RENN LL. LRT I TTT TIO LIT NO NTE erst A Sectetarenonap tee CHIVES AND LEMON JUICE ADD ZING ! Seasonable Asparagus Served Hot or Cold Brings Spring and Vitamins to the Table It's spring, spring, spring and every day we're seeing more and more asparagus on the pro- duce counter. When shopping for asparagus remember the stalks should be fresh, tender and firm with close compact tips. A tender stalk is brittle and easily punc- tured. Look for a deep green or bluish-green color in the tips. The small amount of white at the base helps preserve mois- ture in the green part. There are lots of delightful ways to cook fresh asparagus. Try these recipes for variety. TO COOK ASPARAGUS 2 to 2% kbs. fresh asparagus 1 teaspoon salt 1 inch boiling water | Wash asparagus. Break off| stalk as far down as it snaps easily. Remove scales with knife and wash again to remove), sand. Place in a saucepan with salt and 1-inch boiling water. Bring to boiling point and cook five minutes without cover. Cover and cook 15 minutes or Caper Butter Sauce: Place 2| tablespoons capers, 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice and % cup (1 stick) butter or margarine in a sauce-pan. Heat until but- ter or margarine has melted. Yield: 4% cup. | Black Butter Sauce: Heat % cup (% stick) butter or mar- garine in a small saucepan until frothy and brown. Stir in 1 ANN LANDERS Dear Ant Landers: Six months ago I married a West Point graduate who has made the army his career. This is a second marriage for us both. His two sons by his first wife do not speak to him, and I am afrai4 he is building an equally poor relationship with my son. Leslie is 12, a fine student, good athlete and gets along well with people, He adored his father who died three years ago ,but he has accepted my second husband beautifully. When asked Leslie how he felt about my remarrying he replied "You need a husband and I will do my best to like him." I thought this was very good for a 12 year-old. ot My husband insists that Leslie} say 'No, sir" and 'Yes, sir." Every Friday he inspects the boy' closet, drawers and cloth- ing, and gives him demerits if everything isn't perfect. He also gives demerits for poor pos-) ture. I know discipline is important but my husband is so stern with the boy I'm afraid there will be no affection--only fear. Please comment----M.D.G. : Dear M.D.G.: Discipline is i is cri | important, but it must be bal- 8 is crisp-| 1 ee ee ant a anced with justice and love. A tender. Remove from heat and| ' drain. Cool and chill. Serve on|cold, commanding ye rs' lettuce with one of the follow-|8et Perfection but untess | ie ing dressings. Yield: 6 servings.| &'V°S warmth as well as M ise: Thi is son will hate him. Appar: | Parmesan rp haar eng Aer ently your husband didn't learn ao aie aed fold ' _ much srote his earlier failures ; "las a father. third cup grated Parmesan : t out the cheese and % teaspoon paprika. Suggest that he cu Yield: 1-1/3 cups. How Long Will Step-Son Spring to "Ten-Shun'? slip of paper from his pocket nd proceeded to ask me some questions. Here they are: dix out? dition? ing debts? saved? degree was all about. He said his first wife clipped him for an appe' fi dentistry, and $250 in back bills for the first year they were married. He doesn't want to get mixed up in anything like that again. man who would ask such ques- tions?--Floored don't need a goof like this for a husband. Tell him to run an ad. active member of a very fine organization. women who wish to be identi- fied as "hard - working mem- bers" when they do nothing but pay dues. not attend more than two or three meetings a year. They re fuse to serve on committees. Is this fair? What can be done to remedy Faithful ganization has t members and hard - working |*No, sir" and "yes, sir" before|wheel horses. They are few in a tasticall 2 es re 008 72 A, "~ gmt pet a number, noble in spirit and fan-| energetic, And there are the other] 97 mer cent. They are joiners | and not doers. So accept the} fact and use their dues to ad- vance the good work of the or- ganization. 1, Have you had your appen- 2. Are your teeth in good con- 3. Do you have any outstand- 4. Do you have any «money I asked him what the third ni $500 worth of What do you think about a Dear Floored: I think you Dear Ann Landers: I'm an I can name. 30 Some of these individuals do Dingman-Read Rites Solemnized A quiet wedding was solem- nized in the chapel of King Street United Church on Friday evening, May 15, when Gwen- dolyn Gales Read, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gales of Oshawa, became the bride of Dingman of Port Perry. The Reverend L. W. Herbert offi- ciated. The bride wore a honey beige silk boucle ensemble with white veiled hat and accessories, Her corsage was red carnations. She was attended by Mrs. Ross Twining, the bridegroom's sis- ter, who wore a powder blue ensemble with matching hat and white accessories. Her corsage was of blue tipped white carna- tions. Mr. Gary E. Gales, brother of the bride, was best man and the guests were ushered by Mr. Walter S. Gales and Mr. Ross C. Twining. | Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Connaught street, after which the couple left on a motor trip to West Virginia. | the situation? -- Old Dear Old Faithful: Every or- it's dedicated Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hay Fever 728-5156 Back Pains 100 King St. E. \the boy gets an ul-sir. He needs agen cemrpete amgee ect ah D> MEN'S « BOYS' WEAR TOWN OSHAWA 6 SIMCOE ST. N._ MUST VACATE!!! DOORS OPEN TIL 9 P.M. TONIGHT DOWN FURTHER REDUCTIONS-EVEN GREATER SELECTION MEN'S FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS FINAL CLEARANCE MEN'S Windbreakers FINAL CLEARANCE FINAL CLEARANCE 3.88 BOYS' CAR COATS FINAL CLEARANCE 6.00 Some with hoods. Reg. to 19.95. SPORT and KNIT BOYS' SHIRTS FINAL CLEARANCE MEN'S LINED Hunting Pants FINAL CLEARANCE 3.88 REG. TO 9.95 Add |finely chopped dill and % tea-| tablespoon fresh lemon juice, 1] pickle Mayonnaise: tablespoon chopped fresh pars-|teaspoons each, tomato catsup, | ley and % teaspoon salt. Serve | chopped parsley and 1 table.| over hot cooked asparagus.|-o9n minced sweet cucumber| Yield: %4 cup. jpickle to 1 cup mayonnaise. | Pte 2g Melt Ring! (4\ Yield: Approximately 1 cup. stick) butter or margarine in a | Mustard Mayonnaise: Blend epopeball: | ANA. 7 tapléspoons |, teaspoon powdered mustard) |with 1 teaspoon water and let ak Gee tor a. ana stand 10 minutes to develop fla-| | vor. Fold into 1 cup mayonnaise} ASPARAGUS SALADS along with 1 tablespoon minced lbs. fresh asparagus pimiento, one-sixteenth teaspoon teaspoon salt + ground black pepper and % tea-) inch boiling water spoon paprika, Yield: Approx- Wash fresh asparagus. Break|imately 1° cup. | off stalk as far down as it snaps) Caper Mayonnaise: Add 2 tea-| easily. Remove scale with ajspoons each capers, 'chopped 2 1 until asparagus is crisp-tender. Remove from heat and drain if} necessary. Serve with one of the following sauces. Yield: 6 servings. Chive Mayonnaise: Blend 2 tablespoons chopped chives and 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice into 1 cup mayonnaise. Serve over hot cooked asparagus or on Fresh Asparagus Salad.) |sucepan knife again to remove sand.|parsiey, chives and 1 teaspoon Place asparagus in ajcider vinegar to 1 cup mayon- with -inch boiling) naise. Yield: 1 cup. water. Bring to boiling .point) » y | : : egg Mayonnaise. Chop 1 his wr : ce without /hard-cooked egg and fold into rere Sore a ee ape cup mayonnaise along with 2 UNITS, GROUPS |teaspoons chopped pimiento and/ 2\some outside help in under) standing his role as a father. Dear Ann Landers: I've been going with a man for several months. We are not children. I DRAPES FREE ESTIMATES am 29 and Donald is 34. He was) BROADLOOM married once but it didn't work| | "DECORATING IDEAS" ut. Last night for the first time| Donald talked to me seriously) about marriage. Hé pulled al HOWARD'S 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare SLIP COVERS BY DRAPERIES 725-3144 MR, BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 Why every 1 teaspoon chili sauce. Yield: AUXILIARIES Yield: 1° cup. | Mustard Butter: Blend 2 tablespoons prepared mustard into % cup (1 stick) butter or margarine. Serve over hot cooked asparagus. Yield: % cup. LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES | The regular meeting of Sun-| beam Chapter, Order of the) Eastern Star, was held in the) Masonic Temple with Sister Jean Scott presiding, assisted by Brother Frank Train. The meeting opened in usual form, and Sister Wilma Taylor introduced the following: Sister Meta Moore was given a very warm welcome as PDDGM, Sunbeam's own Past Officers in attendance were Sisters May Lang, Betty McKinstry, For The Finest Hair Styling and Cutting LAKE VISTA BEAUTY SALON and BARBER SHOP 1198 Wecker Drive PHONE 728-0422 JOSEPH LONGO -- Prop. |1% cups. eatin ciamiiiiel TOPS LOSIN' LASSIES | This week of May 18 to 23 fs National Weight Watchers/ Week across Canada. There were 18,000 lbs. lost through Tops Clubs in 1963. | TOPS Losin' Lassies have) been doing their very best to lose weight with the following records. Nelda Phannehour -- 51 Ibs. since joining Tops; Margret Staugger -- 28 lbs. since Jan. 283, '64; Marlyn Nash -- 46 lbs. 1 Customer Home Heating should have our in 18 weeks; Evelyn Wilt -- 30) bs. lost in 10 weeks; Marlyn} Lavender -- 23 lbs. in 12 weeks.} The Queen for the month of| April was Marlyn Nash with 1314) bs. lost and runners up were Evelyn Wilt with 13 lbs., Mar- |I gret Stauffer and Marlyn La-| vender with 9 Ibs. each. I The members have been work-| ing hard to reach their newll plateau and found it much eas-} ier to think of 10 lbs. to lose | e@ SPECIALLY PROCESSED Laura' Stewart, Meta Moore, Dorothy Haley, Flora Purdie, | Marriane Girrard, Nance Mc- Leese and Bert Wight, Broth- ers William Henderson and Frank Train. All were wel-| comed by the presiding offi- cers. Visitors were present from Markham, Whitby, Bow- manville, Kitchener. Sister Beerthuzien gave the] report on the sick and the Worthy Matron. wished all a speedy recovery. A donation} was made to the Cancer Fund.! Invitations were from Rainbow chapter, June 5;| and Ontario chapter, June 1./ accepted -- than 30. Winnie Brillinger conducted all picture contest where the girls brought pictures of when they | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1111 LITZ 2 Locations: For The Finest North American and European Style Meats and Pastries IN OUR OWN PLANT @ DOWNTOWN 12 SIMCOE ST, N. 728.5487 were younger and prizes were = given for the most identified. A. scrumptious dinner of chicken salad and diet dressing, cabbage salad and diet jello was served by Pauline Shaw, Lois Stuart and Marlyn Nash. Many Losin' Lassies are plan- ning to attend the convention ending National Weight Watch- in Toronto. APPROVE CONCERTS The world is still full of wonderful sounds. Make sure you hear them. We're not alarmists, Furnace Parts Replac- ement Plan! we simply think that all our customers should have compre- hensive protection from costly furnace MEN'S