THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, May 12, 1964 9 TELEVISION LOG|-, ) niens cae i MISTLETOE! NE, CHCH-TV. Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronte : you~ WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffaie | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Bultalo "TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester Tee thsees coherent .. CAVEAT Chine $-Bémne y TUESDAY GVE. 9--Cartoons T--Queen For A Day oti Pa non am | See gcli--Family theatre een ey 4:00 PM. 9--Mickey Mouse Club , The Match Game J--Tralimaster isco Kid 'et Storm %--Meta Presents J--Tennessee Ernie Ford | Captain Bob 7 Se-Come Listen tt 100 A. 4:30 P.M, be = ei i ee ee a 0 ow nows Best ™ sé 9--Playtime with Bobby | 4-Leave it To Beaver 4100 P.M. 0-2--Sey WEONESDAY BVE. HA TRIP, 4~International Showtime} FY aa" sa ' $100 P.M. LUKE TRE EAL oLeBP 2-Teday, 1964 Seana 8 | epaminy eneatre BP cis THE MONEY WILL BE SAFE... 7" THE IDLY, WELL WAIT ai PM. lh ok " ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS THE pag an Mays! IN we 6m Me ig fot pe N: "ex7 COMBINATION, ; SO APTER TT N=-§uper Bingo } #-2--Word For Word pte yng 9 7--Price Is Right &3--Chez Helene $:38 PLM. 4! Love Lucy 63--Woody Woodpecker The Rif 11100 A.M, ek Fai %-9:9--Hunney Brinkiey | Caravan b-Live and Le 7 Hi and Lea NeFamily theatre sésccnarene 2--Today 1964 7:00 P.M. 7--Message 6:15 PLM. Yo -GeThe Littlest: Hobe Spee yaure 4--Headline News oj Teb--News, Weather, = cove Qui | . P Dole Sports : 1:90 AM, un OM. States teams then ; : Hy Ti 4 . y tow d in order, I ps fine Pa Siver's Show! 11--Alvert J. Steed Show Ne4d New) Weather CROSSWORD ) ee LYS to _ Italy finished 4-2--J 'a \. --Hennesey FMeren tinks 7-M-Squed bt ar Lh . | This story fteedt not te ae Me TPue ond Oindyy | SPH. Pole " LOR BERR so much with that event, which & VieeThe Flintstones 100 NOON 6:43 PLM. AOROSS 44, Scotch ' Cie NAMASTE} in {tee was the most Se a" "| + nsmany 2 'tacHontiey Brin a" a : aA aaa IA sive tournament ever Joe mi le t\ fe ee | Shaman keet eee >, "a Nail 3 a wit © uctes Twitter Soren aney with r ever viet rbd Grou che 9. Toward + ryory! TREAME : - re -- . '. ir a ether, the lee : or elelEIN IN CIUI ay is i ---- j } 2 PReMcogt Junction | S=News and: Weather |, SP2"%, 10, Wander- photo- : AERC ICIAOIE CAREFUL, VE 7> K¢ [over 9 o PM 12:1) P.M. S-Lendid Comore ing graphs Soa rai . id by " '. 2 mament had gone on 1 nr Te 49peaker of the House | 2--Death Valley Days workman 8. Man's astory BrUNiAMUIRIcl! \ ( : + r we three sessions of recom Duke Show 12:30 P.M. 11% P.M. 11. Arm joint nickname . REEL MSE ESE ands each having been 4=Red Skelton Hour 9~Dick Van Dyke 12, Apart AROS ne sol aves ue at deans cuz 1 Love Lucy 14, Bskimo Ayres 8:30 P.M. #2--Truth or $2-The Virginian ne : y hausting ordeal, and by the end De, Pe 5 of the affair practically every. LY An £9 jANE ARDEN T--McHales Consequences 6--Nation's Business fi 1--Father Ki Best 15, Man's rock ae sr é=Movie Matinee > apt ne nickname _--6. A dog-like 33, Subside peppy 4-Search tor Tomorrow . 16, Brasilian wildanimal mother: 35, University $2--Richard Boone show ecg PAS soothe palm 7, Finnish poss. officer J=The Greatest Show On| 4--Guiding Light oF ae | a2.Akind seaport 27.Commotion 88. Man's name Barth 3--Movie 6:00 P.M. of tale 8.Baby'sshoe 28. Chance 39, Strange 4--Petticoat Junction 1:00 P.M. --Michael_ Shayne 20, Lair 11, French 29, Marbles 40. Spawn. i--Lucky Score Smet Done, ae" | 21, Hesitation river 30, Wither of fish osecerae. erie 3--Red River Jamboree sound 8--Matinee * ae ZY 7--Afternoon Show 9:30 PM. 22, Girl's Y 4--Meet The Millers 9--Movle pe ae 5 u G4 3--Popeye 7--Farmer's Daughter 23, Hasten: . 