Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 May 1964, p. 15

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OREO POPP BEY reps yO A POS DEY NO OTE Y Oe 17--Male Help Wanted '23--Wented To Rent 127--Reol Estate For Sale 27--Reel Estate For Sale [27----Real Estate For Sale THE OOMAWA TIMED, Sotnep, Mey 9, 1964 B "17--Male Help Wanted _|17--Male Help Wonted CLERK-TYPIST LOAN Assistant Monogers | FOR BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER 4 Required andy corporotion now To type soles invoices, Con- tro) Accounts Receivable, Re- hos | openings for Man- rainees, - Hise positions offer excel- well cord Moteriol Usoge, ete. Typing. and accounting ex- 1 lent ties os os posh von employee perience necessary. Good EN selected wilt be en- rolled i . pvemately Gnd pioud wages for right man - olf . hove @ minimum ir company benefits, Replies ng os well poye con, Bux kept in confidence. Apply in own handwriting to co diversified responsibil- c BOX NO. 813 Apely in confidence to: . W, P, SCOTT |___ OSHAWA TIMES TRUCK Canadian Acceptance DRIVERS Corporation SHIPPERS Oshawa, Ontario '728-1691 SALES CLERKS 18 years and over. AUDITORS Insurance Commission Experienced preferred. Telephone Audrey Smith Peterborough District Audit Office Bites includes the centres of McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO, Loeey, Geneve, pera, Or $3086 728-4688 THE PRESENT VACANCY |S AT "DRIVING ~ OSHAWA, ONTARIO. For 'full particulars os to INSTRUCTORS REQUIRED residence ond qualification requirements, see Posters on disploy ot the Post Office and office of the National with lote model standard and automatic cars, Full or part-time Instructors con be trained at the school, Employment Service. Applicetion forms, available OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL where Posters are displayed, 728-0091 should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. OPPORTUNITY TO TRAVEL Cloir Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontorio. NOT LATER THAN Three young men 16-18 to assist circulation sales mon- MAY 20, 1964. Competition Number 64-T-823 > 'ed, oger. Immediote expense money advanced. Drawing should be quot: account $200. monthly, CANADIAN ARMY (REGULAR) ser yous "ane om ti red hove attained their 17th but not their 24th birthday. (A special plon for 16 yeor Pre) with Grade 1X educa- sae the Army Recruiter at the Oshawa Armoury from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. 12th and 26th of May, 1964, WELL ESTABLISHED FIRM offers to deater opport jer splendid unity, In istrict, sel! toiletries, medicines, culinaries. 45 Per cent commission, eco- nomical specials om sa try 30 30 days without risk. sampl needed for le case, JITO, Bert C,, 510 St, Hubert, Montreal. 18--Maele or Female Help Wanted OSHAWA BEAUTY Supply Wholesale 15 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA salesmen or saleswomen | in. Bowmanville, Whitby, and Oshawa to call on beauty salons. Apply by | letter stating experience in hairdressing products to above address, NAME YOUR INCOME Tired of being paid what the JOB is worth? Try getting poid what YOU are worth! A lorge international compony with o well established branch office in Oshawa has © coreér opportunity for an ombitious man. Special sales training and « gueronteed «pension plen, Applicants must be of good 'appearonce, age 25 to 50 'years, preferably married, When applying stote experi- «ence and educatione! back- ground, Correspondence held in strictest confidence. Car essential, Write to: BOX 622, OSHAWA TIMES MEN OR WOMEN, interesting work, Full or part-time, cap. Write Rewleigh's, 4005 Richiieu Street, St. real, EXPERIENCED nurserymen for season, good pay, eventually room and board. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2837. Jerry Trejbal, Mearns Avenue. ACCORDIAN AND GUITAR teachers, full or part time. Please state quali- Apply in person to fications to Box 43, Oshawa Times. MR. BANMAN 20--Room and Board LANCASTER HOTEL \airroRD ) STREET, 748 -- gentieman,|-- board, home cooked meals, Tuesday, May 12th lfunches. packed." Cer" parking. APBIY 2-5 p.m, only above address. YOUNG MAN WANTED sian |ROOM M AND | BOARD, .. lunches "packed, | |TV, parking, Lad South General Motors. EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED Te be trained as a resident | Telephone 723-1671 enamine method engineer in a garment |22--Offices, Stores, Storage factory in -association with a STORE -- 13 ff. x 24 ff. Reasonable consulting engineering pro- light Age no handi- Dept. E-310-FF, Henry, Mont- x uf. rent, Immediate occupancy. Dial 725- 5445, OFFICE space for "rent: excellent down-| fown corner location, Bond and Ontario. }800 sq. ft. of office on main floor. Upper Ifloor contains two bedroom apartment now rented, Long lease if required. $135 monthly for offices and apartment. {m- Jack Sheriff, Limited. | NEED HELP OAA Supervisor Doug Laud- + er needs full or port-time men to help him meet the demand for Ontario Automobile As- sociation Memberships, Pleas- 'ent, dignified, good paying work, No experience necess- gram, Preferred: 22 to 28 years of age, 12-2 yeors college or equivalent. Send reply to: Mr. George Roth ¢/o: MISS SUN VALLEY LTD. 96 Spadina Avenue TORONTO, Ontario. mediate Beco iy Call $. D. Hyman Real Estate 72-6206, Shee | SMALL LL store + for rental. Very mid-downtown section. Rea- sonable rent. Phone 728-5311. | Requires 3 part - time WANTED -- One bedroom apartment or bachelor apartment. Parking space, Call nights, 728-4139. WANTED: mol fa tl or 24 had apartment or sm Y une 1. Steadily employed, Telephone La TWO-BEDROOM 'apartment eriden gehen Coots Wan bee Telephone 728- Four- ie "FIVER house wanted family school-age ith two Womans ee saan WANTED we gg enn with heavy Scesenaile. ar. By single lady. Or "nae furnished room, 728-1651 between 9 and 5. SINGLE SenTURRAR urgently requires one bedroom or bachelor apartment, self- fontaine, parking. Please ett 7%3-3565. WANTED URGENTLY: Three or more bedroom house or apartment. Good ten- ants. References. Phone Whitby 668-5706 after 5 p.m. boys. Rea-|- C GUIDE REALTY REALTORS 723-1121 "BUILT BY A MASTER RAFTSMAN for on Execu- tive, large brick <n wore ranch bungolow with attached > roturel ice re 2-- 4-pe. finished basement with recre- ation room complete with bor, full kitchen and wired tor Hi- Fi. This home is a master- piece and should be sean to 24~-Houses For Rent FARM FOR RENT 70 acres workable land within city limits with or without implements. Call Leon Mani- tius ot GUIDE REALTY LTD., REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. S, 723-1121 AJAX: Lerge" &bedroom semi-detached bungalow. Ol! heating $125 monthly. Im- mediate possession. Phone Ajax, after 6.30 p.m., 942-1256. FIVE. ROOM house, 948 heating and stove, Call after 4 p.m. 313 Cordova or call 725-5223, 25--Apartments | NOW LEASING APARTMENTS Ready for Occupancy on or about July 30th, 1964 Only a few left---1-Bedroom Located on Wilson Rd. South in the heart of a fast grow- ing residential community-- close to schools, bus service, etc. PHONE 728-2671 or EM 3-0391 Toronto 5 P.M, BE 1-99.12 _aiter ~ FOUR ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT Stove ond Refrigerator Hot and caqld water. | Centre of town, | 723-4523 after six UNFURNISHED apartment, sullable for} m9 girls or two nurses. Dial) 65. NICE "APARTMENT, veniences. Middle-aged {No children, please. |Road North; $05. MONTHLY, immdeiate possession, heated, three-bedroom apartment; new- ly decorated and finished, refrigerator ae stove, in Maple Grove, just off High- |way 401, Please phone 725-3445. ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments, jin new apartment building. All modern |convenience. Telephone Whitby 668-8560. TWO-ROOM furnished apartmen.t suit able for one or two working men. Apply 72 Cadillac Avenue South CENTRALLY located modern three-room self-contained apartment with range, re frigerator, venetian blinds and laundry room facilities. Sprovles Store, 272 King Street East. SMALL, self-contained apartment, _Suit- nde tho one or two adults. Centrally Call "with all con- lady preferred. Apply 91 Ritson ory but « cor is, For full in- formation contact Doug Lauder -- 1513 Duf- ferin St. Port Whitby. Phone 668-8407, PART TIME $78 PER WEEK Man free to work evenings 6:30 to 11:00 ond Seturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Must -have smart appearence. Own car ond phone essential. Should be resident of Oshawa. for at least 2 years and be able to provide good references. This is an unusual opportunity with possibilities of quick pro- motion to well paid full time position for ambitious hord working man. APPLY BOX 816 THE OSHAWA TIMES MEDICAL office for rent, 700 sa. ft. For further particulars, phone 725-5132. 23---Wanted To Rent 3-bedroom bungelow coprtment by recently trons- ferred couple with two school age children. Occupancy by July or August. Telephone after 6 p.m. 728-7464 ~ URGENTLY NEEDED Transferred repuires PLEASE TELEPHONE 723-4721 or /25- 4103) /THReE: BEDROOM home wanted to |rent in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax area. Tele- |pnone before $ p.m. Dunbarton 839-1736. WANTED: : Preferably, "three-bedroom, brick house, $1,500 to $2,500 down, price range $12,000 to $15,000, in Whitby MAN REQUIRED | For maintenance. or Janitorial Services. Steady Employment. Write P.O. Box 160 Oshawa, Ont. MARRIED DEPENDABLE MAN WANTED TO LEARN TO SELL AUTOMOBILES Ideal working conditions. Ap- ply in person. at: Nicols Motor 'Sales 146 Brock North, _Whitby | TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply or TRUCK ar drivers wanted for. route work Gshowa, Writdy area, sad weary. MERCURY TAXI Write Classified Box 806 Oshawa Times. PRESSMAN, experienced operator David- 725-4771 poe Pa f$on's Offset press. Color work. and g - Two- BEOROOM "apartment wanted, Un. @ral_job printing. Opportunity for ad- CHARTERED Accountants office re-| furnished, by couple with two pre-school- vencement. Good wages and benefits to\quires students presently. enrolled in|age children. Oshawa suburbs preferred fight man. Apply. Superintendent,General| course or wishing to start. Must have! Telephone 725-5943. Printers 'Ltd, Oshawa, WHITBY CLASSIFIED Do you need Gravel 6r Stone for Drivewoy, | Sond for your Patio, | Concrete Mulch? | Phone 668-3524 | SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuels arid Builders Supplies 224 Brock St. S. WHITBY, Ont. Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, Sand, gravel, top soil, stone, Plostering materials, wall- boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- | ing, Tile. 668-3524, SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED | Fuel and Builders Supplies | ot Brock St. S., WHITBY, Ont. efTic TANKS cleaned, | Prompt service ge A iby ab 83 204 Chestnut Street BRESMAKING -- Suits, conte, dremes,| aitentions, slip covers, drapes, Fitting specaity. Mrs, Toms, 448-2372. TAD, gravel, loam and fill, delivered to ; i Alan, osnewa, and area, Telephone) Successful applicants enrol as officer cadets and take | an intensive four-month course in naval subjects and language practice, Cadets then take training in ships or aircraft, according to their choice. Grade 13. Apply Britnell Moore and Com-| Irastisi, King Street East. Telephone! q7_ Male Help Wanted Royal Canadian Navy ANNOUNCES The R.C.N. Short Service Plan IF YOU ARE: Between 17-24 