| WHITBY And DISTRICT Manager: John Gavit Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. 668-3703 Jacqueline Hendricks, a Third Company Whitby Girl - Guide was awarded her All- Round Cord at St. John Evan- gelist Hall last night. This is the last step before the ulti- mate award, the Gold Cord is BROOKLIN (Stati) -- A peti- tion signed by residents of the Garrard-Kendalwood-Highway 2 area to have traffic lights in- stalled at that intersection met with success at the Monday meeting of Whitby Township Council A letter from the Ontario De- AN ALL-ROUND GUIDE | presented. Miss Hendriks al- a requirement of the All- from her mother, Mrs. Gerry ready had her First Class Round Cord, she also had to Hendriks, as Mrs, F. W. Badge and Little House Em- hold another badge of her own Weaver, Whitby District Com- blem, and proficiency badges choosing. She has three missioner (left), and Third in Swimming, Gardening and Dancer, Friend to Animals, Company Captain Mrs. Wil- Toymaking, She is also classed and First Aid. Miss Hendriks lam Allan look on with ap- as an Emergency Helper. As is seen receiving her Cord proval. Oshawa Times Photo COUNCIL BRIEFS April A Bad Month For. To BROOKLIN (Staff) -- April was a bad month for the dogs in Whitby Township. Dog Control Officer Ron Yar- row informed Council that six dogs had been captured, board. ed for three days each and ail six had gone unclaimed and had been destroyed. MINOR LACORSSE TAG DAY The Brooklin Minor Lacrosse Club was granted permission to hold a tag day Saturday, June 6. Funds will be solicited from Jocal residents to enable_ the club, which has many local boys among its membership, to oper- ate in 1964. DEFENCE ON ANNEXATION COSTS Minor Boxla Practices Start Tonite nsnip Vogs pal hiss Plans have b nance is subsidized by the Pro-|ctart rounding the Mandgete ph: "conagre a a ae there-| Juveniles into shape for a pro- ore means the F 1S NOtinosed entry into the Ontari totally paid for by the local/County Lacrosse League. sues taxpayer. | Thursday night at 7.30 p.m.,| the costs of the road if they| ti jand Sunday morning at 10.30 are successful in their current) wee nae tad bist de will be practice time and bid to annex a portion of thel ation will hold their monthly with Gord Platt in charge it Township. , jis expected that the boys. will } ..|meeting May 22, and not on ) | Reeve Goodwin stated he did|May 15 as was previously|D@ loosened up by the time the| not want to spend large quan-|planned, "|workouts are over. | tities of money that might in| Council was informed that aj ,4!! those who wish to play,| the near future come under the/jecture on fire hoses will be|Sould be ready to hit the floor jurisdicion of Whitby, without] given and a movie shown on|&t the times stated. Bantam, some kind of insurance policy. |fire-fighting. hoe phen ie ge seaene A bylaw to provide for the ipeve Deen Horened Bhd House supplementary expenditure of | wat wiles Townes: BE crm re! start ae oa ae $61,000 on Township roads ID! be is to celebrate the Cen- boys faring. aon -- 1964 was passed by Whitby) iia * 1967 interests a To- Aporisionntel oe last k Township Council Monday night.| nto Firm of "Centennial Con-lof May, scheduled games will The pp ntary exp sultants,."' commence in the OCLA league which would be signed by both municipalities. Authorization was also given to draw up an agreement in which the town would assume tered, " Tr The costs of ap- plications for the annexation of neighboring lands should be ab- sorbed by the municipality mak- ing the application, Whitby Township Council en- dorsed a resolution covering the cost of defending possible annexation attempts sent to all municipalities in Ontario by the County of Peel. In Municipal politics if a coun- cil wishes a resolution passed by it that comes under provin- cial jurisdiction it sends a copy of the resolution to all other municipalities to gain their sup- port. If the resolution is signed by a number of municipalities it carries much more weight at the Provincial House. The Peel County resolution asks that, if a municipality made application to the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs to annex a portion of a neighbor- bylaw will bring 1964 Township ; i i , ' | letter was-*received by|and Wednesday nights will be road (gpending to approximately! whithy Township Council otter. |the Home games in the Whitby or 'is 'tite