Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 May 1964, p. 13

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) | The Christian's Responsibility ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON -- ny ares suncor | Pearson Film (forty sev' 'ntsre*ans|__T™t OMAWA TMH Semner_ Mey 2_1064_13 'film festivals in order to vindi- Return Sought "ne'sin"waicn incusss | FREE METHODIST CHURCH f tremely candid shots of Mr. TORONTO (CP)---Inter Video oti i hi Erie St., off Simeoe S$. Minister: Rev. W. A. beng timiited whose tim Pearson in action during a cas wee Pe E; ; 'hen a tical day in October, was de Phone: on Prime Minister Pearson has) scriheq as technically and intel- been rejected by the CBC,'said)jmeiyally faulty by CBC execu-! 10:00 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL Friday its lawyers have given|tives. AGES. : binhie 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP to return the film. V4: .M.-- Film director Richard Ballen.| PROVE SITE THERE tine said that although he has) HAYHS, England (OP)--Four|| 7:00 P.M--THE FAMILY GOSPEL asked for the film it has notlyears of digging by archeolo- been returmed. The film was de-|gists have proven beyond doubt WED.--8 P.M. PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY livered as requested to the CBC'that a Bronze Age settlement A Warm Welcome Aweits You on completion, Mr. Ballentine existed here in Kent. The finds : ' wa said, but according to th eagree-|include pottery, flint flakes, pot)" A : = : - = = -- ment signed with ag conpora-|boilers and a hammer stone. The parable of ms Jesus tells us to obey our govern- Paul lays down the basic truths of Péter says through suffering our lives jtion, Inter Video still has rights/They have been dated to the eat: cd "g ne ml on ments, whether they be good or bad, government: Rulers should rise for are purified and we are brought closer |'0 the production. -- : late Bronze Age, about 1000-500 GR ACE | HARMONY élécting the right men to high publie for they, like us, are answerable to the good of all and punish evildoers to Christ--I Peter 4:12-16, | Mr. Ballentine said he intends'BC. citiets Judges 9:7-15. God.--Luke 20:19-26, without favor--Romans 13:17. © | GOLDEN TEXT: Luke 20:25. | Se en ERT LUTH ER AN | UNITED CHURCH | ' : Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A, 8.0,, BIBLE LESSON | plete. Instead of involving Jesus) Consequently, man's duty to| WIN CONTRACT CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH sank: hile i, salsa ole | ev. [ices jin a predicament, as they had/his government harks back to) 'Rrusse_s (AP) -- Italian ANGLICo Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister {|| Rome, Matcait ARE T. ACCM, esigy His response, involving Christ's own words: "Render to) Vier Edwerd: Nelenr, | Aasistent Nang ; 'oe.\finms have. been awarded a MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS | 2 _ é two great truths, rebuked the| Caesar the things that are Cae dicton: tees 8 Clavenpons PHONE 125-5795 ' f a ! ' interrogators. sar's, and unto God, the things $15,000,000 contract to prepare AAT Tha hen). B. Osterreae Pherk PALOTSS | State Guidance Nevertheless, when the Jews/that are God's." plans for a 125<mile trans- seston' CHURCH OFFICE TEL, 728-8251 SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL brought Jesus before Pilate, {n Peter's lettér to Christian'Cameroon railroad to be partly! ' 11:00 A.M. cs j | they. accused Him of "pervert: pelievers he tells us not to be/financed by the European De- TRINITY SUNDAY 9:45 A.M. ti Given By Jesus ing the nation and forbidding to amazed at experiencing trials|velopment Fund, informed --HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY SCHOOL pe ee jgive tribute to Caesar"--an ac- for our faith. Rather, we should!sources report. The EDF oper- ; \. & 11:00 A.M.---CHURCH SCHOOLS : 11:00 A.M. By R. H. RAMSEY Matthew. Mark and Tuke|Cusation clearly contradicted by rejoice in them for thus we par-!ates mainly in former French ; ; MORNING PRAYER MORNING WORSHIP It is interesting to note how record the Holy Week episode His. own words earlier in the take in Christ's sufferings and African nations associated with perpen ane i eget Seca 11:00 A.M. the Bible offers us guidance for of Christ's reply to the question |Week. ae, our lives are purified. the European Common Market. 7:00 P.M.-EVENING PRAYER DIVINE WORSHIP A Hearty Welcome: Te: All every major area of life, every of paying tribute to a disliked) 4" the paragraphs from Ro-| |, tion brings Christi) Sermon -- The Rector basic relationship involving hu- government. However, we are nasie: truths regarding man's Near to us, helping us to realize Golden Text: "And he said rience, even .t concerned with the para-/D&SIc ths g : j ag ae ' te Fess hes sta! Reba OE ORB REASONS SN ema Taine taluk ie oe See Bian relationship to the government hat the humblest sufferers for unto them, Render therefore ! ers Feeney gee ETT lis name areas truly sharers unto Caesar the things. which ; | Albert Street United Church Though fis Bible haa uth The annual tax sae ha ua Rulers are to rule for the good in the giff of the Holy Spirit 4S\ he Caesar's, and unto God the ST GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH b te say Wout xoed and bad gove\ et te Romans eoerae efit a 'This is ordained by God)were the greatest Of prophets: | which be God's.""--Luke ® | (Albert St. ond Olive Ave.) sey : ' B°Vr'from the Jews was the chief/anq is the general principle un- 8nd as He was not of this world) "ings ' BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. REV ALBERT . ernments it never condemns <ion of their subjugation to the! aeuy 8 past agg PP RETA are we not of it 20:25 LBERT E. LARKE, Minister - Supply - REV. 8. J, HILLIER the state, but always upholds it/poman yoke and formed the derlying government itself, per semcnie hi The Reverend Canon F. G. Ongley, M.A,--Rector || Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. C. A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.--R.M.T. : phad lle ' Human government is a di- _ as a necessary institution. most burning issue of the day.|yine institution. The form in The Reverend R. G. Brooks Assistant 11:00 A.M Our lesson begins with a par- sang te : j able diveshe Fay feeiraacs It was inevitable, therefore, that] which it exists and the persons ROSSLAND FREE METHODIST CHURCH A wien Jesus would be asked His Opin-| who exercise its functions, are SUNDAY, MAY 24th rahi sais MORNING WORSHIP of making a correct decision ion of the practice. \determined by His providence 1042 Rossland Rd, W Pastor, Kenneth E. Goodberry, B.S.B.D. when we ate given an oppor- f the question . 7 : ge SERVICES gh tunity t0 elect men to high, gov: The framing of the q This is God's arrangement of East of Garrard 723-7760 4 Guest Minister -- Rev. E. D. Boker : vas a deliberate attempt on the| ity Bo ee TG Ee SON Sa ete a aah : : : ernmental offices. It concerns bbe of the priests to trap Jeet ened ore 9:45 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. Missionary from, Korea the selfish and cruel Abimelech, se a or! JT FAV' itt Alaa be shee ie ; son 'of Gideon, who, through." 2 tage oo oe al Rulers should punish evil : es Nursery Facilities available at the 11:00 @.m. Service | Little children cared for in the nursery conspiracy and the murder of sina eS acemied "'|doers without favor. Govern] }1:00 AM --MORNING WORSHIP Thursday, May 28th -- Holy Communion -- 10.00 a.m Sunday School sessions ot 9:45 and 10:45 AM. his brothers was appointed king gy Doin perceived. their crafti-;ment is for the administration Hike A of Shechem. ness and His answer left them | justice; it condemns. itself ; Jotham, his youngest brother, ( sibility of a reply. He|When it descends \to injustice - : : ' . wae ing a ho ty nace same men| 09 9.---WONEONY Pach ETN ST, PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH|| CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH j »h' s ' t -ontrol ickedaness y pans told of Abimelech's appoint: aiice a Roman coin and, noting|'® contr bar ness by ated | 8:00 P.M.--FRIDAY--FREE METHODIST YOUTH : ; Corner King and Centre St ment told the parable of the Caesar's likeness upon. it ad-|of laws and penalties directec } Corner of Cedar and Thomas Streets REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE INISTER j ' se J . i} 5 + Cries . ' --M trees and the thorn. Jotham in-|- 304 them to. render unto Cae-|against evil deeds. : é . Directions: Simcoe Street South to Thomos Street and west on MER. R. Kallineten, Oraentat Choire terprets the parable, saying, if) <4) such material things as be Thomas to Cedar Lo 11:00 A.M. ttdoesk TRINITY SUNDAY er tech "eines then thes longed to him. but to withhole} wireow agay PENTECOSTAL CHURCH || tac EMA bieLe Bis = 4 Bea 9:00 A.M.