ait * : . The guest speaker at the af- ® ternoon session of the WCTU 8 convention, introduced by Mrs. Clayton Lee, was the Provincial ' President, Mrs. J. A. Blashke of Galt, who took as her topic Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 | "WCTU Today". After reading |part of the first chapter of Phil- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 19, 1964 7) /ipians, Mrs. Blashke spoke of : the significance of each word in the name of the organiz@tion. She recalled two of the early organizers, Sarah Doyle of Owen Sound and Letitia You- mans of Picton, who were active in the 1870's and circulated a petition to teach temperance in the public schools. "Christian women, through faith and prayer, work in the interest of their fellow men, The word temperance often ir- ritates people and they forget the harm and misery caused by strong drink. The National tries having active and dedicat- ed unions," she said. | Urges WCTU To Be Alert To Subtle Liquor Advertising WCTU reaches out to 58 coun- MRS. CHARLES LANGFIELD (President) Women's Society for Christian Service. A memorial service was pre- sented by Mrs. Fred Cooke reading the story of the ala- 'baster box from Mark's gospel and comment on done what she could'. during the past year and Mrs. C. A. Britten sang "'O Perfect Day." Mrs. Hilliard Millard was organist for the morning service and in the afternoon, Mrs. W. BE, G. Sommers ac- E companied Mrs. Cyril Rich who, Skull and Bones, Yale Univer- sang 'Beside Still Waters" by)sity's oldest senior secret soci- Seen Bernard Hamblen. Mrs. Fred Cooke the slate of officers who were installed by Mrs. J. A. Blashke: past president, Mrs. F. J. Williams; president, Mirs. Char- les Langfield; 'dent, Mrs, Howard Brown; 2nd vice-president, Mrs, J. Whitehurst, Whitby; secretary, Mrs. H. W. Quantrill, Whitby; Mrs. Blashke said that just one drink was too much for an alcoholic so there should total abstinence. At one time, WCTU had the largest mem- bership of any organization but now it seemed that it was rest- ing. The Salvation Army Harbour Light did wonderful work. In this world of change, of subtle temptation, of increased adver- were in charge of registration. The devotional period was led by. Mrs. Miss Irene Lockie with scrip- |ture reading from 2nd Corin- \thians. Reports were given by treasurer and noon-tide the secretary, {superintendents and |prayer and meditation by Mrs Ruth Pickering and secretary, Mrs. Har- sp g | | old Crawforth, Whitby; assist-|[ meet the heavy demand from pro- |members and Mrs. J. E. White-| ant lhurst and Mrs. C. A. Detlor/Mrs. BE. A. Henley; treasurer, corresponding secretary, | Mrs. Orlin. Lint, nah LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons presented|Orde Mugrave Coombs of St. Ist vice-presi-| E. ture women who heve recording corresponding secre- SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Leandre Savoie, Saturday, June 20, 1064, at 3.00 p.m. in Courtice United Church. Oshawa, wish to announce the]. "She has\engagement of their daughter, Gail Ethel MacDonald, to Gary). Mrs. F. J. Williams lit three| James Dalby, son of Mr. and tall white candles for the three Mrs. Percy Dalby, Courtice. The members who had passed. away sated igi age plage on FIRST NEGRO MEMBER NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-- \ety, has its first Negro member. Vincent, West Indies, was initi- ated into the society Tuesday night. 