is the second woman in the world and the first Canadian t Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings soe 7 TORONTO 1) A.M. STOCKS ie dithiinanm tee om Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock ign tite anes earn Stock Sales Ging Low nin. Core Plastic Valves serted in her og Pe ves io SALES REPRESENTATIVE 11 Net By The Canadian Press Stock She sat on the side of her) FOR 'Toronto Stock @xchange--May 1 Dom Text. 400 $24%4 2414 24% Numee Newiund 5000 2) 2021 +I FOREIGN TRADING Eddy Mich 100 $46 46 46 Okalta NMylama 4 2 6M C+) ats (Quotations in cents unless marked $. 1 Me! 72V N ae Metal M 1000 100 100 100 Falcon 1545 $72%4 72¥e! 72% + Ya| Ponder ewnor 0 mm 1 | Be toe "S00 Ms us ass Nn Al ing CALL hospital bed Wednesday morn- | Sia rt Juanes Modoc sn THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fidey, Moy 1, 1964 4 1-Odd lot, xd--Exdividend, xr--Ex-| Fanny F 50 $44 4444 Quonto N Senator A a A 206d ol xd Excdivigend Xr EF, a) Quonto ia Ve Wee + Val f : ing and ate a breakfast. She ' jie, eRe ie et ap J LANCOUVER (CP), = A 5|should be omen a coule of INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 50 + IVIDENDS weeks. A leading and long-established continent-wide financial in- GMC INDUSTRIALS Edo on 1100 202 200 2 500 11) «OW lasti 1 i ted h / b i aA ; 1 plastic valves inser in her 100 $14%4 14% 14% + 4 ie Ae Perad heart in a rare operation, the stitution is seeking o mon between age 25 and 45 to join from previous board-lot closing sale.) et ey 11 Net i ra 230 +6 Canadian Ice Machine Co. Ltd.) medicel staff at St. Paul's Hos- its sales orgonization in the Oshawa area, Bae Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 2 i ey 2300 $15% 15% 15% a ATa so S555 45 (common 20 cents, class A 20} 5; 100 390. 990. 390 Yan con «6000 6 06 6 $M ee ok te ae cents, July 2, record June 15. -= engaged Starting income to $700 monthly on qualifl- $324 32% 322 + Ye ; | 9 ms 90 +5 .,| Canadian Petrofing zid., par-| A team of eight doctors and] | fo saree a 3-yeor eninese wane program, ' MINES 4 SAS ticipating pfd. 60 cents, June 15, two nurses performed the oper- 1D initiative. fll g rand group Ae neath pie pel bong Bote tebe ne pension plans. 1074 10734 900 900 33 ' : ee ig record May 29 ation on Mrs. Lillian Barker a u a SS Advocate 900 650 690 450 6 88 y . yi pr i, w $54 654 -- Py t,| All Pitch 10 wou uM H. Corby Distillery Ltd., vot-| week ago. Gonaed for sone tune posh gh ite Rinse rm petted : i ) - ¥4| Ang Rovyn 3000 3 3 2 oo i a i 50 A 4 i 4 Sem. ok 178 M4 5 Are +4 m6 Tr cstied Ste ti. cents,, 1¢ took six hours during material. } 11% 11%-- h readia 4000 30 790 720 +5 | , re ' which t eart i" , eine x Me Ail C Sep... 28 100 100 +5 oe 2* vs Dominion Electrohome Indus- a he b 4 was stopped for ae Exceptional opportunity to develop proven sales territory. All. \ Attlin- nh Ym ¥: 6 i i c f i : we A ae on ie ghee ae | rise Ltd., 20 cents, May 31, rec-) 2". 70Ur and 20 minutes, to in- ' ; ? enquiries will be answered and treated in strict confidence. 3 i Me 22¥e4 1N| Banktield 3080 2B 2 2 =I jord May 15. jsert the valves, which control i Send resume to: | ime +1¥4| Base Mets 1000 4 11 ie 4 | MR wy . n 7 OF idl 1 Cet Ml nenmers ipa | 15vs. 15a 154 = Wl The Granby Mining Co, LAd.,\the vital flow of blood through P.O, Box 1284 Winni Manitobe $536 Save sa + ve} int UN 23%4-- Val Bethim. 1150 615 | 7 3 33 4 95 cents, June 19, record May] her body. pes, $10% We 10M | Int oe b tid Bibis 2100 "4 1 6 6 6 = hig | : 6) Inter P 2 Biack Bay 15500 1 2 2 12 ¥ 4 oo ps eo ae +15 | int Sit A by 3 ol Bralorne 0 400 400 M5 115. «15 Great Northern Capital Co. 1 1/4 ty te Ve} inv Syo Ma 56'% 4 Brunswk 1490 345 340 345 | Ltd. mm a eM aS at) in ind 450 450 450 --10| Buff Ank 400 Sil Miller 19% 19 192 Ltd., common 15. cents, a Be soe ws aoa. | IN Ind' p $222 22% 22¥2 Bunk Hill 100000 Sil Stand "ou. & pfd, 70 cents, $2.50 pfd. 62% $103 103 103 Jockey _C en 975 ue | Cadamet oe Steep R 105 450 450 450 cents, June 1, record May 22. T 10% 19% 1 | Kelly D A $F 5% 5%=-- Ys Camilo 22! Sullivan 95 195 195 | 7 gts" a Labatt si8 1818 € Tung 7000 ry Suwurd om ie Interprovineial Pipe Line Co. 70 $45 44% 45 Lont Cem 250 250. 259 ne C Austral 9000. 12. 11% W1%2+ Y2| Tombill 137 132«135 180 cents, June 1, record May 8. 25 $26 «(06 Ve| Laura Sec $20% 20% 20% + C Keeley 9250 37 26% 37 | Tribag 140 «(138 (140 , ¥ Pr} cra Rv 3? Lav Fin $132 132 13'2 € Malart 500 57 «57 $7 =I Trin Chib 1000 222 2'4 2%a--I'2 Jefferson Lake Petrochemi 300 $20% 294 2 Levy $18% 18% 187% | Can-&rin 1000 9% 92 + 9%a--%2| U Asbestos 100 |cals of Canada Lid., common $73" 73° 7. | LobCo A 100 $7% 7% 7% | Cent Pat 700 156 155 | Un Buffad 11270 66 +3 (714 cents, June 19, record May 455 9% 9% ¥ LobCo B 200 $7% 7% T+ Ye Cent Porc 1 9% '9 UCL Mine 5500 3 28 610 $10 9% Loeb M 710 $278 27 Coch will 375 375 375 Un Keno 2760 +5 | 60 $47% 49% Macteods A 200 $23 3 B , Contagas 5 0 2 -) | vielen 100 oe Laura Secord Candy Shops € Chem w 100 670 665 MB PR 1030 $30 9% on Shaw en W Malar 6200 Va : Collieries 23 912 12°12 Magna El 200 245 245 245 C Bellek 1% 4 TA West Mines 500 | Ltd. common 17% cents, June F Prod 2p 7220 $17% 17/2 17! Mass-F 780 $21% 21% ae? ali Le a pe 4 W Surf | 1500 41 |1, record May 15. dn Pet pr 216 12% 1 MEPC 100 400 4 ; & hem 2. * Wiltsey 3000 j ' # ¢ util 0 31% i Montex aoe ee € Marben 300 249 241 209 + won Pace } Opemiska Copper Mines (Que: CWN Gpr 225 154 15% | Moore 20 $524 52% C Marcus 300 106 106 106 Windfall 1100 _, | bec) Ltd. 25 cents, June 23, rec- . Cc Mogul 9800 455 440 "455 | Yukeno 2000 «+17 +1 lord May 29. | | | ~eonemeenenannsaerrmraness CWN G 5% 165 7 1 4 hg ed 200 S$fte- 8% t CMe ee 8 y 2 cw Pr 4400 0 a rug 730 $13% 13) G ju 4 enmac 000 pee 4 'was Sremeatt 190 $ 13% | Nat Trust a5 ian ied ; Con Nichol 19700 21% 20 2'a-- 2! Zulapa 1900 29 aa | Simpson's Lid. 12% cents, Clairtone 260 5¥ Nat Trst rts 400 122 121 € Rambler 600 140 140 140 Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,399,000. 'June 15, record May 15. Cc Sayings 100 10'%4 10 Noranda 218 $45% 45% C Regcourt 1500 er aia EAL Be Prana deans Con Beks 10 'ie 6% OS 266 $11'% 11% Cc Sanorm 7000 con M § 1105 33% ' 100 175 175 a | Conwest 300 Con Paper 1880 $47% 42/4 210 $ia%m 13% Cop-Man 4000 Con Gas n 1470 1 ee Page-Hers 200 $29'% 27% h | JICowich 2500 Corby vt 100 $20 20 PC Jwi A 750 $6% 8% Cusco 159500 200 174 17% Pow Corp 510 $12.4 12% Daering 3000 200 fy $1V Price Bros 30 $4414 44 720 % 20 QN Gas 190 $7 7% 25 4 1a Reichhold 150 $24%. 24% Discov Mine 310 Donalda 15000 2812 1% 21% + Reitman 230 $14 «14 ' 4 500 1% 1WM=-- R Yarn A 212 $17 «15 East Mal 100 100 $9 9 9 Rothman 100 $12 12 East Sull 867 - V 00 16% 154+ "| Royal, Bank 289 $74% 74% 500 7 ¥ 245 19% 19% StL Corp 720 $21% 215% om Ms t 2095 1914 19% + Ye) Salada 410 $11% 11% Sayvette 600 270 270 Shell can 10 $14 3 3 | Gi U 3100 , 4 H h c d P. e! 