Single A Highschool Graduate (Grade 12 or Better) General or Technical Course. A Canadian Citizen Physically Fit YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR THIS: New Plan Giving Young Men on Opportunity to Train for Service as Officers in Ships, Aircraft of the Rove! Canadian Nav: Applications are being accepted now for entry in September, 1964, on a seven year appointment. LARGE one-bedroom apartment. Avall-| able June 1. Adults pg Whitby 668-4864,| MBI, tor Mother's Day, get your wives| and mothers @ gift with a difference. See the exclusive handpainted sets at Rous- se Heritage House, Whitby. Fo SAR some used furniture and railer, 80 room of room and boerd Telephone 668-2398, Wonan wanted for part-time work. Must) be neat, clean, willing to work. Restaurant| Pree desirable, but not necessary. | Successful completion of courses and training quali- fies a cadet for an officer's commission 12 months after enrolment. NOTE THE FEATURES ACCOMMODATION ANO MEALS MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE 30 DAYS' LEAVE A YEAR GOOD PAY ($235 A MONTH FOR A CADET) "TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE IN LEADERSHIP THIS FIRST COURSE STARTS IN SEPTEMBER OF THIS YEAR. APPLICATIONS CLOSE JULY 1. Fo MANURE tor sale, Telephone 6a 'aeeeni| atte 6 p.m BUY; Sell, trade used 1 furniture and | pliances. Open Thursday; Friday to 9| ®.™. Goolds Used Furniture. 215 Dundas! East, Whitty. 668-5481. | ROTOTILLER | for rent, "as "per rear. | Gardens tilled ready for planting. Rea-| fonabi.e Telephone 668-2970. | WANTED -- § -- Si | APPLY NOW, VISIT, WRITE OR PHONE RCN Recruiting Office Telephone 927-5191 LADY is willing to provide excellent care for a two or three-year-old child in her own home. Five days per week. Tele- Bhone (668-3564, TAREE ROOMS and bain, refrigerator afd range. Adults only. $75 Toronto.7, Ontari 7 gee my. & $ per month. | , Ontario |Braatey Bros. between 9 and 5 at 725-1543 $10 EACH weekly, shared ""accommods- tion, 2 single beds, showers. Hollywood |Motel, 800 Brock Street North, Whitby. Spacious grounds, Families welcome, TWO SPACIOUS rooms, partly furnish- ed. Private entrance and bath. Available June 1 $60 per month. Apply 86 Brock Street East, Oshawa, DESIRABLE second floor downtown apartment. Three rooms and bath. Un- furnished. Heavy wiring, heat and water. Adults only, 726-8175. [FURNISHED " two-room apartment for! quiet couple. Parking space. Apply 195 Albert Street | "|26--Roome For Rent ~ ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | FURNISHED single and double bedrooms for gentlemen One block north of General Motors. Tele- phone 728-6697 ® ONE large furnished "bedroom, central location, gentleman preferred. Call after 4 p.m. 728-0190. ATHOL Street East, clean furnished bed- room for gentleman, in quiet home. Pri- |vate bath, Abstainer. Telephone aaa DIVISION STREET, 25 -- Double room, |suit two ladies or gentlemen, Apply ad-! pe y parking FURNISHED bedroom with kitchen "and | jlaundry facilities, Near south General | |Motors. Telephone 723- 1978 after 6 p.m, |ONE lovely "furnished room for ~gentle- man, in private home, with private bath.) Apply 444 Fenhill _Boulevard 723-1070. | FURNISHED double room, private bath, | |parking space. Telephone 728-9684. |HOWARD STREET (near Bloor and Sim- coe). Roomers wanted, men preferred. $8 weekly, Telephone 723-9791. tern | LARGE bright furnished light housekeep- ing and bedsitting room. Close to hos- pital and downtown, girl preferred. 723-) 7100 FURNISHED ROOM, suit one or two,| $10. weekiy. Telephone Whitby 668-3804 |FURNISHED ROOM, one block. from South General Motors. Near bus ve and |restaurant, $8. weekly. 