ah 1 LITTLE MAN'S MAN Judge Backs Plan OTTAWA (CP)--Hon, J. T.,against unfair administrative; The courts were no longer ade- Thorson, retired president of|decisions and, when necessary,|quate to control the powers of the Exchequer Court of Canada,/recommended remedal action. |the executive or government ad- Wednesday threw his support} Mr, Thorson said he consid-|ministrators. There were behind a campaign to intreduce|ers the campaign to introduce|many instances where the in- e find any organization worthy 'of receiving its 164 Citizenship Award. Alan Clarke, executive direc- tor of the council, said only two organizations were nominated for the award by the council's citizenship awards committee. William McGrath, executive director of the Canadian Cor- rections Association, said Cana- dian society has made no con- centrated effort to interpret the meaning of the law to U.S. Probes Ore Strike Behaviour THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thufsdey, May 14, 1964 2] Ont., an official said Wednes-jnouncements last month, one y. ' |suggesting that reports of a. Tiw officia! enmwnasizec tna |huge ore discovery were exag- the investigation is of a routine|gerated, followed by a second nature usually made when there|statement later confirming the has been heavy activity in some|size of the find. particular stock or some unus-| The commission wants to de- ual stock market flurry. termine whether there was any The price of Texas Gulf stock|deliberate misuse of informa- WASHINGTON (OP) -- Thelsoared after the discovery was|tion for the purpose of personal teen-|Commission is investigating the|.wildest speculative sprees in the|the official U.S. Securities and Exchange|confirmed, setting off one of the|Profit at the expense of added manner in which Texas Gulf|history of the Toronto Stock Ex-| He emphasized that the com- . Sulphur Corporation of New| change. mission is making no accusa-.. York made public its discovery} The official said the investi-|"ons of any one at this timeand -- of a huge deposit of copper,|/gation is centring on what was|that the investigation may lead. the ombudsman system in Can-|gmbudsmen in Canada the next|dividual had no appeal against ada. challenge in his busy life as ajsuch decisions. The outspoken Canadian jur-|public figure. The system has} Prof. Rowat said there also ist took his stand in an inter-|proved itself in Sweden andjis too much secrecy in govern- agers. "The law represents the au- thority of society and any au- view at the annual meeting of|other countries and would be ajment i: Canada. All govern- the Canadian Citizenship Coun-|major victory in safeguarding|ment documents should be pub- cil following a panel discussion|civil liberties if introduced injlie information except those on how the system works in/Canada, which could harm individuals or other countries and the need for} the state if they were made thority to be effective must be understood" he said, school system should help the family unit in giving youth a proper interpretation of the laws of the land, It was the it in Canada | Mr. Thorson, president-eiect| of the council for 1964-65, said he supports fully the introduc- tion in Canada of ombudsmen-- officers of Parliament or the legislatures who investigate |EXPECTS OBJECTIONS He agreed with panelist Don- ald C, Rowat, professor of poli- tical science at Ottawa's Carle- ton University, that the Cana- dian judiciary and bar will raise objections to the campaign. However, he felt that with per- lic i : hat. reached ail The citizenship. council re-|Omly agency t children over a considerable pe- ported that it was unable to ad of ane, DIVIDENDS suasion the judiciary and bar eventually would agree that the ombudsman system would make a major contribution in the pres- ervation of civil liberties. The panel which discussed the ombudsman system decided to present a recommendation to the council ungihg introduction 'Lures Beetles To Fast Death [irre tigi ino LONDON (CP)--Insect physi-| Prof. Rowat said Canadians ologist Dr. Harry Hurst has|are living under an illusion that discovered a diabolical way to/their rights are protected under kill death-watch beetles. ithe law, Powers of government It all hinges on the beetles'|administrators and government "beat'--a violent but regular|boards and agencies had eight taps to the second that| reached a danger point and sets the beetle's body rocking|some system was required = in perfect time in response to| protect the individual against) a mating call. junfair and arbitrary decisions. | CIVIL SERVICE QUEEN Pollyanne Blair, 22-year-old is a typist with the depart- Miss Citizenship and Immigra- ™ent and was formerly of St. tion Department queen, wes Catharines, Ont. A' total' of i 31 federal government de- crowned Miss Civil Service partment contestants were en- Recreational Association in tered in the beauty contest. Ottawa Wetinesday night. She --(CP Wirephoto) Dr, Hurst has taped the) ---- ors rhythmical love song and now © is relaying it through loud- H B Speakers in the beetle-infested orse uggies parish church of Dalham, Suf- folk. T C b La The beat lures the reluctant 0 ur: ne beetles hogy their holes and t sets them dancing ecstatically I qu U ges on the church's high wooden! n es r beams. Eventually they tire and| GUELPH (CP)--Horse-drawn fall off on to a floor coated with|.hicles should be required to a powerful insecticide that kills)... the shoulder of the road in them instantly | 5 etween Sun- The method has been eid eer cree" in laboratories and found per-| 'phi, was the recommendation fect. If it works in Dalham's of a coroner's jury Wednesday |14th-century church, it will savelatter enquiring into a double I, x y |£3,000--the cost of eliminating lity mi PERMITS VISIT jnist Ohinese prisons and the the beetles by conventional| tity, tly: weg a" py TOKYO (AP) -- Communist|bodies of 124 of them were sent| means. **|" Edward W. Buschert, 42, and China has agreed to permit ajback to Japan | Dr. Hurst, who owns @ tiM-/nis son, Wayne, 6, of Waterloo Japanése delegation to visit! : cay, |Derproofing firm, hopes the/were killed when the car in graves of Japanese war crimi-| BEGAN FORECASTING dancé-of-death beetle trap willl which they were driving turned nals who died in captivity on| The first systematic experi-jsoon be. operating in some out to pass a horse and bugey mainiand China after the Sec-;|ments in weather telegraphy|the large English cathedralsjon the highway and was in- ond World War. A total of 192|and forecasting were started in|threatened by death watch|yolved in a head-on collision wat criminals died in Commu-} 1860. 'beetles, ae with another c : Hint Firebug On Rampage KINGSTON (CP)--A man, be- lieved to have set 13 fires here since last Septembér, set two empty baby carriages aflame in an apartment building Wed- nesday and escaped a_ police} dragnet. Prams Blaze, | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Copp Clark Publishing Co, Ltd. common 10 cents, June 1, rec- ord May 20, Famous Players Canndian| Corp. Ltd., common 25 cents, June 12, record May 28. Charles E, Frosst and Co. class A extra five cents, June record May 29. ' | | Gitebe Envelopes Lid., com-| Mrs, Russel McNairs told po-|mon class A 13 cents, Aug. 1,/ hall of the apartment building) and stepped out to investigate.) A man darted out the front door and escaped in a car, she said.| She then discovered the fire| in the baby carriages and called) firemen. | All the fires have been in) apartment buildings. The larg- est, last fall, burned out an en- tire apartment block and left 40 persons homeless. \lice she heard a noise in the|record July 15. Loblaw Groceteries Co. Léd.,| first pfd. B 40 cents, July 15, | record June 17, Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hay Fever Back Pains 100 King St, B. 728-5156 zinc and silver near Timmins,'reported to have been two an-'w no other action. WOOLWORTH'S CHAIR With extruded aluminum arm rests, four vertical and seven horizontal plastic webbing straps. WOOLWORTH'S SPECIAL PRICE new Embass Canada's most outstanding @ cigarette PP eo Tae OPEN Thursday Friday Nights | till 9 P.M. ee ee eee eee ee ee ee es CRETE PESTS EER SEATS e et ee ee Cee FILTER Tip rae WO MN ee De ee a f Pw tA for families with careless drivers Now there's a kid-proof way to add extra beauty and glamour to your home! Abitibi Woodgrain Panels, with the new, protective surface coating. It's the panel that has everything you're locking for! 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