Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1964, p. 8

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nae @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, Mey 21, 1964 i 'KATHY Today is a big day for Margaret Katherine, her first birthday. Kathy is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marven Dickson, Lawrence street, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan, all of Whitby. Mr. Archie Cowan, Toronto, is her great grand- father. --tIreland Studio "TODGES AND SOCIETIES KINGSWAY COUNCIL Kings way District Council, Canadian Order of Foresters, held their May mee' at the home of Brother Douglas Vice, Glenforest avenue, Oshawa, re- cently. The president, Sister Jean Devitt, was in the chair. Brother Leonard Barker re- ported on the District Council danée held in April in Bow- manville, Although the crowd was small it was a very good dance and a small profit was shown. Circulars were passed out for the "Deaf and Hard of Hearing" dance to be held at the Ainport, June 13, with all the proceeds going to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Associa- tion in Oshawa. Brother Barker reported that plans had been made for the June dinner meeting to be held at the Club 401, Oshawa, June made at the Canacle, Hamilton, was made by the spiritual Members were asked to ful- fil their obligations in assist- ing at the canteen at Hillsdale Manor. Information will be obtained regarding any possible assist- ance te group could give at Glen Manor. Possibilities of a scholarship to be granted to a pupil at the future new Catholic High School will be investigated. Mrs, Andrew Mowatt will con- vene at pot luck supper to be held Wednesday, May 27. RECEIVED VOTE Norwegian women received limitations, in 1907 and on the same basis as men in 1913. 7, at 7.00 p.m. and at this meet the right to vote, with certain |" -|ing the donation to Cerebral _| Palsy, in the form of a memor- ial to.Mr. and Mrs. Charles _| Ferguson will be made. It would 'lbe an open meeting and an in- *|vitation to all Foresters' and their wives or husbands had} been extended. | The Council was informed that} its invitation to host the East- ern Ontario Assembly next April) had been accepted. | The meeting closed with the| roll call' of Courts. Refresh- ments were served by Sister Bernice Vice hosting for her UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES LADIES' CIVITAN CLUB The regular meeting of the Oshawa Ladies' Civitan Club was held as a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Alan Harper. The minutes and the last ex- ecutive meeting minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Alan Harper. Mrs. Royce Wit- taker read the treasurer's re- port. A going-away gift was pre- sented to Mrs. Lioyd Gashin, who is moving out of town. A Chinese auction was held on a salad-maker to help the Sun- shine Fund. During the business meeting, lit was decided that the money |would be given to the Cana- \dian Cystic Fibrosis Founda- |tion, The Boys' Club of Osh- awa, The African Students' Council and the adopted Indian boy. The last meeting for the sum- mer will be held on May 25 at the Glenholme School for Re- tarded Children, Simcoe Street South, at which representatives for the Cystic Fibrosis, the Afri- can Students' Council, and the Boys' Club will be there to re- ceive cheques. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FARMERS MARKET OPEN EMERY ERIDAY FRUIT -- VEGETABLES FLOWERS -- PLANTS HONEY & FRESH EGGS = CENTRE husband Brother Doug. Vice. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA The Daughters of held their regular monthly jmeeting at St. Gregory's Audi- \torium recently. Mrs. \Forrestal, Regent, presided. |The meeting was opened with iprayer and the singing of the opening ode, A report regarding a retreat '(Why Brillo? MRS. DONNA RIDDELL, KITCHENER, ONTARIO SAYS "Because it gives me more value for my money!" THE BIG PINK SOAP PADS WITH EXTRAPADS | INTHE BOX!) oCLASSIC, Isabella, G. 73.4 HAPPINESS DIAMOND from BURNS BEAUTY | | Design by Bluebird For the finest in fashion and the utmost in quality. BLUEBIRD a toe tees Open A Budget Account Today As Little As 10% DOWN BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. WEST 723-7022 Toné-Craft FLAT FINISH Pli-Tone PLASTIC Exterior Gloss Finish Hos ex Perma-tone tra covering quality to beautify nest stp.. WWALKER'S NEXT STOP... SZ/BXK OBL * SUMMERTIME IS SPORTSWEAR TIME ... time to enjoy sun-filled fashions ... time to feel free and easy in cool separates and beachwear ! A 'Christina' styles "Helenca" fabric into a sleek sheath swimsuit. Black, flame and royal in sizes 32 to 36. 9.98 White terrycloth beach jacket. S. M. L, sizes. 3.98 Screen printed beach towel in 36" x 60" size by "Caldwell" 2.59 B Squall jacket of wind and water resist- ant nylon. Red, blue, black and yellow in sizes 8. M. L. a) Stretch slims tailored by "Gaytown" for e perfect fit. Black, navy, aqua and yellow in sizes 10 to 20. 8.98 C Cotton knit jacket-blouse in wide pastel striped shades with white, sizes S. M. L. 4.98 Fully lined skirt of linen in navy, brown or red. Sizes 14 - 20. 4.98 LOW q ) 4 ; and protect old and new surfaces, Weath- | cceseemardighe ietemmamnsmnidienteees er-tested for permanence and durability. ie Blister and peel resistant, Extra hard D i i I = and fost dry, stain and mildew resistant, A TRULY ANTI-MAGNETIC PAINT Reg. Colors Quart 3.00 Gallon 9.95 SALE 2.24 1,44 THAT DIRT WON'T CLING TO! Pli-Tone Plastic Flat Finish is truly anti-magnetic . . . dirt and grime will not cling to Pli-Tone surface bs s... walls and woodwork stoy fresher and cleaner, longer than ever before. Easy to apply ess dries in 30 minutes. No unplecsont odors. Easy wash-up in woter, Regular and decorator colors. CUSTOM COLORS TINTED FREE DURING SALE. ® SALE Quart 2.85 Gallon 9.05 2.29 6.99 OWE- 19 BOND WEST SUMMERTIME IS SEERSUCKER TIME «., and time for the easy-care assets of ARNEL* anger by: achieve the' crispest, coolest fashion ""h.19 7.28 10.938 Quart _. 3.15. Gallon 10.43 PAINT & VARNISH CO. LTD. OSHAWA PLI-TONE "X" LO-LUSTRE EXTERIOR PLASTIC FINISH 'The plastic finish that "breathes". Easy to use, { spreads evenly, gives maximum coverage, will not Z a g blister or crack. Dries fast, seals, waterproofs, Cextenion } in soap and water ; Paint anytime, even in: damp weather. Clean-up CFB A | SAL Colors 2.95 Gallon 9.75 SALE 2.36 7.83 : pit . D. Sleeveless shift with accents of red. Petite ' sizes 7 to 15 in black and white. E. Shirtwaist with contrasting belt. Petite sizes 7 to 15 in tan, black, pink or blue. F. Two piece dress of Arnel* Seersucker with plain trim. Misses sizes 9 to 17 in tan, blue, black and pink. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN DAILY 9:30 - 6, THURSDAY & FRIDAY: 9:30 - 9 723-4922 |

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