24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuentey, Mey 19, 1964 | 'Northern Dancer === Philadelphia Saf Francised "BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS | 18 19 a | Boston 6-5 Minnesota 2-6 ++ Probable Pitchers Today .. Detroit.3-4 Cleveland 1-1 Pittsburgh (Friend 3-2) at Houston (Bruce 4-1) () Los og Baltimore 4 Chicago (Elisworth 2-4) at St./Chicago 3 Washington 2 Louis (Broglio 2-2) (N) | Monday's Results Philadelphia (Mahaffey 2-2) at|Detroit 7 Washington 6 Takes Second Leg St. Louis Pittsburgh Cinéininati Milwaukee Los Angeles San Francisco (Sanford 3-3) (N)| New York (Stallard 9-4) at 4\Los Angeles (Ortega 2-2) (N) Milwaukee (Spahn 2-8) at Cin- 17 16 "16 (Only gatne stheduléd) Probable Pitchers Today Minnesota (Pascual 4-2) at New York (Bouton $2), (N) Of Triple Crown BALTIMORE (CP) -- This time there were no arguments. Northern Dancer, the Cana- dian-bred colt that won the Ken- tucky Derby without convincing all the spectators he was the best horse in the field, did it again in the Preakness Satur- day and left his rivals without any excuses. ; "The best horse won, that's all," admitied Willie Shoe- make , who rode Hill Rise, the beaten favorite, after passing up his chance for the mount on the Dancer in his classic en- gagements. Hill Rise, whose whirlwind finish barely missed catching E. P. Taylor's colt at Churchill Downs two weeks earlier, couldn't stay. with the Dancer on his second try. The long- striding California colt faded into third place, 244 lengths be- hind the winner. "He will do anything on a race track that you want him to,' said Bill Haftack, wlio part- hered the little three-year-old from Windfield's Farm in his Derby and Preakness. victories and hopes to ride him again in the Belmont Stakes at Aqueduct June 6 'in his bid for the Triple dramatics He stayed close to the pace- setters, Big Pete and Quad- rangle, for the first mile of the 1 3-16-mile distance before mov- ing in front. Hill Rise chal- lenged briefly but was ottrun Clearly in the stretéh, even- fadlly yielding second place to The Scoundrel, which finished 24% lengths behind the leader. Quadrangle was fourth, half length behind HillRise, with Roman Brother and Big Pete Houston Chitag |New picked up his $124,200 purse pittsburgh 7 Los Angeles 4 without any down-to-the-wire|st Louis 6 Milwaukee 5 Cincinnati 5 Chicago 2 San F ancisco 6 New York 4 Houston 4 Philadelphia 3 San Francisco 6-1 New York || St. Louig +2. Milwaukee 34 -- Chicagé 8-1 Cincinnati 4- Los Anigéles 3-3 Pittsburgh 2-8 Philadelphia 2 Houston 1 'Philadelphia 4 Houston 0 New York 4 San Francisco 2 Pittsburgh 4 Los Angeles 2 14 4 go 11 % 407 6 York 16 2% 313 10 Saturday's Results Sunday's Results } Monday's Results (Only games scheduled). cinnatl (Ellis 20) (N) American League W iL Pct. GBL 625 -- Hh 598 586 533 83 Ag 4 Los Afigeles (Belinsky 1-4) at Baltimore (Roberts 1-2), (N) Kansas City (Drabowsky 1-4 at, Baltimore (Robe ts 1-2), (N) Detroit (Wickersham 4%) at Washington (Natum $1) (N) Cleveland (Siebert 10) at ;|Chicago (Peters 3-2), (N) 2 3 International League KH WL Pei, GBL @ | Toronto 17 7 .708 6 falo 144 9 609 % Syracuse ll 9 50 4 Rochester 10 10 500 & Columbus 10 12 455 §& Richmond 9° 4 391 % | Atlanta 515 250 10 Baltimo e 5 Los Angeles 1 | Saturday's Résultg Sunday's Results |Buffalo 6 Columbus 3 New York 11-8 Kansas City 9-0) Atlanta 4 Syracuse 2 | Jacksonville 5 Rochester 2 Chicago New York Cleveland Baltimore Minnesota Detroit Los Angeles Boston Washington 412 Katisas City 379 Saturday's Resiilts New York 10 Kansas City 6 Washington 3 Chicago 1 Boston 6 Mirinesota 5 Cleveland 2 Detroit 1 % rounding out the six-horse field. The time, on a holding track, ;Crown. |NO DRAMATICS was 1:56 4-5, compared with the | The Toronto - owned Dancer Jockey Hartack Happy On Mount *BALTIMORE (AP) -- Bill Hartack, the angry young maf of thoroughbred racing, was al- most polite Saturday when he described his Preakness victory aboard gritty little Canadian- Bred Northern Dancer, a Vic- tory worth $12,420 to the jockey. **"This horse gives you évery- ing he has. whe you ask him," Hartack said. "Hé is easy to ride and extremely sensitive to what you want him to do." "There was only oné waspish outburst by the brilliant but vo- latile jockey. That came when @ photographer called him 'Wil- ie," a pet peeve with Hartack. "My name ig Bill," he dnapped. "Where did you come from? One of these days you fre going to learn you spoil everything for everyone else." "Then he resumed answering questions. He stopped for a tele- vision interview before giving an Preakness record of 1:54 3-5. On a faster surface at Churchill) Downs, the Dancer had set aj .jreeord of two minutes flat for) the Derby distance of 14% miles Hank Moreno, aboard The Scoundrel, said his colt was running strongly at the finish) ner over @ longer distance. "Yes, on the next time round," said Braulio Baeza, who rodé Quadrangle. The Scoundrel, third in the Derby, also finished behind the Dancer in two other races this season. NO DOUBTS NOW "I don't fave. ant doubts about this horse going a mile and a half," said Hartack when asked about his colt's chances of winning the longer Belmont and 4 head in front," Hartack said. "Our battle consumed a lot. of time--about a quarter of a mile «antil Northern Dancer opened & lead about 50 yards before the final turt. "My horse labored in the strétch, but the others just as much. This was an extremely tifing race track. The horse had to be in gréat shapé to handle 1" Hartack said Northern Dan- 1A and might have caught the win-)the annual Canadian Ski Association meeting Monday by Donald Sturgess of Montreal,| Oshawa Skier On Alpine Jump Team TORONTO (CP)--Delegates to Amateur adopted a training program to | enable national-class skiers to/Ottawa; Judy Young, Port Ar-|Toronto at Syracuse further their educations while|thur; and developing into top-calibre com-/tawa. peétitors. The training system, proposed| Ipine chairman of tlie interna-! tional competitions committee,| Cross-country team were Don} is scheduled over a period of|McLeod and David Rees; Ot-| éight months and will be held inj 'awa, co-operation with Notre Dame|Creek; University at Nelson, B.C. | The men's squad includes Jini satin || Johnson and Currie reer | both of Ottawa | Ontario skiers named to the| Rent-A-Car 'Richmond at Toronto ppd Siunday's Results | |Richmond 2-2 Toronto 1,3 |Buffalo 5-3 Columbus 3-2 Atlanta 2-6 Syracuse 54 | Jacksonville 5-3 Rochester 11-5) Monday's Results { |Richmond 0-0 Toronto 1-4 piné mén's and women's team/|Atlanta 3 Jacksonville 1 at the meeting. (Only games scheduled) The womén skiers are: Anne Games today Parson, Ottawa; Vicki Rutledge,|Buffalo at Rochester Heather Quipp, Ot-|Columbus at Richmond jAtlanta at Jacksonville ONLY 41.00 A DAY Plus Low Mileage Charge FROM Erie Salkeld, Balsam} afd Oliver Hannula,| South Poreupine, | Sélected to the jumping squad) cér, owned by Canadian indus- trialist E. P. Taylor, was not as sifong over the last eighth mile as hé was in winning the Kentucky Derby by a neck over Hill Rise, but at the same time hé did not use the whip as much because no one was gaining in) tk. stretch drive. | Hartack contended that Willie Shoemaker aboard Hill Rise had to ride a different race than b winner since Citation in 1948 even moré confident. ond choice to Hill odds-on favorite, paid $6.20. ecoming the first Triple Crown Trainer Horatio Luro sounded "We aré ready for a mateh Northern Dancer, a 2-to-1 sée- Rise, the So far, Hill Rise is the only; arships, |Wwas A committee was formed to). ~ re | study establishment of ski schol:| We"e Frank Gartrell, Fort Wil-) suggeted by |Gray- of Sudbury. Gray, | U.S. Nordic, | race at any distance from five-| North American and Canadian] eighths of a mile," he said.|cross - eountry champion, said "My horse is quicker." the scholarships would give po-| , tential international competitors|London in 1844 by George Wil-) an Opportunity to reach a high|liams and a group of ae ea level of proficiency without sac- rificing academic years. he did in the Derby because of other horse definitely slated to! PLAN AUGUST PROGRAM jliam; Kaare Lien; Oshawa; and) Robert Seppo Ruhanen, Sault Ste.