P ling the services of the firm in|ATena. P . is $150,000 approximate-|njanning the Centennial. | As lacrosse in the area makes ly $75,000 will be spent on con-| The firm has on its Board of|tTemendous strides in populari- struction of new roads and the/directors "some of the most|ty, the boys with more com- remainder will be spent on the)imaginative minds in Canada"|petition will have more fun and maintenance of roads andj/_ including Pierre Berton, the|knowhow of the game than ever bridges \letter stated, (before. Dig Deep, It's Tax Time Again BROOKLIN (Staff) The time of year that. every tax- Lights Approved For K-Mart Areas partment of Highways informed Council that a traffic count had been made at the intersection and that a sufficient flow of traf- fic was found to warrant the in- stallation of lights. the Department of Highways "as soon as construction in the area is completed". stallation of the lights was pre- sented to Township Council sev- eral months ago by a delegation of area residents who stated they feared the lack of safety for their children on the way to school. shopping centre at the intersec- tion increased the flow of traffic sufficiently to warrant the new installations. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 12,1964 5 _ FIVE-DAY VISIT ENDS_ , SOFIA (AP) -- President Mart Favors Blue Chips, Trade Even TORONTO (CP) -- Blue chip). stocks were in demand on the} stock market in moderate trad- ing Monday. The lights will be put In by] Afters were strong with Chy, ¥% each to 5544 and 96%. Fa- vorites in the steels were Do- fasco, up % to 22%, and Al- goma, up % to 69%. The best gain in the main list went to Reichold Chemical, up 2 points to a 1964 high of 30%. Texaco gained one point to 60. é Noranda boomed ahead 2% points to 49% in leading senior base metals higher. Falcon- bridge gained %to 73% and Hudson Bay dropped 1% to 69%. Tomball 37 cents to $1.16--it earlier sold as low as bit se. A petition requesting the in- # "tired-out" feeli ir ud 0 feelin fe At 28.57 Cents TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)-- An average price of 28.57 cents a pound on 1,203,983 pounds auctioned at Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers Market- ing Board exchanges. To date, 170,851,527 pounds of the 1963 crop have sold for an average 47.83 cents a pound. i | i i f z z F F t isF iE FF A - The opening of the K-Mart ut a ft Ff FPF : if 5 a | payer fears most is fast. draw- ing near in Whitby Township. At the: Monday meeting of Township Councii the due dates on property taxes were set and the penalties for tardy payers laid down. The first installment of the 1964 taxes was due when the interim tax bylaw was passed in the spring and has. already been paid by a large proportion of the residents, July 31, has been set as the due date for the second install- ment and the third and final falls due on October 15. A discount of one-half-of-one- percent will be given to rate- payers who meet the second installment in June. Penalfies of one-half-of-one percent per month will be as- sessed commencing in August for late payers. If the second installment is not paid by December the pen- alty will rise one percent to a total of three percent above the regular tax bill. WRITES BOOK ON BARD MOSCOW (Reuters)--A new biography of Shakespeare, writ- ten by a Russiai scholar, has been published here, the Soviet news agency Tass reports. The author, Dr. Alexander Anikst, said he had based the book-- one of a series titled Lives of Outstanding People--on English and American studies published in the last 35 years. iF | YOU DON'T DRINK . .. pay LESS for your auto insurance! Insure with ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, the | one insurance company in Can- ada thot issues policies only to non-drinkers, We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Hamil- ton and daughter, Mary Anne, of Kent street spent the weekend in London, They attended the graduation exercises at "Thames Hall', University of Western Ontario, on Friday eve-| ning where their niece, Miss} Carol Anne Power, was among the 1964 graduating class of St. Joseph's Hospital school of nurs- \Tran, Tod Lintner, John Heron, Robin McQuay, Robin Minto,\Will be forthcoming. Most of the money spent on) It was referred to the Cen-| A very good coaching statt| road construction and mainte-itennial. Committee, jhas been assembled and with (Gord Platt, Herb Tran, Elmer WHITBY PERSON ALS Bill Gresham, Ross Jones, Neil Gibson, Dennis Yorvis, Herb |Gray and Stu Reeson. So aj Street School: Tam Gibson,|very good season of lacrosse} Jillian Heaver, Janet Sheahan,| ro Judy Myles, Janis and Randijhome of Mr Cecil Smith, Ann McDougall Jacky Bergman, and Mrs. and/ Clark, 804 Athol street, Terry, son of Mr; and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKnight) William Clarke recently cele-| and daughter Donna Lee of Min-|brated his third birthday. For den, and also Mr. and Mrs.