ee me im E22 CSSEV. PRO w Aw Reception Honors | Enfield Couple | On Silver Wedding Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cum- mins, Enfield, were honored at a reception held at the home of Mrs. Cummins' sister, Mrs, Wil- bert Simpson and Mr. Simpson, Taunton, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, re- leently, Mrs, Cu received her guests wearing a black brocade dress, cut on princess lines, with a corsage of white carnations \dusted with silver, Mr. and Mrs, Cummins were presented with a silver tea service and other Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, May 5, 1964 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES FIRST BAPTIST WA Miss Vera Siblock, Mrs. Perey The regular meeting of the, E. Mountjoy, Mrs. William WA of First Baptist Church was Suddard, Mrs. Cecil Oakes, Mrs.) (ayer gifts held in the home of Mrs. Wal- David Hatton, Mrs. Jack John- Sis sets 'he' laveiec ter Wellman, Jarvis street. The ston, Miss Ada McDonough, | aig Pied 'was bon fe president, Mrs. Ralph Hopson,|Mrs. Murray Chute, MIs5| Reulevidie mg 3 Sie, af tied jopened. the meeting with prayer.|Freida White, Mrs. Howard) Winn t. Minat "Oshawa, and Mrs, Arthur Howard was in/EIliott. Refreshments were) y: 7 ae Pad Toronte: Mr charge of the devotional period,|served by Lionettes Mrs. Jack |¢, ee < s. also born in Belle- taking as her topic ae Anderson, and Mrs Norman) vite is the #0n of Me. ond Mrs. tion of Faith" and the Bible Gower, rs " . : reading from St, Luke 7-36. Special visitors were Mr! CO nage oP gman ae The treasurer and, secretary|Mrs, David Hatton, Toronto, Vm, 1939 in Christ Anglican gave their reports. The group|Mr. Hatton is Field Secretary|(p in" peneville by the Rev- agreed to assist hay -- for the CNIB for the area, orend G. G. Wright picnic, June 20. Mrs, Edgar ST. STEPHEN'S UCW si ; : children ,| Alward will be in charge of (Nellie Dearborn Unit) ee ae a coomnies | packing reaigart ap Bh saa th "Tie Nellie Dearborn Unit of|pesield, and a daughter, Karen The group also CEES ©|St. Stephen's UCW met at the : have two planning of catering to the a cate pee: at home. They have A ener, May 26. |home of Mrs, Albert Marshall, grandchildren. brotherhood supper, Ma; |Wayne street, with eleven mem- 8 ue F | It was decided to have a cop- ber. present Mr. and Mrs. Cummins re-) per contest with the former cap- The meetin opened with the/Sided in Belleville until 1949) |tains of last year offering to as-| iy Beet en yeiwhen they moved to Oshawa, aD esc omer, ce sn : , hymn and prayer, The} 3 : / pt isist. Mrs. Edgar Ande gerd and worship. period was in the|where Mr, Cummins is employ-| Mrs, John Barber will choose! 4. ; ; araled sides at next month's meeting, ty pgp i Fo hg he gee eral Motors, Mrs, Cummins is a which will be held in the home| peace' whi the theme Tse member of Bowmanville Curling lof Mrs, Anderson, Simcoe street! oti e : "\Club and of the Business and| call to worship was given by|~ : i { Mrs. Ward, followed by a hymn,|Professional Women's Club jnorth, The Beatitudes were read in| Among the over William D. Tait of Ajax Weds Betty Campbell in Wallacetow Birthday greetings were sung), ! to Mrs, Boyce | Waram, Whol inison. Mrs, Alex Ferries, Jr.,)guests were Mr, and Mrs, Wil- birthiind in. prayer. Mrs. David|mot Mitchell, Belleville; Mr. Following their marriage injin the United States, The bride| made a contribution to the Wallacetown United Church, re-\travelied in a fox-trimmed two-/day box. Duchemin read the scripture|and Mrs. Lewis Cummins, Belle- cently, Mr. and Mrs. William|piece beige suit with brown ac-) Refreshments were served by| oo. trom Ephesians 4 1-16.\ville; Mr. Wilbert Simpson, David Tait are making their|cessories, [the hostess assisted by her sis-|)i00aee, rom nt card gave the|Whitby; Mr, Gordon Campbell, home in Oshawa. The bride, the) Guests were present from De-|ter, Mrs, Robert Moon, | é ' /Mrs. { i i |meditation, |Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph sua ot eer a by pre) "ererice Mier Weiter, TOPS CLUB | The Bible study from '"The|Simpson, Whitby, Mrs. = be the ceneniet s ve Bs gps wal Cannington Scarborough Man.. The Mean-to-be-Lena's TOPS/Word and the Way" was ably at cero SR ; re: yt gre Fon bridejilla Toronto, Stouffville, Maiton'Club held its weekly meeting|led by Mrs, Stephen Saywell,/James Pigden, Ac j £ at the ORC. It was a special|""Means of Grace" dealing with er 96 i Reg By a asec ta tcc aeanine because it was the/the sacrament of baptism and Mrs. Leonard L. Te a sixth anniversary of the TOPS|the sacrament of the Lord's The Reverned J. W. Shaver » Club : Supper were studied performed the ceremony and the| Scout Group Aux. A humorous play was present-| The leader, Mrs. Cars-oni{jelly omelet, allow one to two soloists, Marilyn Campbell and) ., js ed by several of the members,|Heard, presided over the busi-|@8&s per person. Separate Mary Brown sang "O Perfect) Gives Many Prizes lhe moral of the play was --|Ness part of the meeting.|¢@@s; beat Wein HU aul': en Love" and "Happy Are They",! If you are overweight, joining|Seventeen home and hospital] spoon sugar per egg until stiff,| accompanied by Afrs. Norman At Night of Cards "TOPS" could help you become|¢alls were recorded, The treas-iput not dry. Beat yolks with) pens te Rit rested stim " huk higt apt chro | K UDSIAM lone tablespoon milk per egg and| Carrying a white Rible crest Diane Omelanchuk was high/"al balance and. be, -- vhites with a mauve orchid, stephano- week with a 4% Final plans were made con- salt to taste, Fold whites into tis and streamers, the bride was of cards at Westmount United pound loss cerning the forthcoming sale of}yolk mixture and spread even-| given in marriage by her father 5 ith deli-| Work and tea van Shureh recently. The president,) The meeting closed w : aches Cnlitan: atin one wore 8 we yore rgignde por saneneh convener Mrs John cious low calorie refreshments. ook, a teh pan. Cook over low heat until on t di Z » aa » church, = s » -- Bark ven ar Collins, received the guests and ST. ANDREW'S UCW 4 on gardening. and pave each of|omelet sets; place in preheated line was beaded/with pearis. and ePressed appreciation nt ~ The regular meeting of the the members some very -help-joven (325 degrees F.) until] sequins. A péaddress of white large attendance = = ared Lowell Group, Unit 4, of St. Aa-/fy) pints on our spring work. lomelets pull up and become dry| she staal a at of| he play open. Refreshments grows, UCW was held in the; Plant -slips and roots were ' ' | organdy petals and a tare were served by the auxiliary. {), ' sin begase? eURTE ; - on top. Spread with grape jelly, arls held her double' illusion . ¥. |jadies' parlors of the church. sold for talent money for the | pouffant veil bon ag. ag -- Mah, Mrs, A. J. Parkhill, the presi-|Unit. Refreshments were served|marmalade or preserves; fold x were: Mrs. M. pping, Mrs, R. » om . c 5 "OH 2 : > ' The maid of honor, wearing Grook Mrs H. meine ion f, _" or rable gto ig by Mrs. Ward and her group. land serve immediately. powder blue, was Miss Lillian/stoughton, Mrs. J. Page, Mrs. the Lord's pra) Mrs. Sobezak of Port Whitby. The|n. Douds and Mr. H, Crouter. bridesmaids in yellow were Miss) Bridge winners were: Miss Judith Campbell of Wallacetown! seannette Bobington, Mrs. F. and Miss Carolyn Clark, Port/rstabrooks, Mrs. K. Swinson, Stanley, Shelley Empey of AjaXiyrs, R. Arnold. : n was the flower girl and Chris-| Door prizes were won by Mr.|"Sien, Ra inaid Bu sonven | topher Sloan, St. Thomas, the) john Flagel, Mrs. G, Cameron, | es ane ff _ on ring bearer, The bridesmaids' |iiss Shirley Williams, Mrs, D.|! the ma at Stone . e , dresses were fashioned of chif-|wood, Mrs. B. Petron, Mrs. W.