Men's Heavy Fleece Lined HALF HALF LUGGAGE price|| UNDERWEAR PRICE f BOYS' PANTS ""3'c *° If Men's First Quality Brand Name White BUY NOW! MEN'S SUIT SALE Ist GROUP Og A bargain rack, sizes 36 to 46. Only a Few Left! 24.88 42.88 2nd GROUP IVY LEAGUE AND CONTINENTAL TYPE Better quality suits at terrific Lotest colors and fabrics. Buy now 3.88 savings. Reg. to 49.95 ..... MEN'S PANTS "155° 3rd GROUP MEN'S WORK CLOTHING | Best quality suits. Special Final group of the finest styles. Reg. Price UP TO 1/3 OFF MEN'S BRAND NAME fa @ Values to 69.50 BOYS' SUITS BELTS 1/3 OFF BOYS' SPRING The perfect buy for spring and summer. Con- WINDBREAKERS '4 OFF tinental style suits with Dok pents, Sizes 8 to MEN'S AND BOYS' 18. Values to 21.95 14,88 BATHING SUITS NOW ONLY COTTON DRILL CHINO met % OFF SIZES 8 to 18. NOW REDUCED Final Price 2.88 DRESS SHIRTS OUT THE GO ] .88 AT ONLY MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Sizes 36 to 46, Values to 18.88 35.00 CLEARING AT BOYS' SPORT JACKETS All the latest colors. Sizes 8 te 16. Values to 14.95 OUT THEY GO 8.77 BOYS' OUTDOOR SHORTS Sizes 8-10-12, FROM FOR ONLY Sister Florence Moorfield, WINNIPEG (CP)--Jazz con- DDGM, was given an honorary certs have been approved for membership in Sunbeam Ohap-|Winnipeg's big Assiniboine Park ter this summer. If held, they will Sister Agnes Wallace gave|be in addition to traditional per- the farewell. Refreshments/formances by the Salvation were served by Sister Gladys|Army and the Winnipeg Concert Elliott and committee. Band. MEN'S POPLIN SPECIAL TOP COATS ""ci'5;"° 15.88 In Beige or Block repair bills, And when you can get this for only 13.95 per year, you can rest assured that you will enjoy care-free and worry-free heating comfort all season Lander-Stark Resid- FLANNEL & BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS 1/3 OFF DRILL AND CHINO 3000 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM! By The Yard At HARLEIG SUPPLIES (Oshawa Ltd.) Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3012 Ant boli often these days. Or you using one. They come in ferent styles. If you think you might you probably do. We are ayeraderaradaradarerarerarererayarararerarere ada ratere H ' batteries for trouble-free 422 SIMCOE NORTH THIS IS BETTER HEARING WEEK Robins are still singing. And children are still laughing, Maybe it only seems as if they do it less don" in more conversations than usual. If so, now is the time to get professional advice -- during Better Hearing Week. And with today's mod- ern hearing aids, no one need ever know you're and can give you -- if necessary --- a wide choice of modern hearing ails, Beltone Hearing Service long, Of course, as a service staff, find yourself saying "'Par- . for complete details all sizes, and even in dif- need professional advice, at your service any time, with the right 'kind of hearing. 43 KING STREET 728-0004 ential Customer you enjoy many more benefits: FREE Annual Oil Burner Over- haul and Tune-up; FREE 24-hour Emer- gency Service; the Best Quality Fuel Oil and guaranteed workmanship by our own e Phone us today -- 725-3581 -- and ask of our Furnace Parts Replacement Plan (or how you can be- come a Lander-Stark customer, too.) , WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 MEN'S BEST QUALITY Windbreakers '\"; °° 7.88 14.95 Boys' DRESS PANTS BUY NOW FOR SPRING 488 VALUES TO 6.95 BETTER QUALITY CONTINENTALS _MEN'S PANTS Sizes 28 to 40. Values to 14.95. NOW ONLY ENGELS MEN'S « BOYS' WEAR 16 SIMCOE ST. N. MEN'S PANTS 2.77 A Red-Hot Special for Work or Play MEN'S BRAND NAME SOX % PRICE UNDERWEAR and T-SHIRTS MEN'S BRAND 1/3 OFF NAME MEN'S TIES... 49° Reg. to 2.50 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA