RETIRING ST. GREGORY'S YOUNG PEOPLES CLUB EXECUTIVE THE RETIRING exccutive of St. Gregory's Young Peo- ple's Club are pictured at the conclusion of another suc- cessful year. In the front row are Theresa Smith, cor- responding secretary, Rev. Father Quesnelle, spiritual director, Joan Hickling, secre- tary and Martin Tessier, pres- ident. In the back row are Dianne Hergott, bulletin edi- tor, Arthur Gugelli, first vice- president, Gerald Gazerek, second vice - president and Margaret MacDonald, treas- urer. In the annua] report of the club, Miss Smith notes that the year ended with a presentation of a church direc- tory sign to the Rev. Mons. Dwyer, DP, on behalf of the members. A_ social evening was held every Sunday night at St. Gregony's' auditorium with more than 600 Catholic young people participating. Some of the highlights of the year were communion break- fast, honored with prominent guest speakers and Retreats held at: Manresa and the Cen- acle. The -biggest event of the year was the inter-club bowling tournament and ban- quet 'with clubs from Toronto, ANDERSON HIGH Combined Efforts _ Produce Open House By PAT LUKE (Anderson Reporter) Friday, May 8, found a capacity audience of parents and students gathered in the audi- | display and Mr. Pasternak pro- bided the audience with an en- \lightening talk on the finer | points of wrestling. The next part of the program |Future to colorful displays on | countries around the world. The Science rooms were cer- tainly fine displays, too. Mr. Chard and Mr. Sherman had torium to enjoy the Annual Open|was a typical gymnastic class|their rooms overflowing with House. The Fashion Show which. be- gan the program was a tribute to the efforts put forth by Mrs. Hilts, the gewing teacher and director of show, and all the girls who participated. The de- | lightful fashions ranged - from beachwear to date-wear and were framed by an elevated promenade and a coffee house setting. Deep thanks go to the ekillful commentators, Linda Mikolash and Valve Voogjarv; Dick. DeRyk, Barbara Mc- Phaden-and the Art Department for the attractive scenery; Mar- lane Gaudaur for the piano ac- companiment; Ron Kroll for the lighting arrangement; and all who gave assistance in this tre- mendous undertaking. PRESENTS BOUQUET At the close of the Fashion Show, Linda Mikolash presented Mrs. Hilts with a bouquet on be- half of the girls in the show in a well-deserved tribute to her as- sistance and advice without which the show would not have been the success it was. GYM DISPLAY Under the direction of Miss Bale and Mr. Paul, a fine gym display was put on by a group of students. The first item was .a demon- stration of a typical warm-up class. Mr. Paul put his class through a number of exercies and demonstrated the modern sometric exercises designed to develop muscle. power. Next came a demonstration of circuit weight training followed by a typical wrestling match be- tween Howard Joynt and Gary Curl, with Roy Nichols as ref- eree. This was an interesting which combined the girls' and | boys' classes. This fascinating exhibition gave all four strate their prowess on each jaspect of the gymnastic equip- | ment on display which was: ! | parallel bars, mats, trampoline, | and pommel-horse. These boys) and girls gave an exceptional | performance which was a tribute) to their own skill and the train- | ing they had received from Miss | nak. HILLBILLIES The last item was a demion- stration of various types of dancing. The girls from Grades 11, 12 and Special Commercial gave a delightful performance which included several Israeli} dances, a Mexican dance and| an amusing Hillbilly dance. This concluded the auditorium | display and the audience dis- | persed to tour the various class- room displays. This tour was certainly facinating and many teachers and students had spent long 'hours arranging. displays. A few - highlights were Mrs. Osbourne's Home Economics room where you could sample the handiwork of the students and enjoy their colorful cos- tumes as well. There were crepe suzettes prepared by fetch- ing French mademoiselles, pizza served by Italian waitresses, cheese prepared by Dutch girls, beef strogano by Russian girls and chicken fried rice by Chin- ese dolls. Mr. McGuire had a fine dis- his Geography room with |projects ranging from a scale | | "squads" a chance to demon- | Bale, Mr. Paul and Mr. Paster- |. 'mode] of Port Whitby in the students all doing experiments lon different phases of their | courses. The Art rooms had displays TIPS FOR GAL TEENS By ANNE WALKER 1. For '"'stylish standing"', put one foot slightly in front of the other with the front efoot pointing straight ahead, and the back foot at a 4 degree angle directly be- hind. Your weight should be on both. feet. Also, the knee of the leg in front should be slightly flexed for a more relaxed look. Try this pose the next time you stop to chit-chat with someone. 2. Miss Young ~ Adult should -have at least two, preferably three lipsticks - one of the orange family, one of the blue-pink and one of the pale-pale family. This should see her smartly into Spring and through the Summer. 3. How many young adults drive cars in Canada? One survey shows that 70 per cent can drive and of these, 2 per cent owned their own cars. Approximately 115,000 cars owned by young adults are on the go in Canada. 15 YEARS' SERVICE Trans-Canada Air Lines car- ried 3,966,547 passengers in 1963 compared with 26,569, in 1939, its second year of operation. of the handiwork of both day and night class students on dis- play. There were fine displays in the Commercial; English, . Mathe- Peterborough, Barie, .and Belleville taking part. The club's executive and mem- bers donated the new .turn- tables and color lighting for the future us of the club and other organizations, Elections for the new executive, held in April, returned Adrien Hache as president, Danny Wyrozub, vice-president, Joan Hodgson, treasurer, Yvonne Beard more, secretary and ~ Father Quesnelle, spiritual director. maties, Language and Technical | rooms also. Following their tours, the visi- tors were served refreshments in the cafeteria while the more energetic participated in a dance in the gym. This was a most enjoyable evening for me and I'm sure many other people enjoyed it as much as I did. In closing I must say again that it was due to the work of many people that we can be very prouc of Anderson High's Open House for 1963-64! We Specialize: In Take-out / and Delivery Service < PHONE 728-0192 Pepi's Pizza Palace 134 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH * OSHAWA THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401. . .PHONE 723-4972 e Sunday May 17 ® GIANT 5 FEATURE Holiday Show 1. ORRO GIANT MIDNIGHT SUNDAY WONGHT AFTER 120 MONSTER ON CAMPUS LEECH WOMEN CURSE OF THE UNDEAD The 3 Stooges Go "ROUND THE WORLDIN A DAZE" -- 2. "THE IRON GLOVE" ROBERT STACK---TECHNICOLOR = COME AS EARLY AS 8 O'CLOCK.DR AS LATE AS MIDNITE ALL FOR ONLY $1.00 ADULT ADMISSION CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! Always A Color Cartoon