~ ty Cis ~ a ee ERR Sesay. Smo 2s wv FN Nee AREA PLANNING BOWMANVILLE brought to bear on the Oshawa Regional Planning Association Ask Schools ' Be Used More BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Town council last night officially endorsed a resolution from the Town of Newmarket in respect to the use of schools for a longer period of time in the year. Bowmanville board of works committee endorsed the resolu- tion at its meeting last week. The resolution states: "That due to the ever increas- ing cost of school construction and operation, be it resolved that: "The Minister of Education be petitioned to conduct a study immediately for the purpose of using our school facilities for a longer period of time in the year. This does not necessarily mean that the student's school year will be increased, but rath- er thas the facilities will be used more, This is based on two con- siderations. "That the cost of constructing and operating schools has be- come prohibitive to the average taxpayer, and, 'That we presently use our schools less than 20 per cent of the hours available in a year. (Staff) -- Exert Pressure To Change Group to become a regional planning being} board. William Lycett, chairman of the Bowmanville planning board and Albert Cole, secretary, brought this to the attention of Bowmanville's board of works committee during a meeting last week. The two men, who represent the town on the regional plan- ning association, also outlined the activities and the interests of the planning association. It seemed to be the TOWN COUNCIL CUTS MEETINGS BOWMANVILLE Town council 'is Bs its annual summer slow-down. Starting this month, council will not meet on the third Mon- day of each month and wiil, until September. meet only on the first Monday of each month. Bowmanville Building Up eas the same month one year ago. A total of 20 permits valued at of opinion that council does not wish to enter into a board class- ification pending a decision by the counties of Northumberiand- Durham in respect to area plan- While the planning board members were in attendance, the board of works committee took the opportunity to discuss suggested zoning amendments. It was moved by Councillor Hooper and seconded by Coun- cillor Fice that the amendments $136,505 were issued last month compared with 10 per- mits valued at $86,750 issued during April, 1963. Also rrr last month were 14 permits. In April, 1963 ay two plumbing permits were issued, : The building inspector's re- port was revealed during last night's town council meeting. The inspector made 132 on- site inspections last month, five trench inspections, 43 in- quiries and 37 investigations, suggested by section 8 of the planning board letter of mid- April be referred to the town solicitor for consideration prior: to the presentation of a bylaw. JOB IS FASCINATING VANCOUVER (CP) -- Dor- othy McCormick, who finds her job as credit manager of a firm which did a $2,500,000 business last year fascinating, has been elected to the executive of the Vancouver Canadian Credit Io- * stitute. anit Ba oe READY FOR GARBAGE? Carl Anderson, 73, legless son to a day in jail for and fingerless since a plane drunkenness. "Sometimes I crash near Uranium City, | think I am no better than rub- Sask., in 1953, thinks Vancou- | bish," remarked Anderson, ver Magistrate Les Bewley | who has been in court for was right when he said Ander- | drunkenness eight times in son should be put in a gar- | the last year. bage can. Bewley made the | (CP Wirephoto) comment in sentencing Ander- One Killed, Five Hurt In Car Crash WATERFORD, Ont. (CP)--A 67-year-old Simcoe woman was killed and five other persons are in hospital following a two- car crash Monday night about six miles northwest of here. Mrs. Alice Brown of Simcoe, &@ passenger in a car driven by her husband Harold, was killed. Mr. Brown isin hospital with severe chest injuries and facial cuts. SMART geval eee have their ca stery cena Fe So Sete "Wer DURACLEAN 728-8518 CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum FINEST CLOTH The finest of all cloths is vi- cuna, woven from the hair of the Peruvian vicuna, with fibres re about 2,500 to the inch. Rev. Rex Norman Of Ajax Conducts Audley Service MRS. FRED PUCKRIN male choir sang * Mv_ Shepherd. e Sunday School and church services will be combined this Sunday for the Christian Family Day service at 2.30 p.m. The community club met at the home of John and Mrs. Ashton, Pickering, on Saturday evening, with president, Bert purchased. son, Geo, Izatt and Aleck Rich- ards were namegq for the sports DRAPERY MATERIAL 98: yerd and up Compare at $1.98 yerd M. & 6. Dry Goods & Draneries 74 CELINA STREEY PHONE 723-7827 SAVINGS DEPO MORE INTEREST 1% 8 Redeemable ANY time Interest on daily balance MINIMUM DEPOSIT $5,000.00 GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada 32 KING ST. E, 728-1653 SIT RECEIPTS committee for the summer. Winners of the euchre game were: Mrs. John Hemmer and Lynda Puckrin; gents, Jim Izatt and Bert Guthrie. The family of Mrs. A. W. Betson gathered at her home on Saturday evening in honor of her birthday. Her sister, Mrs. Brown, motored up from Brock- ville to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pardon, Ray and Anne attended the wedding on Saturday at Agin- court, of Mrs. Pardon's cousin, George Robb. Ray was ring- bearer and Anne borough, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Puckrin on Sunday. Mrs. Leslie Wilson, Green- wood, has been teaching in the junior room last week and = week while Miss ee girl. , Anne Guthrie and Nancy attended the Confer- ence on Christian Vocation' at Queen's University over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fowlie and Walter Fowlie, Sr., Scar- A771 oe AND MOST MODERN 30. CARS AND TRUCKS Me | _ OSHAWA'S TAX! AND U. RENT-A-CAR $1.00 A DAY PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE GEO. RUTHERFORD (Oshawa) LTD.