AS Hea rm THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 20, 1964 17 INTERPRETING THE NEWS | { 6 A _ WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET A UN Force Status Wobbles |i /LITTLE MORE THAN YOU EXPECT In Face Of Developments -- By CARMA NCUMMING jjstruggle between the Turkishjstart the task of finding a ba- Canadian Press Staff Writer jana Greek communities. sis for SC otegare that would The mandate of the United satisfy communities was Nations force on Cyprus has an-|4a5 SUCCESSFUL |, {considered near impossible. other five weeks to run, but UNiio) Sakari Tuomioja has been| Western sources in the UN diplomats already are starting!ie;. suecessful, but that. also|take a somewhat more hopeful 0 think about whether it should) nauses no surprise. From the|View of the chances of the sec- kept in action. ond UN mediator on the scene, For the West, the question is|\-----------__ _ __._- |Galo Plaza Lasso of Ecuador. | easy. Western diplomats say the| STICK TO POPPIES|#< is charged with negotiating force, and the mediation ma- the removal ichinery with it, has barely fortifications and the reintegra- started to function. ROLL OUT BARREL tion of Turkish - Cypriots into And they regard with consid- NNIF ae public services. erable dismay reports that the| Kohaly of Estevan, Sask...) 'The hope is that a return to Greek-Cypriot regime of Arch-| Membership chairman of the |rejatively no rm al conditions, bishop Makarios is negotiating) oval Canadian Legion, said jaiong with an extended UN to buy war planes, torpedo boats| Tuesday too many Legion |presence, can eventually pro- and other heavy weapons. branches are preoccupied with |quce a climate in which the two The UN force, 'now with a Wiaue Gee ae po factions can find a meeting strength of 7,000 men, went into) ;. sti) the blood-red Legs : . ' poppy, action officially on March 2. It) not the beer barrel," he told is authorized to stay unti June] gojegates here for the Le- 2, but mo one seriously expects gion's 20th national conven- Igor Mum, that peace will have settled over tion fen ie S| Roa ig zn | oy ie Security Council meeting in ie in Norrie sare aged onymous C ffee Hey c mid-June, or a little earlier, to| 7 Menlied . Wid) ae oe 0 cade'. the: tahatiake, " prebatily membership drive is pushed. A d C fu PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 20, 21, 22 & 23. , He said veteran members are ] ; ' ANTITIES. for another three. months. dying but there are many n are BRIGHTS FANCY 29 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANT! Ly HARDER TO DEAL WITH eligible members who have | LONDON (CP)--Lord Beaver- Tomato Juice 20-02. 49. The Soviet Union, which ap-| 4'opped out who must be en- |prook's Daily Express has pub- TINS proved the original March 4 res-| ticed to rejoin. lished an interview with Igor ; ; He said the Legion must in- ; : 4H olution of the council setting up 'eatity ite mnenmberdan sales. Gouzenko in which the one-time CLOVERLEAF SOLID PACK ay Cc BLACK DIAMOND 16-0Z. JAR CHEESE SPREAD OLD SOUTH FROZEN the force, may be a little harder : Soviet cipher clerk describes to deal with this time, espe-| 9° it may operate. until its /himselt as "the happy invisible White Tuna a @\cially if Makarios is unhappy objective has been reached-- |man." with the work of the force. until every widow and de-| mm, story from Toronto by Countries contributing men =e of a veteran is looked |pene MacColl says Gouzenko Kosher Baby Dills -- Polski Ogorki B&B 29 fican be expected to ask for has lived in fear since he left q 5 Pi ki 16-02, #\tougher terms of reference for the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa e1lnz 1c es JAR cy. A\the force, and a wider financ- Mis ® Bo in 1945 and told