| sod U8 ea FOUNDED YMCA The YMCA was founded in) jemployed in a drapery firm. fpr we ai ie MERCURY TAXI Oshawe's Largest and Most Modern j) Taxi end UsBrive | 725-4771 TUES. MAY OSHAWA jence to newspaper report-jcriticism of Shoemaker's late x pgp fary cry from his antics}move in the Kentucky Derby, | POS ihe gs fo Pag hae 3 after the Kentucky Derby two) "I thought he rode a go0d|er, planned to await the out- Weeks ago when he signed auto-jrace in the Derby," Hartack| come of tuneup races before graphs for an hour before mak-|said, '"'but he had to do some-| making their decision. himself available for ques-| thing different." | 'The Dancer, a reject when leg Shoemaker said "I got beat offered for $25,000 at Taylor's ~ Just as in his Kentucky Derby|legit'"' when he climbed off Hill yearling sales 'Seb years 26 Briony, Hartack said, he kept/Rise, third-place finisher behind|i 14 now the possessor of a Beye on: the fevered Hill ise/ Tip Seewneres, $519,092 bankroll, will be rested| "Northern Dancer is just a H , ew * hnene."? @ aker paid until the Belmont. After that, if Cee te gece au|@ll goes well, he'll shoot for the| Rite i the Derby and Preak./J08th running of the Queen's) Piate at Toronto's Woodbine ness Park June 20. and let the rest of the field take) re of itself. | « "When Hill Rise moved up on in the backstretch, I decided to keep Northern Dancer about MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS RIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile "Pace" The Milton Stakes" for Thréeeyearoids and BEATS U.K. RECORD LONDON (AP)--Gordon Mil- ler broke the British high jump record for the second time in five days and Robbie Brightwell, captain of Britain's Olympic track team, scored a snappy half-mile victory in a British méet at White City Stadium) ol RACE -- 1 Mie sree te year-olds and up. Purse LPhyilis Brooke, Waples 6.30 $30 3.80 ee ae ti » Purse $3000 added Seecttrey Direct, Kingsten «6.0 Pl ereiewa ret, wapien 19.10 810 2480 a psend , Al gerieg Per, Hay 1.2 2.00 Stert good, won handily Pansy Brewer, MacTavish 14 Also Ran in Order: Robért Lee J¢.,| Start , won driving lan in Order: Meadow Nency, pel gl mem Mel Anewile Wick, Jean Lee Gratten, b.| Monday, Miller raised the high Beverly Dillard, Lucky Sis, Miss Key|jump record one-half inch to six SECOND RACE -- 1 Mile "Pace" for Jj , ACOU . Brightwell won Baiden: Three-vear-olds, Purse $4600 (7) Igelel Wick. B-Cou- feet, 10 inches. Brightwell SCietus Hanover, MacT'ish 4.00 4.40 3.50 Wyn MacPherson, Hill pled Fleetwood ©. Grattan end Severly|in 1:48.1. son 7.90 4:60 Dillors, -- | Birt geod en al gma -- Ronald W. Biisky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR Three-year-olds and up. 5Shadow Stone, Wellwood Hay Fever Back Pains May Trust, Walker i] 100 King St. E. 728-5156 ie " Also Ran in Order: Margaret Herbert, Bonnie Who, Chris Yeado, and_Patriotie. Tate Can. Homestead irish Fergie. DAILY DOUBLE 7 and 5 PAID $20.70 Pace" for Swing Harriony, Hayes Start good, won driving Also Ran in Order: Dr Yates, Full Swing, Hénry's Count Mite Total Pool 174,861 THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile ty es Malden Three-yearclds. Purse $600 (8) J PAnother Look, Leblanc 28.00 15.16 7.50 Biong Distance, Walker 12.80 6.00 @Lynden Albert, Johnson 6.60 Sart good, won driving Also Ran in Order: Adios Yvonne, trish Bive, Northwood Combat, Solon's Mem @y, end Stormy Grattan FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile "Trot' for Bhree-year-olds and up. Purse $700 (8) PGedie"s Mac, Pacey 10.50 5.30 5.20 Riddell Gold, Habkirk 15.80 8.80 @Hughes Hanover, Wapies 580 Slert good, won handily Also Ran in Order: Mr. Jive C., Elaine Yolo, Flashy Chuck, Riverdale Bob, and Sivis. = *PIFTH RACE -- 52 Furiongs "Pace" for Three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8) Puunior Atom, Varcoe 8.40 5.10 5.20 Delia's Hal, Madil! 