Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1964, p. 21

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Sate ener mete > - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 15, 1964. 21 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings. TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchangé--May 15 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. 1--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change + : stan' Net Stock Sales High Low a. a chive Stock Sales High Low i Ch'ge Pow Rov 500 44 44 Lyndhst he Fy Te i $000. 12. 12«412 640 $10 10 WW 7 g 46% 47 eo 6 --} BH a9 WY 1 155900 15a 14ve 18 + Hh "24000 2572 2Ae 28 + Val 1000 40 40 Stock Sales iMieh ioe am. orgs Stock Sales lian Low a.m. 'cnge 130 36% 64° 6% Union , Ol! 1575 $16Va 162 16a + 4 270 $6%- 6% 6% Unispher 1000 26 2% 26 200 $12%%4 12% 12% Un Oils 500 239 «239. 239 +3 125 $97 974 97% Un Reef P 42125 36 30 334 +5 5s id 552 55¥4-4+ %4| Wespac 732. 172 We Wat 1 W Decatta 200 175 175-175 +1 MINES 1000 22% 22% ee % 1700 190 188 1000 22 3 2 tT 1500 9 "sp "sn Pt Tourists Tramp To Tour House = @2ts driveways and public lawns. INDUSTRIALS The flower beds on Parliament 11Net Hill are a riot of color and an| Steck Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge inereasingly-popular target for| Abitibi Vado, $1584 158 15% -- Ve amateur photographers. hive "bs ve 8 im ii $3 ee The pedestrian shopping mall 0 Ve 3434 along three blocks of downtown Alta ons ~ sas 0-90 oh Sparks Street, just a block from "ISG ai5%a te 154 's 45344. 35 MY 35 wom n 102 (105 25 ns » 94 +1% 6 | orrawa (CP)--The annual t march on Parliament Sin otf 4 flan tart Waa year. All Pitch Area A Arcadia Atlin-Ruf umaq Bankfield Base Mets B-| Oglivie 225 Ont Stee! 25 Rea" "3s 645 $70 " 70 Pon cae rf 'ow orp is build mnt V7A $33% 33% 33%--%| Price Bros 212 Me 44 Parliament Hill, also is . $53 53° 53 + | QN Gas 150 $7% 794 a ing up a reputation as a tour-) Anthes" A = 224 $23% 23% 23% QN Gas pr 10$104 104 104. + % istgetter: $16% 16 16% + %| R-Nodwell "100 410 410 410 --5 $12% 12% 12% Rolland A 100 $94 94 M%--% Apart from the MPs, the 750. $24 7% 24 + %4| Rothman 100 $12%4 12% 12% RCMP detachment a: to protect the Parliament Hill grounds has the biggest head- ache. The traffic in buses alone has become a tough one to han- dle. Also, the RCMP are under pierre strict instructions to give the|'s¢ Phone 739°$61 6). 61 + Me tourists all possible co-opera- sa a 2% +2M% tion, even if it means posing for! ts Uncle Jim while Aunt Agatha 4 i ce ce) drapes a bold arm around the $25Va 26¥a 25" Mountie's shoulders "and cud- pe os oe dies up coyly. Me As a result, the Mounties get 180 their pictures taken oftener than 180 cabinet ministers, Unlike the ministers, however, they're 2500 Si 14000 13% 13 ee 500 12° 12 pr 2000 331 te Belleterre 3000 55 Bethim 1100 6s At the current rate, an esti- mated 750,000 persons are. ex- pected to tour the majestic cen- tre block wrsihiad Angee ie mark of. 564,000 visitors last year. Warm May weather has brought them out in droves--| mostly school children on or- bus tours. By mid-week, guard had counted 82,000 per- sons on tour in the , 23, = ahead of the same date in Wi 6 6 0 4 ™ /BROWNS' BREAD) LON (ANNIVERSARY Contig je °2500 rand) (prise nd ot la WoO the Ef celebrate Its impressive 75 year history of personalized service with the finest bakery products, BROWNS' BREAD presents a contest with almost 1,000 prizes --all in cash! ; 0 10 ™" Tal sé aah ce a iat Bevcon 1028 10% 10Va 102 * gi 4 204 + Bibis 1000 24 23¥4 23¥a-- Va righ gt Black Bay U0 ais 14a tale M4 ee ae, 138 433 980 950.980 r ita. uch 1000. 5% a" vies Se 13 +4 $700 60 59 m+ 7000 "10V4 10% we," 1000 145.145 ism 10 1010 1050 350 600 1000 2300 83 365 365 Tos Bisstatyts Royal Bank Russel H Salada Seven Arts Shell Can Me 7% Shell | pr 26% Shell 1 wts 590 590 $90 10 ied Save 400 $12% 12 12% Simpsons n 295 $22% 22% 22% Slater Steel 450 $16% 16% 16% Slat A wts 500 585 575 575 Stafford 250 410 410 410 St Pav 225 $10% 10 10% + Ve St Radio 1000 $10% 10% Steel Can 967 $26 25% Suptest ord 1005$17'4 17% Thd CG Inv 300 $10' 10% 4 Tor-Dom Bk 175 $64 64 Con_ Nichol T Fin A 950 1% C Rambler Transalr C Red Pop tr Cah PL 1553 $39% 39 39 £ yo eel rans. 510 $19% 19 19. 1 ic fgg ORE Ag 9 --%| Conwest 1500 625 425. 625 Turnbull 225 $10% 10% 10% Cop Corp 1000 33 33 Un Gas 21% 21% Cop-Man 2000 Vanadium Cusco 12000 Vendomat Daering Versatile D'Eldona Vic G Tr Denison Walk GW Dicknsn Webb Knp. 900. 56 Well Fin 800 $6%4 SM Well Fin te 1100 96% 6% WCoast Tr 375 $18% 18% Westeel 100 $13% 13% W Pacific 275 $17% 17% Weston A 167 $17%4 17% 17% Weston B 424 $172 172 17 West A wts 229 875 875 875 +5 Woodwd A 355 $25 25 25 + M% Y Knit A 100 -$6% 6% 6% + % OILS 1000 24. 2% 24 Alminex 124 400 400 400 254+ Ve; Am Leduc 5502 21 2% 21 + % "6 | A Am Moly 3000176 176 176 --a | Int Helium 1300 163 Ang U Dev 2500 25 25 25 Irish Cop 2850 | 26 Asamera 1800-76 «75-75 a ae Bail 5% pr $254 254 2514 + Ve 4 CS Pole 325 325 325 +10 = 2 € Delhi 705 785 785 yer C Delhi w 600 240 240 240 --10 be C Ex Gas 2300 135 130 134 42 38 | Dome Pein 225 $17 17% 17% Fd Duvan 43000 12 13 +3 bd Glacier 1000 " 205 ; ae $00 650 650. 65 $18 18 18 0 2 eae $50 440 440 440 -g | Leitch 57655 325 310 325 --I15 34000 31 «29 «31 -44~«|:«Lencourt eee sd BEAN 7687 4) NC Oils 100 290 290 Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. SSS=25838 90 $75 14% + ve $ 1% + ve 6 Ws lorgo! Norlartic Mees 32 3612 262 + V2 pore $i0% 10% 10% -- vo] NY Gordy 160 155 160 Rank Northcal Northgate O'Brien O'Leary Opemiska Orchan Pce Expl one SHAWA m FREE PARKING ALUMINUM NASH AWNINGS PRIME AND PORCH ENCLOSURES . STORM SCREEN ALUMINUM senate Windows DOORS-WINDOWS @ COMPLETELY PRIME WINDOWS CMHC ACCEPTED GLAZED , @ SCREENED FLEXALUM @ ALL HARDWARE .. FITTED : sx $3328 age ssa 500 100 gs 5 His 51a + " 1033 275 «(275 3} 0 $32% 32% 32% + "ve Li Aral 27 D+ 1,381,000, 7 £ 833 4000 950 1190 eo 1000 150 135 2300 33 8 Sales to 1) @.m.: i FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Mt, 210 $19% "194 191M 100 395. 395 395 18 ---- g eos the real rush does -- not hit until July when school is jout and the daily changing ofthe guard spectacle begins urfolding on the hill's spacious front lawns. Chief George Jones, who heads Parliament's 72-man uni- fotmeq protective staff, said Thursday the tourist flow seems to be hitting its peak earlier earlier each year. "This is)rarely smiling. ly going to be the biggest! Unless, of course, they are 0 2% -Y@r ever," he added. Ma 44% 44% + Vo} asked to. 13% 13% -- Ye hdieled menbers ot Parliament & Bre ang ae ed m rs 'arliamen hh 3a-- Va Adew years ago MPs from dis- CANCER PROGRAM m2 tajt constituencies rarely had al HALIFAX (CP) -- The Nova vit from the home folks. NoW/health department has it$ wot unusual to get five or|jaunched a program for regis- sit calls a day from visiting|try and followup examination of 7 Aly ee oe id Yalers: persons with cancerous tumors. 9 & Administered by the Nova Sco- Bridge Va 212 "ATTRACTED BY FESTIVAL tia Medical Society and fi-| Oofasce a Chief Jones credits the city-|nanced by the department, the 4 20% promoted May tulip festival|registry began in January. By thy with producing the early rush.