Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 May 1964, p. 15

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'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, May 5, 1964 15 TELEVISION LOG se | A car ggy | CONTRACT BRIDGE : SOME T WANT TO GET MY IN. WITH YOU, AUTHORIZED By 8. JAY BECKER CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto 7 SWEATER, NERI? nom (Top record-holder in 2 WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffuie WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buflalo Ve GONE LABORATORY. Individual Championship Ploy wg speed , North-South ruingreble CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie - | TUESDAY GvE. 9:30 A.M. 7--Queen For A Day 'Cities 63--Friendly Giant 9300 AM, ee nguoen to wn rk : Talsin bo roe Sor Room 9--Mickey Mouse Club j 7--Jack Latanne Show | 8~The Match Game . | . RORV'S PLACE, 3 Playhouse has ae gs os 7---Tralimaster 9:30 AM. 9--Meta Presents et to sed 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 4:30 PLM. 9--Kigdo 0 AM, 6--Father Knows Best ; 66 ation show | Lane Te bane Ti BE BACK INAFEW MINUTES Bike 82 tansy when 00 Pam. ae SEE. A | GOT To GETA LEATHER Case CMY ie " International Showtime) 7--Gir! Talk li--Famity neatre " LEFT IN My HOTEL 3 BEST ONE sarge 2--Today, 1964 63--National Schools 9--Theatre ict ; p - Te in | eee ite Rie 10:20 AMA. -- rly ' Z ; 2NT Pass 3NT Dble) tuner wings | Save Ooch Bow ig , KN. GOING D : ais a, ee ' 7 *" Opening lead--two of spades. ZePrice Is Right 63--Woody Wood aoe opening lead has a great effect upon peck: Heiene 2--The Ritl 41 Love Lucy mee e result of many 1:00 AM. Late au to, : : I Y y NA |hands, ws aay (8 number o3--Hun 9--Morning Magazine 2-Today 1964 } | one stumbling block to success- =Pemily these ie pe P.M. ~ : e ful defensive play, and this is 7:00 P.M. 6--Loretta Young 4~--Headline: News : WSS / more or less true, whether the fThe Lilet obo +The MeCoys Qui , LY Ws rs ~ leader is a good, bad, News, Weather, 30 AM 6:30 PM. A 4 j ' or erent player. fhe Phi " re et ee ere mewel: Weather CROSSWORD ; j 'G nS wt The accompanying hand was The Sliver's Snow) 3.2--Jeopardy and Sports att ACO ROTA ORCI a \ \ a ee Shore rot ALEC EUSP) . SAL Lege , seat me AL ee amined yt onli BF seenions AOROSS DOWN 18. Part ! aaa rs le, South got to three 10 Pm. Ttgagen tive reo 6d PM. 1. Mineral 1. Territorial of Ree mec ey , hotrump on he bidding: shown. eda ivididoes 12:00 NOON Family theatre springs divisions: a ON geass East doubled, thus commanding S--Tuesday Night Movie | #--Noonday Report a ene 5. Splendor Eng. ee ae oS West to lead a spade, the suit go--Mr. Novak lb A 9. Offends 2,Aspring 22. Food Aaa oan which had been bid by dummy. 7--Maverick | 26 "News. Weather, 11, Girl's name mud-hole for - f ] 7 3 Note that without a spade lead, STR Srunn | SElwood Glover Sports 12, Perfect 3. Part of invalids (OME MXIT | ws my eee hes ee ae :; ag Scth weld' have ae Gece 'News and Weatner | 4-The Honeymooners 13. Sports "tobe" 44. Boy: ROBT ae at gt te iN t've GOT JUST) | |. THATIS WHAT making three notrump. 3--Petticoat Junction | 12:1d P.M. ant amera theater 4. Pierce colloq. / - . f THE IDBA... F 4 . 