|the. occasion a party was ar- Gerald Watt, Newcastle were|ranged with his cousins and ing municipality and lost the application, they would have to) pay the costs incurred by the neighboring municipality in de- fending themselves against the threatened annexation. Reeve John Goodwin stated the Council endorsed the reso- lution because, "We have seen, in the past year, how much it} can cost to defend ourselves from the application for the an- nexation of Township land made by the Town of Whitby.' ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Council learned that a meet- ing to discuss the improvement of boundary roads separating Whitby Town from the Town- Ship was held between repre- sentatives of both Municipali- ties. Reeve John Goodwin said that both municipalities agreed that the roads which have been referred te as "good cow paths" should receive priority ment. The Township authorized the drawing up of an agreement, to authorize the construction treat-| ing. |callers over the weekend at the] friends. RIEGER nd OSBORNE INSURANCE PH. 668-5421 -- WHITBY 218 DUNDAS ST. E. | The speaker for the occasion jwas the Right Reverend A. J. | Durand, DP, of St. Peter's Sem- jinary, London.. They later at- | tended a reception in her honor. | The friends of Mrs. James| Connor will be pleased to know! |that she is home from the Osh-/ jawa General Hospital after seven weeks, and is coming along very well. Mrs. Archie Anderson, 123 |Kent street, is celebrating her |birthday today, May 12. Her friends wish her many happy re- turns of the day. Mrs. Harold Boys, 416 Mary | street west, is opening her home) today, May 12 to the St. Mark's} United Church Women Unit No.| 10 for their monthly meeting ANNUAL BANQUET Ae PARENTS WELCOME ATTENTION -- Whitby Minor Hockey Association Members Wednesday, May 13th-- GUEST SPEAKER -- DICK GAMBLE NIGHT 7 p.m. Rochester Americans HOW TO PAINT A MASTERPIECE (In dazzling white) CILUX} TRUTONE WHITE There are three kinds of enux Trutone White Paints. "Regular" for any type of wood exterios --"Self-Washing" forall frame houses only~and "Trim White" for a sich, high-gloss finish on trim"! Ask your CLL Paint dealer (there'sonenear you) which one is right for your house. So go ahead - ++ paint youtself a.masterpiece in white. And, » «don't forget to pick up some sunglasses. i Don't squint . . . wear sunglasses! You may need them when you paint your house with famous c1ux Trutone White. It's really white... it's the whitest--and there'sa reason. Only crux Trutone White Paints contain the super-whitener, I.D.B, They cover better than other white house paints, stay white too... for years and years. And they flow on smoothly ... easily. Developed in Canada to meet Canadian needs by Canadian Industries Limited GP Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Baker celebrated her 11th birthday Monday, May 11. Guests attending her party} were classmates from King! WHITBY G fie PRODUCED John Ireland Recommended As A BROCK Evening Shows Start At 7 & 8:20 Last Complete Show Starts 8:20 shartroose Caboose, Jaurence Harvey Sarah M FROM A SCREENPLAY BY BEN BARZMAN ONE-PIECE CONCRETE wee MOLLY BEE BEN COOPER EDGAR BUCHANAN A RED-BILL PRODUCTION _ MUMUEDIATE DELIVERY CW Add ULES & @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS iles Robert Walker : @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS DODD &« SOUTER Your Friendly C-I-L Dealer WHITBY PHONE 668-5862 "YOUR FIRST STEP 10 BEAUTY AND SArETY" Paint & Wallpaper Over 92 Years at 85 Simcoe North Oshawa 655-3311 AND DIRECTED BY LAURENCE HARVEY CONCRETE PRODUCT dult Entertainment S LTD. ONTARIO 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH 725-3529 SMITH'S HARDWARE Te PHONE Free Parking C.LL, PAINT -- HARDWARE -- GIFTWARE -- HOBBYCRAFT 368 WILSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 728-2451