gional Christian the Bay of Quinte Conference. The devotional period had as its theme "Mary, Mother 0° KING STREET UCW (Friendship Unit) Members of the Fellowship Unit of King Street UCW were guests of the Friendship Unit at its recent meeting, held in the church. parlors, In welcoming the guests to the meeting, the unit leader, Mrs. L, G. Glover, mentioned that many years ago she had helped to organize the Fellow-| ship Unit when the Friendship Unit relinquished its place as junior group to them, and that one of the original members was attending the meeting. The theme of the meeting was "Mother," and Mrs. Wilbur Rus- nell read an amusing story by Stephen Leacock called '"How/were several contests, and re- We Kept Mother's Day." freshments were served by Mrs. The secretary's report was|)- H. MacMillan and-her group. read by Mrs, H. 8. Myers, and CENTRE STREET the treasurer's report was given! "Mr, Donald Whitbread, chair by Mis. LeRoy Kellar. Mrs.|man of the Christian Education H. J. Wilton reported on home| Committee, addressed the Unit- and hospital calls, and Mrs./eq Church Women at their reg- Wesley Lackie, on flowers and) yar meeting held in Centre cards for the sick. Street United Church. He spoke Final plans were made forion the work of this committee the Marathon Bridge Dinnerjin all groups 'of the church. being held May 5, and it was|Mrs, Percy Fletcher, president decided that the. Marathon|of the UCW, thanked Mr. Whit- Bridge would be continued next|bread and assured him of the season. co-operation of the UCW. Min- The members were pleased to| utes and treasurer's report were accept the invitation of the/given. Cheerful Givers Unit to at-| Members were reminded of tend its May meeting, whenjthe bake sale to be held May Mrs, Frank McLellan will show/22. pictures of her recent trip : THE STARS SAY around the world. All UCW By ESTRELLITA they opened their home to the Units in Oshawa have been in- FOR FONOnEw members of the All Doubles', vited by the St. Andrew's UCW to attend its May 19 meeting, Excellent Meroury influences ' will make Saturday a fine per- -- s St, George's Anglican mothers of the turn for new faith and belief, In a short egy May Kena Pras | Pe! v . Kellar e grandmother, Mrs. J. D. Tane was Mary, while Mrs. F. Train appeared as 2 3 = aE F sa ilet Tha ty --- § eo 2 Fe zs THIS TODDLER is Cora Lynn Shea. She was eight months old when she posed for this picture. Cora' Lynn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shea, Prospect avenue, and is the grand- LODGES AND SOCIETIES DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND |respondence was read by Sister The regular meeting of The|Doris McDonald. Duaghters of England, Lodge} Discussion was held on var- 26, was held in the Orangejious subjcets. It was decided to Temple recently. Worthy Presi-|send a donation to the Cancer 5 ' dent Sister Kate Glover presi-| Fund. have more fun with this lad. The Si 3 "sae ; more you can do to calm Mmling' vice-president te ab [aitenel anounoed. thatthe "isence of Sister Nance Murrall. i age limit the time he Chaplain Sister Detoes Ladd held May 31 > gy may spend before TV and for- led the devotional period. Cor-)United Church. bid all programs of violence. | _Refreshments were served by Don't let him run and rough- |Sisters Ann Howto, ee . i hi in- i ; . bride, and ry Hurst. e a with other children i Bi ved at the ns next regular meeting will be y esh -- vegetables|held Tuesday, May 19. Show him how to learn to| spell words which aren't spelled|Comes on the market, treat your family to a tasty dish of peas as they sound, by repeating the spelling of each such word ovet|and onions smothered in a rich cream sauce. Food Specialists and over while looking right at it till its spelling is mastered. at Macdonald Institute. Gueiph PARENTS' QUESTIONS recommend cooking the peas and onions separately until ten- Q. Suppose a mother and father strongly disagreed over} gor. crisp and then mixing them with the cream sauce just be- certain principles and practices fore serving. At the conclusion of the meet« ing refreshments were served by Mrs. Irene Tole and Mrs, Neif Guscott, ALL DOUBLES' CLUB A pleasarit evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Ellis, Stone street, when Raymond Suddard, Celina street, and is the granddaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guddard, Oshawa, and of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rudniski, Miami, Florida. Ireland Studio daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke, Ottawa, and of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pentz, Pictou, Nova Scotia. She has three brothers and two sis- ters. --Aldsworth 'Photography Mrs. Lita Nelson, Oshawa, and of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hill, Weston. His' Great- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, Toronto and Mrs. Neils Johansen, Oshawa. Aldsworth Photography ANOTHER MEMBER of the toddler set is Richard Michael Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hill, Oshawa boulevard north. Gary was six months old at the time the picture was taken. He is the grandson of CHILD GUIDANCE He Likes Spelling Fine But It Can "Phool' Him By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. No matter how well a child learns the basic sounds in words and masters phonics, he discov- ers that many words are not spelled as they sound. Here's a letter from a fourth- grade boy: "Dear Dr. Myers: I don't know how to remember words I have learned. Like 'dumb"--it has an extra 'b.' Sometimes I don't know the difference be- tween 'ph' and 'f.' I like to spell words as they sound. Could you send me something to help me?" On the back of this boy's let- ter, his mother wrote. "Mark is a little nervous and high- strung, and his over-active im- agination gets him into trouble. (with spelling) it 1ard for him to concen- THE FINE SPRING wea- "ther will bring the members sof the toddler set out in full -force. This toddler is Lisa 'Ann Suddard, who was 9 months old when this picture was taken. She is _ the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to hear the Reverend Duncan White, repr tative of Re- iod for intellectual pursuits, for all written matters and for com- munications generally. &tars also favor social activities, out- door interests and romance. FOR THE BIRTHDAY. If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, as of now, you should find your- self in an extremely active and energetic period for accomplish- ment. The stars are generous and should bless all efforts with fine recognition between now and the end. of October -- especially Expecting a Crowd? Serve Baked Ham Maple Sugar Glaze Ham is plentiful in Ontario} all year round and if you watch carefully you ean often save on a weekend special. If you have a freezer, or plan to entertain, it is economical to buy a whole uncooked ham. These are 10 to 20 pounds in size and a 10 pound ham serves about 20 people. Boneless hams are easier to carve and, have no waste, but jare somewhat more expensive |\than bone-in-hams. This spring add a special touch to your baked ham with maple sugar glaze; the unusual flavor will win you compliments. MAPLE SUGAR GLAZE 2 cups maple sugar, shaved or 2 cups brown sugar 2 teaspoons dry mustard % cup apple cider or apple juice 1 teaspoon powdered cloves Place whole ham fat side up, _\or half ham cut side down on a rack in shallow pan. Ham may be loosely wrapped in Court Whist was played at # number of tables. The prize wine ners were as follows: ladies' high score, Mrs, Lorne Parliae ment; gentlemen's high score; Mr. William Dixon; ladies' low score, Mrs, George McKinstry} low gentlemen's score, Mr. George McKinstry. Refresh- ments were served, , Arrangements for a future get- together were left with Mr. and Mrs, William Dixon, who are to investigate the prospects for @ group trip to Toronto to attend a musical at the O'Keefe Centre. VEGETABLE TREAT HALF WERE WOMEN WINNIPEG (CP) -- Records show that 20 women were among the 40 persons enrolled in the first - year phanmacy| course at the University of) Manitoba in 1963-64, compared with two women among 23 stu- dents in the 1954-55 term. well to consolidate gains, take stock of all situations and be ready to take further steps to advance worthwhile goals in January, when you will begin another excellent planetary ¢y- dle to last for 11 years. Creative workers should find MATTRESS TICKETS AT WILSON"S , WIN A of bringing up their children. A. Most will times; but they shouldn't in the presence of the children. They might do well to discuss such differences in private and try to compro- mise these differences as much This new year in your life also promises great harmony in TICKETS AT WILSON'S ~ "DONALD JAMES is another member of the same set. He fs the one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Man- ning, Belvedere avenue. He is the only grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowton, Oshawa and Mr, 'and Mrs. Wilfred Manning, RR 1, Hampton. His great-grand- father is Mr. Harry Manning, Oshawa. --Photo by Mr. Samuel Preston his daily work is a little trouble| °° --because of the lack of con- centration--it's so hard for him to sit quiet in his seat." IN SYMPATHY Here in part is my reply to Mark: I wish with you that our 'Mother's Day New Yet Old Though Mother's Day in its 4 |\foil if desired, ; require 20 minutes per pound; '\half bone-in hams ;|pounds) require 25 minutes per' home and family matters--es- Bake at 325 degrees F'. until) pecially if you are careful to haif-hour before done. Whole bone-in hams (8 to 10 pounds) (5 to 8 this month, in August, Septem- ber, late October and-or late pound, Boned whole hams take/ necember. You're Al a WINNER WHEN YOU SHOP AT WILSON'S FURNITURE 25 minutes per, pound aid boned i l|half hams, 30 minutes per pound. If using a meat ther- ;|mometer, insert it in thickest / |part without touching the bone; bake until it reaches 150 degrees F present form is little more than half a century old, it has been one of the fastest growing greet- ing days in the industry. It is the one opportunity throughout the year to really honor Mother, say the many thank you's that get forgotten in the daily rou- tine of life. Mother's Day is a year of love and gratitude wrapped up in one day, the day é before wash day! Bei a Os se] However, mothers have been traditionally saluted in one way TO BE MARRIED IN JUNE The engagement is an- or another across the centuries. The Greeks held the annual fes- of} nounced today of Freda Kath- erine Dancey, of Toronto, to tival of Hilaria in honor Cybele, mother of the gods, as John Robinson Finley, BA, LAB, of Islington. The bride is early as 250 BC. With the advent of Christianity, veneration was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dancey, Lauder road, transferred to the Madonna, symbol of the goodness, patience and suffering of all motherhood.| and her future bridegroom is the son of Mr. George W. Finley of Islington, formerly of Oshawa, and the late Mrs. language would be easier and that we didn't have such words as "dumb." I wish we didn't sometimes have "ph" and sometimes "'f." Yard Goods Are Better : But you and I can't make our : Material-ly Speaking | language over. We just have to By ELEANOR ROSS ;combinations of black and) work hard at it and try to re- Fashion lines are soft and un-|white, as well as a host of new member these difficult sounds derstated this season--with fab- shades from sun gold to acidjand words by going over and ric texture and design sharing) green. over them again--till they stick. honors with style. The result is} Fabric: advances have more I od sending your mother a new wave of creativity from| to their credit than just pretti-/ some bulletins; the one on spell- fabric designers which has/ness. ing may be helpful to you, I made scores of easy - care tab-| New finishes which are worth|hope so. Also in each issue of rics available to home sewing] investigating can also add prop- the children's magazine you re- enthusiasts. erties to resist wrinkles, repel| Ceive is a page on phonics. You Fibre blends are being com-|stains and make laundering as|Should get help from this. bined, spun, woven and finished] easy as dish-washing. I do want to compliment you,| in every possible way tO Pr0-| Combining modern fabrics| Mark, on your high score in the duce new yardage which makes), it, the simplified A-line and basic skills test. All you need many fabric stereotypes ObS0-| nift silhouettes permits the|'O do now is just to make your- lete. |home seamstress--even a be-|Self pay attention to what you Cottons -- long the washing-|ginner--to achieve professional] 4' Supposed to do and stick to machine favorites -- are hardly) results. The most important fac- everything you do till it's done recognizable as the formeritor for success is to know all] Well and work hard at it. practical 'Plain Janes" of the/about your fabric. Another thing, Mark, it would fashion field. |be wonderful if you would try "ith the popular sail-|TAGGED INFORMATION 'hard to make all your written Along with ' striped| Read the labels or tags when| work neat. The bulletin I' have Cloth and ae, eer jold coleshopping for yardage in order|sent your mother on handwrit- denims, panel Pe checked |t® make sure of selecting the|ing has suggestions on how she| "ors, madras. pinics, © fabric properties which are best| might help you with this. | 'waffle piques and calicos, lee We etyle:-you-are consider-| One new print peg AE "el ' | ENCOURAGE READING | 'large patchwork rooster which) "7 : |" fo the mother 1 -wiote about "100k like applique but ts oe nhac feOrieS) tie this: "It's wonderful Mark Remove from oven; spoon out. dripping and. cut away any rind. Score diagonally and cover with glaze. Return to oven for half-hour or until cooked. Remove from heat and allow ham to stand for 20 minutes to make slicing easier. |[ Serve ham with a sauce of l Don't Settle For -- NATIONAL BRA Vy ] 7, 4 @ 'SPECIALLY PROCESSED IN OUR OWN PLANT @ Locations: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1111 Finley. Miss Dancey is a graduate of the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medi- cine in physical and occupa- tional therapy and Mr. Finley is a graduate of the Univer- sity of Toronto and Hall, The marriage will take place quietly on Saturday, June 6, in Toronto. HOUSEHOLD HINT Check stubs are your record of the checks you write, so each time you make out a check al- ways fill in the stub with the number, date and exact amount of the check. Y/ © Folding YY eee.) 4 wally printed right into the fab-) Pants require lengthwise or| ric. |warp stretch for a smooth, taut| rated high on a test in basic skills, and is such a good reader, © Glendette @ Citation STRETCH COTTON Big news is in the rich mad- 'yas plaids made of 100 per cen tton. These combine! : | stretch cotto ness of available in different weights--| Dad, to be more Doised and to the comfort and sturdi stretch with one of the smartes he sport category. And) * } wey ay is puget as ordinary|Clined to shrink, it is best to| 'cotton broadcloth in an auto- 'matic washer, pay irs are {deal|iron. Light, lacy moball Washability is a fabric prop- Yor pastel suits and coats in look. |I hope you encourage him to Other styles are best adapted| Keep on reading. Try to find! ways to quiet him down. ¢\to crosswise or filling stretch. | | Work on yourselves, you and) Then, too, stretch fabrics are} ---- eed . Cn | ®@ Canadian Peete stli. Trailers Hitches & Trailer Parts 3 MILES EAST OF OSHAWA HIGHWAY 2 Greland Q Make Your Appointment Today STUDIO 21 ATHOL ST, W. 723-3680 ¢|/ranging from batiste to denim. | Since some fabrics are in-| |pre - sitrink stretch - fabrics by pressing lightly with a steam erty that women have come to TAKE NOTICE THAT: LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Gook's Trailer Sales | . , | "~ - Ly COMPLETE GLASSES -- ONE LOW PRICE SINGLE VISION that we use nothing ere at King we are proud to i] 'but National Brand Products or Equipment. Should you 'softer styles. pay more and often times get less value for your money? Shimmery prints are -fea- 'tured on drapable crepes for 'afternoon and evening wear. These are shown in dramatic 47.95 Frames, Lenses end Case take pretty much for granted. But here, too, it pays to read labels for detailed washing in- structions. | 1. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct cement concrete sidewalks on the streets os shown below, as @ locel imp , and intends to specially assess all or port of the cost uupon the land abutting directly on the work: | The thinking person buys at King for fine quality glasses at Low ,, Low prices. REPAIRS Broken lenses duplicated. Frames repaired; frames replaced while you weit! Lowest Prices! OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS also filled at same tow. Your prescription promptly l. BIFOCALS $17.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses ond Case ESTIMATED COST City's Owner's Cost Owner's Annual Total Share Per Ft. Ftge, Rate | Per Ft: Ftge. $1,673.23 $ 472.50 $4.50 $0.626 $5,817.78 $1,209.28 $4.50 $0.626 Nome of Street Elgin St. &. King St. €. To Arene 5t. Eastiawn St. From PIED PIPER | NURSERY SCHOOL Enrolment Now For The Fall Term Side South South Width a 4 Warren Ave. Rockeliffe Se. . The estimated cost of the work is $7,491.01. The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal annual instelments. 65 styles, shapes and colors from which to choose One price -- one price only Laboratory to you No Middleman's ro! xu glasses complete with lenses individu- ally ground to your exact needs, includ- ing white, tint or sunglass green . Applicetion will be made by the Corporation te The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may, within twenty-one salsa sid the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the said work being underteken. as 17 BOND ST. E. | HOURS: MON. TO. SAT. 2nd floor *' 9 A.M. ..5 P.M: PHONE 728-1261 sa aa ah OSHAWA Closed All Day Wednesday We fill all PSI, Oculists and Optometrists Prescriptions at same low prices. Branches in many principal cities of Canada & U.S. -- Founded 1904 Registration at the School Every Morning Monday, May 11th to Friday, May 15th . The soid Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, it may eppoint @ time end place, when any objection to the said work will be considered. DATED ot Oshawa this 8th day of May, 1964, StPeter's Church cor. Cedar and Thomas L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshews.