oil Pui ' is a Ia ee ee a is an ak ae a gah ee Ne Rare ta ER ee gba a eS a Mer i Et IO ORTHE a apenas Like These Have Never Been Seen In Oshawa ga i ANNIVERSARY SALE : HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS ON SALE AT OUR GIGANTIC 10,000 SQ. FT. SHOPPERAMA AT AJAX, ONT. (Open Evenings 'til 9 P.M. Except Sat.) Friday Morning Special Saturday Morning TELS TS NTL TE TTR I IT AJAX - 12 NOON o8 sions as aa, Leers "pia ie guar GIRLS' 4 TO 6x TWO-PIECE PYJAMAS © MOSTLY SIZE M, Linen Duster Saturda Mornin Trimmed coller of flowered Or As Leng As item Lasts 2-PLAYER Cotton to Badminton Set Match Dress. COMPARE 4.95 2 Bets, 1 Pie 1 Tet snd Sey COMPARE 1.77 pists ae ONE TO A CUSTOMER AJAX HARWOOD NORTH OSHAWA 21 BOND ST. WEST Friday Morning Special - (AJAX - 12 NOON) Or As Long As Item Lasts Saterday Morsing Or As Long As Item Lasts Saturday Morning Special OR AS LONG AS ITEM LASTS MEN'S Ist QUALITY DRESS SLACKS * ha cag cut nil Friday Morning Special OR AS'LONG AS ITEM LAST (Ajox--12 Neon) LADIES' SHIFT DRESSES @ Hand Washable ©@ Back Zipper @ Glemorously styled with inverted side pleats. DAEN'S 6 PIECE Pen and Pencil Set GOLD PLATED Cuff Link and Tie Bar Set Plus Gold Pleted Key Choin. Gift Boxed Suggestive List 7.95 SET OF 6 € 1 TO A CUSTOMER ONLY LADIE'S SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS @ Guaranteed Ist quality @ -- tive tones .@ Size* Compare 69c. Pair LIMIT 2 TO A CUSTOMER @ In solid colors ® eb finish waist Sear 30 to 36 COMP. = 1.99 Lovely to weer with crc aahaad « Made in Conede © Sizes 10 to 18 Compare 4,88 9g. EACH ONE TO A CUSTOMER LADIES' ee Ladies' MEN'S WORK EVENING SPECIAL GIRLS' -------- 50 FT. CLEAR GREEN PLASTIC Complete with coupling end wesh- 1.57 ers. Lightweight Compere 2.29. .. -- Seamless Mesh Mylons SHIT 50' FT. BLACK Ho! DRESS . GARDEN OSE ae © Printed Senforized soovion, Compare 14 30 @ Washable C.D yer pone ; LARGE SIZE 159° BATH TOWELS GIRLS' 3 to 6 PB aah mney a Pre 2.99 Ban-Lon or Boucle SHORT- SLEEVE Pullovers Comp. to 3.99 SHIRTS @ Pre-Shrunk @ 2 Pockets @ Sizes 14%-16 Compare 1.77 1,00 WHILE THEY LAST 7 P.M, to 8:30 P.M. Sizes 11 - 13. 6 STRAND ALUMINUM GARDEN Reg. 1.79 FOLDING CHAISE LOUNGE § © Sturdy 1" polished eluminum frame chair with web- Reg. 1 bing. Assorted colors of green, blue, red, yellow. Biack---White----Green Sizes 7-10. Reg. 1.69 . . 187 . 154 . Ln BOYS' 8.14 ta 3 4 , ' 14 ' ' c Ld Lis ini' v's £ é yy : ] s & ' e , ah ah i R w foam tame Vi eiigompere Bie, 2B 32" x 60" LARGE SIZE "BEACH TOWELS beach towels. With Assorted de- Flanneletie Blankets jotton miag- neta. ede" br one' of Com fe tn ont_manu- « 90 inches. wHite THEY LAST. "9-0Z. TUMBLERS CRYSTAL GLASS DOZ. GIFT BOXED COMPARE 12 FOR 90° AT 1.49 LUXURIOUS CHIP FLAKED FOAM PILLOWS 17 x 25. Compore 1.22. tach DUPONT NYLON ~ SLEEPING BAGS 100 inch zipper. Rubberized ground sheet. Fully guerenteed. 72" x 72", Guin KS 6,99 PLASTIC mpare 69c LADIES' COTTON HALF APROS wale re Wey LAS: Last. LADIES' RAYON PANTIES LADIES'--COMBORTABLE FITTING Assorted Sizes $, M, L. Genuine leather pole. . 89. ic WHILE THEY LAST woe oe eee 'Citta 14 to 20: (SECONDS) | SLIGHT IMPERFECTIONS Boucle Cardigans @ Asst. colors MEN'S STRETCHEE NYLON DRESS SOCKS (Made in Canede) COMP. » 29° @ Sizes 10 to 20. Compare 5.95 INFANTS (SECONDS) TOYS PLASTIC 20" DIAPERS CURITY REG, 4.99 3.99 HOSPITAL REG, 2.98 2.69 BOXED REG. 3.49 2.99 YACHT @ Ideal for kiddies ot beach or play '™ O5° 3 for 1.00 HOOLA INFANTS' WHITE SOFT BOOTIES Sizes 0-3 COMP. 1.69 LARIAT HOOPS @ Bec real cowboy or cowgirl @ Balances in the air comp. c 796 PLASTIC PANTS (Made in Canede) Sizes $.M.L.XL, REG. 25¢ 19° UMIT 1 i aa SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE OF WELL KNOWN DRESS MANUFACTURER: 19.95, 29.95 and 39.95 numbers EVENING AND COCKTAIL DRESSES Mostly in Petite Sizes 5 ft. 1 in. and under Sizes 5 to 17 While They Lest Your Choice .. DRUGS PUTS LIFE IN DRY HAIR BRYLCREEM coup. 7 AD WITH FREE HAIR BRUSH PEPSODENT .....,... SUPER SIZE 69 COMP. 1.59 FOR THE CARE OF THE SKIN NIVEA CREAM 4-02, JAR 77* COMP, 1,15 FAST - PAIN RELIEF ANACIN LARGE SIZE 55° COMP, 89e ROLL-ON FACELLE ROYALE -- 333 SINGLE SHEETS FACIAL TISSUE oun an aa ECONOMY SIZE CREST irs rtovnsr, o 19° WITH FLOURISTAN 1 ae SPORT SEIETS 112 og Boys' 8 TO 14 YEARS TOPS OR SHORTS @ Sanitized (Made in Congde) 35° 3 for 1.00 Household WABASSO DEPENDABLE 72x 100 COMPARE 5.98 PAIR 4.77 LARGE SIZE CHENILLE Bedspreads COMPARE 5.95 4.44 9' MELMAC DINNER PLATES © Ideal for cottage COMP. 79¢ EACH 3 for 1.00 © Sentorized Weshsbie © Embroidery on front © "% Sleeve '™ 49° DUO-WEAR seni HOUSE PAINT GIRLS' 3 te 6X JEANS Mode in Concds @ 2 Pockets @ Elestic Waist "at 99° MISCELLANEOUS G.5.W. ALL METAL 1» 2.99 | G.$,W. 4 PIECE METAL Canister Set @ Flour - Sugar . Bo, Coffee 4 - 1.99 -- a = BOYS' 8 TO 6X BOXER WAIST JEANS Mode be Conade), 2 Pockets Double « » Comp. 1 Laundry Baskets Of polyethylene with sturdy rim. Compere 79¢ , 59° LADIES' SHORTS AND BERMUDA SHOBTS Sizes 10 te 18. Pre-shrunk -- wesh- 99 eble. Full cut. Compare te 1.98 . Training Panties 246. Comper Sree. 1 1,00 BOYS' 8 - 16 Half boxer waist te size 12. Full waist bend te nize 16. Asst. checks, denims, ete, 1.08 Compare te 2.98......,...5.5.5 8 -KOTEX TAMPEX COMPARE Si¢ 39° SALE STARTS FRIDAY, MAY 22nd 9:30 SHARP IN OSHAWA AND 12 NOON SHARP IN AJAX | A NAME YOU CAN TRUST AJAX HARWOOD NORTH OSHAWA, ONT. PENNYWORTH'S *- 21 BOND ST, W, __ 2+4.BS, 10.02. a OF SURF CARNATION FANCY RED COHOE SALMON Net wight 734-oz. Compare 57e WE'RE SHOOTING THE WORKS HERE! JOHNSONS RAID Home and Gorden Bug Killer Kills Bugs | Dead. Compare $1.69 NOW