prenn gen ae | MRS. KENNETH COBB, first seen on the left presenting . Woodcrest and Miss Marion president of Woodcrest Home gifts to Mrs. E. A. Werry, 25 Dicky with 4 years teaching and School Association, is years teaching with' 10 at and seven at Woodcrest, who Woodcrest H and $ Honors 'Two Retiring Teachers Mrs. Roy Mercer, president of Woodcrest Home and School As- S0ciation introduced Mrs. Ken- meth Cobb, the first president of the association, whose duty 'was to present Mrs. Elton A. Werry and Miss.Marion E. Dick- éy with an engraved gift to com- memorate their teaching years at Woodérest School, at the May meeting held recently. Miss Susan Dick, Grade 3 and Miss Diane Rudmiski, Kinder- garten, on behalf of their Glasses, presented Miss Dicky and Mrs. Werry with corsages. Mrs, Philip Jeyes, secretary, read the minutes, and Mrs. Charles Hawholdt, treasurer, gave her report. Mrs. E. A. Werry reported the new mathematical course will be introduced into all Grade 7 elasses in September. It was announced that on June 17 the Inter-school field teresting and enlightening ad- dress on 'Wills and Ineritance", 'Mr. Dodds emphasized the fact that no one is too insignifi- cant to make a will or testa- ment. As this written instru- ment, making disposition of a person's property, takes effect after his death, his material gains alter. All persons over 21 and of sound mind, were competent to make a will. There are two kinds 'of wills, written and un- written (nuncupative). The lat- ter might be made by a soldier in active service or a sailor at sea and depends upon proof of the persons hearing it. Mr. Dodds was introduced by Mrs. Jack Rudniski and thank- ed by Mrs. Brian Malachowski. A social time was enjoyed. Refreshments were served un- der the guidance of Mrs. Don- ald Dick, social convener, day competitions will be held. Graduation exercises will be held June 23, at the school. School will close June 26, for the summer. Mr. Donald Dodds, Barrister and Solicitor, delivered an in- SOCIAL NOTICES are retiring from the staff, Mrs. R. J. Mercer, president, looks on. --Oshawa Times Photo Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 20, 1964 7 PERSONALS The members' of the UCW Unit 3 of Simcoe Street United Church met at a luncheon at the Oshawa Golf Club last Fri- day for the May meeting. Fol- lowing the luncheon a short bus- iness meeting was held with the president, Mrs. Edgar Bradley, presiding. The next meeting will be in October, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ander- son, Division street, have as their guest, Miss Nora Hartley, West Hartlepool, Durham, Eng- land, Miss Hartley's sister-n- law, Mrs. George Hartley; ac- companied her and is staying with Mrs. Anderson's brother, Mr. Norman Nichols and Mrs. Nichols, Somerville avenue. The Hartleys arrived last Fri- day from Hamilton, Ontario and will return to Hamilton, today. Miss Hartley and Mrs. Hartley are school friends of Mrs. An- derson and Mr. Nichols, whom they have not seen for over 40 years. Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Toaze have returned from a delightful six-week visit with their daugh- ENGAGEMENT Mr. Wesley M. Martin an- the enga t of his enwicr. Mildred Diane, to Mr. Dean G. McMahon, son of Mr. UNITS, GROUPS "eonnavamr PARK AUX. The. regular meeting of the dietaatt Park Ladies', Auxil- fake was held recently at the home of Mrs. L. G. Clapp with yee Mrs. John Mc- presiding. Roll call 12 members present. The secretary's report was fead by Mrs. H. G. Dick and a treasurer's report by Mrs. George Waite, and the card re- port showed nine get-well cards mailed out. Three members contributed to the birthday box. The lucky draw was won by Mrs. Julius Macevicius. The next meeting will be a potduck supper at 6.45 p.m. -After a penny sale refresh- ments were served by Mrs. J, A. Stonebridge and Mrs. E, R. Tennier. and Mrs, Frank McMahon, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place during the month of June. ENGAGEMENT wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Bonnie Marie, to Mr. Larry Lloyd Met- calf, son of Mr. Lioyd Metcalf and Mrs. Arnold Gardner, all of Oshawa. The wedding is planned for Saturday, June 20, 1964, at 3.00 p.m. in King Street United Church. 'TROUSSEAU TEA In honor of the approaching marriage of her daughter, Miss Beverley Joan Bright, to Mr. Mark James Thompson, Mrs. Bruce A. Bright, 98 Riverside drive north, will be pleased to receive her daughter's many friends at her home at a trous- seau tea to be held Saturday, May 23, 1064, from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. "NORM FI Meat Mark For Personalizec' Service « = SHER'S 3 et er | pea GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS | 1 Ib. Fearman's Assorted COOKED MEATS *Maceroni & Cheese, Dutch Loot, Chicken Loaf, Pickle & Pimento Loaf. With ven FREEZER LIMITED SUPPLY -- BLUE BRAND ry No charge for cutting, SPECIAL ». 39. wrapping or freezing. SLICED SIDE SHOULDER PORK CHOPS 2 Ibs. PORK 2 lbs. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 2 lbs. ANY ONE ITEM FOR 1.00 TENDER ECONOMY {STEAKS @ Barbecue Special @ ts J90/| Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 SIMCOE, ST. N. PHONE 723-3732 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teatro air | ter Eileen, Mrs. J. W. Andrews at Houston, Texas, San An- tonio, Galveston and other cen- tres. Among the many high- lights was Mr. Toaze's invita- tion to sing with the Church of Christ Choir in a television appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lioyd, Bing. street coat, Sere Ot Wis for plan to take a three-week motor, tour of Great Britain. They will be visiting Mr. Lloyd's family in Brighton and London. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Drygala, Mr. and Mrs. Orest Salmers and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ald- winckle were among the guests at a reception given the Lieutenant-Governor the Honor- able Earl Rowe and Mrs. Rowe in their suite at Queen's Park Governor was called from the Association. The show is entitled "Satur- of ceremonies will be ta Day. Many of Oshawa's top pitts tainers have also donated their services and will be appearing on the program as supporting artists. The concert will take Old Country Club and its tea by the news of the death of hs brother and the Deputy Min- ister Mr. J. S. Yoerger and Mrs. Yoerger substituted for the host and hostess in greeting the guests who were being recogniz. ed for their contribution to good citizenship. Miss Ruth Lloyd, King street east, who is accompanying her parents to Scotland and England plans to fly to Madrid for a two-week tour of Spain and Por. tugal, Guests at the Benetin-Saun- ders wedding recently included Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vasco, Ni- agara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Host, Mr. and Mrs. John Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. George Ciamar, all of Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. George Saun- ders, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Saunders, Miss Margaret Saunders, all of Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Lambert, Mrs, Oliver Harding, Markham; Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Reading, Bay Ridges,' and Mrs. Hazel King and Mr. Lyn King of West Hill, The ladies of the Oshawa Golf 'Club opened their season with a two-ball foursome in the afternoon and a Hawaiian punch party and lua buffet in the evening. Grass skirted hostesses welcomed the members and their guests and.a short fash- ion show featuring golf. and after-golf clothes was _ the theme of the evening. Miss Gloria Robson, president, and hercom mittee successfully started the members on a new season's golfing. Among those attending the 50th anniversary luncheon given by the Ontario Women's Liberal Association. held in the Confed- eration Room of the Royal York last Thursday, The Lieutenant- Hotel, Toronto, last Thursday, f you're If you or Under... BLACK'S have @ becutiful selec- tion of truly lovely Summer styles in one and two piece dresses-or-two and three piece suits fashioned from the smartest, easv-care sum- mer fabrics. Priced from $16.98 re illusteated: The young missy petite . . fa sage with stitching on the ice thot falls gently into the softly godet pleated shirt. . In 50% fortret®, 50 Amel®, ' he sea mist, ton. Sizes 10- Only 19.95 BLACK'S LADIES WEAR LTO. 72 Simcoe North Open Fridel Evening Until 725-1912 9 O'clock friends is all for the benefit of Oshawa _ Cerebral Palsy Association, an organiza- tion which provides classes for the cerebral palsy children in the Oshawa district. In September of last year the association was given the use of the Bloor Street East School, which had been closed for quite a long time, and was in need of extensive renovation. The par- ents of the children, with what money they had managed to raise over the years, converted the main floor of the school into a classroom and treatment rooms. The need for more space has arisen and the next project of the Cerebral Palsy Association is to renovate the basement of were Mrs. Ralph Jones, Mrs. Gordon Varnum, Mrs. Everitt Shirley Coming Home To Sing, For Club's 'Saturday Night Out' - ; at 8 p.m. This effort by the SHIRLEY HARMER the school and so provide the room required. The Oshawa and District Old 'Country Club members hope that with the. proceeds of "'Sat- urday Night Out", the Cerebral Palsy Association will be able to make a start on this proj- ect, and so give other little crip- pled children. a better chance in life. The entertainment committee engaged in organizing the var- iety show is composed of An- thony Haylock, Ernest Mcll- wraith, Harry Davey and George Day under the chair- manship of Joseph Finch. The ladies' auxiliary is plen- ning to serve refreshments. Warne, Mrs. G. H. Murless, and Mrs. J. E. Hinkson from Osh- awa. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Garri- son, Mrs. Clifford Henry and Mrs. Walter Branch were guests at a Mexican Fiesta given by the Mexican National Tourist Board and CPA in the Royal York Hotel recently. Mr. Wil- liam Slene of the Canadian Pacific Airlines, was master of ceremonies and introduced spe- cial guests: Mr. Louis Tejada, Mexican Consul in Toronto, Mr. Leon Ortego, Past Governor Rotary Club of Mexico, Mr. Pancho Contreras, Captain of the Davis Cup Team, Mr. Carlos Aruzza, the top matador of the world, but now retired, and Mr. Ernest Bartlett, travel editor of The Telegram. SPECIAL SCHOOLS It is believed the first school for special education in Canada was one for the deaf established in Montreal in 1649. LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons nore _ Stylist HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. ' 728-9317 UP TO $200 In Cash! ag Mnndingte Fri ier OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Monthly FAMILY ALLOWANCE @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1964 a a eee eee Children's Version Of 'Cinderella' Opening Tonight SA OO CARPET COMPANY | 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF | BLADE or SHORT RIB ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED LEAN, TENDER CROSS CUT LEG, RUMP and SIRLOIN ROASTS or SHOULDER CHOPS SLICED PORK LIVER LEAN MINCED CHUCK STEAK LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON 2 Us. 1.00 Shoulder Lan Chops 2 Ibs, I. 00 SKINLESS WIENERS LEAN, SMOKED, SHANKLESS PICNIC SHOULDERS 39 ° Freezer Special! ! FRONT QUARTERS BEEF 39: Cut and Wrapped Free! FREE ! ! Buy 4 lbs. Sausage Meat 100 | 7, ia Get 4 lbs. FREE i BUEHLER'S* Shi'dr Pork: STEAK KING ST. E. 723-3633 ta