8:00 P.M. | a-Speaker of the House | 2--eeth Valley Days 14. Road: abbr. _ 6.Companion: 27. Notched Mo (le rang iia rah ld Qk eet q LOCAL COLOR! A. a ~ od pene Mgr Mle 11--Special Movie 12:90 P.M. 1:90 PLM. 15, Limit Ps 29. Un- WNW: ro) G 2 the poe om 'astead of the tin 3--Patty Duke Show | ot ove 1, 9--Dick Van Dyke 17. Antlered 6. pened East took th . 4--Red Skelton Hour --| Love Lucy 8-2--The Virginian animal nymph flower as the ace and would Pe tn '~ Ozzie and Harriet have defeated the contract if h i ' i 7. FitthU.S.. 30. Spok ie 4:30 P.M. Consequences 6--Nation's Business 19. Sea eagle pe e hak tousns h bet he le J--McHales Navy 'Father Knows Best 4--DeGavile -- 20, Female president independent 63--Ben Casey Sen te teanoiven French Documentary deer 8. Gambled perfectly $8, Young back the queen of spades in- ah Lawerechere sesh ab ate laa 21. Ooze 10. Astringent 31. Not salmon stead, ; 9:00 PM. oe 1143 PM. 23, Bird'sbeak --_-- fruit pure 40. Stinging This return proved fatal. S2-Richard Boone Show) Sovige "eM Mr, Finett 25. Man's 11, Preserved, -- 33. Indo- insect west a forced to win with mA 6:60 Pm. nickname as fruits and Chin. 43, Emit vapor F ° Ae 2 e king and he shifted to the 4-Pettioset: Junction vlaetetead l1--Michael Shayne 26. Bark vegetables tribe 44, Joyous 7 . & # : . ' Ly jack of hearts, The outcome was 910 PM. "Becemper Bride | S7MY, Favorite Marten | - 28, Confer 18. Coffee 35.Foodfor 48, African r Sct \ _ axO..8 that South made ten. tricks for --Patty Duke . <y¢"] (ht. ' Joey Bishop S--Matiooe rah &3--Red River Jemberes knighthooa receptacle animals antelope a8 é . os' 7-04 la score of ie. With 63--Front Page on . upon proper defense, declarer would Chall 4--Meer The Millers 0:30 PLM. Z 13 14 @lite | i. el S-Movie 'egg $0. Chinese have gone down five -- 1,400 2--Divorce Court ier) Devanet ° 1 points -- a swing of 2,350 points, 10:00 PLM. a oa Star meen 82. Abyss i . The hand dramatizes the im: eee te ene _iatinee 9:00 PAM. 3. yellow portance of good defensive play. #2-Bell Telephone Hour! 2-Our House ig |11---Naked City ha al Y, -- . "yap : At the second® table, North- 7--The Fugitive 8-2--Esplonage ~y JE VOIS DES NAVIRES DELA COMPAGNIE DE | |South also arrived at three no- 63--News Magazines 2:00 P.M. 2--Ben Casey 37. Mischievous E D'HUDSON Qui SEN VONTA trump, but at this table Norh ry Moore Show | 9 the Millionaire 4The Beverly Hilibiiies one La, LA hetame the asala rot ne 10:30 PM. 3-P os Sas bak 39. Scola ; NELSON,"CRIE LAVIGIE. ame the ; rer instead ature of Things a-Let's Make A Deal | 5 pestival . again and & . South. The bidding went: 00 PM 2130 PM. The Dick van Dyk: again "i ; : mn bs : : West Nortn Bast 19-9-1-6-43-2--News 'Douglas Faltbetis Show 41. June-bug : ; aca I I ; ¥ = ath 1@ Pease Weather and Sports | §.2-The Doctors 10:00 P.M. 42. Courting: ; - p ae Sy lm Pass 1:18 P.M. 7-Day in Court Steve Allen colloq. . ee ae Sh. Pass 3 %--Metro Final 6 Searieny thn §2--The Eleventh Hour | 45. Music note ' t , As : = : East made the normal lead 4-House Party =x «Viewpoint levee Por Zo Sumet Strip | 46.4 thick of his fourth best heart and 11:8 PM 3:00 P.M. soup : " : a North wound up bi 4 130 P. ' ? - ' & p badly bruised, a Ng fe eg a } a : Bit a? te" wk c co pai er id . s ' 1 Seems aam | N Ooeer| fo. Loud MON UEWTENANT DUCuAYsuwv@a AvEC<E5| PLE BROUILARD SE LEVE. S WZ Ry Rg heny RE taciongy Show™" | Sate teu the trum |"4870432-News ringing ep Sue Le pape ow gal oa per ies GAGES