Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Moy 21, 1964 7 McMahon-Hawkins Rites Solemnized In Pickering St. Frances de Sales Roman|length, three-tiered overskirts, Catholic Charch, Pickering, was|'ound necklines and three-quar- the setting recently for the wed- ter sleeves, They were enhanced ding of Patricia Marie Hawkins|\"ith two tiny self rosettes at) gi % the fronts of the waists. a TY to Wilmer Cecil McMahon,/wore matching rosette head- Riverside, California, The bride -- ae g aco og Padres ter of Mr. and Mrs.| 4nd all carried cascades of pin hace ety Pickering,| 204 lilac carnations. The flower' mss *) girls, Miss Lillian MacVicar.and and her bridegroom is the son Miss Linda Duke wore pink of Mrs. George MecMahon,| dresses with matching hats and|/ Riverside, California, carried similar flowers. y The Reverend Arthur Mc-| The best man was Mr. Charles r ; Mahon officiated at the double-|Hoskinson. Rexdale, and the| THE CAMERA has caught tion, Barvinok Branch held left are Mr. and Mrs. Nich- Mr. and Mrs. John Dutchak, ring ceremony and the soloist|ushers were Mr: Ronald Bar-| some of the gay attire worn their annual spring frolic olas Semeniuk, co-convener, co-convener. Another co-con- was the bride's brother, Mr.| riage, Oshawa, Mr. Frank Watts} by some of the members and last Saturday evening in the Mr, and Mrs. Paul Plishka, vener not in the picture was Edwin Hawkins, Scarborough,|and Mr. Douglas Twiner, Mr.| their husbands, when the St. John's Parish Hall, Bloor convener, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Mrs. Joseph Maga. accompanied by Mrs, Veronica| Mark Hawkins was ring bearer.| Ukrainian Women's Associa- street east. Seen from the ter Grigorenko, president and --Oshawa Times Photo ye i sags 'by. her|pantect Hiail Benrboroagh, the Miss Loretta Nozdryn, Miss|Mrs. Borg Kapazynski, Mr. Given in marriage by her|Banquet Hall, Scarborough, the . s Se Th iss Lore' ryn, s s|Mrs, i ' father, the bride was wearing a|pride's mcther received wearing Spring Frolic Hawaiian eme Vera Gryszezuk, Mr. and Mrs.|and Mrs. John Jokot. The Prestige floor-length gown of peau de/, gold and-silver sheath of lame Frank Slywka, Mr. Paul Shody,|) Miss F.J . Felipchuk, Mr. and GINGER ALE soie appliqued with lace and/with lime green hat and silver "Y S hn' H all Miss Pat Dohonick, Mr. and|Mrs. F. Shalenko, Mr. and Mrs. pearls and featuring a full skirt| accessories with a lime green| LJTAWS VANCers 10 t. john s Mrs. William Levinsky, Mr. and|Walter Kinazuik, Mr. and Mrs. ai gathered with a self rose at thejand silver corsage of tinted Mrs. Richard Severn, Mr. and|Robert Myroon, Mr. Morley back waist and _ lily-point/roses. The bridegroom's mother] Palm trees, leis, gay but com-|Deegan, Mr. and Mrs. William|Mrs, Stanley Long, Mr. and|Parfeniuk and Mr. H. Chirin. sleeves. The neckline was edged|assisted, wearing a pale blue|fortable sheaths and shirts|Ottenbrite, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- with seed pearls. Her headdress|jace sheath, blue accessories|worn by the guests added to the|liam Drozwick, Mr. and Mrs. was of seed pearls crested with|and a corsage of pale pink|riotous colors of the Hawaiian|Robert Sholdra. a chiffon rosette holding a bouf-|rosess. decorations prevalent at the| Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Luka- fant veil. She carried a cascade the couple left for a honey-| annual spring frolic of the|wesky, Mr. and Mrs. Sprague MR. AND MRS. J. GORDON BULMER of pink roses, oh toutine the United States Ukrainian Women's Associa-|Furey, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy The Roy Studio, Peterborough | The bride's sister, Mrs. Ron-|the bride was wearing a navy|tion, Barvinok Branch, hel d|Cordville, Mr. Alex Kuch, Mr. g ald Barriage, Oshawa, was the/blue and white suit with white|last Saturday evening in the Nester Pidwerbecki, Miss Ra- A E 7 matron of honor and the other|hat and navy blue accessories.|Parish Hall of St. John's|chel Sabourine, Mr, and Mrs. Honeymoon On E Coast Follows attendants were Mrs. Edwin|Her corsage was of pink roses.|Church, Bloor street east. Donald Frayne, Mr. and Mrs. Re " Miss Joan Caffrey, William Sholdra, Mr, and Mrs. Hawkins, Mr, and Mrs. McMahon will re-| Guests were greeted at the " ij Mrs. Ross Duke, and Miss Mar-|side in California. door with a Hawaiian wel-|Myron Shestowsky, Mr. and Bulmer-Swan Nuptial Rites garet Hawkins. Ri Barriage Guests were present from|come "Aloe and gay leis were Mrs. re aon A # wore pink and the other attend-| roxq rb h,|placed around everyone's neck|Mrs. Steven Kis' s Olga ants were in mauve. Their =. Ayton, "Buttalo, New| by the president of the Asso-|Kisil, Mr, and Mrs. Moe Pidwer- MY MUMMY A wedding trip in the Atlantic|flowers and pearlized stamens,|gowns were peau de soie|york and Riverside, California.|ciation, Mrs. Walter Grigo-|becki, Mrs. Julia Pidwerbecki, States is following the wedding|securing a pink, blush veil. They| sheaths with seven-eighths' of the|Mr. Michael Loyschuk, Mr. in Northminster United Church,|carried cathedral type b : ee en ee ey sch Guam ee Core Wat GETS BETTER VALUES oo eae on Saturday otiol pink giadioll sad deeper pink ° The door prize was won by|and Miss Darlene Stezik. _» eee ee ee Tone VON Past President SOCIAL NOTICES Mr. -Robert Shody and was a| Mr. and Mrs, Steven Gonta, THAN YOUR MOMMY" James Gordon Bulmer, both of} 'The bride's mother chose a . ENAGEMENT basket of Hawaiian fruit. Spot|Mr. and Mrs. William Iwaskiw, ' Oshawa. a two-piece dress in pale aqua To Represent Area dance prizes went to Mr. and|Mr. and Mrs. John Kostuk, Mr. wee she shops at Walker's for baby bonus buys! on ge olla 8 a Co! py. |crebe: , multi-toned flowered hat Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burrows| irs william Buchowski, Mrs.|Walter Bilous, Miss Evelyn , ap gen ad Pang to match. Her corsage was of archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon,|Wish to announce the engage-|Ann Furey and Mr. Miyron|Schewy, Mr. and Mrs, William setae by her father as the nk carnations and pink sweet-|, 'ast president of the Oshawa|ment of their daughter, Donna|Shestowsky. Buchowski, Mr. and Mrs. John Reverend F. B. Mitchell per- net. Sane. branch, was appointed district|Diane, to Mr. Allan J. Irwin,) Guests came from as far Goreglad, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- formed the ceremony With a two-piece dress of pink representative at the annual/son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin away. as Sudbury, Montreal,)mond Sheremeta, Mr. and Mrs. Attendants were the bride's ribbon lace the bridegroom's meeting of the Ontario Branch|Irwin, all of Oshawa. The mar-|Toronto, Etobicoke, Long Joseph Olinyk, Mr. and Mrs, ister, Miss Blanche Swan as mother wore a matching flower-| of the Victorian Order of Nurses riage is to take place during|Branch, Bowmanville and Jack Rudniski, Mr. and Mrs, aid of honor, Miss Carolyn|°? bat, and corsage of white/neid recently in Toronto, it was|the month of June Whitby. John Kury, Mr, and Mrs. Mich. Gurtis and Miss Brenda Innes|°@!?ations with pink eweetheart| snnounced at the May meeting ; Among those seen dancing|ael Duboski, Mr. and Mrs. Fino as bridesmaids, and her niece,|'08es. The bridegroom's grand-/o¢ the Victorian Order of/FORTHCOMING. MARRIAGE|were the Reverend and Mrs: Fuaucjuk, Mr. and Mrs. Boris Miss Nancy Huffman as junior|Mother, Mrs. Ada Bulmer, had/Nurses, Board of Management,| Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Fursey|Rostyslaw Panczenko; Mr. and Piatacha, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- a corsage of red Garnet roses|neiq in the Board Room oflannounce the forthcoming mar-|Mrs. Alex Stec; Mr. and Mrs./liam Galdylz, Mr. and Mrs. T. |for the wedding on a blue dress.|the City Hall. The Archdeacon|riage of their daughter, Mary|Donald Sadoway, Mr. and Mrs.|Hatliock. 'eception will represent branches at Tren-|Ann, to Dennis Albert Brown,|Walter Kuch, Miss Lillian) Mr. William Vacai, Miss Peterbo: Lindsay,|son of Mr. and Mrs, Archie|Howard, Miss Ann Sabot, Mr.|Joan Hercia, Mr. Edward erborough, ton, rough, y, by his brother, Allan Bulmer. Whitby and Oshawa. Brown, all of Oshawa. The cere-|and Mrs. William Dittrick, Mr.|Bradley, Miss Gloria Hercia, Ushers were the bride's broth- Mrs, Charles Russell presid-|mony is to take place on Fri-/Victor Selensky, Miss Dorothy|Mr. Stanley Olesky, Mr. Don- ers Ralph and Bruce Swan and a sheath|ed at the meeting. Minutes were|day, June 26, 1964, at 6.00 p.m.