--14 ALBERT ST. even ewesaewnens TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY AUDITOR'S REPORT and FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1963 March 20, 1964 To the Reeve, Councillors and Ratepoyers, The Township of East Whitby, Columbus, Ontario, Ladies and Gentlemen: We have oudited the books ond accounts of the Township of East Whitby for the yeor ended December 31, 1963 and have pre- pored the attoched financial statements ond supporting schedules in eccordance with regulotions prescribed by the Department of Muni- cipal Affairs. Operations for the yeor resulted in a surplus of $5,869.93 ofter 1: + providing for prior years' deficits of $7,725.58 ond $1,000.00 for the reserve for working funds. At December 31, 1963 the accumul- ated surplus amounted to $13,556.20. In accordance with section 297 (2) of the Municipol Act, this accumuloted surplus, should be taken into considerotion in the 1964 budget estimates. We recommend that the reserve for working funds be increased each year by making provision for this item in the budget estimates, This will enable the municipality to reduce the amount of bonk loons required. The following schedule sets out a comparison of taxes receivable to the ae tox roll for each of the past five years: Totel Toxes Receivable $28,285.20 25,329.57 29,015.71 25,706.01 18,053.41 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1963. a 3. Percentage of Toxes Receivable To Roll 119 Total Roll $237,482.76 221,180.50 210,729.27 170,073.79 149,812.54 ASSETS $ 89,220.89 149,652.20 28,000.00 General Fixed Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and Continuation : Due from Other Municipalities (for Debentures assumed) Other Tongible Assets Local Improvement chorges -- owners' shore to be debentured Investment in Capita 7,686.27 274,559.36 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1963 Bonk Overdroft Temporary Loans .. Accounts Payable Other Liabilities $ 50.00 32,207.90 7,686.27 Due from Province of Ontorio ....++ Due from Copital Fund Toxes Receivable ....... $28,285.20 Less allowance for uncollectible toxes 4,500. 00 23,785.20 Reserves Surplus. : Total Assets csepecssecesccrsese "63,729.37 REVENUE FUND SURPLUS ACCOUNT December 31, 1963. Belence Debit Bolonce at beginning of yeor $7,725.58 Deficit included in Credit $ 7,725.58 T Current Budget ols of Debit and Adjustments affecting operations of previous years: rs' shore of local improvement charges -- to be debentured (charged to revenue fund in 1962) Credit columns Bulance of Surplus at 7,686.27 Deferred Revenue .. Building ee refundable +e We hereby report that in our opinion? The financial transactions which hove come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipolity. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instrute tions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. The financio! statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality os at December 31, of its operations for the year ended on 'that dote. We appreciate the courtesy ond co-operation extended to us by your officials during the course of our oudit. Respectfully submitted, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL & CO, Chartered Accountants, License No, 2511 Date of filing: April 3, 1964. LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued and Unmotured Schools -- Public and Continuation Due to Other Funds ... 1 Assets LIABILITIES 87.76 2,400.00 Credit 5,869.93 7,725. 38 21,281.78 1963 and the results Ontari Dir: Children's Protection ... Highwey Improvement .. Imagine: instant, written orders from store to warehouse, dispatcher to shipper, plant to sales office--in short, to and from two or more places, up and down in the same building, hundreds of yards or hun- dreds of miles apart! Telescript is instant, easy, and completely error-proof--every- thing is seen on the receiver exactly as you write or draw it on the transmitter ! There are uncounted uses in every field of business for this remarkable Bell service. Why don't you ask for a Bell Rep to give you the complete Telescript story? f AND THERE'S MORE WHERE THIS CAME FROM: COMMUNICATIONS 1S OUR BUSINESS STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REVENUE Total Revenue from Toxetion .... Long-Term Debt Chorges Recoverable Contributions, Grants ond Subsidies Governments; io -- $ 1,467 ect Relief ..... oe owe 53,225 Unconditional Per Copite Gronts Woarble Fly ...... doene $177,652.20 © 7,686.27 89,220.89 Other 274,559.36 a Ontar Municipalities 568. Government Enterprises: io -- H.E.P.C, -- grant in lieu $ 8,130.91 Licences and 33,000.00 3/554.50 Interest, Tax Permits (include dog tox) Penalties, etc. ....+. Other Revenues -- 2,487.76 3,000.00 13,556.20 63,729.37 a Miscellaneous Balance $13,556.20 Rents, Concessions and Franchises Service Charges -- Roods .... 8 428 1,229 45. 34 2,237. 85. 8,308.00 158.63 1,183. 873.55 .00 .50 54 For the year ended December $237,482.76 Executive and Legislotive .... 6,155.00 Law Enforcement .. Street Lighting .. Warble Fly ui 84 Public ond Streets, etc. Sanitation and Waste Removal .... Sociol Relief Assistance ....ssesee Educot 65,397.66 Administrotive Recreation and Community Services 31, 1963. EXPENDITURE General Government $ 1,490.00 15,535.00 3,458.63 $ 20,483.63 8,175.00 17.00 837.54 549.42 290.00 earvesees ivestock killed by dogs .... Works -- Roads, Highwoys 9,868.96 91,509.36 1,070.00 Welfare 3,811.94 110,453.53 1,075.00 ion, including debt charges . . Debt Charges Debenture Debt Charges .... Less own share of 00 568.00 43,587.12 37,432.12 6,155.00 Short term interest and 18.66 Discount for' Toxes ..sesees Toxes Capito! 1,761.50 4,712.89 other charges 494.24 6,649.24 959.01 1,896.80 12,175.86 written off ... | Expenditures out of Revenue Joint or Special Expenditures 00 2,056.55 Miscellaneous P. Provision for Allowances, Reserves and Reserve Funds Deficit 00 1,711.04 Surplus for the Year 319,864.06 County Rates Ontario County Health Unit .. Gross Tota! Expenditure Total Expenditure Section: 42,328.90 2,784.87 45,113.77 rovision for deferred revenue 201.45 1,000.00 306,268.55 7,725.58 313,994.13 5,869.93 319,864.06 from Previous Years Levied for