4 1--Steve Allen ore oer $2 -Perry Mason 24, Pen point Y iS The pateees. all wel} 9--Eleventh 1:30 P.M, 25, Skirt known e, were quite tacandy. Williams W-Migsay Matinee 9:00 P.M, border La P j laxed deartie "thelr 12 -siiech > ZT Fm agy | Sone THe Wort Ture 13Rapae 26. Melody Z iaeRLe PLEA PLEWeEvous] | E] tive days ot hectic wartars nase) pot Show -- i P.M, 4The Beverly HillbiiNes "parrot VERS LE HAMPSHIRE POUR FA < 130 P.M. 9--The Millionaire Y N --y Tay ae & Nature of Things 1:30 PLM. 20. CRORE Qu'IL A LINTENTIO: = i a6. Nes can oh cag he oF 32, Violent, nee 'wt I Il | |" erties AE hs rubber bildge far less ps ER i oli vested é-The Dick van Dyke | 82, Violent, -- Uh b HEME. =71 ling than the tournament i Weather and Sports 9--Douglas Fairbanks reckless Wf i which the: had ited. i 1:15. PM. 8-2--The Doctors 10:00 P.M. behavior = A\ y participated. :. Engg e 7--Day in Court 11--Steve Alien 34, Type The bidding in the accom} Viewpoint 63--Scariett Hill hg eg al panying hand turned out to be 1:0 PM. Serious. Forty 4Tha Danny Kaye Show | 35. Immerse amusing, though not a word 3:00 P.M, i 36. Obstacle was spoken. The sequence t-4--Late Show 10:30 P.M. ° 1:0 PM, Here's 'Looking At | 9 the Twilight Zone 3. a al. , that shown in the diagram, N--Music 8-2--Another World ¢3--News. Special oe nh ge LE CAPITAINE =i $ R the bids were all visual. : Seta eae | tie ey 11:00 PAM. ges < FLETCHER, Qui NESE DOUTE PAS eta) Fhe owes po by Instead of bidding four 'on = a Mei ° : x e Sires! Coane | sore ren The rom |"*Gaeaa tere | aa. Tobe Y, . Be a A | SA Meter ve asrtuction. V4 cessively re} a | WEDNESDAY 190 P.M. 115 PAM, ae 4 Z V1, : = fond of Z, @9¥O9 OL SONSLNI IH DOWSLTAD \VIF 01 NO SONVLS SMOZBYOND LOW TY HIS ancoptie' Kartorce,..| 'saPeople in Conte | SeMetro Final 48, Rational <2 Tea o1 tee ais toy SOPASTE Nt DOU LIA IP 5000 OHA S RIVLID 6:30 A.M. 6-2--You Don't Say 6--Viewpoint /--Ozzle and Harriet tool 5, Kind of SF one was limp as a rag. me It was therefore somewhat S46 nities MICKEY MOUSE i \ WN ' | UVaer 4 fe, 7118 ei SEH ay AN ani LES CANADIENS | North entered the spirit of IT'S TUNE-UP TIME NOW! )_ SPRING SPECIAL! |cveitvn UNE-U The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. sic eeacme °F IAL J Service air clea a 266 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 723-4634 ® Free up heat riser valve ~ ' LET'S TURN BACK.2°--THE COVER BURKES ESCAPE/ AS : T 7] i INVASION OF EARTH et, LONG AS HES (Wie HE »/ | iy ai In Hoffa rial Fr CAN GAVE US/ 2 p : CHICAGO (AP) -- After two weeks of bickering by lawyers, a jury of eight men and four women has been picked in the trial of International Teamsters Union President James R. Hoffa and seven co-def who are charged with and conspiracy involving $20, 000,000 unon pension funds. LIKE THAT! ALL BOILED TO A PULP IN SCAN IT c CRANKCASE OIL /! WITH OUR Q ANALYZERIY THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES OH, MY». @HE-LL COME oo Nae HOME LOADED DOWN A I NEVER GET ; | WITH THINGS SHES CHANCE |] | : THE "If it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" y ters PHONE 725-1121 sy 7 al CHAS 5-12 iad.