|8@V@ her detailed report of} fon with, streetllength bouffant)cnort' Mrs, M. Boswell, Miss| Plans made and the tickets for skirts and short sleeves. They|/Doreen Brock, Mr. Olivier Shan-|this were allotted to the mem-| wore matching headdresses and) oro, Miss 'Mary Balson, Mrs.|Ders by Mrs. Neil Felt. , carried bouquets of white carna-|4, Cox, Mrs, R, Booth, Mrs. B.| Members were reminded oI tions and pink roses. |Love, Mrs, E, Richardson, Mrs, |Clothing required for the bale The best man was Mr, Gordon|E, Math, Mrs. A. Armitage,|to be sent in May and also tick- Mott and the ushers were Rob-|Mrs, W. Hore, Mrs. R. Irvine|¢ts were handed out for the ert Tait and Terrence Appen, all/and Mrs. E. Machi. retin d nape -_ 2 4 -- of Ajax. Mrs. Irvine A. Estabrooks and i sp aoe aie "ay anne A reception for one hundred) Mrs. George Floody were thank- sy ne tg G . W t : guests was held in the Wallace-\ed for getting the prizes and Were Mrs. George Werry an FIVE YEARS OLD TODAY and Mrs. Paul Butka, West- This young gentleman is five years old today. He is Paul John Butka, son of -Mr. FLUFFY OMELET For egg lovers, try this fluffy} The Ist Oshawa Scout Group Auxiliary held a successful night loser for the George Werry read the devo- tional lesson. The secretary, Mrs. Donald| Storie, read the minutes and} Mrs, Randolph Mark gave the! lly over welj buttered, hot frying)!" ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: 1 am an «a\and social advice. If she told WED IN BOWMANVILLE Hilda Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Cyril I. Leddy, be- came the bride of Albert Glenn Quinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Quinney, all of Bowmanville, recently in St. Joseph's Roman Catho- lic Church, --Photo by Sneyd Tailor-Made Equipment Answers Pressing Need By ELEANOR ROSS "Press as you sew," is the) home tailoring. But most of us are just filled) with frustration on seeing the} fine job our tailor does. We! seventy! want to know what makes the|~---------- difference--skill or the tailor's equipment, | It is mainly the latter, since| the big seeret is using a few: professional tailor's tools. | But a nationally-known manu-| facturer of home sewing aids has introduced counterparts. 0) the tailor's ham-shaped press ing cushions, his pounder or) clapper, his well-shaped point] presser and his double - duty sleeve and skirt board for use in the home. These are considered the ba- sic essential tools. for home pressing with a_ professional look. Essential, that is, if we) want to avoid a '"homemade"| look in the clothes we make, or save on pressing bills by do-| ing our own ready-mades when they require it. FOR LONG SEAMS The smallest "ham" 'is the seam roll which is used for) pressing long seams, zipper | as the handle, the pounding block side can be used for as a security guard at Gen-| jen heard password for fine|spanking a well - tailored flat finish into the faced eges of col- lars, apes, facings and peats (particularly on spongy woolens or hard worsteds). 89 TODAY lable Mike ce eg school grt (boy) with the worse c: acne in the whole sod Thais of guys in our class have acne, but nobody has if as bad as I do. P The woman who lives next door fo us is very friendly with) my mother. She gives mom medical advice; legal advice, my mother to put motor oil on her cereal mom would do it. This neighbor says acne should be left alone and that I will outgrow it. She claims too much doctoring will make acne worse and that just plain soap and water and time will take care of everything. I am so self-conscious about the way I look that I am ready "dl quit school and go into hid- ng. Mom always tiands me your column (when you agree with her) so will you. please print my letter and suggest some- thing that 'might help?--Miser- Dear Mike: Is that -neighbor lady a physician? If she isn't I suggest your mother tdke you to one immediately. Acne cases often respond to la change in diet, special medi- cation .and' lamp treatments. Skin problems can have devas- tating emotional effects on teen- agers. You need the advice of an expert, not the back-fence ini i ighbor. And now, Mike, please hand this column to your mother, Dear Ann Landers: In recent weeks you have dealt with "the compulsive talker." I-wish you would tell a distraught victim how to cope with the problem. In my case, I am plagued by three compulsive talkers -- my wife, her mother and her aunt. I've been told that I'm a good listener and I appreciate the compliment. But even a good listener likes to get in a sen- Severe Acne Makes Lad Self-Conscious tence now and then. With the three aforementioned females it is utterly impossible. They end every sentence with "and -- "however" or "'and -- further- more," just to let you know. - they aren't through talking yet. Is there a tactful way to break in? Or must one just . shout down the compulsive talker and talk over him? -- Old Bunion Ears Dear Old Bun:, Why bother? These wall-to-wall bores are not interested in conversation. They want only to talk, talk, talk. Your best defence when trap- Ped:by someone who has three mouths and no ears is to tune him out and think about some- -- thing else. Dear Ann Landers: Maybe you out-smarted yourself. That letter which you 'said was @ phony--the one from the man who wrote he had been dating - the same girl for 37 years -- could have been on the level. A lovely woman who lives next door to my grandmother has been going with. the same - man since their high school days. Her parents would not consent to a marriage because he was of a different religion and refused to change. So they just continued to go together, for the past 40 years. The woman's parents died a long time ago but she feels it would be an insult to their mem- ory if she married the man, so they are still. going together. Now are you willing to admit you made a mistake?7--Colum- bus Dear Columbus: When I feel I have made a mistake IT am not ashamed to admit it, but that yarn was such a patent phony that only an addlebrained idiot would buy it, . Re-read the letter, Bub -- es- pecially the part about the 83- year-old mother who could no longer chaperone the aging couple because she broke her hip skiing at Sun Valley last year. Then write again, will SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Laucyk, Agincourt, announce the en- pp mg of their daughter, Lesia Julia, to Norman Eldon Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- you?" RUGS UPHOLSTERY BROADLOOM plackets and sleeves. In fact, it| is used for any seam with a/ rolled curve. For such detailing as the DRAPES 'CLEANED liam Eldon Kerr, Oshawa. The marriage is to take place Sat- urday, May 30, 1964, at 3.00 p.m. Always young in_ heart, Mrs. Alfred Mack, Arlington avenue, is marking her 89th Bimends use of curve of a dart or tuck, the medium-sized tailoring cushion is readily to armhole size. For shaping lapels and collars, or for larger areas of a suit or| coat, the manufacturer recom- the arge size ham. It's a treat to use the special ham that has a-wool - covered side for steam-préssing woolen and worsteds, and a cotton twill side for cottons requiring higher iron heat. Although two aids are used by the tailor, the manufacturer combines his point presser and pounding block into one. | EASIER TO USE | More convenient for home birthday today, friends are happy that she and her jin Northminster United Chu Oshawa. gh, Professionally OSHAWA has recovered from the ef- fects of a bad fall this win- ter. To honor her on_ her birthday a party was held on Saturday at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs. HOUSEHOLD HINT Get a better grip on fish that need scaling by first dipping your fir in salt. CLEANERS CALL 725-9961 William Rodman and Mr. Rodman, Annapolis avenue, where members of the fam- ily and friends gathered. Mrs. Mack who received many gifts and greetings, entered into the