NITE, S Z YUM \deuce of diamonds on the last - 'OPT NELSON' i 4 (ONS D'C\,"COMMANDE DUGMAY. | BS g heart. é--International Cinema 2:30 PLM. ee 61, Writing ~ = WEDNESDAY sthities teaiieg 115 PA : page IRN23A HOSTIN LI08 OL IMTS wy T--WVI3H \ "4 9293090, 38IH 90 LO 139 $431 ANNO" IN Ir HIRO "MEW ANG: SINONS swostan West thereupon shifted to the Y tat sod te Contict S--Metro Fina 62 +n ZZ Y IIHOA SAIS SIM KLUM MOTION THANG LH ILITINT AW, as ONINAGO WY 35 OL HISD LIL LITT $4 905, ~(219501 SAO) 4 S108880 30s. 0s 190) so00 Saami Noe oh be king of spades, which held, and #2-You Don'? Say Viewpoint 'Woobenle . oF continned wie 2 spots, hoe : be cashing the A-QJ. The defense by now was out of steam, have | ' fling taken the first nine tricks, tf , é SPRING SP CIA and the result was that North 'i e bd wen down five -- 500 points. ; SERVICE INCLUDES Tomorrow: Finessis and suit - AT -- ' , @ Inspect, clean spork 4 and $6 25 breaks, : e The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. + Econ °°" gg a5 | SPORTS BRIEFS Servi ir cl 266 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 723-4634 ° & Frac ub tame teow vale _amnURY MAD fas Frederick Tigh, 53, president of . - REMEMBER, J" THE AN} (E THEY CUT MGMT, i g ; IS je OH, THEY'S WELCOME ¥ _AN'ITGOT ROBBERS TURN LEFT WHEN THEY ¥ (kL FIN The ALL THé VANES Wik. | hg es ge go Eg ie YORE KICKAPOO JOY JUICE t S, IN' DOWN TH' CLIFF, TO IT, PANSY!" IT'S GOOD FULL y WOODS -=~ INDMILL VANES bE BLA) LOCAL CHILLUN IS Lappin' ARYA | FO! TH LI'L > ANVILS AN' HOSS-SHOESI J? 'Toss acd os Ma utd es naele on pd ewwas cane') |ada's outstanding professional © King Features Syndicate, Inc., 1964. World rights reserved. MICKEY MOUSE ST 8:00 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroe AN' IT GOT BODY! <= football players, died in hospi- MULE'S BODY, pre tal Sunday. His football interest extended back to his days as an athlete--and lic speaker at Montreal's Loyola College and he returned to his alma mater as a coach in the early eal Billy Vessels of Edmon- on Eskimos won the first award he inaugurated for the pros in 1953. NEGRO WINS BURNEYVILLE, Okla, (AP) Pete Brown, 29-year-old. Negro golf professional from Los: An- geles, took first prize money of $2,700.16 in the $20,000 Waco Turner Open tournament, Sun- day. Brown became the second ||member of his race to win @ 'IPGA sponsored tournament, The other is Charley Sifford, from Los Angeles, who won the 54-hole Long Beach Open in 1957 and the Puerto Rico Open last year. SALLY'S SALLIES THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER 4 \ ANS IT WAS ALMOST I5 YEARS YOU THINKING AGO. IL WAS THE SON OF $O MUCH OF THAT . ad HER FATHER'S GAMEKEEPER, YOUNG LADY AND . Y SHE---WELL, SHE WAS THE 's ALL--WHY DIDN'T 8 LADY-TO-BE OF THE MANOR, £62 YOU EVER MAKE SS & I TOLD HER THEN I LOVED YOUR FEELINGS . \ } me HER, T...1 WONDER KNOWN, SON ?, AS WW IF SHE REMEMBERS ! JULIET JONES YOU KNOCKED AND IT WAGN'TA YEAH, I FORGOT TO DOWN ALLIO STRIKE? TURN LOOSE OF PING BOWLING THE BALL / 4 YESTERDAY, an . GRANDMA... of SHIN ? LU MB E R fou ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS FREE DELIVERY "lt it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. © King Features Spndicate, Inc. 1964. World rights rexerved.} #

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