--FAMILY EUCHARIST BY WHAT AUTHORITY!" should rejoice. |rightfully His | 320 Ritson Road South Postor -- Rey. N. Siblock i : SUNDAY. Paul lays down some EVENING SERVICE But if they have made an evil] * choice, then '~>~"dy would cer-|PERFECT ANSWER suse -_ tainly befall them. -- @W' The answer was perfect, com- 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL _ 5:30 to 6:00 P.M . 11:00 A.M.--CHORAL EUCHARIST Core provided for small children during service CKLB -- DIAL 1350 7:00 P.M.-"EVENSONG" 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL ' | ; ii - : Re nA eT : EVERY! Ww ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH H 11:00 A.M. DR. MICHELSON Church School -and Nursery facilities ot 11:00 A.M } Plenty of bib oc Cane a Chink Temporary Ploce of Worship: DR. S. J, PHILLIPS SCHOOL A Jew Preaching Christ UNITED (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts.) : ; a" =RCY" SPIRITUALIST : ) < nC rvaione nw cilanneanee aig chee 7:15 P.M.~""NO MERCY CHURCH OF ONTARIO || GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST || HARMONY ROAD SUNDAY, MAY 24 UKRAINIAN SERVICES: (Oshawa Branch) nih' tela kis BAPTIST CHURCH ences 8: ) SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH : A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP Sunday -- 10 a.m. & 6 p.m ! Se ee ae The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. 32 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE eee tae ee SUNDAY, MAY 24th Bids Ai Vir---Sanaey. S00) Pan i MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. Rev. Habermeh! Officiating irector sie: Mr Seen DENOMINATIONAL BROADCAST: BACK TO GOD HOUR H AERTS (EAOH SUNDAY CKLB 9:15 P.M.) H "THE FULL GOSPEL---~BELIEVED---PREACHED" SERVICES 11;00 A.M 2:30 P.M. AND 7 P.M MORNING 11:00 A.M 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL | " - Er LINE os IE AL Miter WORSHIP MORNING WORSHIP 17:00 A.M, BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH || 'sve Peeve meio be Wak Noel Une "THE URGENT GOSPEL" h B h ge WwW ' Id 4 ith REV. G. A. CARROLL, Pastor Mrs. E. Ferguson, Oshawa EVENING SERVICE Cotna aadidein Ue in The Ministery will Preach ; é€ al a I or al ll Mr. R. Smerage, Director of Musie Mr. G. Bateman, Sor eee Enquiries: A. C. Ethier 728-7242 ALL ARE WELCOME Worship Today SUNDAY SCHOOL Res. 728-2426 Church 728-2 ' J 9:45 AM, -- Youth Deportment The Baha'i World Faith offers a spiritual |] -------------- -- ------_--_------$--$ | Young Adult Bible" Class --Pastor's Theme -- 11:00 A.M. -- Children's Department renaissance for all mankind and hastens the ; ten "THE MIDDLE EAST IN PHOPHECY" FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Baby Care maturing process of humanity. For its ad- } bees cia Sy Manca acd } HORTOP AT GLENWOOD herents the 'one world' concept is not new. Flug the Orchestre REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A., For further information write: | 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL é MISS JUDITH DAVISON, Boe. Mus. King St. United Church OSHAWA BAHA'i COMMUNITY | 11:00 A.M.--GIDEON SERVICE | 11:00 AM. "THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY" 129 KING STREET EAST S - BS k Mr steve Zurba REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minist BRGRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph, 725-7579 tid . - 7:00 P.M. SERVICE OF PRAISE WITH THE CHOIR OF Mr. Ernest Fellows Student' Assistant Plus a membership reception service TO SERVE GOD! CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Orgonist P) Tues; 7:30--C.A 9:45 The Bible School ' Youth Department Boby Creche, Nursery CHRISTIAN SCIENCE |] ww. Sai pov ie et aire" Sum, rk AURCH 44. COLBORNN ST. EAST Thurs., 6:45----Busy Bee Bible Club Nursery ond Jr, Church ot @m 11:00 AM. FIRST CHURCH -- . Ss zs _op: | : Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ '°~'sr 10:15 A.M.--OPEN AIR 11:00 A.M. in Boston, Massachusetts. } ---- ae 11:00 A.M "THE TRINITY OF EXPERIENCE" OO AM SIMGQE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH|| ooo pu Catvary Baptist Mr, East Flow : , T "SOUL AND BODY" 45 Simcoe St. S. Pastor: REV, R, A. BOMBAY SUNDAY SCHOOL CENTRE ond JOHN STREETS fiir Ghats "A Hapey Sone (Williams) " BA zi 615 PM OPEN AIR Affiliated with the akialrtg 9 sonal ent Baptist Churches Anthem "The Lord's my Shepherd' (orr. Hampshire) Wed. Service (includes lestimonies) 8 P.M SIMCOE SOUTH ir A aoee oe Reading Room Hours, Tues, 1:00-4:00 P.M SUNDAY PASTOR: ROBERT 9:50 P.M. Friendly Chat over CKLB by Rev. H. A. Mellow. Excepting Holidays 7:00 P.M Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You 10:00 A.M,--BIBLE CLASSES for all Ages SALVATION MEETING : f or ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday e mn THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH 2:30 P.M. TUES. -- 11:00 A.M HOME LEAGUE MORNING WORSHIP 8:00 P.M.--WEDNESDAY Vf 4 a4 ia a a || ee sbtesTupw a peaven || mantel HIME See weeeti--|| NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH EVENING SERVICE 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) 4 INDIAN SUPPER 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW B.A, SAT. MAY 23, 4-6 P.M. , DEACONESS--MISS SHIRLEY M. McKEE TUES. YOUNG PEOPLE 7:30 P.M Tieckels: 75c 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE ORGANIST -- MR. J.,R. ROBERTSON A.R.C.T. STU: BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO 9:45 AM Sunday School WED. PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY 7.30 P.M, Sponsored by the 2 R V.V. ; 30 A.M.--Prirhary, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior cai vy RAINBOW GRouP Speaker at both services -- Rev. V. Veary, 11:00 A.M.--Primary - Kindergarten and beginners 1 | 00 " M ALL ARE INVITED SALVATION ARMY CITADEL of the Sudan United Mission :00 A.M.--Baby Sitter Service (children up to 3 years) f . ' 3 : Wednesdoy, 7:45 P.M. -- Bible Study and Prayer Rey. arid Mrs. Vernon Hurlbert 1] :00 A.M. " __ "AN OPEN DOOR" raion Soturdey, 8:00PM. -- Proyer Meeting "WHERE ARE YOU. GOING' The Pastor reports from the Annuel Counci! held et KING ST. PEN TECOS TAL CHURCH : Sab Ravection 6? Mernuete Columbus, Ohio. AT THE ARMY" ne RSP aw Ca ': wes 611 KING ST. W EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Baby Sitter Service by the Come Double Club 7:00 P.M.--'THE FOURFOLD CHRIST' | Office 728-537) E. Howard Kerr, 'Pastor i pies phd ame et aaa 3:00 P.M.---Sacrament of Baptism (in the Chapel) Notes from @ messope by Dr. Sidiew Baxter, Council Speaker | () --------_______ ican as se ha ee je OR weniek 7:00 P.M.--NO EVENING SERVICE UNTIL 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL A Tih 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE , FALL 2 (Interesting classes for all ages) ' . REV, E. WINTER -- BOTH SERVICES 9:50 P.M, -- FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB REV, H, MELLOW 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP ---------- a a a aR a YM Dr. Michelson } GUEST SPEAKER --- MISS SHARON KRAUSE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA St. Andrew's United Church 4 % Recer graduate Evangel Class, E.P.B Noted Hebrew Christian Minister of ' t ici \. pane "Hauren Christian. Hou! B re Nuer hir hours vols wcelas KNOX a LUKE'S ' aT PAUL'S SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS SPEAKS SUNDAY, MAY. 24th J | ee KING ST. E. & WILSON Organist and Choirmaster; MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. e J (Four plocks from King) Rossland Rd. W. et Nipigon Rev. D, A. P. Allen, M.A., T.C.D 2 Churches -- 2 Times 4 7:00 -P.M. Minister Rey. G. W. C. Brett, B.A Minister, 454 Bader Ave 728-6122 Minieres 445 Beverley -- 728-6014 11:00 A.M m4 . REV. D. R, SINCLAIR, B.A. ne sie . IVA, 11:00 A.M. --- OSHAWA GREA if EVANGELISTIC RALLY Mr. Matte Gautaire, A.L.C.M " Gren Cy caus ' PENTECOSTAL CHURCH f ite " Pah m, st * 492 Masson Street -- 728-9178 ssiehee \ ; NIN in Oshawa, 320 Ritson Rood fg versal Prtsael te oie pre ee ee 9:30 AM | MOR G WORSHIP ' INIS I ' NDS OF JESUS" .45 A.M.--Thes Church School ane SUNDAY. SCHOOL "1S JESUS THE JEWISH MESSIAH?" an ponileeop 9:30 AM, SUNDAY 8 | BaP oy : Church School JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS 2:45 P.M. -- WHITBY PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Featuring your favorite songs 11:00 A.M. ; ae | The Rev. Stanley L. Osborne, B.A., D.D., Mus. D. Th.D, Mii het ert eine | i ede rn an | nome Yeon} i THE JEWS AND PALESTINE THE KING'S THREE ' CHURCH PARADE OF 'THE Saithon : iby Oe Ge SS AN 25th OSHAWA BOY SCOUTS |} CHRISTIAN. JOY" "THE ADVANTAGE OF ADVERSITY" | 126 Nice ; and CUBS | (Nursery esre provided) Tune in'CKLB Dial 1350 vehiae , : 7:00 P.M Be dssurad ot a werrn welcome! 4 ie 9:50 A.M enior, Intermediaie and Junior Sunday School Sundays, 8:00 A.M | sda ganic Come 'ond wership with us All Cordiatty invited, YOUNG PEOPLE'S | 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Beginners and Primary Sunday School WEDNESDAY 8 P.M.--MID-WEEK FELLOWSHIP IN. THE sHT OF PROP

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