Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1964, p. 19

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17--Male Help Wanted '23--Wanted To Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale i. a LOL RO ne Bg A i 27--Real Estate For Sale las site "i ie Naina | Pe A came np ee pomey mer pee ee 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 15, 1964 a peepee ee PRE sea Paha a 41 haracter references. Apply asigr, 27 King Street West, Oshawa. ' |7--Male Help Wanted SALESMEN 'TO SELL ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Earning Potential $150 week up Must be neat in appearonce ond aggressive. A Car will be 'On asset. * APPLY North West Paving and Construction Co., 107A Colbourne St. W. Whitby 668-8961 MAN To assist in shipping depart- ment. Experienced. in the handling of furniture ond ap- plionces on asset. 30-40 years of age preferred, Per- menent position for right Porty. Apply MR. OWEN CHERNEY BROS. 80 KING ST. EAST Between 4-6 p.m. only ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS For Electronics Plant Experience on Test Equipment required. CALL AJAX 942-2120 For Appointment EXPERIENCED MAN REQUIRED "FOR MACHINE SHOP me. CALL AJAX 942-2120 for appointment WANTED ~ RETAIL SALESMAN emp! tee REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FOR LARGE RETAIL COMPANY STORE if, --Age 22-30 i Sie Conk 4 oppeorance and Trrorest in pag to the pub- lic, Previous sales experience preterred, All company bene- Fits available including paid vacation, $s, pension plan, Excellent opportunity for advancement with lead- ing monufocturer depending upon ability. Call for oppointment E. M. HARRIS B, F. GOODRICH STORES 88 KING ST. WEST 725-4543 SALESMAN $240 A WEEK Immediate opening, mon to coll on churches and other civic organizations with guar- anteed money, making plan. Must have car and be free to travel. We. will train you and demonstrate in the field, thot you con earn commis- sions of $240 and more week- ly. CALL MR. WILIAM DESJARLAIS on week-ends or Monday in Toronto at EM 8-5543 SALESMAN 50 yeor old Funeral Supply Monufacturer is in need of a SALESMAN with funeral experience. Prefer. Licenced Embalmer, age limit 40. Drawing account against liberal commissions. Reside in Toronto. Territory all of Ontario Province. Write only, giving all particu- lors about self ond marital status to: CHAMPION CO. 856 Millwood Road ___ Toronto |, Ontario REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Must be local resident, neat appearance, own late model cor and quolify for sales training programme. Long hours, frustrating but reword- ing ond interesting. Interview by appointment: only. Paul Ristow, Reglitor, 728-9474, Financial Trade Bidg., 187 King St, E. LIFEGUARD Experienced, first aid, over 18. Must have cor. Swiss Chalet Park | Call Pickering 839-1313 eetertig | "2 LICENSED MECHANICS BOX 722 OSHAWA TIMES ~ TAX! DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 | bis Top earnings. Apply 'MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 -- LICENSED MECHANIC Capable of running shift. a A Good Bonus. Anplv "SFOR SERVICE STATION 288 BLOOR WEST | OSHAWA, ONT. | Le ESMAN WANTED for men's wear bre. Over 35 years of age. Apply 36 mg Street East. AN DRIVER required for dry clean- route. Cail Cardinal Cleaners, 728- 611 for appointment. Married Dependo MAN WANTED TO LEARN TO SELL \R AUTOMOBILES Ideol working conditions. Ap- | ply in. person at: Nicols Motor Sales 146 Brock North, Whitby TOOL MAKER | To work on dies and fixtures. Top wages. TELEPHONE 725-5813 ~~ PAINTERS" Brush and Roller Complete Summer Work Telephone 668-5862 from 6 till 6 or 668-8184 evenings PART- TIME driver for weekends, "Must be available from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Apply in person, Envoy Restaurant. WILL EXCHANGE $43. per wi rs work each evening. Writ Box 807, Oshawa Times. HOE, grader and loader ope opera-| First class operators with refer- only. Phone Port Perry 985-2582. for two @ Classi- } 18--Male or Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED nurserymen for s season, good pay, eventually room and board, Telephone Bowmanville 623-2837. Trejbal, Jerry Mearns Avenue. - WHITBY JACCORDIAN AND' GUITAR | teachers, full or part time, Please state quaii- fications to Box 43, Oshawa _Times. CLASSIFIED Patié Stones, Screen Blocks, Sond, gravel, top soil, stone, Plastering 'materials, ~ wall- boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- ing, Tile. 668-3524. | SAWDONS"" (Whitby) LIMITED | Fuel and Builders Supplies 244 Brock St. S., WHITBY, Ont. EXPERIENCED shor! order cook want- ed immediately. Full or part-time. Ap- ply Donald Cox, Ontario Trading Post, \Highway 115, Orono 10 R 19. |20--Room and Board |ROOM AND BOARD, iunches packed, lTv, parking, near South General Motors | Telephone 723-1671. 217 CHURCH STREET: For tv two ~gentle- men, large front room, singlé beds, good |meals, downtown and forth plant. 725-2879, 2 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompi service on Calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut i ad West, Whitby, 668-2563. ROOM AND BOARD. $15. per week for a willing to share, single beds. Apply 7 Brock Street East. DRESSMAKI -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting) speciality. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. [oon AND BOARD for gentieman, will- ing to share; single beds. Near South ral Motors, 728-9523. SALE -- some used furniture and ROOM AND BOARD Close to North plent, 1355. for gentleman. Telephone 75.) In_her|board for gentiemen, lunches packed,| the 519 ALBERT STREET ~ Room ard | parking, private home. above address. Apply at en's A let wove crested softball jer- Special club prices. Mercantile De- partment Store, Whitby Plaza, WANTED -- A ride to Toronto. Leaving around 7.30 a.m. Telephone 666-51 pe inn Sell, trade used furniture and ap- Furniture, 215 Dundes Best, 'Hie. poids Used 'urniture. indas Eas (668-5481. i an free to retired couple or ta return for janitorial Ps Box 7001, Oshawa Times, [English gentiemen preferred. NEAR DUPLATE and bus, quiet home, weicome. | lunches packed, shift workers 723-1248, Ht Family of five needs July | occupancy of three or four bedroom house with large kitchen or dining room, Must be modern with outlets for washer and dryer in basement Reasonable distance to pub- lic and' high séhools. Only clean well kept houses will be considered. Phone 668-4833 after six any evening, Lease desirable. WANTED: Two-bedroom, main fioor apartment or me ag house, 7: June 1.) Steadily employed 728-3202. baad Paid os av Bcurind al; bs look af elderly peated Py! carne for use Pas orm Will take full, myesponsibiiity of home, Write to Box 905, Oshawa Times and give particulars, COUPLE with baby wants three-room apartment. Possession ad 4. Refer- mences, Telephone 726-9959, SINGLE GENTLEMAN urgently requires one bedroom or bachelor apartment, self- contained, _ Parking. Please call all 723-3565. NEEDED by June i or 15, threebed- , Oshawa or district. Tele- 24--Houses For Rent AJAX: Large 4-bedroom semi-detached bungalow. Oil heating $125 monthly. im- mediate possession, Phone Ajax, after) 6.0 p.m., 942-1256, | PRIVATE Bay Ridges, brand new, six- vel bungalow. Telephone Tétonto 233 REASONABLE rent. House on southern edge of Sunderland. Contact Mr. M. J. Boole, Sunderland, Ontario. 25--Apartments ° }DESIRABLE second floor downtown apartment. Three rooms and bath. Un- furnished. Heavy wiring, heat and wafer. Adults only. 728-8175. |ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM | apartments jin new apartment building. All modern jconveniences .Telephone Whitby 668-6560. NICE APARTMENT, all modern conven-| ----Jiences; sult middle-aged lady or business ~~ | couple. No children, please, Apply 91 Rit-| json | Road North. |THREE-ROOM apariment near south! |General Motors. Available in one week.| Adults preferred. 328 Malaga Road. | THREE-ROOM basement apartment, |newly decorated. Stove, refrigerator and) |TV. antenna. Available - immediately | Ideal for couple. Apply 472 Drew Street,| Oshawa. |FOUR ROOMS and bathroom, unfurnish- Avaliable immediately. Telephone |723¢ 7159 between 12 noon and 5 p.m. |BEATTY AVENUE, 184 -- two-room fur- |nished apartment. Off street parking | Available immediately. Apply address.| is. -- Two-bedroom apartment on main floor, stove and refrigerator. Aduits pre- ferred. Available June 1. Apply 498 Sim- coe Street North, 5 ___ CABINS, heated, facilities, v weekly rates, 7 |Wonderland Park Motor Court, '2 mile |past Bad Boy, Kingston Road East, Osh-/ jawa Phone 723-7424. Pal eels For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD, N. 728-867 | FURNISHED bedroom for rent, kitchen! privileges. Gentlemen preferred. Tele- |Phone 725-0284, |CLEAN, furnished room, close to Hou- Mie. Suitable for gentleman. Call 723- FURNISHED single room, use of kitch-| jen. Telephone 728-7120. |FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for two) |brothers, friends or one single gentlie- "aye No excessive drinking. Vacant May) elephone 728-6387. svananED ROOM on Ground floor, |. light housekeeping iriinete ladies only. Apply 28) Poplar Street, ONE SINGLE room, also large room, two, single beds. 574 Crerar -- = one single, "ene double, , single! |beds, suit gentiemen, north district. Call) 725-4325, ATHOL STREET Clean! furnished room for gentieman. Private! bath In quiet Nome. Abstainer. Call 725- |2124 |ROOM s ers, aa. Apply 106 Elgin Street woes | Garage available. la WEEKLY | Tight | "housekeeping room, lady preferred. High School, Hospital area, separate entrance. All conveniences. |Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-8792. } |CHURCH | STREET, 174 -- two furnished lrooms, light housekeeping facilities. | Gentlemen preferred. Apply above ad- EAST, - @ for two iadies, non-smok- young _men,| (sopra | AVAILABLE, sult Inn, Tele- |TV lounge, parking, Pontiac |Phane 725-9035. PENSE |ELGIN STREET WEST -- Furnished! room, suit lady. Telephone 7 725-8974, | FURNISHED ROOM, suit one or two,| $10. weekly, Telephone Whitby 668-3804, FURNISHED or Unfurnished room. Suit one or two adults. Telephone 723-9565. LARGE, bright furnished light house-| keeping and bed-sitting room. Close to! hospital and downtown. Girl preferred 723-7100 HOUSEKEEPING room, furnished or un- furnished, central. Suit one or two ladies 28 Prince Street, 723-2512. SINGLE ROOM. Ciose to buses, 10 min-| utes from uptown, Telephone 723-9589. 27--Real Estate For Sale NEWTONVILLE -- 4 bedroom home on 2 acres of jand. Only $7,000 -- $1,200 down.) W. Frank Real Estate Limited, Bowman- ville, 623-3393. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, decorated, corner lot, close to 4 bedroom 2 storey olde: type h large modren kitchen, oil heati treed lot, Venetian blinds, T.V 668-5853. |SUMMER COTTAGE, winterized, two bedrooms, kitchen, large' fiv-| ing room, two boats. Cottage completely) }furnished, Located on Beach Lake in the| GOING! GOING! But Not All Gone We still have completely finished homes available for immediate possession, NORTHRIDGES (Sommerville at Orchard View) Two Storeys Tri-Levels Split Levels Bungalows Three, Four and Five Bedroom homes ALL HOMES QUALIFY =OR $500. WINTER; BONUS SAVING Homes Open for Inspection Daily 2 to 4:30 P.M, 723-3240 728-1679 728-8254 723-3770 723-7335 723-3788 Phyl. Jubb Joe Crawford ... Charles Smith Loreen Kellett .. Sid Goodfellow John Kitchen ... H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. 9. Bagot St. 728-1679 KEITH PETERS Realtor' 728-7328 103 King Street East EAST END $12,500. 7 ROOM HOME in spotless condition, forced air with oil heating, gorage, large treed lot 93 x 143 ft, $13,500. --- SUBURBAN 6 room brick bungalow close to Oshawa on large, lot. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1 'to 5:30 Bellwood Drive --- Homes of Distinction Drive west on No, 2 highway to Thick- son's Rd. Turn south to Bellwood Drive to open house signs. ~ NEW 3 BEDROOM HOUSE 2nd concession South of Blackstock, V2-mile East of Seugog road, 500 feet from new highway leading from Blackstock to Bowmanville. Ya-acre lot, well landscaped and fenced, oil furnace, for- ced hot air, 100 amp wiring, 4 piece bathroom, school bus at door, many extras. TELEPHONE 725- '9187 THREE-BEDROOM ranch house, con- tains garage, finished recreation room, oil heated. Excellent jocation in Port |Perry, 985- +2180 or _Box 4, Port Perry. PRIVATE. House and lot 110 x 133.5, north west of city. Excellent apartment) site. Telephone after 6 p.m. 725-9652 room, Minden area, Only two hours from Osh- lawa. Full price $9,000. with $2000. down. 728-4285. BOWMANVILLE new two- storey home, eight rooms. Reasonable. Low down payment arranged. Call after 5 p.m. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2609, McGill Real Estate Broker, Fairly $1,000 DOWN large attractive kitchen, newly school, immediate possession, call Audrey Moore, 669-4088 or 668-5853 JUNE Ist POSSESSION me centrally located in-Whitby, ing, 3 pc bathroom, beautiful antenna, asking $10,000.00. Coll Audrey Moore, 668-4088 or 668-5853 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Lorge 4 bedroom home and cement block building presently 'being Used for cold storage, just two blocks from down town. areo. For further: information call Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 or BELL DRIVE 3 bedroom bungalow, in excell carport. Home carries for a low including taxes. Call Pauline 728-5886 or 668-5853. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage MEDICAL office for rent, 700 sq. ft. For, further particylars, Phone 725-5132, STORE, downtown location. | any small Telephone ___|23--Wanted To Rent «| TWO-BEDROOM apartment with stove ind refrigerator by @ couple with @ baby. t 728-1508. "FOR eat --~ Apartment, furnished, bed- sitting room, kitchen and bath, large "iy rooms Heavy duty stove, refriger- ReBlY 731 Palace Street. ine. gravel, loarn, and fil, delivered to 'Ajax, Oshawa and area. Telephone WANTED TO RENT -- furnished apart- ment, July - August. Married teacher, one baby. References. Phone 723-9932 after 5 p.m. COUNTRY house or farm required by June 17, with option to buy, within easy to Ajax. FoR LE: 1953 Ford pickup, good par painted, Goolds Furniture, newly ns Ms Dundes East, Whitby. 668-5481. 'FURNISHED RO Alax 942-1020 before 6 URGENTLY aSGUIEES small house, i adults, by muy 1, Reliable tenants. | Telephone 728-508: ROOM for rent. preferred. Call awn after 6.30 p.m. for details, ' electric, good NGE, + RANG! Whitby (668-2108. Mottatt Deluxe, ' WANTED -- furnished or partly fur- nished two or three- room apartment.| Parking space, Whitby, Oshawa town or country arae. Quiet, reliable tenant. Write Box 916, Oshawa Times. itl Jack Bayliss, | Large two storey, semi-deiached ment finished off as | bedroom low monthly poyment of $89.13 including' toxes. Hobbs for 'on appointment to inspect 728-5886 or 668-5853. i OLIVE HOW ideal f business. Reasonable rent. 726-8300. | After Au Pp nine call 218 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY lent condition, includes. natural fireplace, aluminum storms and screens, bamboo drapes, chimes, monthly payment of $102.00 Hobbs for further information DUNLOP WEST home in good location. Base- apartment, Home carries for a Call Pauline E REALTOR 668-5853 drey Moore 668-4088 'auline Hobbs 728-5886 JUST COMPLETED LARGE NEW 7 RO | wood ponelled family room with and oven, Decorated | IN ANSLEY PARK | OM SPLIT LEVEL Home, 2 car gorage, electric heating, one and a half bathrooms, stdne fireplace, built-in range PRICE $28,900 bath jbalance on one 6 Inspection' by appointment. Call PETER JOHANSEN at GUIDE REALTY REALTORS -- 723-1121 LOOKING FOR "THE BEST? Yes you will find. the best of moterials and workmanship in this lorge brick and stone ranch built. for an executive. Many features such 'as electric heating, 2, fire- places, seporate Spine | pre, Ss entrance. Eearebene, finished -recreotion cating is : ae Let. us show you this home. tonight. word in this spotiess 5 room brick bungalow located close to. bus, shopping plazo and schools. Double windows ond screens, forced air. oil heat. ing' and paved: drive also fenced yard are oll there for your comfort ond con- venience, Early possession con be arranged, OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL so make an. offer on this immaculate 3 bedroom 144 storey brick home witts double garage. House clear and dwn- er will hold the mortgage. Price' hos been reduced to '$9,000. INVESTMENT WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION -- 8 suite aportment and land for ono- ther 4 suites on Park Rd. South. Excellent income ot present showing good pro- fits. Priced right for quick sale. GOOD ENVIRONMENT FOR CHILDREN -- 3 room bungalow with a fenced yard, only 2 blocks from school ond in on orea with no through traffic is ideal for the family with small child- ren. Large living room and modern kitchen with lots of cupboord space ond eating orea and playroom 'in the bosement. What more could you ask? This Whitby pro- perty is listed at $11,800. with excellent financing. SPRING BUILDING TIME-- We hove lots available on Deon Ave., Oshawa Blvd. North, Stevenson's Rd, North and Thickson's Rd. North as well os others. Sizes and prices vary, some suit- able for V.L.A. Come in ond discuss your building prob- lems and needs with one of our courteous salesmen, NEAR KINGSWAY COLLEGE -- a choice 6 room brick bungalow with 3 large bed- roms, 4 pc. bath ond sepor- ate dining room with built in cupboard. An attractive home with a good arrangement of rooms that you will like. Full price $14,900, DOWNTOWN ---- 17 room brick home with gorage pre- sently used as a rooming house, 60 ft, in fromt zoned commercial, Excellent loco- tion on King St. West just 2 blocks from Simcoe A SPOT OF GARDEN in back of this 4 room storie front bungalow is just ideal for the older gentleman to putter to his. hearts content, A cherry, pear and apple tree ore already set out os well as berries. A large modern kitchen and 2 bedrooms are in good condition. Low heat- ing costs with the Forced Air Oil furnace and storm win- dows all around are included in the price. Let us arrange On appointment this week-end for you to see it, ATTRACTIVE 2 STOREY in the North East area close to all schools and transporta- tion is ideal for the growing fomily. 