1 Meny exciting, well-paying positions in Business and Industry ewait me- || employable business skills end... PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE The Oshewe Business College hos developed a Loca education and ini for hh 9 PI and other mature women to help spective employers. EMPLOYERS LIKE MATURITY AND STABILITY Attend two hours per day -- morn- ings or afternoons -- Monday to Friday. Take your choice of up te five subjects, TUITION IS ONLY $20.00 PER MONTH Gregg or Pittman shorthand, menue! ond electric typing, comptometer and calculetion, dictaphone, pay- |) WHILE THEY LAST! © @ TRADE-IN $3 ALLOWANCE on famous Firestone $] DOWN WEEKLY FORM FIT H ac forth -- edure, bookkeeping proce- |tising, she urged all to be alert| arold Crawtorth. Experienced Hair Stylist lure, elementary ecce sting proce- f) to the opportunities around and| Luncheon was served by the FOR babe biel teytoor Aaya } to lend support wherever need-| Whitby Baptist Women. Greet- APPOINTMENTS * led. She stressed the need to be|ings were given by the Rever- more active in writing to the end John McLeod of the Whitby PHONE AFTER 9 P.M, all supplies requir are. obtainable at the College ¢ fice. Stert eny Mor 4y -- open all year -- Individual * #truction -- qualified | instructors ~ ¢modern equipment -- FREE LIT? ATURE. 10 Sime # ST. N. It's a shopping bag; car cushion; boot seat; baby rest pod; beach mattress, etc. all zipped inte a neat 16" x32" package. $199 99-¥-30 CBC and to members of Parlia-| Baptist Church, by Miss Milli- ment to protest liquor adver-| cent Luke, of the United Church | tisement and sponsorship. Presbyterial UCW and by Mrs. Kenneth Cullen of the Baptist | The work with - children in| >" Hazel Saunders camps, Sunday Schools, and |public speaking contests was OSHAWA MAN TAKES BROOKLIN BRIDE : --tIreland Studio . Eddy Benetin, |impertant as was the support lof Toc Apha. In some countries © FITTED BY QUALIFIED FITTERS @ LUMBO-SACRAL Are United in Holy Matrimony |support for a milk day and for SACRO-ILLIAC ¥ Edward Benetin, son of Mr.|Millie Benetin and the attend.|nom-alcoholic drinks when diy. and Mrs. George Benetin of Osh ne oon bp a ne safety cintrel were interested in * gwa, took as his bride Hazel Penny Baldwin, wore Pavamend the booklet on _ non-alcoholic DORSO-LUMBAR OBESITY MATERNITY TRUSSES Diel 725-3375 || 50¢ packet of Burpee. FREE 7inNiA SEEDS Comfortable, dur- able and colourful. The perfect chair for patio or recre- ation room. Smart in kitchens, too @ ADJUST BRAKES @ PULL FRONT WHELS @ INSPECT LINING @ REPACK WHEEL BEARINGS @ ADD NECESSARY FLUID Here Are Two Terrific "Buys" from Parkway 2-CYCLE 18" * Isabelle, daughter of Mr. and) length gowns, matching the pela ga a hed -- Mrs. Russell Saunders, Brook-|bride's, in peacock blue peau de rhb 3 ad idea fc Pera Hin, in the Greek Catholic Slo-|Soie. The maid of honor carried |S"oU4 be Proved 0) Bee e : .|a cascade of yellow roses and se edaeral al i a a ed al 4 wak Ohurch of the Blessed Vir-| (ations and the-others, pink| 'hutch groups, P greg a ia FOI sch and carnations, Its ettectivensad- sp seoch, iiaae veren r Araw-| The flower girl, Marianne} : F id schek peg the 'ceremony | xanuck wore a long gow, |oparienttion en oo and the soloist was Steven bip2.| stvjeq identically in yellow peau) Mrs. Howard Brown thanked M ; in } Mrs. Given in marriage by her/de soie and carried a basket of yrs. Blashke and all who had father, the bride wore a vege assorted flowers. helped with the success of the Janeth sown of wile vent ©) The cngearer was the convention ' : ride's brother, Johnny Saun-| Reports of their committees oD coop neckline and elbow-length) 4... wr, Joseph Host ¥ Uh ne s. Mr, Joseph Host was best|were given by Mrs. Clayton Lee a gg cringe we by Jong! man and ushering were Mr./on plan of work and le ies ees ° ELASTIC STOCKINGS Rice by a self train, flowing| Dm™ce O'Brien, Mr. John Bene-/Maud Cameron on resolutions. "We y > tin and LAC Maurice Saunders.