|1965, every cancer case will 4% About 1,000,000 tulips are injhave been placed on file and a blossom. now along the capital's followup. program started. OBITUARIES THOMAS G. MYERS In poor health for two years Thomas G,. Myers, 205 Hillside avenue, died Thursday, May 14, at the Oshawa General Hospital. He was in his 72nd year. A son of the late William and Elizabeth Myers, the deceased was born at Wandsworth, Coun- ty of London, England, Mar. 30, 2116 23 2000 12e cn nt 2000. 8 8% 82-- 200 214 214 214 --1 435 «6+5 Trans Sherritt 13: 1% 12% iM 1000 17 («16% 17 1000 10% 10% 10% pe Can Malt n CSL % 30 10% 10% 180 «(180 180. 180 4. M4 Cc Brew CcBAlAw CcCBAIBw 9 | 9 $5 me + mm 7 WN 70 654 654 -- Va N% W4+% 8% 220 $13% 139% Wut % 375 $342 rig Uva 6 +t 6% 62 18% + ve 13% + Ve % Discovery Donalda El Sol Fwest T Frncoeur 15 PRIZES EVE Ist PRIZE $75.00 RY WEEK for 1 14 prizes of PLUS ONE $2,500.00 GRAND PRIZE at AND 74 CASH PRIZES OF $25.00 TOTAL 975 CASH PRIZES $1.00 each 40 14¥a + Ve 4 i ie end of contest 35% 35% 41% 41% + Ve Glenn Uran GF Mining Gulch Guif Gunnar Headway 1000 8% 8% 8%4-- Va 900 2 0 2 +1 210 720 720 720 +15 1000 18 = 18 400 «5% Sia High-Bell 400 450 435 435 Hollinger 575 $31% 31% 314--% 58 158 21% HERE IS ALL YOU DO--Every loaf of bread will have one end label with the words 75th ANNIVER- SARY and a space for your name and address, Remove this label, fill in your name and address and mail to BROWNS' BREAD, Postal Station "G", Toronto, Send as many entries as you wish each week. Put them all in one envelope. Be sure you have correct postage. All entries are eligible for a weekly prize AND the final grand prizes. Weekly contests close each Monday at 12 o'clock noon. Late entries go into following week's contest. Every Monday, 100 entries will be selected from a revolving drum. The first 75 of these 100 entries who can be, reached by telephone will receive a prize if they give the correct answer to a simple question. Parents or other adults in the home can answer for children of 12 years or younger, All weekly prize winners will remain eligible with all other weekly entries for. the grand Dosco Dom Stores | All Rox Heath $25%4 $46 SIDING JALOUSIES ALUMATOPS FOR PICK-UP TRUCKS "20, bal KING ST. EAST 48% 4870 + Va Mat 19% -- Va) Du Pont East Ch Tr $48% Falcon 432 $742 74 Fam Play 200. $19%-- 19% Fed Grain 25 $73% 73% Fleet Mfg 2200 85 81 55Ve 100 300 578 25 $55% 100 $124 225 $254 306 600 250 220 100 300 @ READY TO INSTALL AND THEY SAVE YOU MONEY Showroom & Factory PHONE 728-1633 95 ATHOL ST. EAST--OSHAWA ,employed as a_ stationery en- gineer at Hotel Genosha and Oshawa: Dairy Limited. For the past few years he was employed eer pr by Smith Transport Limited. Hee te} During the First World War acted Pf Mr. Powers served with the Im- periat Army and the Imperial Navy. He was an adherent of Simcoe Street United Church. Hard Carp Hd Carp A Hawker-S N_ Davies 290 5 | NCO pr 185 $47% 47% 47% --~ Ve f _y| NCO wis 10 25 39s 1930 . 300 | 70 670 OO me x 330 e 500 68 68 68 1400 S00 52 52 $2 aise | Provo Gas 15800 202 200 202 00 Quonto 1100 =-13%2 13¥%2 13% Ranger 1000 140 «139 Sarcee 8500 179 Teck Corp. 600 500 500 S00 5 | Tried Oj 155 215 215 215 +4 +2 CHIROPRACTOR Hay Fever Back Pains 100 King St, E. 728-5156 | ATHOL ST. EAST 230 23 23 -- 'My 800 40 140 (+5 | 301 882 882 -- 400 75 int Nickel Inter PL -- 1893. He received his early edu- tion in England and came to Canada in 1902. He had lived in Toronto before coming to Osh- awa. . Myers was employed as an inspector at Fittings Limit- ed for the past 25 years. He wks an adherent of the Saiva- tion Army and was a member of Branch 43, Royal Canadian "the First World War he served with the Canadian Forestry Corps. He is survived by his wife, Mr. Powers is survived by his wife, the former Lydia May Durdle, whom he married June 23, 1928, in Simcoe Street United Church; two daughters, Mrs. Kurt Mayer (Phyllis) and Mrs. Frank Wimbauer (Violet) and six sons, Robert, Howard, Wil- ford, Charles, Donald and Nor- man, all of Oshawa. Also surviving are three sis- ters, Mrs. Percy Rolfe (Susan), Mrs. Betty Cosgrove and Mrs. Fred Rimmer (Alice), all of To- ronto; a brother, Uriel Powers, of Newfoundland and 17 grand- children. the former Nellie Wren, whom he married in Oshawa in 1928; and a son, Donald, of Oshawa. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Major William Hocking, Getty Heights, Indiana, Pennsyl- vania; two brothers, William of Oshawa and Samuel F. of Eng- land and two grandchildren. The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 10.30 a.m. Sat- afday, May 16, followed by in- terment in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Major F. Lewis of the Salvation Army will conduct the service. He will be assisted bg Major William Hocking. H ISAAC POWERS {isaaé Powers, who suffered a heart attack at his home, 72 Royal street, died Thursday, May 14, at the Oshawa Gen- etal Hospital. He was in his 65th year. 'Born June 4, 1899, at Bona- de- ased was a son of Mrs. Liz- late Stephen Powers. A resident of he was ta, Newfoundland, the . amne Powers and the Oshawa for 38 years, The memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, May 18, at the Armstrong Funeral Home. Rev. John K. Moffat, 300 300 5BY%4 5BV4 Int Stl P Inv Syn A 135 $5814 100 460 460 100 39% 9% %%-- 300 385 385 M5 --5 2870 410 410 410 +10 6300 5855 SB +3 266 $18Ve 182 18V2 100 350 100 $18% 18% 100 $12% 12% 48 87 Th 7% 650 37% 1% 120 $20% 20% 30% 225 24¥a 24Va 90S $29%2 29% W WIS $24V%e 24 50$120 120 1000 380 Loeb M Maclaren B MB PR Mass-F Mass-F . 5' MEPC 380 750 $7% 7% 7% 400 315 310 30 +5 z10 310 310 310 250 $31%4 31% 31% 032 2 2 --% Met Stores Mid-West Milt Brick Molson A Molson B minister of Simcoe Street Unit- ed Church, will conduct the ser- vice, Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home until Satur- day evening. + FUNERAL OF GARFIELD K. WELSH The memorial service for Gar-' field K. Welsh who died in his 57th year at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital Monday, May 11, was held at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 14, at the Armstrong Fu- neral Home. Rev. A. Woolcock, rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church, conducted the service. Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Theo- dore (Pete) Welsh, William Welsh, Sr., John Welsh, Jack Wesh, Jack Bailey and William Welsh, Jr. FIREMEN'S AXES LONDON (CP) -- Firemen chisel-shaped at one end with a swivel hook at the other. The reason for the change is that the axe cannot be adapted to suit the proposed new light- weight uniform. 85¥2 852 | 40," +10 | may lose their axes soon if aj home office committee ap-| proves a new type of side-arms,| | Name of Street LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT: on the work: Elgin St. E. King St. E. 1. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct ce id shown below, as a local i on the streets os jolly assess all or part of the cost uupon the land abutting directly - ds to Warren Ave, Rockcliffe St. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its Pp , and int y " ESTIMATED COST prizes at the end of contest, May 30th. REMEMBER, every one of the variety of delicious : geoge of pats is BREAD has an entry label with or on i Employees of Browns' Bread and their families, the Ph rypets eg Agency and advertising media, are not eligible to enter WINNERS Cait 7: 75.00 PRIZE WINNER irs. G. Prudhom, 20 Davean Drive, Toronte City's Owner's Cost Owner's Annuel Total Shore Per Ft. Ftge. Rate Per Ft. Ftge. $1,673.23 $ "472. 