|Mankoski, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-/ald Sadowa Jr., Mr. Anthony Allan Bell; and the guests were/skirt was topped with read by the secretary, Migsjin Northminster United Church. |ter Dobroshinsky, Mr. and Mrs|Kliencjnet, Mr. Robert Shoddy, from Timmins, Ottawa, King-/jacket and a Tlelen Boddy and the treasur- Joseph Maga, Mr. and Mrs.|Miss Olga Sitsch, Miss Anne ston, Belleville, Lakefield and|and she wore er's report was given by Mr,/PORTHCOMING MARRIAGE/M. W. King, Mr. and Mrs. §./Sitsch, Miss Katrina Berkuta, Peterborough. * {pink flowered ¥. A. Mcliveen. Mr. Thomas LeBlanc an- Music was played by Kenneth] gloves, a cors Miss|ROunces the forthcoming mar- The nurse in charge, Leavens, and soloist Carmaniand black ten "\riage of his sister, Ruth Lillian, Cacavella sang the Lord's|handbag. " ogee ee pre ns daughter of the late Mr. and Prayer prior to the service and) The couple will live at 321|Visits in April totalled 431 to Mrs. Charles J. LeBlanc, Jog- Mari s of the|Mariand avenue gins, Cumberland County, Nova : sed ag ot pete uci % <n lle o ere ice Soril, 308 werelScotia, to Mr. George 'William Pi Of pure silk organza, the dl Mitchell, son of Mr, and Mrs. MITE bride's floor length gown was|MARGARET HAMILTON GRP.|were worked by the aurses and!y"f" jritchell, Oshawa. The CrRis' fee og ar in sheath style accented with a| The monthly meeting of the|!4 night calls were made. -- ceremony is to take place on UP TO detachable cathedral train. Car-|Margaret Hamilton Group of| Mrs. Russell reported on the/saturday, June 6, 1964, at 11.00 1.98 dinal lace applique formed a|St. Paul's Presbyterian Church|annual meeting of the National/a.m. in St, Gertrude's Roman border on the skirt and trimmed|was held in the church hall,|VON held recently in Ottawa. Catholic Church, Oshawa. Crisp cotton top and panties with = -- bodice, eae Charles Cornelius > 00 cute pussycat embroidered motif. er 'ant silk illusion veil|presiding. a was caught to a small pillbox of] The secretary's report was Plain or checked pastel shades in 12, lace over organza, and she car-|read Mrs. John Gulenchyn, ried a white prayer book with|and B.§ treasurer's p= yo delicate pink orchids, deeper|Mrs. Fred Malloy. pink sweetheart roses, stepha-| que date for the next rum- ante Bog white sweet peas in a mage sale was set for May 26 Petal pink chiffon fashioned|"° be held at the ORC. the full-skirted dresses worn by| Refreshments were served by @ her attendants. They were|Mrs. Charles Cornelius. caught with cummerbunds-of| The next meeting .will_ be pink peau de soie, and eachia family pot luck supper, June wore @ headdress of tiny petals,|10 commencing at 6.30 p.m. AT , DID YOU KNOW? 4 CARPET COMPANY OSHAWA i began agg sg agate os gh a 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 SHOPPING CENTRE the finest Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Dally US Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Monthly ' i ne ye i HAMPT ON ; GARDENS i Rug Cleaning F A M I L Y SLEEPYTIME VALUE BATHTIME VALUE 4 FRI--SAT.--SUN.--10 A.M. TO 11 P.M. COTTON NIGHTY HOODED TOWEL MONDAY THRU THURSDAY -- 7 P.M, TO 9 P.M. | Boe 1.59 ea, PHONE . 263-2193 ALLOWANCE Infants nightgown of cotton with Absorbent terry towel with attached eee sareny yi Giign Sncchot yds | bend. Toiay whipped li OG and shirred wrist. 36', white with pastel trim. Engineered For Better Cooling - D Ht A W | | vi cC LA RY - EASY CARRIAGE NET | CURITY DIAPERS 1.49 3.47 F E D D E R Ss 'eal @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE Protect baby with a Nylon mosquite LIMITED QUANTITY! Fast "4 CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR net in 46" x 46" size. Packaged, pres gag ol gause diapers : White. xz". "AIR CONDITIONERS FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX BEST UNDER THE SUN . . . Fedders Air Conditioners are desi to cool effectively even when it is | 15 degrees F. Model C772C-2, et AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL ge hore gf ll @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE OS gr ot Die canginllng? ae ity he MADE ON THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1964 i e rating that is important when pur- Go, K it a 4 & chasing an air conditioner. NOW AVAILABLE AT --_ -- 222 BONDW. | You Are Cordially Invited to QUESTION - LOOK - BUY RUDDY ELECTRIC LTD. Open Daily: 9 A.M. till 6 P.M.--Fri, till 9 p.m..-- Set. till 4 P.M. fst CENTRE OSHAWA] CENTRE PHONE: 728-4626