728-0079 | FURNISHED or unfurnished room. jone or two adults, Telephone 723-9565. |LARGE bed-sitting room, with refrigera-| |tor, vanity cabinet with sink, hot, cold water in room. Five minutes to Oshawal | Shopping Centre 460 King Street West. FOR RENT: One single and one double |room: Phone 668-2405, Whitby. 27--Real | Estate For Sale DUPLEX LOT 78 ft. by 102 ft. Just® off Park Road. Terms to be ar- ronged. Contect Bill Millor, Contact Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T, Lamson REAL ESTATE FIVE ACRES, at $2,200. Also ten-acre lots at $3,700, W, McAuley, Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723- 2512. Evening 668-5765, jwant to make friends, buy this busy cof- fee ber and lunch business. Good di town location. All stock and equipment neluded at $3,200. W. McAuley, Realtor, }28 Prince. Street, 723-2512; 5765 | VACANT -- For $1,000. down you could/ get possession of this 'new brick bungalow 'in 30 days 72-4678 or 725-9365, Must be steadily employed.) | | | Apply 574 Crerar Avenve. } three-bedroom|/ THREE - Only one left.|port, located Close to all schools and High Schools./stove and oven, plus decorating included.|brick, flagstone patio, Call Bob Johnston, Metcalf Real Estate,|Call $. R 728-6286, be appreciated. Moderately priced with convenient financ- ing. PORT PERRY ROAD--7 miles north of Oshawa, 21 acres of beautifully rolling land over- looking the city of Oshowa. * Coll us regarding this choice property, HILLCROFT STREET--2 bed- room bungalow with garage. Lorge modern kitchen, Facili- ties for 2xtra bedrooms in unfini attic. High base- ment hot water oi! heat- ing, Full price only $10,900. MAPLE GROVE -- 3 acres frontage on No. 2 Hwy, aot Preston Rd, Priced ai only $5,800. full price. Buy now ond have your home built this summer on this excellent lot. N.H.A, RESALE -- 5 room brick bungalow with built-in stove and oven. South East orea, Home just o few months old and asking $13,700. FULL PRICE $14,500. attractive 6 room brick bun- golow with 3 large bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bath and extra 3- : bathroom in basement. Large lot hos good garden. Located in the south west erea close to shopping plaza, schools and church. 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW with carport and paved drive, Extra finished room in basement. Schools, bus and shopping, oll within walking distonce. Carries for $82.00 per month including taxes. TWO EXCELLENT building lots in the village of Brook- lin, Close to main sirest. City water, LAKESHORE CAMP CO- BOURG -- 6 room cottage with carport, completeiy fur- nished, Solid stone retaining woll at front of cottage. Land leased at tax rate. Sell- ing for $4,500. with low down poyment. BRAND NEW -- 4 bedroom split level brick with attached gorage. Large living room with attractive curved picture win- dow and dining ores, Beauti- fully finished kitchen with doubie sink and eating area, 2 bathrooms, good sized lot, recreation room facilities. with fireplace already in. This home is surrounded by new homes in a good area near Hillsdale Monor. Full price $21,500. with @ substantiol down payment. MOHAWK AVENUE -- 7 room split level home custom built for the present owner just 5 years ago. 4 bedrooms, separate dining room with doors leading to 6 beautifully londscaped rear yord large enough and suitable for a swimming pool. 2 bathrooms, recreation room and attoched garage and just o few of the many features of this fine family home, Owner is leav- ing the city and is anxious to sell. See this one today. APPLE HILL --- 514 room ranch bungalow with carport, only 5 years old and in excel- lent condition. Partly finished recreation room. Fenced yord, Asking $4,000. down pay- ment ond cash to one mort- gage. This home is vacant so you may have immedicte pos- session. For full particulars coll 723-1121 After 5 p.m, call: John Hutchuk 723-9266 Leon Manitius 725-8068 Emest Mueller 728-0208 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 'Dick Young 723-7183 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Steve Englert 728-5581 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 | Jean Peacock 725-4330 | Roy Flintoff 725-3454 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND Daily 2 p.m, to 5 p.m. | 6 ROOM | BRICK BUNGALOW With attached garage, 3 |. bedrooms, separate dining room completely decorated, N.H.A. financed. Suit) At the corner of ... Jane & Glenforest DIRECTIONS: Rossland Road to Gibbons, North on Gibbons to Glen- dale, West on Glendale to Glenforest, North on Glen- forest to Jane. 'SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 King St. W. 723-2265 land. and bush, between CORNER Lor, 175 by ie. Si Situated | In | Oshawa and Bowmanville. Excellent buy| Bowmanville. Has duplex on it now,. all! rented. Could be sold as apartment site} for 20-sulte or split up into three iouse lots, leaving duplex as It is. For further iF YOU ARE LONELY and bored, "and | iformation dial Bowmanville 623-5919, CHOICE LOT in Hampton, 100 x x. 165 feet, end sidewalk. Telephone/ Hampton 263-2762 [room house. .Good Phone 668 8275, references available. bedroom split level with car- * North East end, built-in Dd. Hyman Real Estate Limited.|tion, MAKE YOUR MOVE' ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS --~ Real Estate --~ -- Insurance -- -- Mortgoges -- $4200. DOWN Six room ranch brick bunge- low with ottoched goroge and fireplace. 1300 sq. feet of living. One N.H.A, mort- gage for balance. Best volue Ae market. Call Mr, Irwin now oat ikshanks 728- 5123 7 728-5205. WHITBY RESALE' N.H.A, Resale, 6 year old, room brick bungalow. Monthly payments only $95. including toxes, Priced for quick sale ot $12,500.00. Don't nega <i inspect to-day. Ask for Roy Yeo at 728-5123 ¢ "'"725- 5.2217, $900.00 DOWN CENTRAL Asking .only $7,900.00 for this 3 bedroom stucco, semi- detached home. Toxes only $120.00 yearly. Needs new furnace only. open mort- agage at $70.00 monthly. Coll Mr. Ed Drumm ot 728- 5123 or 725-9345. MAPLE GROVE AREA Cosi talks here. Only $6,900 _fof this two bedroom frame bungalow, almost new. Halt down poyment required. Bol- ance on one mortgage at $50.00 monthly. Call Mr, Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725- 9345. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening $1,500 DOWN PAYMENT Split 'level or ranch: type bungalows from $13,450. full price, Salesmen on site this week- end. Follow Park Rood South to our sales ond ini office ot Phillip Murray Ave- nue. JOSEPH BOSCO} REALTOR 728-7377 $1,000.00 DOWN 6 Room Home $75.00 Monthly Well kept home with garage. Hardwood floors, Modern Kit- chen, centraly located. Listed for fast sale. 27--Real Estate For Sale Siam -- WEW BRICK eiivevel "bor 27--Real Estate tor Sale agpei 3f@] wire ed recreation room. Cash to mortgage, Apply 744 Stone Street. (Continued on Page 16) Phone Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T, LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. CUSTOM HOMES To Your.Plans and Specifications on your lot or our building sites W. E. ROTH Construction' Ltd, | PRIVATE "three-bedroom split-level jattached garage, paved drive, storms, screens, Hollywood kitchen, Near South yt Motors. For furhter particulars, | GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR Phone 623-5300 Maple Grove, 4 bedroom home, hot woter heated, on large lot suitable for V.L.A, Asking ptice $10,500. 40 acre farm only 6 miles from Oshawa on paved road. 8 room house, bam, double gorage. Excellent for Market gardening or horse raising. Asking price $27,000, Half down. 7 miles north of Bowmanville on new Highway 14 acres vacant land with never foil- ing stream. Priced at $3500 terms. BROOKLIN AREA Good building lot | Vaacres on main highway. THICKSON'S ROAD 24% acres, large road front- oge. $5,900. FULL PRICE 7 room frame house, 4 piece both, good gorden, shade trees, % miles from Oshawa. TED COATES 655-4737 Bowman & Gibson REAL ESTATE 145 Brock St. South Whitby 668-5823 Whitby and Ajax Built and backed by G, Armstrong & Sons $950 DOWN One N.H.A, Mortgage Carries $70 Monthly 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, split level and 2-storey homes, feautring storms and screens, hooded exhaust fons, vanity bathrooms, built-in Ranges and Ovens. H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker Ajax 942-3310 Whitby 668-5371 | SEVEN. ROOM house, insulated, new ol! |furnace, bath, In village. Only $6500, T. Murphy Realtor. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, em t SAL Modern three-bedroom brick ae ig Proskiie, For informa- |tlon, phone 655-3157, | THREE-' "BEDROOM, storey and a half, located close to the Shopping contre and schools. Full asking price $9800. low gee McGill Real" Estate OOM, brick, storey ana |half. $9,900 with $1,200 down, Call Bill |Johnston, Vickery Real Estate, 728-1066. THREE-BEDROOM, modern brick bun- |galow. Large bright rooms. Paved drive. {Close to bus and schools. Asking $14,000 with $2000 down. McGill Real Estate | Broker 728-4285, ATTRACTIVE money making duplexes. Brand new and now under way. One! three-bedroom and one two-bedroom men on a Fo price $17,950. See sales- men on site. Follow Park Road South to Phillip Muteay Avenue and our office. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377, $14,590 -- NEW three-bedroom brick bun- galow with attached garage. See our salesmen on site every evening until dark. Follow Park Road South to Phillip Mur- ray Avenue and our sales office. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. SUMMER COTTAGE, winterized, bath- room, two bedrooms, kitchen, large liv- ing room, two boats. Cottage completely furnished, Located on Beach Lake in the Minden area. Only two hours from Osh- awa. Full price $8000. with $2000. down. McGill Real, Estate Broker, COMING EVENTS East Coast Tour and Worlds Fair 16 Days July 25th August 9th Travel airconditioned wash- room equipped motorcoach. No night driving. Hotels and Tours arranged. For reservatioins write Rowe Travel Agency Port Hope BINGO TUESDAY, MAY 12th 7:30 P.M. 20 regular games $8 ond $10 Shere The Wealth $150 Jockpot 50 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith Blossom Sunday Tour -- May 24th. Tour includes Niagara Bloss- oms, also Rochester Lilac Festival. Phone Port Hope, . 885-2527 Rowe Travel Agency. $2780 CASH to first mortgage, immacu- late, three-bedroom, brick home with one led basoment apartment. large jot, near bedroom, panel Nice neighbors, schools Private. Whitby and 401. Excetient buy. 668-8033. MCLAUGHLIN CVI Music Hug Concert Saturday, May 9% at 8 0" in the Auditorium. $1 adults; S0c Band o'clock, | 'BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MAY 9 7:30 P.M, 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jack; 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted FREE PRIZES Bicycles Etc, Ete. Ete. at the LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL May 13th to 23rd Doors open 1 P.M. every day OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GENEVA PARK REOPENING Under New Management SATURDAY, MAY 16 CHILDREN 14 AND UNDER FREE !! \ (this day only) SQUARE DANCERS Bowmanville Square Donce club holds week pains (intermediate By uesday nite at n. until the end of May et the a) You The Solina C peor? MEMORIAL. Church Women pre- PRIVATE SALE choice location, three- bedroom split-level, bath and @ half. Re- creation room, Family room. BeauNfully landscaped creek lot. Substential down- payment required. 