eettetie ee UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES : : the first Saturday of each month) - The Federation Femmes/had been changed from 3 to 4 Francaises id HS lo'elock to accommodate the '|metnbers who like to go to confession at that time. It wag decided that some -|members will visit the sick in hospital, It was also decided that the Federation will partici- pate at the Folk Festival on July 1 by having a booth with French pastry and other French foods. Mrs. Denis, Lavallee oe be in charge of that proj- ect. : The members decided that the section would give a scholar- ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF Modern. Hairstyling. 13 PRINCE STREET, OSHAWA 728-1132 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OPENING 20% Off SPewAL...... ON ALL COLD WAVES During the Month of May HANS HENTSCHE, Proprietor tion in Ottawa. The meeting closed with pray- ers and a social period, con- vened by Mrs. Maurice Gagnon and Mrs. Jean Paul Dubreuil. FIRST OF KIND VANCOUVER (CP) -- The British tramp steamer Rem- brandt, which put into port here recently, is the first vessel de- signed specifically for propul- sios by free piston gas turbing machinery. Total weight of the main machinery is only 83.1 tons. parish had won over the stu- from his native town, e. . Yvon Leger. reported it she had used clothing on and also thanked every- one who contributed to the penny saving each month for the foreign missions. Mrs. Howard Gimblet report- ed that she had made a table cloth for the use of. the section. The time for the Rosary on Direct from Sunny California! No. 1 Grade! Plump, Sweet, Luscious! Sir awhberries = etl Garden Fresh from Florida! No. 1 Grade! Firm, Ripe! Cello Tomatoes GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! YOUNG, TENDER Bunch Carrots GARDEN FRESH! THICK-WALLED! FOR TASTY SPRING-TIME VEGETABLES : Green Peppers. o™ 20" NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT! -- FINEST QUALITY! No. 1 GRADE! ROSE BUSHES AND ASSORTED SHRUBS BUY NOW ... PLANTING CONDITIONS ARE IDEAL! + WALKER'S Famous Maker's 1/5» Sale 50% OR MORE OFF 65: 9 nn A: SPECIAL! POUND ASSORTMENT HOSTESS BISCUITS --~- «:- SPECIAL! HEREFORD CORNED BEEF SPECIAL! FACELLE ROYALE COLOURED TOILET TISSUE --- | SPECIAL! KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP SPECIAL! McLAREN'S Sweet Mixed Pickles SPECIAL! YORK | Vegetables SPECIAL! FLOOR GLOSS LIQUID--20% MORE Hawes Wax oo» LARGE BUNCHES SPECIAL! SOLID MEAT Boneless PORK LOIN ROASTS. « SPECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS .- SPECIAL! VAC PAC Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls «. SPECIAL! LOBLAWS SMALL LINK 3 Little Pig PORK SAUSAGE @ FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY @ 12-02, TIN 20-FL. OZ. JAR 3 43: 31: SPECIAL! CHOICE COD FILLETS ALSO A FINE SELECTION OF LOBLAW PROTEN* BEEF CUTS! All Deliciously Tender and Flevourful -- Completely Boneless @ Easy Te Carve @ BELMONT © PENTHOUSE ©@ DENVER @ MANHATTAN @ NIAGARA @ BOSTON *Reg'd User of TM. EXTRA STAMPS al ] di STAMPS EXTRA EXTRA STAMPS 10-FL. 1-LB. OZ. TINS PKG, CHOICE PEAS AND CARROTS FANCY CUT WAX BEANS FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN You'll recognize the quality from this well known manufacturer! A terrific clearance of 2 and three piece outfits, slingshot shifts, plus some graduation dresses. A wide selection of styles and fabrics, many With Thws Coupon end Purchase ot "Two 12-02. Jone With This Coupon end Purchase ot One Double Tubs Pha. LISTERINE TOOTHPASTE uw Coupon Expires Mey 27 'With This Coupon and Purchose of One 32-08. Jug FABRIC SOFTENER WU-FLUFF ™ 'Coupon Expires Moy 27 With Tra Coupon ane Purchase of One 6-08, Jer RED ROSE INSTANT COFFEE Cetipon Expires May 27 of di di EXTRA STAMPS one-of-a-kind samples. Sizes 4 to 6X, 7 to 12, Pre-Teen 10 to 14X. Three of the many special values available. A. Reg. 18.98 reduced to 8.97 B. Reg. 10.98 wtubde 4.97 a0 EXTRA STAMPS ld di EXTRA STAMPS I of XTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS LISTERINE EXTRA Coupon Expires May 27 STAMPS af di STAMPS With Tris Coupon end Purchase of One 4 fH. on, BH, JOHNSON end JOHNSON BABY SHAMPOO ey Coupon Expires Mey 27 With This Coupon ond Purchase of One Lorge, Pig. ABC. DETERGENT Z10 * Coupon Expires Moy 27 With This Coupon and Purchose of One 6j-08. Aerosol Tin AIR DEODORIZER FLORIENT 'Coupon Expires Moy 27 Wan This Coupon end Purchase of Two 1-lb, Phos, BURNS LARD Coupon Exeires May 27 With This Coupon end Purchase of Two S-on, Phos. BIG "G" CEREAL TOTAL Coupon Expires Moy 27 With Thin Coupon end Purchose of y One Véon, Bil. LIQUID CLEANER AJAX 'Coupon Expires Moy 27 DOG FOOD EXTRA Coupon Expires May 27 STAMPS 1 EXTRA STAMPS 'ad nhs z2 STAMPS Mbia di EXTRA STAMPS With This Coupon end Purchase of One 48 fi os. Tle With This Coupon end Purchese of One 6-02, Bri, BUBBLE CLUB FUN BATH Coupon Expires Moy 27 With This Coupon end Purchose of One 22-02, Plestic Bri. LIQUID DETERGENT TREND Coupon Expires Moy 27 With This Coupen end Purchase of 'Two Giant Tins DUTCH CLEANSER Codipon Expires May 27 With This Cougion end Puschase of * One 64-02. Jug puter BLEACH Coupon Expires May 27 'With This Coupon end Purchase of One 4-Ber Deol SWEETHEART WHITE BATH TOILET SOAP ne Drink Pineapple Gropetruit STOKELY'S PING 772. Coupon Expires Moy 27 RASPBERRY JAM 7 me Coupon Expires May 27 220 221 223 Coupon Expires Moy 27 c. Reg. 12.98 reduced to Spe. SHOP EARLY QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED s WALKER'S PHON E 728-4626 di EXTRA STAMPS i EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS dS EXTRA + STAMPS With This Coupon ond Purchase of One 60's Pig. 'TENDERLEAP TEA BAGS ™% Coupon Expires Mey 27. With This Coupon ond Purchase of Two 15-0z, Tins DEL MONTE SEASONED LUE LAKE GREEN BEANS 295 Sewn Expires May 27 With This Coupon end Purchove of One Pho. JusTRire FIRE STARTER 244 Coupon Expires May 27 With This Coupon end Purchove of Any Two 9-08. Jon STAFFORD'S SUNDAE SAUCES 216 res May 27 di ks EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS With This Coupen end Purchase of One 9-on, Jer KOILLER ORANGE CHIP MARMALADE 227 "Coupon Expires May 27 'With This Coupon ond Purchase of Two 20-02, Tine DEL MONTE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE ™ Coupon Expires May 27 With This Coupon ond Pixchose of One 3-on, Bri. 1v WHITE SHOE CLEANER us Coupon Expires May 27 With This Coupon ond Purchase of One 10j-02. Tie GILLETT'S DRAIN CLEANER zu ¢ t 27 mK EXTRA STAMPS di di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS Woth This Coupon end Purchase ot VEGETABLES Coupon Expires May 27 'With This Couper ond Purthose of One T-1b, Pag. IMPERIAL COLOURED MARGARINE 27 Coupon txpices May 27 With This Coupon end Purchore of Any Two HEADS OF LETTUCE zs Coupon Expires May.27 With Ti Coupon end Purchose of One 20-02, Bt, HEINZ KETCHUP ¢ 225 Moy 27 di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS I 1 EXTRA _ STAMPS With This Coupon end Purchose of One 15 fi. os, Jor THANK YOU SPICED Whole Crabapples 1229! Coupon Expires May 27 With This' Coupon end Purchase of 'One Bon, Tube OVEN CLEANER GLAMORENE 28 Coupon Expires Moy 27 With Thia Coupon end Purchose of One Bunch GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 27 'Coupon Expires May 27 'With Ths Coupon ond Purchase of Any Two 10-01. Tins AYLMER OREAM OF CHICKEN or CREAM OF NOODLE souP 23 Coupon Expires Moy 27 I EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS I mh EXTRA STAMPS With This Coupon end Purchase of One I-08. Ph. MONARCH RAISIN SPONGE PUDDING 230 Coupon Expires Moy 27 With This Counen end Purchose of One 25-08. Tin IRISH or BEEF CLARK'S STEW 2 Coupon Expires Moy 27 With This Coupon end Purchase of One Doren SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES zm Coupon Expires Moy 27 'With This Counon end Purchese of 'Two 15-00. Tins FANCY ASSORTED AYLMER PEAS rary Coupon Expires Moy 27 di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS With Thus Coupon end Purchone of 'Two 6-02, Tins REAL GOLD ORANGE BASE mm Coupon Expives May 27 With This Coupon end Purchase of 'One 20-62, Tin STAFFORD CHERRY PIE FILLING 240 Coupon Expires May 27 With This Coupon ond Purchase of Any Two FRESH CELERY STALKS 249 Coupon Expives Moy 27 With This. Coupon end Purchase of di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 'Two 15-p5. Tine AYLMER DICED m2 Coupon Expires May 27 With This Coupon ont Purchae of One 15-02, Aerosol Tha EASY-OFF WINDOW SPRAY za Coupon Expires Moy 27 'With Thit Coupon ond Purchase of One @-on. LP. Jer PIMENTO MANZANILLA zs ALL STORES OPEN THURS. and FRI. NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M.