party fun. She has eight sons and daughters, 23 grandchildren, 19 great-grand- children and one. great-great- grandchild. BIRKS DID YOU KNOW ? Sewing, the point presser side)" town Community Hall and later|Mrs. George Slater, for Jooking Mrs, Randolph Mark. ae ees the couple left for a honeymoon|after the refreshments. MERRY MATES : < : ee | ihe Merry Mates of Christ a2 |Memorial Church met at the @ church recently, for a short busi-| ; ,|ness meeting, where it was de- cided that, for their next meet-| ing, they would go to Toronto \to see the film Becket. Pi The couples then left for oe Bowmanville Curling Club where} they enjoyed an evening of curl-| jing. After curling the couples were entertained by Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Scott in their home. HUMORESQUE CLUB The Humoresque Club for the Blind met recently in the CRA Building. The president, Miss Vera Siblock, presided. Bingo was played but caller} Lion Harold Phillips encounter-| ed competition with hockey on transistor radios. Bingo win- ners were Mrs. Eva Wakeley, ~ LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. re 728-9317 HONEYMOONING IN BERMUDA Mr. and Mrs.- Victor Sib- Stainton, Alma street, and lock, LaSaile Court, are pic- Mr. Siblock is the son of Mr. tured in the grounds of the .o4 Mes. Michael Siblock, Bermudian Hotel, Hamilton, y Bermuda, while on their hon- Ritson road north. They were married recently in King eymoon. Mrs. Siblock is the Street United Church, Oshawa, former Judy Stainton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles --Photo. by Eddie De Silva COLD FUR STORAGE ON THE PREMISES semen Repairs & Remodelling By Expert Furriers No Notice Required when coat desired -- immedicte service. 725-6312 MORRISON FUR CO. 48 SIMCOE ST, NORTH OSHAWA lm RETIRING, INCOMING PRESIDENTS After having compieted a son, right, was elected at successful term of office, Mrs. the annual meeting of Norman Roe, left, is retiring association held recently, and as president of the Vincent will serve as president for | Massey Home and School As- the 1964-65 season. --Oshawa Times Photos | sociation. Mrs, Gordon Garri- NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Seles & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts Mothproofing end Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing ' OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT ' Approved by the Nationa! Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upholstery &. In 1963 the Equitable of Canada is- sued the highest amount of insurance on individual lives in its history... To date in 1964 the Company topped 1963 sales for the same period by 16%. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA \ HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO, ONTARIO ' H.. JAMES ROSE, Branch Manager, Suite 308, Times Bldg., 86 King St. E., OSHAWA @ FREE PICK-UP @ BONDED DRIVER @ FREE ESTIMATES the | of the tool will flatten and press long seams and get into points where they meet, eliminating unsightly hollows and ridges near the stitching line. When the point presser serves |: That Jayn-Modde offers a Coliplate Bridal Counselling Service. For information | phone 725-4561 - 77 King St, East. SO EOLA LER AALE | \ | | | See swreoncoomamnns eee | KARNS .. MOTHERS' DA NINA RICCI PARIS. = .. D 28 KING ST. EAST Suggest For... Y... May 10th "it's in the air { | Is she dreaming--and of a Birks diamond? are created in Birks' and prestige... 723-4621 ev... AND I SHALL HAVE A BIRKS DIAMOND" which girl doesn't-- You wouldn't disap- point the one who should have the best! Birks' gemologists, aided by scientific in-> struments, select the finest gems; the settings own Jewel Studios. Yet, you pay no premium for Birks' quality Sterling silver presentation ease and an insurance certificate provided with Birks' compliments. Birks' Budget Terms: 10% down, we in ten monthly payments,