50 $4.50 $0.626 $5,817.78 $1,209.28 $4.50 $0.626 To Arena St. Eastlawn St. ian South South Width rs ' 2. The estimated cost of the work is $7,491.01. The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal ennuel instalments, f of the undertoking of the ° PP' said work and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the said work being undertaken. 4. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, it may appoint a time end plece when any objection to the said work will be considered. DATED at Oshawa this 8th dey of Mey, 1964, L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawe. ie. PROFI io / "on Special Accounts Closed Monday -- WITHDRAWALS On DEMAND SAVE TABLY with Canada Permanent 3h on Regular Accounts' ' BUSINESS HOURS: Open Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10 am. Te 5 p.m. » Fridey, 10 a.m, Te 8:30 p.m, -- Set. 10-¢.m. Te 5 p.m. REGULAR CHEQUING PRIVILEGES ON 314% ACCOUNTS From 4% SPECIAL ACCOUNTS OSHAWA sobre CENTRE J. W. FROUD, Manager Remember when Bonded Stock came in that plain old bottle?. | Bonded | Stock Canad ULL Well, it doesn't anymore. That fine old bottle has launched its last sip. We've designed a new container for Gooderham's Bonded Stock. Tall and refined with classic lines. (Our whisky's now in the best shane ever.) And we age Bonded Stock longer now as well. To make every drop just a little more mellow. One thing though. Bonded Stock's smooth lightness we don't change.. Our blenders know a good thing -- when they taste it. Judging from the number of peopie who buy Bonded Stock Whisky, so does the rest of the country. Gooderham's have been distilling fine whiskies since 1832 FOLLOWING 74 NAMES EACH WIN $1.00 AJAX Mrs. T. Sanderson, 6 Pine St. AURORA Mrs. D. Snape, 34 Child Dr. pag Hae og 47 Yeoman $' rs. Marie Cooney, an St. Mrs. R. Windsor, R.R. No. 5 ae Hey Trice, 64 Orchard Dr. = 81 W. Bridge St. po Mes. Cane' Sipprell, 40 Nanwood Dr. BOWMANVILLE Mrs. Harold DeMille, 227 Liberty St. North coscuns Mrs, A. Champagne, 365 Burnet Dr. cooney LLE . R. A. Staughton, 2421 Loanne Dr. R.R. Downsview Mrs. C. pret hlai Mrs. D. S. Horley, 15 John St. West. LAKEVIEW Mrs. M,C, Brown, 833 6th Street MARERAR Mrs. J, W. No, 2 . Brown, 1531 Sheppard Ave, West Thomson, R.R, No, 1 MALTON Mrs. M. Johnson, 7207 Hermitage Rood Mine Be H: Cooper, RR. N rs. D. He » RR. No. Mrs. N. Head, 61. Lindsay Ave. Mrs. S. Parker, 150 Willow Lene Mrs. P. Hanson, 111 Crone Court Mrs. B, Taylor, 64 Lindsay Ave. OSHAWA Mrs. John Stewart, 116 Eastmount St. Mrs. W. Fcc shgee 113 Banting Ave. Mrs. J. Lezdins, 94 Central Park S$. Mrs. R. Harper, 456 Beverie Mrs, Joyce Scott, R.R. No, 3. ge gy ood . Pritchard, 254 London St. vont. (extort Vanderplas Mrs. As Me Bot 23s Mrs. B. Wieland, 54 Mrs. Carney, 526 Arveter 'Ave. Mrs. J, E. Harper, 1460 S$. Sheridan Woy PORT HOPE Mrs. lenr Lock, 6 Bedford St. ero ag 4 HILL Mrs. L. Hartley, 'Fairhaven' 261 -- Ave, THORNHILL Mrs. Mary Yan Tol, R.R. No. 1. , gh jKenmuls Ave. lewood Road TORONTO me M. Allen, 288 Dunview Ave., Willowda Mrs. C. M. Pigerjgl 24 Jane Osler ag Toronto 19 rs. a at ie aXe: 'ost, pest ie ing, 598 Broadway A' Toronto 17 Mrs. * 4 luca, 4 Sunnylea Ave, test, Toronto 18 Mrs. W. Dickson, 72 Marcos Bivd., Searborough Mrs, E. ig a 13th - . Toronto Ay Mrs, Brot e, Mrs. T. 4. Flavin, ise st. Germain, tars. Noe Forbes' 148 Genrend' st. i. tent, Apt. torent 2 veg ay ' Thanos ia Pa emet rs. Ivy Ha n, tor' Mrs. E. Ha 84 Sammon, ne Par % Rochman miso Sea hea Main, 90 Gledhill Ave, ryt 13 ae A. Mullen, 28 Tremont Road, | Islington Mrs. Sayyed 33 oe Cr., 'Searboro rough Mrs. Me Rennie, " Og ea Court, y esdgg 9 Mes. ve, Pottiele Silliker, 32 Miller St., Toronto TREN TON Mrs. M. Denney, 25 Leird Drive ake Lense oR, Oremera 34236504 west sc Seeare StddE<<s at ocice

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