8.10 4.80 Prince Adam, Morrisey 5.20 Start good, won driving wAlso Ran in Order: Dinny Bomb, Jim | Mile Harvester, Kaiona Kid, Stormy Wey, and Pauls Adam. | end 4,106, = "ee McLaughlin Coal & Supplies -- announce -- Faster 24-Hour Delivery Service -- With our Fleet of -- RADIO-CONTROLLED DELIVERY TRUCKS! ! [ Budget Pfan - Automatic Weather-Controlled Delivery i « =SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile "Pace" for Three-year-clds and up. Purse $800 (7) SSandy Dares, MacTavish 5.30 3.80 3.50 Addarion Mohawk, Geisel 7.0 4.40 Fast Traffic, Miller 4.40 Start good, won driving gAlso Ran in Order: Leny Boy, Johnny je, Tonight, and Mighty Creed. Late in, Widower's Pick 1 QUINELLA, 5 and §, PAID $246.40 "SEVENTH RACE ~ 1 Mile "Pace" Three-yeer-olds and up. Purse $600 "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat' TELEPHONE 723-3481 "18321 McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Lid. 110 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 'awena Adios, Holmes Ran In Order: Meadowview Penny Hal, Charley Fornes, Byrd, end Patchen Bars. ' ' , - oh ' We cf ( anada Ae? # we Vhiskios PROUDLY EXPORTED TO MORE THAN 50 COUNTRIES DISTILLED, MATURED AND BOTTLED IN CANADA BY CANADIAN SCHENLEY LTD Morton 1 St. Mirren 2 WRESTLING ARENA Gentleman Jim Professor HADY -. HIRO} ERIC. FROEHLICH vs The DESTROYER (UNMASKED) Tarzan Tyler vs Big Bob Stanlee Tickets for these fine exhibitions at the Casino Rest. - 75e - 1.25 - 1.50 Pat Milosh - Promoter Three Christmas jumping, camps for both the national) senior and junior teams will be| held in Midland, Ont., Port Ar-| thur and Revelstoke, B.C | Only six skiers from Ontarié | were named to the national Al- OLD COUNTRY | SOCCER SCORES | LONDON (Reuters) -- Results | of Scottish League Sumner Cup! soccer matches played Satur-| day: | Aberdeen 3 Dundee 1 Airdrieonians 1 Motherwell 2 Dundee U 1 St. Johnstone 0 Dunfermline 1 Hibernian 1 Hearts 1 Falkirk 2 19, 8:45 pm Professor Hiro aS APRIL PURR REC URBRS CARS AND ¢ TRUCKS The Sign To Really Rely ..» For A Best Buy OK Used Car You Can Be Proud Of ..» For The Best Deal You Can Make... Look For Your Newer Model Auto On The BIG LOT 1961 AUSTIN STATION WAGON ...A compeet wagon that con do lots of work for you. .. 1961 CHEVROLET Try this one for driving pleosure. 2-door model com- plete with outomatic trons- mission. . . 1695 1960 VOLKSWAGEN A deluxe model . . . just like new! With rodio, 795 y Get your car checked FREE at the Safety Check Lane I'VE HAD MY CAR SAFETY CHECKED/ POLICE STATION LOT May 19 to May 28 - Daily 12 Noon to 8 P.M. Except Sat, & Sun. Transport Vehicle Inspection Centre. Your car gets a thorough, complete examination, free, in just 10: minutes. Inspection covers 38 | check points, including wheel alignment, front end suspension, lighting, brakes. { THIS AD SPONSORED IN THE INTERESTS OF TRAFFIC SAFETY BY 1960 PONTIAC - DELUXE SEDAN with radio. A populor model at @ most popular price. .. 1959 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN complete complete with odio. A - "tuam-dinger" of @ buy! 1958 FORD CONVERTIBLE . . . @ truly popular model for "fun- shine" driving. Automatic transmission and radio. . . 745 1957 PONTIAC DELUXE 2-DOOR with auto- mtic transmission ond radi®, 675 1956 DODGE 2-door model with auto- matic transmission. e 75 complete with radio. MONZA COUPE A shorp 2295 equipped with eutometi¢ trens- SEDAN with FULL WAR- 2095 power steering ond brokes, STATION WAGON .. . just whet 2095 model with powerful V8 engine. it. It's priced right! . A sharp looking, smooth 1795 tonight 1955 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP COUPE, Autéme. tic and redio. 125 CONVERTIBLE Just the cor for great summer driving ... 2295 - «+ hes automatic ond re- dio too! : "68" SEDAN. Now . . . here's driving at its finest... fully 2995 ission, 5 Brekes and vedio eer RANTY. 2-door model you'll really like! HARDTOP COUPE with ou- tomatic transmission, radio, 2595 ONE OWNER .. you've been wanting to take the family camping! 4-door COUPE. Toke it for a test drive . . . see how you Vike 1595 running sedan complete with automatic ond radio. SEDAN. 4-speed tronsmiss- jon, radio, Take a test drive 1095 The economy compact with plenty.of pep. 1955 BUICK SEDAN, complete with auto- matic transmission and radio 45 "OVER 150 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM" @ 16 Sales Representatives at your @ Use Our Convenient GMAC Terms "Serving Oshawa and Area over 40 Years" ONTARIO -..-- 5 OSHAWA SAFETY LEAGUE) wioToR saLes LTD. "|