'an 213 $16% 16% 'j enn Uran Shell | pr 75. $2634 26% GF Mining - 8700 wit anada Permanent Goldray 1333 ° Siiverwd A 121 $15 OBI Silverwd B 710 $2) 7. Grenduc 800 Simpsons 706 $43 h Gui L 3000 ' poled Steel 7295 $15 Gunner Lb of 3 | , thar 125 $28 Har-Min 1 JAMES' BEALE 5 Pav 450 99% 93 f| Hastings 1000 139 139 1 | 30% 20% + M4) D'Eldona 2000 Deinite 1296 | The death of James Beale Steel Can 2289 $2514 Hollinger 200 $30% +1 occurred early today at the Osh- Suptest rd 208 $i? | HePom 00 10% 10% A awa General Hospital after a 60 \ | Hydra Ex 1000 a wm i] serious illness of two months. : $6363 63 | {at Mati $69 He had resided at 143 River- nae 11M 11% THe a) Icobus 3000 side drive north. sn. Trans Ait irl alia ter Poy on Special Accounts on Regular Accounts (nm ale Md orb me Trans PPL 1400 $94 " ve! donsenith 2000 , England, Mr. Be ec urni 225 $10% 10'4 | Joutet to canads and was employed) Yor 300 i Bei BUSINESS HOURS: _ Vendomat a 390 y Kerr Add 575 " ears ith the i i 7 | Chases Ogilvie Company in Viewe Tr 1000 sis 13% 13% + Ye Kirk" $00 , P Closed a. ~~. ype Wed., Thurs, Py 1 " Ottawa. He also resided in Tren- Arete 200 430 430-40 +5 | | Dufoult Le am. Te 5 p.m. 25 p b ett 1 V/; f ft yew ee aatul Coe lw '| Friday, 10 a.m, To. 8:30 p.m. -- Sat. 104m. To 5 p.m. supern Cigar es 2 ree gi -COupons ton before coming to Oshawa Work a, ms $3 30 33% + | Ow 500 . | two years ago. Well Fin" 2100 $74 74 7a | Le lur 390 | Each large, 25's package of Embassy contains an extra value~one and one-half free gift-coupons, Mr. Beale was a member of WCoast Tr 1590 $17% 17% 17% + Latin AM -- 1500 2 . > | 7 1 12% 122 124+ f a : | og Oy le peg ithe! een 100 Sia is Ted 4) Leth Iot REGULAR CHEQUING PRIVILEGES ON 314% ACCOUNTS Your coupon collection will grow faster when you buy the large size. 7 sas Weston 8 240 $17%4 17'4 17% Louvict 1000 WITHDRAWALS On DEMAND From 4% SPECIAL ACCOUNTS ior member of the Senior Citi-] wstn 6 pr 10 $10794 107% 107% | Macassa 200 gens' Club in Trenton. He was} Wows A 100 S242 24 2aVa MacLeod 500 . Mads 2800 a Royal Canadian Navy vet- OILS | Malartic reves eran of the First World War Marchant 500 Marcon 1000 and was wounded in the Hali-} acme Gas 2000 13) »| Martime 3675 fax disaster. Aiminex 3000 Matach 1000 Mr. Beale was predeceased) Ammo" 72500 i eee ae by his wife, the former Ellen) 5 +1 | MeWat 1500 Symons, May 15, 1940, and is htt a5, | Mentor 1000 survived by three daughters.) c ex Gas 3100 129 125125 Min-Ore 4785 29¥2 Mrs. F. S. Farmer (Ellen), of cont Dei ie 815 815 81S --S5 Moneta 4025 " van Nn vw +1 i 64 e Qshaws, Mrs. P. Sehartel Pree ae mam | | tems, lee i im SHAW . i s ™% 8 Nat Expl 14500 2 ery %. taarectts (tunlosy, Wes ii as 0 as a ee oe am Bh OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE of Ki le. and a son, icon | New Bid 3000 "62 bla-- V2 J le, of the RCAF in| \\ So" 500 4 «4 40 = | New Hosco 4300 231 226 226 | J, W. FROUD, Manager ames ale, of the AF in) y Trenton. There are 15 grand- Beyies 14000 27 6 2% =--1 ' N Kelore 23000 24 2 23% children and 16 great-grand-| children. The memorial service will be) conducted in the Armstrong} Funeral Chapel Monday, May 4, at 2 p.m. by Rev. N. T. © Holmes, minister of Harmony United Church. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. RUSSELL CRADDOCK In poor health for four months Russell Craddock, 192 Adelaide avenue east, died Thursday, April 30, at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. He was in his 76th year. A son of the late Joseph andj Sarah Craddock, the deceased| was born Dec, 23, 1888, at Fes-| I] serton, Ont. A resident of Osh-| awa for 54 years, he was em- ployed as a polisher and finish- ér by the Williams Piano Com- | pany and for many years, prior i Seacate oe Geoeral Woes. ? - ploye zene I s. acne, radtack, as a, member : 200 superb cigarettes ++ 10 extra coupons! en oe ee As an introductory offer. and for a limited time only, each carton of Embassy contains 10 extra gift-coupons OA aa. bw uta est vite, in addition to the regular gift-coupons,found inside each package. These 10 extra coupons and the regular : a gift-coupons are redeemable at anytime on demand. the former Louise Dionne, in 1947, he is survived by his sec- ond wife, the former Mary ters oraiy of Ori. Mr thi ye Look! Mrs. J. L. Goodes. (Bernice), . ' | i$ area a ™ both of Oshawa and two sons, , . | A valuable bonus... worth 50 free gift-coupons! Vincent and Lawrence Crad- So. eurviving ere three step-| Mat will receive a is survivi ar 'ee step- : Clip and save this special 50 coupon bonus. daughters, Mrs. G. Bond (Vir- | ginia), Mrs. S. Comerford (Ther- j i "i esa) and Mrs. I. Wallace) d | : : (Mary) and three stepsons, Wil- ; ; MOTHER 5 DAY bas It will help youl Embassy gift coupon collection grow faster liam, James and Donald) For your free copy of the beautiful Embassy gift catalogue, write Embassy House, P.0, Box 8000, Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario, Dionne, all of Oshawg two i ' ae brothers, Peter Cradd6ck of 'ee Stayner and David Craddock of 7 , ' us 8 @ Toronto and 21 grandchildren. Mr. Craddock is at the Arm-| strong Funeral Home for high requiem mass in St.Gregory's Church at 10 a.m. Monday, May|, ' YOU can help the thousands of 4. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paul i 3s eager shoppers select the gifts Dwyer will sing the mass. In-| ; ' i that will suit their 'Mom' by ad- aa Bre veveety | Jk vertising your Mother's Day Gift Friends are asked not to sal Ideas in The Oshawa Times. | OF PF Conditions: This Bonus Token and an' TOKEN FOR like it, if used before March 1st, 1965, has . be M4 . Embassy Gift-Coupons : provided each Bonus Token is accom panied by no less than, 260 cqupon EM collected from Embassy cig ites, BASSY Bonus Tokens, If accompanied by the GIFT required number of Gift-Coupons from ; mbassy cigarettes, are redeernable at any time before March 1st, 1965 on COUPONS demand by the undersigned manufac- Embassy cigarettes are e product of turer for nationally advertised gifts om Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited, being sent to Embassy House, P.O. Box Montreal, Canad. 8000, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario, Value (when redeemed with mM. Kid 250 Gift-Coupons) 425 mills at the funeral home before Sat- urday evening. FUNERAL OF GEORGE KAPELUCH The memorial service for nee a ' ' George Kapeluch, who died| 4 a 9 Sionday, Ape, at the famly | R'S DAY IS MAY 10th- ACT NOW- PHONE residence, 236 Bloor street east,|" in his 61st year, was held at 2 + p.m, Thursday, April 30, at the} gr Armstrong Funeral Home. The service was conducted by| John Dubno, of Toronto. Inter-| ment was in Oshawa Union Sessa _ DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEPT. - 723-3474 The pallbearers were Andrew Matycio, Frank Palmarcuk, Alex Solomon, George Kulyk, Fred Yuskow and Mike Molly.)