Canadian au- t fe" o ] miing base. Issing y thorities of an international spy WHITE SWAN--WHITE OR RAINBOW 6-02. iy siaas fee i By and large, the western| rng. s tt PKGS. C TINS countries are well satisfied with F d D d MacColl says he had difficulty S OF 60 LATEST JAMAICAN FASHIONS the result produced by the UN oun ea harynd Sane Pe Gouzenko ervie es ae : : operation in its first eight) HAWKESBURY, Ont. (CP)--|but finally met him Tuesday at High fashion from Jamaica national model Miss Thelma | woop. |Lue Parent, covenpentil te the home of a Russian friend in was presented Tuesday at Anderson, who was Miss Ja-| piohting has not been elim-|missi ; ince|@ Toronto suburb. BAKERY Kenwick Terrace, Sarnia, by maica 1963, wearing a calypso Sonny bai te'is oo cause 400 May §, --. ua toate 'Don't 'get me wrong--I am DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority outfit of green slims with surpri ; i it," z [24a ie i FEATURES 3 mprise. And the worst fear of|drowneq in the Ottawa River|mot scared like a rabbit,' Gou . 4 in the first of three show- short jacket, and Miss Peggy |tne West, that all-out fighting] near od community 60 miles|zenko is quoted. "I am just cau- CALIFORNIA NO. | GRADE BA ' ings. From the right: Miss Jackson in a lavishly beaded |wouid develop and involve east of Ottawa. tious like when one is crossing Py : i . aes a I eh hoy " ar ee Hsogrong psc oe ne |NATO allies Greece and Tur-| 'phe youngster, son of Mr. and|'?e 708d." { Os if ey ss et aortas > gn gr Bg _ Pane oe (CP. Wirephoto key, has been avoided. Mrs. Roger Parent of Hawkes-| MacColl writes that Gouzenko Ra, os re i While the force went into|bury, had been the object of one|is s0 anxious to preserve his ee . Cyprus with the aim of avoid-lof the most intensive water and|anonymity that he "won't say , ME 7 MD \ RUSSELL IS 92 ment issued in advance, Russelljing clashes, it has shown itself/ground searches ever carried|¢xactly how many children he f° 4, a id Oe PENRHYDEUDRAETH (AP)| deplored U.S. policy in South|capable of firm action when the/out) in this area. At one point|has got." { a Fa 37 ee mae f ' ® "a ER OR am, With a few friends gathered| Viet Nam, saw some hope in anjoccasion demands, And its coini-| there were fears he had been| Gouzenko objects strongly to : about him, philosopher Bertrand) easing of East-West tension butimander, Lt..Gen. Prem Singh|kidnapped. the term defector, saying he is 2 *, Pint Boxes C for ' \ Ff celebrated his 92nd birthday) expressed fear of a nuclear war|Gyani of India, has demon-|, A search party found the body|like a "man who decides to Monday at his home in this) between Israel and the United|strateq clearly that he is notion the Quebec shore of the|break out of some awful con- 'Welsh town. In a birthday state-|Arab Republic. working for either side in thel|river. centration camp. Puts the sl SUNKIST VALENCIA 3e OFF things || || eee ORANGES ==. 39° --CRISCO want : 3%, ithin ~~ CANE NO. | GRADE DARES PANTRY 5 VARIETIES your Se CORN = COB G« 39: BISCUITS 2299. reach Hecaged is ' HENRY-TOASTED-MACAROON-RIVIERA LETTUCE 229: Marshmallows +z 39° BRIGHT'S CHOICE PEACHES "v«< 2° 39° STOKELY'S FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN 2°: 29°\@ RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY | AYLMER JAMS | WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, AQUA, 2° OFF WHITE SWAN TISSUE 2 :: 43' | f f it Finance Plan Bring all your personal credit needs} under one roof ** LOW COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS Main Office, 20 Simcoe St. North: JAMES McCANSH, Mgr, : ' Ouhawa Shopping Centre, King St. West: we. pte wee e: ° " Re ui a See BRA OR 7. NORMAN MCALPINE, Mgr, hie Ui AVE, : Bgenches alse ot Ajax, Bowmanville, Whitby 19) 3