726-3893 anytime but Saturday. WE HAVE only lett, close to Oshawa, 10 acres with the most beautiful trout stream on new paved road. Full price $5800. Two 10-acre lots, nice cleear gar- den land, on paved road; road frontege Herwerden, Realtor, |East, Oshawa. Telephone 723-4471. |CEDAR . PARK picnic area, 97 acres, lexcellent stream, filtered pool 60' x 120', soccer field, baseball diamond, . picnic Itables, swings, parking area, buildings, flush toilets. Low down payment. McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. '28--Real Estate Wanted BUSINESS IS MOVING TO NEW G. M. LOCATION St. Therese, Que.? Lovely family home five min- utes from new G.M, location St. Threse, Que. 8 large suriny rooms. Two bothrooms. Full screened porch, Hot wa- ter heating. Beautiful bright picture-windowed kitchen ond laundry room combined, Mo- dern automatic G:E. washer, dryer, stove, etc. Separate heoted two-car garage with tiled workroom and powder room. About 'one acre land- scaped lawns. and large shade trees. $22,500, owner, Easy terms. BOX 605 OSHAWA. TIMES ~ $5,500.00 FULL PRICE BUNGALOW LISTINGS ts cooking and floral arranging dern- Tuesday, May 12, 7.30 in Parish Hall, Tea, 'prizes. Admission 75c. ore cordially invited to visit us. For more = information 623-2237. t 0 -- $20 --- EXTRA FREE ADMISSION FREE KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5-- uaa poking 2 -- $250 Jackpots Jackpots JACKPOT NOS. 51, 56 EARLY BIRD GAMES BUSES -- 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS RED BARN ~ WOOBDVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, MAY 11th Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize . 2 -- $250 Jackpot Nos. 50 and 54 1--$150 JACKPOT MUST GO Jackpot Pays Double 20 GAMES AT $20 --5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES in 52.Nos, or Less NORTH OSHAWA FREE SNOWBALL -- $100. SHARE THE GOOD PARKING Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL. --- ADMISSION -- FREE 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 in 56 Nos, $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE * REGULAR JACKPOT -- $100 in 51 Nos. $20 Con. WEALTH EXTRA BUS SERVICE NO CHILDREN, PLEASE URGENTLY NEEDED CALL 728-9474 TO-DAY Chartered air conditioned WESTERN TOUR motor coach, Day travel only. Trans-Canada Highway to Victoria, B.C. Per- sonally escorted 24 days July 11th to August 3rd PHONE COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOWMANVILLE. 623-3265 202 Park Rd. N. Buyer must move this home W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. PORT PERRY -- three-bedroom spilt- level, four years old, landscaped, fire- evenings 668-| |WANTED TO RENT: Two or threebed-|P/@c®, heated garage. Many more extras.|prick bungalow with Hollywood kitchen, a" located. 6 per cent NHA mort- je. Owner transferred. Write Box 393, Peterborough w telephone 745-0775. $12,900 NHA RESALE ' excellent condi- jolande Tierney 725-5207, Keith Peters Realtor, three- bedroom Call Bill Millar 725-1186 | PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING ST. E; LOTS FOR SALE: Bapliste Lae, lovely summer lots, 100' x 250', sandy beach, good fishing, road and hydro to each lot. For Information call Dunbarton 839-2181, WYCHWOOD AVENUE -- three-bedroom four years Old, $2800 down payment with balance on one 6 per cent NHA mort- gage. Full price $13,700. Douglas J. M. Builied, Realtor. 723-1148. WANTED five-room two-bedroom brick bungalow. Will pay cash, Not over 10 or "Barvinok * DANCING 9 - 12 18 years old. Telephone 725-2087. Refreshments ovoiloble COME TO OUR, ANNUAL SPRING FROLIC 'HAWAIIAN THEME Sponsored by Ukrainian Women's Association of Canade Bronch'"" Advance tickets call 728-3363 ST. JOHN'S PARISH HALL 31 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, Ont. MAY 16, 1964 ADMISSION $3.50 PER COUPLE spot & door prizes ?

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