jfor them. The attitude to toys} MAY BE BY BACH script of three 10 THE OSHAWA'TIMES, Thursday, May 14, 1964 i : i j ; UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES| Centennial Museum (is, "ste comey| Music Festival | shoo nay. Ame fe ants Early Toys tate: just as surely and swittly| FOF Old London _ese" Napoleone Fanti, « music|sian ( NAVAL VETERANS' AU.X |20 would be the all-day quilt What did young Canadians\@S Canadians themselves are museum. librarinn, < seg: WA toting r The monthly meeting of the|ing. Anyone interested in quilt-| jay with when Canada was Changing." | The City of London is to hold|after months-of study he is con-|of the Navy Veterans' Auxiliary was| ing or tying would be welcome 9 He issued this appeal: "Wel sale aad platy treed ike Fel ae he has found a manu-itory. : held recently at the home of|from 9.00 a.m. Pot luck lunch ae would jike to hear from any-| . : Mrs. Earl + el |will be served. The June meet-| company wants to find out be-|0N¢, who can contribute infor-|te4q"t fae i ae second to pei The meeting was opened with|ing is to be a pot luck supper) cause, 'as its contribution to| mation or examples of the|heart of the British cond os the saying of the Lord's, Pray-|in Centennial Hall at 6.30 P.M.) Canadian centennial celebra-| 'YS of yesteryear: If people) 4. o¢ he highlights will be HAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ; er in unison, The secretary, Group 1 will be in charge of tions, it will establish .|do have very old toys in their) . : Mrs. Herb Maynard, read the| the worship service. seni of shavings & mu" attics perhaps they would sell, | performance of Shakespeare's 4 y | ors . | : d e A Pic 3 ' Twelfth Night in' the Hall of the! minutes. | Miss Isla Barker and mem-| Announcing his plan in Tor-/ Ve OF lend them to us to saa | Refreshments were served/bers of her group led the dev0-\ronto this week, Laurie Sam-|"¢!P establish our centennial! rll tea one of the Inns} by 'Mrs. Peter Tullock and|tional period. Christian Church) joj, a to, f. _|museum. Our address is 258 S 8 Hee 4 Mrs. Harold Harmer. |work in India was the theme. viaiwea: 'Our Company eu ooae avenue, Toronto." It was in this same, magnifi-| The draw prize was donated| Miss Parker read a poem, Wels ou hee faen te welatsl Pret Pac wer ey be oy 4 _ p Can Never Build God's King-| ance 'jtsell ; h 7 ight was first performed be- by Mrs. George MacKay and| =i ' ence itself for 44 years so we EVERY FIFTH A TEXT \fore van . audience including! won by Mrs. Joseph McCol-/dom." The Scripture was read\nave a fair collection of the| One of every five books Pub- | Queen Elizabeth I lough. by Mrs. S. W. Wannamaker. Al toys of the twenties and later.|lished in the Soviet Union is aj ----------_____ . ; " Fifteen, members were pres- reading, "We Thank: Thee.) put what did kids do to amuse|text book, of which there are EN F ; | |Lord," was. read by Miss Mar-|themselves before that? What|220,000,000 copies printed annu- L i ent at the meeting. ' ljory 'Blewett The next meeting will be herds Beer were their playthings?" ally. Wednesday, May 27, at Mrs.| Two piano duets, Flower| wr Samuels' reason for ask- i j NOON TILL 9 P.M. Earl. Myers', Harmony road/Song" and "Deep ores\. ling and for establishing the _. | RUIT Lc south. ewe played by cage? gee ore/ museum goes further than mere | _ "ele -- Wilkins and Mrs. Fred Ayers.| seneral interest. "I think we KING STREET UCWI Miss Gladys Burley spoke on a | |) j | chapter of the Prue book yn eb a. it Shout OU ie DRAPERY FLOWERS -- PLANTS Twenty-seven members and| © eee 7 *)cestors' attitudes to their chil- ? one visitor attendéd the May| "Rural India. There were} dren by seeing the toys they MATERIAL ' 5 meeting of the Alice Jackson! many samples of Indian carv-| yore prepared to buy or make 98: Me ae } HONEY & FRESH EGGS Z " yord and up | Vie inser kek aA unit 1, of King Street UCW, ing and needle work on dis-| - a : : held in the ladies' parlor of| Play. Mrs. Booth and members| />##stvvnsae 'sisal | Compore ot $1.98 yard | SMART WOMEN ... King Street United Church. of her group served refresh-|" DID YOU KNOW? M.&¢. Dry Goods | have thelr carpets $2 uphol. stery cleane e Safe 'oy' ere tr) Mrs. Douglas Redpath, unit] ments. a leader, presided. Mrs.. Leslie} 4 iat Jayn-Modde offers a & Draneries by Booth recorded visits to the ADOPTION LAW | Complete Bridal Counselling. | 4. ; : i © |\sick and shut-ins. Mrs. P. A.| By law, only minors may be} Service. For information | THOME TRiereey ! DURACLEAN . : : Tresise reported four 'members|adopted in the Soviet Union. |: phon 725-4561 - 77 King | PRETTY AS A PICTURE lhelped in the tuck shop at/Adopters may be registered in| >t. Fost. 728-8518 | Hillsdale Manor. lthe birth certificate as the pa- |'mRmmemmmnnnneyiennmmnnnmn ; This pretty little lady is the granddaughter of Mr. and| It was announced that Mayjrents. Diana Lynn, the two-year-old Mrs. Thomas Sellars, Bow- | [Uw er EE ae daughter of Mr. and Mrs. manville and of Mr. and Mrs. |\?~ Kenneth Johnston, Hunt Charles Johnston, Oshawa. street, Bowmanville. She is --Aldsworth Photography | August and ,for domestic con- THE STARS SAY cerns, practically the saline! te year, with the possible excep- By ESTRELLITA tion of a brief period of stress PORTRAIT FOR TOMORROW in mid-November. 12 Make Your Appointment Today This should be a highly stim-| L00k for some unexpected, j wlating day! Practically any but valuable help from influen- g endeavor in which you engage|#a! sources during September | should work out extremely well. ~ rng aa sa | STUDIO Business projects started in the}, " child born on vis ay 21 ATHOL ST. W. 723-3680 | i "|be extremely sensitive and en-| Se, Gel the pans abouts boi cowed with great dignity. wae highly propitious for social in-/--- terests, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, indicates fine) prospects ahead. If you will conquer an occasional Taurean tendency toward extreme ob-| stinacy with business associates) able to' make fine. occupation! @ FITTED BY QUALIFIED FITTERS © end of October, and the same LUMBO-SACRAL Rnanelal standpoint. For two| ® SACRO-ILLIAC expansion along these lines in| months, beginning with Nov. 1, DORSO-LUMBAR | OBESITY | MATERNITY 7 January, when you will enter would be advisable to wal = -@ TRUSSES ingear ee casio see 1 af; ELASTIC STOCKINGS ing Tom a socal poi of ew 4) MEDICALPHARMACYLTD. | solidate all monetary gains and also next December and Janu-| 300 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO to re-evaluate career possibili- ties, with a view to still further ber and late December; for travel, mid-July through mid- Buyi h ing the heart of Id one? What: eee Buying o "Sennral Electric ona' Wayne's Appliances offer you the meet upteaate, || (li GOUNTER GOOKTOP WITH a complete line of built-in appliances from which to make your selection. All units HT HII BUILT-IN PUSH BUTTO available in Mix-and-Match colors and fully backed by a direct Factory Guarantee. 