3 bedroom 'and a den or 4 bedrooms and 4 pc, tiled both upstairs. Down- stairs has o large living room with fireplace, separate dining room all expensively broad- loomed. A family room opens onto a patio and well groom- ed back yard is the finishing touch to this well kept home, a Full price only $18,+ For full particulors call 21 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Edith Gifford 728-0768 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Steve Englert 728-5581 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 John Hutchuk 723-9266 Leon Moanitius 725-8068 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 Richard Young 723-7183 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Li 36 Siees Seok, CONVENIENCE -is the key INCOME--$1,500 DOWN Six room, ystorey and a half with two kitchens, walking distance from South Plant. Your own living querters plus income. Don't miss this one. RAVINE SOETING Two year old, fiv@-room bun- golow-in select area. Car- ries at $109 monthly includ- ing 6%2% mortgage. A new listing -- early sole expected. For further information call George Koornneef ,at 728- 9474 or 723-2859 evenings. PAUL RISTOW "a89476 Financial Trade Bidg, 187 King St. E WHITBY--triplex, $23,500., income rent per monthly $235. Private, four years old., $6,000 down. Whitby 668-398) or 725-3090, "| four-piece bath, olf heat, fully stormed jand oven. Call house, six rooms, plus 12 x 20 sun Yee Large lot. Garden, frult trees; R. Vernon, 248 Scugog Road, Port hS, 985-2168. LM ACRES with trout stream, seven-| sca METCALF REA! ESTATE LTD, MODERN, one and a halt storey frame|-- 27---Real Estate For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sole ee brick, be rnd 'West near schools fully land- scaped. Telephone 725-5135. home, garage, near $10,800 -- $2,500 down. Call Pat Yeo, W 40 King St. East W.|16ACRE lots, level, Lopes ig stream. Dial 7 8-4678 ioe Estate Limited, SOMMERVILLE AVENUE $13,900. for this 11 year oid brick veneer bungalow with HAMPTON -- two acres, trout stream, three-bedroom brick bungalow. Beautiful setting. Many extras, $21,000 -- terms. Call Jack Ricard, 623-3393. W. Frank Located af highway. Full price $4500. with serie: McGill Real Estate Brooker, 728-4285. NEWCASTLE -- fully furnished duplex. $4,500, Cal) W. Frank Real Estate Lim- ited, 623-3393. poved drive, All '. Real Estate Limited, B BUYING OR SELLING | TED CAMPIN- MOTORS 607 KING ST. ---OSHAWA Oust: East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ATTRACTIVE money making THREE-BEDROOM split-ievei with car- port, located in north-east end, built-in stove and oven, plus decorating included. cell D. Hymen Real Estate Lid., 3 bedrooms. Large lot. Close to all schools, BEATRICE ST, Brand pew on oer = way. One three-bedroom apartments, Full a 17,950. See sales- men on site. Follow Park Road. South to Phillip Murray Avenue and our office, Joseph Bosco Resitor, 728-7377. VOLVO . SALES AND. SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S . GARAGE': $13,900, located in north end orea. Close to all schools ond bus, shopping. Large lot. 2 bedrooms with large kitchen ond dinette area, large living ropm and dinina room. Paved drive. Garage. A lovely location. Apartment land available for 114 suites in a high de- mand orea. We also have building lots available in choice _ locations. Coll us today. PHILLIP-MURRAY AVE, Large roomy 6 room bunge- fow with double drive. Here is whot you get: 3 large bedrooms, a whale of a good sized modern kitchen, a large living room. 4 piece. tiled - bath, Now let's go downstairs into this 42 foot completely finished rec. room, and off of this you have a 3 piece mod- ern bath, oil furnace, laundry room, rec. room electrically heoted. Now we walk out to o lovely landscaped rear yord for this is a walk-out basement. Is there anything else you con think of? Let's get down to business, the price is $14,900, Don't you see the value here?, If you do, give us a call, OPEN €VENINGS TILL NINE Diol 728-4678 Jack Osborne Ken Honn Bob Johnston Joe Maga Dick Barriage FOR SALE: 5 Two F $s Bay, f wall to wall carpeting, double garage, patio, close to the bay. Big private lot, Phone 668-2405 or apply 141 Pine Street, Whitby, after $14,590 -- NEW gaiow with attached