| The 68th annual convention of = a contoured, appliqued} j ; eummerbund. A pearl tiara held} To receive the guests at the Ontario County Women's Chris-| ® her embroidered veil and she|Feception held in the Slovak|tian Temperance Vi nion was 300 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Hall, the bride's mother wo: |held in the Whitby Baptist y ' barried a cascade of red roses. ton ; F beonate i MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING ! The maid of honor, Miss|!nformal dress of gold brocade|Church in charge of Mrs. Char- a . with matching accessories andjles Langfield. | i : a corsage of red roses and; The Whitby president, Mrs. | F ttes Tour shezranthomenn s. The bylfe- H. W. Quantrill, received the! : groom's mother was in a two- } Pa piece beige lace dress with a| Local Food Plant linen jacket and a corsage of) ' pink roses and chrysanthe-) Following Meetin the couple left on a weddi | i ng| - The May meeting of the West-|trip to Niagara Falls and are) tount Kiwanettes was held oa Weg on ieee yeti cently at the Genosha Hotel with| "Or 'traveling the bride chose Mrs. C. A. Powell, president,| 8" off-white suit with red acces-| esiding, Mrs. A. E. King read|* i Coonamatvace from Mr. Wil-| Guests were present from Ham A. Smith, thanking the|Niagara Fails, Scr rborough, | members, on behalf of the Boys'| Markham, Bay Ridges, Toronto Club, who volunteered to serve|2nd West Hill. hot dogs to the boys at the re-|---_----eaeee eent basketball finals. The highlight of the evening! was a tour. through Loma Linda Food Company. The tour was conducted by Mr. Frank L.) NEW VISTA TELEVISION Wessely, 2 member of the West- : . mount Kiwanis Club. |) You'll enjoy the sound and picture OUR PRICES START AT Mr. Wessely explained the machinery, products manufac-| tured and told of future pro- of the RCA New Vista TV's this yeor ... whot's more you'll really enjoy the low, low price they're going ot RIGHT NOW at PARK- > ROTARY MOWER duets to be manufactured. 4 y a | f WAY. M : oes F a . Make sure you di d Refreshments were served al- SMART WOMEN ... " V A a see the inate. line of RCA lowing the Kiwanettes to sample | have their corpets and uphol- \ Victor TV sets NOW. the delicious foods such as sand-|} stery cleaned 'The Safe Way' wich pread, vegelona, olives, by DURACLEAN boysenberry punch and others. | 728-8518 when yoo | trade your working 19" Portable Model No. 19-PT-925 power "THE TRAVELMATE II" @ 19" Aluminized Picture Tube -- 172 8q. inch viewable picture @. Newly-developed Power Grid Mrs. Kenneth Zimmerman thanked Mr. Wessely for the in-! teresting and enjoyable 'time spent af Loma Linda. rf 2 IF chassis with cool-operating "Dark Heater" Tubes "Space Age" Sealed Circuits -- Lifetime Guerantee NOW. ONLY Built-in Monopole Antenne ee --- 17900 ONE OF SEVEN RCA VICTOR PORTABLES ON DISPLAY SHOPPING CAN BE EASY! 50 FT. HOSE 66 Light, strong, flexible, $ colourful striped vinyl hose with zine couplings. OSCILLATING LAWN SPRINKLER Thoroughly covers areas up to 2,100 + ft. Sturdily constructed for years $ of use. 4a "THE LOMBARD" Model 23TC818 With 23" Aluminized picture tube ; § : * Tuner 25 tube functions ... 20,000 high volts i " : io ur fs i a a TOURIST TENT most dependable Space Age circuitry . "Golden Throat' sound ... and smartly fashioned ond finished ' One of many bargains from our camp- ing supplies dept. A 10 ox. tent with Victoreraft all-wood cabinet. window, dutch door and canopy. NOW 00 . Sewn-in floor, 9' x 9' x 6%' high. - 10 99 YOU ALWAYS GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2 You $1.25 WEEKLY 1 Year Guarentee on Parts and Service See all of our Vacation Sale Values. Phone or drop in for free catalog. (NOTE -- Will close 12 Noon on cee during June, July end August 190 KING EAST 725-6566 EASY BUDGET TERMS Power Grid READ AND USE TIMES FAMILY WANT ADS CALL THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 723-3492 WITH TRADE @ OPEN FRIDAY TILL9P.M. @ "YOUR COLOR TV STORE" PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH "We Service Whet We Sell . . . OURSELVES" PHONE 723-3043