THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 12,1964 7 NHL In Dark On sr ye ike eosin ) West Coast Plan prSer- Skeet League Under Way) sizer itiet wi | women, cerca eapiliphegped the United States in the |Campbe®, president of the Na- policy The second week of the Union)8 last week and 85 this week.| Olympics and world ama- |tional Hockey League, said rect approach to Smythe. Rod and Gun Club Skeet League| Bill Rudyk had 24 out of 25 brok-| teur championships is being |Monday night the NHL has aot Vaneouver council has ex- saw team No. 2 under Captainjen targets, Stan Starr and Roy| 'Considered for next season. approached offi re-|from coast to coast is envisaged|Pressed great interest and), been Tom Lockhart, president |garding expansion of the West|in plans announced last Frida; Smythe has been invited to Coast. en OLYMPIC SQUAD SECOND WEEK MAY JOIN EHL NEW YORK (AP) -- A Union Rod And Gun Club | rev von: un -'s Pete Troski in first place, made|Balsom 22 out of 25 broken tar- up of this week's five points,|gets, John Lawrence 17 broken| of the EHL, said Monday: plus last week's 4% points, for|birds and Jim Harrison missed 'We would like to have a a total of 9% points, and a total] too many this week. 12-club league and this kind of 183 broken birds, made up Of qoeam No. 3. under Captain of club would serve two pur- Sunday's 92 out of 100 broken! pau) Branton were only able to poses," said egpthad ee: pd birds and last week's 91 broken| pik up one point, and were in 'They would be playing in Seattle by Smythe at the He was commenting on the|/Western Hockey League's an- advanced|nual meeting. Smythe offered to seating 20,000 in Vancouver pro-| TORONTO. (CP) Hear seal i 'ancouver pro-| TORONTO (CP)--Hearts, the vided the 'city Qonated the lee \gemed Bosttish socser chi. willl for birds. ' Pete Troski had a perfect score of 25 out of 25 broken birds, Rick Sheridan had 23 out of 25, Don Hubbard and George Davies had 22 out of 25 broken birds. Roy Fleming missed the money. : Team No. 5 under Captain Nelson Starr were second on the day for 4 points plus the 4% from last week, for a total of 8% points, and Sunday's 88 broken birds, plus last week's 91 broken birds, for a total of 179 broken birds. Jack Parker was high man on this team with a fifth place this week, plus the 3 gether in our league and this week plus the 89 last week for a total of 170 broken birds. this squad with a 23 out of 25, out of 25, Doug Branton 19 brok- en birds, Sid Knowlton 18 broken| ine teams. points last week for a total of Home rnd gt ge the 4 points, and the 81 broken birds! other countries every 3227." The players would come from the New England, Paul Branton was high mam on! arinnesota and Michigan expanded league. Ballard confirmed the plan|play the Eastern Canada Pro-|( sland both men said the propo-|fessional Soccer League All- sal pre-supposed an NHL fran-|Stars in Toronto June 5, Crys- chise for Vancouver under anjtal Palace of the English Divi- BURNABY, B.C. (CP)--Thisjin Toronto. They meet Toronto municipality adjacent to Van-jCity of the ECPSL June 18. sion II also is scheduled to play areas. : Don Henry had 21 broken birds The EHL tly has targets and Bill Strutt just miss- ed out. You can see the scores are very close, with team No. 2 hav- NARCOTIC ADDICTS birds; Team No. 5 having §¥4|Canada in 1962. The federal health depart- ment estimated there were at ing 9% points and 183 broken|!east 3,656 narcotic addicts in points and 179 broken birds; bed Hag heap ae 25 ou'/Team No. 4 having 4 points and|birds and Team No. 8 having Tigges Harlock 19 out of 25 and 172 broken birds; Team No. 1/4 points and 170 broken birds. ! having 4 points and 171 broken' Visitors welcome any time! ONE FOR THE TROPHY SHELF James Sine, 248 Seneca end earned him a citation in Ave., is showing above proud- the annual Pompano Beach fy pointing to the 47-pound Fishing Tournament. "Jim" sailfish he caught, while deep- was aboard a charter boat, sea fishing, in Florida, re- "Bob-A-Doo", when he "'land- cently. Sine's catch, a real ed' his "sail", off Pompano Jim Potter missed the money by a bird. Third place went to Team No. 4 under Captain Al Wood, whose total of 87 broken birds for third place for 3 points plus last week's 1 point for 4 points and a total of 172 broken birds. Both Al Wood and Bill Welsh had 24 out of 25 broken targets; Harry Lyons and Ron Leavitt had 19 broken birds. Grant Morrison did not show up. Team No. 1 under Captain Bill Rudyk broke 85 for fourth place, and 2 points, plus the 2 from last. week for a total of 4 points, and a total of 171 broken birds, There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN For personal 'use or for @ ACADIAN Other Company use there ore On a © PONTING Sheser. 2 CUR | kx No insurance costs . . . No meintenance costs . . . One rate covers Sa Phone or come a MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 123-4634 LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST "twophy" fish, measured 7 ft. Beach. DOMINION TIRE STORES DOMINION 5 10° A DAY YOU CAN OWN VICTORIA HOLIDAY IRE SALE A NEW ESSO OIL BURNER FOR LESS! 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