garage. salesmen on site every evening until dark. Follow Park Road South to Phillip Mur- ray Avenve and our sales office, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. ONE 10 ACRE lot left with the most beautiful trout stream on new paved road, Full price $5000. Two 10-acre lots, nice clear garden land, on paved road, road fromtage 694 and 946 feet, Asking '$4800. J. J. Van Herwerden, itor, 741 King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone 723-A47\, 100 ACRES with creek, small pond, ter- rific view. Scenic hilly land near Mill- brook, $9,000 -- $1,000 down, Call Joe Barnoski, 623-3393, W. Frank Real Estate Limited, Bowmanville, $770 CASH to first mortgage, Immacu- late, three-bedroom, brick home with one- bedroom, panelled basement apartment. Nice neighbors, large lot, near schools and 401. Excellent buy, Private. Whitby 668-8033. BRICK, four-bedroom home, ne, Brock Street, Oshawa, $15,000 -- terms. Call Joe Bar- |noski, 623-2393, W. Frank Real | Limited, Bowmanville. LOT on Thickson's Road North, 200° x 75'. | Telephone 728-0983. PRIVATE four-bedroom brick bungalow, | newly decorated throughout, Large fin- ished recreation room. Family size kitch- en. Four-piece tiled bathroom, aluminum storms and screens. Paved drive. Price $14,200, Telephone 728-9887. $13,000, HOUSE for sale, Spotless, fur- |nished recreation room. Close to General Motors south plant, Reasonable down- | payment. Telephone 728-9804. |Lors | FOR SALE: Baptiste Lake, lovely |summer lots, 100' x 250', sandy beach, good fishing, road and hydro to each lot. |For information call Dunbarton 839-2181. |CEDAR PARK picnic area, 97 acres, | lexcellent stream, filtered pool 60' x 120%, soccer field, baseball diamond, picnic tables, swings, parking area, buildings, flush toilets. Low down payment, McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. LIST AND MOVE | rereamee icans ta gaka' gendiilon a | ; hools and shop- WITH THE CHECKERBOARD {or axing only 412400 with ow down "$12,600 yment. For further information call {Sohn Kitchen, 233788, H. Millen Real 3 bedroom brick bungalow, situated in the south-west |Estate Ltd. | two years old. badd i BR My -% $700, $18,000) crea, Very well cored for |down. Whitby, 668-3981 _ or 725-3090, home. Corries for $95.00 monthly including taxes, Re- quired $2,700.00 to one 6% mortgage, Ask for Mr. | $600. DOWN, NHA re-sale, one mortg for balance. Call. now. Vickery Rea Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725-9345, | Estate, 728-5157. |28--Real Estate Wanted _ BUNGALOW $7,600 Older style -- 2 bedrooms, requires $2,000.00 down - low taxes. Hurry for this one. Call Mr; Ed Drumm ot 728- 5123 or 725-9345. GOOD BUY! 4 years old, clay brick and stone, 1245 sq. ft., Hollywood kitchen, attached gorage, finished Lasement. Can you motch it at $14,500. Terms. Call Mr. Charles Rankine ot 728-5123 or 728-3682. HOUSES ! ! HOUSES!! HOUSES ! ! HOUSES We Need HOUSE LISTINGS $9,200 MUST BE SOLD Special, 5 room, 1% storey home in spotless condition. Fenced yard, garage, low down payment with balance On one mortgage at only $70. @ month. Don't dealy on this one. Priced for quick sole. Call mow. Ask for Mr, Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 728. 42173 FOR SAL! ote he rie akg close to " creek. With terms. Charlie. Step -- pg pawn For Sale 1959 VAUXHALL 6 cylinder, radio, One owner, original miles. 1959 RENAULT, 4 door, black finish. 1957 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, ra} dio, 1957. CHEVROLET Deluxe 6 cylinder, standard trans- mission. 1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air 8 cylinder, standard trans- mission, radio, __ whitewalls, One owner 46,000 miles, 1955 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, standord transmission. 1955 FORD Yaton. pick-up. Will accept any reasonable MIKE'S USED CAR LOT RAGLAN 655-3528 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. 1960 CORVAIR 700, four-door, standard |fransmission, clean. Best offer. Call ' Whitby 668-8122. t. | Repair and" Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa '728-0921~ KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST: " WHITBY --- 668-5891. Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality' SPOT CASH PAID FOR.. Good clean cars, Trade up: or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 a eeepc 1951 PONTIAC sedanp. automatic. trans« mission, fair tires, new brake lining, wheel cylinder and rear end, Apply 360 Oshawa Boulevard South. NEW! 1964 impala con Sport,.... V. standard Wrecsmission, palomar red, m4 interior, 1,200 miles, four . weeks old, $3,500. ey aia Friday after 4 p.m. telephone 728- 1955 SONTIRE amet V8, standard transmission, new -- uphoistery, partially customized. After five call 725-6780, 1957 PONTIAC, deluxe sedan, 6, auto- matic, radio, wheel-discs. Excellent con+ dition, 170 Park Road South, Apart She ther » Apartment 1987 CHEVROLET station. wagon, excel- lent condition, Apply 24 Charles Street. 1956 MONARCH Lucerne, $90 or best offer, Apply first house sel a -- Road on the South Service CONVERTIBLE, 1955 oe Ve, automatic. Good reliable car. No reason- jable offer refused. Telephone 7 725-5555. |1987 PONTIAC, four-door, deluxe, two \fone . paint, new. tires, radio, Real good motor, A real buy at $595. Can arrange terms to suit buyer. Apply 277. Jervis Street, 728-2741, SPORTSCAR, 1961. Alpine, one Owner» id mileage. Call Frank 728-8214 after SIX, 1959 MONARCH convertible, full power, white and black, radio.' A-1 condition, 83 Ritson Road South, 728-3422; 1964 CHEVROLET Bel-Air aiitomatic, six« vines whitewalls, wheel discs, $2,595, |1959 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, four-door, eu- jomatic, radio, A-1 condition, one owner. Private. Sacrifice. Apply 758 Glengrove Street after 6 p.m, Ca , Call 725-8132. 1957 LINCOLN Premier, two-door hard- top, Full power. One owner, Very nice condition. Must sell. $100.down. 668-4517. 1958 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, four new tires, mechanically A-1, body work need- ed. Standard shift, one owner $400 or best offer. Phone 728-1966. 1959 CHEVROLET Impala. Smart two- tone, four-door sedan 'automatic, radio. Will accept small trade. Phone Bow- manville. 623-5752. 1962 PONTIAC Laurnetian, écylinder, automatic transmission, power steering. $1,875, Call 723-7606. 1962, INTERNATIONAL: dump © truck, power steering: Many extras. amet driven. This truck. carries fom licence PCV. May be seen at Monty's. A Service Station, Simcoe South. 1954 MERCURY, V-8, automatic, 4-door with radio, new brakes. $125. Telephone 725-0877. 1959 PONTIAC, two-door sedan, automa- tic and radio, One owner, $875. Private. 728-1183, 1963 FORD Galaxie, S0O0XL, convertible, bucket seats, 390 cubic inch motor, posi+ \traction, red, white fop, .black -- interior. Telephone. 725-6823. i960 VOLKSWAGEN with Tadio, In very. good condition. $850 or best offer. 728-9095, 1952 FARGO '4-ton pick-up, recondition- ed motor, body and tires very good. Best offer. Brooklin 655-3749. 1958 EDSEL Ranger, 4door sedan, auto- matic, V-8, black and white finish, $100, | 655-4484, miles. Used as. si car only, $1900.| Private, Ajax 942-3583. 1959 PONTIAC four-door, ¢ | good - A | Thickson Road North. 1963 TRIUMPH TR3, one owner, 12,000) |1956 PONTIAC, radio with back speake jer, windshield washers, new tires, very motor and bag ss Neo Pedichd 80 in good running condition. Very reason-) 725-2311. real buy for $550. -Fitzjohn bus, licenséd,|1963 CORVAIR, brown ares sedan, 700 series, automatic transmission, push- able. Shaw Auto Wrecking, 89 Bloor East,|putton radio, 14,000 miles. Phone 728. 7996 1959 VAUXHALL six-cylinder, 15000. Used only as second car. Excel- lent condition, 728-8749. 1956 BUICK sedan, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, $495. Cal Hampton 263-2258. |new transmission, A-1 running _ condition. | Telephone 723-9665. 1957 CHEVROLET, 2-door, _whitewalls, | |wheel discs, new paint, Excellent. condi-| Apply 1239 'Meadowvale tion throughout. Street. 1960 mileage} interior, whitewalls, good condition, Pri |mission, ) VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black, red Telephone sdinanecss UN RAE oo $30. Telephone |vate. |1952 AUSTIN A 728-4454 [e PONTIAC Parisenne, ' saddie tang 5,000 miles, V-8 engine, power .steering, ~ 40, |1956 PONTIAC "convertible, $425. 5, New. "op: power brakes, power windows, whitewalts, wheel discs, automatic .trans- padded dash, black. Interior, $3,450. Private sale. After 6 p.m, 725-8459. radio, (Continued on Page 20) NOW URGENT BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening RARE BARGAIN Oshawa Luxury Home $2,900 down buys spacious 8 room ranch bungalow, near Greenwood Conservation area, Double garage, large lot. Listed $27,900. Reduced for quick sale $23, 100. Call collect, Mr. G. Richter, Toronto 363-447] H. U. Bothmann _____ BROKER SIX-PLEX apartment lot, one e bloc ug pie gerd hl doadg 'erm close to school, bu none shopping. Terms availabi evenings 720-7162. a ris; COUNTRY LIVING, | very modern, two- bedroom bungalow. Large lot, just east of city, on quiet street, full basement, 'oil furnace, aluminum storms and screens, Immediate possession. Asking $10,500, with: $2/500 down. One mortgage for bal. ance. Cail Elmer Fredin, 725-2753 or 78- 7377, 7377, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, URGENT CALL RAE R. JONES Day or Night RAE R. JONES $13,900, -- NEW BRICK split- level bun- Galows. See our salesmen on site every evening until dark. Follow Park Road ol fo Phillip Murray Avenue and our log office. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728- | \-- mr FOR SALE -- Modern three-bedroom brick bungalow, B: ake ba ? sont For Informa- 2% ACRES near Mosport, Two-bed pore only $3,500. Call ee y barnoak, ) W. Frank Real Estate Limited, rar $1000. DOWN buys 25 acres with small barn, Ya mile from highway 15 near Orono. Full price $3500. McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. $12,500. COMFORTABLE sp galow, large Split-| level | bun- living room and kitchen, and screened, quiet residential street with school. shensine sana transportation lust around the corner, 5 per cent NHA piel ne Walter. Mittler, 728-7083, Jo- seph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. RESTAURANT on busy 115 and a5} High- ways, fully equipped. Only $9,000-- "SPRING May 21, opening at 2.30 p.m. Sponsored by UCW, Tea 50c. COMING EVENTS LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Free draws for Children SAT. MAY 16th Huge Fireworks. display starting at dusk, BINGO HOLY CROSS. HALL EVERY FRIDAY 8 P.M. 20 games $8 and $10 Five $40 Jackpots Share The Wealth St. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO BINGO. ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MAY 16 7:30 PuM 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, MAY 16th 7:30 P.M, : 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50. JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH Corner Bloor E. & Simcoe Every Fri. at'7:45 p.m. 20 Games $10 and $15. Jackpots and Share the Wealth GALA SPRING BALL N.D.P. U.A.W. HALL Refreshments, $3. per couple BLOSSOM" Bazaar and Tea, Albert Street United Church. terms. Call W. Frank Real Estate Lim- ited, Bowmanville, 623-3393. $1040. DOWN -- spacious fiveroom bun- MCLAUGHLIN CVI Concert Saturday, May 9% at 8 0' o \in the Auditorium. $1 adults; 50¢ Students. Music Nite, Band clock, Sat. May. 16, 8:30 p.m) Chartered Bus To Washington, D.C, June 26th to June 30th in- clusive. No night driving. Hotels & tours arranged. Rowe Travel Agency Port Hope SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO » TO-NITE CLUB CAMELOT JACKPOT NOS. 50 & 55 gelow, fully decorated with hulit-in stove $. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286. PRIVATE SALE choice location, three- bedroom split- level, bath and a haif. Re- creation geen ad ty room, be ESTATE BROKER 668-4003 dow! payment required. 720-3893 anytime but Saturday. COUNTRY living, close to school, six- year-old three-bedroom bungalow In love y large lot, four-plece bath- WYCHWOOD AVENUE -- three-bedroom brick bungalow with Hollywood kitchen, four years old, down payment with) per cent NHA mort gage. Full price $13,700, Douglas J. M. Bullied, Realtor.. 723-1168. room with vanity, oil heat. Asking price $11,500. For appointment to Inspect call Sally Wallace, 725-6297 or 728-7327. Jo-| i RS, THREE brick seph Bosco Realtor. * NHA, large lot, fenced, landscaped, weil 913,400. FULL PRICE for this five-room SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING: CLUB CAMELOT to Neil Matthews and his Ontario County Boys FEATURING : JUNE EIKHARD on Fiddle . CLEATUS GLAZIER -- Lead Guitar brick bungalow, 3¥2 years old, low down decorated. East Oshawa. Terms to suit 723-9706 WANTED -- Lot in or near Oshawa, not over 44000. Please call TTA) from' 12 noon to 10pm, WANTED URGENTLY: Three or more dedroom house or apartment. Good ten-| ants. References. Plone Whitby sea | 'after & p.m. #OR RENT -- Two-dedroom duplex, lower floor, unfurnished, $60 per month. Avaii- 'am gs w _ 917 Centre street ss | ACRES ~ partly "workable for "hunting, | vere with one mortgage that car- camping, real fish stream, $5, T.| ries for $96. per month. Phone Glen Mac- Murphy, Realtor, Call Marvin' Nesbitt, teinnon at $. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., Nestleton 986-4894, 728-6286. DANCE TIME 9 to 12--ADMISSION $2.50 PER COUPLE Loceted Just East of Oshawa Townline. Free Parking 728-3753 or . 723-9207 '

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