'f , 3 | | CONTROLS. Do 8 u e & -- er a Canadian General Electric . -- Built-in Push-buttons conveniently located ENJOYMENT WITH AN RCA VICTOR PORTABLE! 'RMERICANA' INTE (1 entre, tiiSreed)Ornploce construction: : Available in Mix-or-Match colors, white and i\\ cama A New Prospective In = | | stainless steel, Cooking. For Modern Living --_-- £§- | CUSTOM AUTOMATIC Glamorous and exciting the fabu- ' : BUILT-IN OVEN lous Americana presents an entirely new perspective in modern range de- # : i «.. Saves you time, work and worry. Eye level sign and beauty - the ultimatein fast ; controls, automatic rotisserie, removable oven flameless cooking, wonderful auto- "4 door and automatic meat thermometer are maticity and carefree cleanability. : : ee : : just a few of the many features that make this It's compact, too -- only 30' wide ser Z ' CGE full-size Built-in oven the finest you've and fits like a built-in with no costly : ever seen. Available in Mix-or-Match colors remodelling. The eye-levei picture : Satin White or Brushed Chrome. * window oven with rotisserie is com- S me pletely automatic with conven- ient side mounted controls. The surface unit push-button controls provide 5 exact heats with finger touch ease. The sparkling beauty is easier to keep, too, with CGE's many easy-clean features. There cre two Americanas ' to choose from. Model 78334 single oven d or model 39J34 double over : unit. Both units provide the TAKE THIS ONE WITH YOU : ultimate in cooking conven- Available in Mix-or- 9 SCREEN shea : ' Match colors and white. ; TOP: 19" RCA VICTGK PORTABLE @ Long- as amas is aie iG 18" Alaminited Rice 8 -- "il 4 1 "bAssis with cool'. operating dork heater tubes "Space-Age" sealed cir- 5 nd : cuits - Lifetime gferantee. @ Built-in "Dipole | Estimates | The new "Sweet 16" is your best buy-in portables. Just .compore usher varrhta Ss] 9.95 FULL "MOVIE SQUARE" 16" PICTURE rae a POWERFUL 18,000 VOLT CHASSIS" / : ON | "SPACE AGE" COPPER BONDED CIRCUITS ) LOWER: 197 RCA VICTOR PORTABLE Sos es MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING | Now On Displ ay | | . Also available in double-oven size. DA AS DSSSORECOER EET OH ANSON OOOO RENEE DO DEEP-TINTED SAFETY GLASS @ All-front funing . . . ideal for built-in BUILT-IN AUTOMATIC CONVENIENT CARRYING HANDLE : @ Transfofmer power chassis @ Lighted | E : Wi ie , BUILT-IN TELESCOPING ANTENNA Chonnal, Iidicator: Ottver features sare Ss yy DISH w ASHER ve e 259 u | : above sef. 95 MODEL fl 9PT924 . Model i i 16PT921 . q 5 EASY Vjsit the PATIO SHOP for... c e d ' Peas. Pes saiheguditch as pieces TERMS / , is brand-new automatic dishwasher Only es GARDEN FURNITURE-- ome in an See This Display Now ee features 3-way- dishwashing Colee. thet BAR-B-Q's--GYM SETS--POOLS | saturates your dishes with the finest, | There's A Built-In Kitchen To Suit Your Budget! most thorough washing action modern science can engineer . . ;~Power shower WHY WAIT? BUY IT NOW ON CONVENIENT'BFG TERMS : washes down . . . Power tower washes up ase ance y * . . » Power arm washes allaround. a : HOME AND AUTO CENTRE APPLIANCES No More Hand Rinsing or Scraping j "a : 78 SIMCOE ST. N. eee ce og the pre-rinsing, B.EGoodr | 88. KING WEST 725-4543 vothing and Syne or po oma is , E ° ich OPEN FRIDAY TILL9 P.M. f q 723-1411 uate food particles anid Beas tan GET ape asc va | : ... and it's a real built-in beauty too! Terre re. Sete ee eee eee ee ee