING DAY. JUNE 13th, 1964 16 Days July 25th to August 9th $205.00 Hotel, Sightseeing tours arranged Phone or Write Port Hope 885-2527 Rowe Travel Agency BINGO TUESDAY, MAY 26th 7:30 P.M. 20 regular games $8 and $10 Share The Wealth $150 Jackpot 52 Nos, $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith GOOD PARKING We still have completely finished homes available for immediate possession, NORTHRIDGES. FREE ADMISSION FREE KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK Washington Tour 5 Days June 26 to 30th No Night Travel $59.00 Travel deluxe air conditioned motor coach, Hotel, sightseeing tours, boat cruises arranged. Full Card (Sommerville at Orchard View Two Storeys Tri-Levels Split Levels Bungalows Three, Four and Five Bedroom homes | ALL HOMES QUALIFY |FOR $500 WINTER BONUS| | SAVING Homes Open for | Inspection Daily 2 to 4:30 P.M. i] | | | | | | | | 723-3240 728-1679 728-8254 723-3770 Phyl, Jubb .... Joe Crawford .., Charles Smith ,. Loreen Kellett .. ACCOMMODATION AND MEALS DENTAL CARE 30 DAYS' LEAVE A YEAR GOOD PAY ($235 A MONTH FOR A CADET) TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE IN LEADERSHIP IN SEPTEMBER OF THIS YEAR. CLOSE JULY 1. Telephone 927-5191 James O'Malley Const. Ltd. 723-7122 New Homes @ Additions @ Renovations Just completed, modern, 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW --east end location. $14,500.00 - Down $1,875.00 * [PRIVATE SALE: 3- bedroom brick 723-7335 723-3788 Sid Goodfellow . John Kitchen ... H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 bun- galow, walk-out basement, For informa- ton call 725-7583. $150 dochpet, -- $20 each line plus 0 5 -- $30 Games: 2 --. $250 Jackpots 20 -- $20 Jackpots JACKPOT NOS, 53, 50 EARLY BIRD GAMES -- EXTRA BUSES -- 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, MAY 25th Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize 2---$250 Jackpot Nos. 52 and 56 1-- $150 JACKPOT MUST GO Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES AT $20 --5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS, OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE ADMISSION $1,00-~ EXTRA BUSES Telephone Now RED BARN __ nortH OsHAWA 723-3492 NOTICE TO ALL GRADUATE NURSES The Ontario County Chapter of the Registered Nurses' Associatior GENERAL MEETING Place:- HIGH SCHOOL, UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO Date:- MAY 25TH, 1964 Time:- 8 P.M, FORMAT:.- Report of Annual Meeting By: MISS ANNE GRIBBEN, President District 5 MISS LAURA BARR, Executive Secretary R.N.A.O. FOR TRANSPORTATION PHONE MRS, BROWN -- 725-7600 All Graduate Nurses Are Invited to Attend Phone Port Hope 885-2527 Rowe Travel Agency MeLAUGHLIN CVI Music Nite, Band Concert Saturday, May 9, at 8 o'clock, in the vditorium, $1 adults: 50¢ Students. CLASSIFIED ADS May be small, but they are gionts, powerful too, when it comes to getting things done. Let one of them sell your no lenger needed household items. See for yourself.

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