about lack of commercial de- t -- and then, out i before it comes in," The chairman restored order to the meeting, growing out of hand with loud debate, and said: "We must give consideration to these things, but not from a /Reeve And Planners Clash Over Setback. = an a | ing bylaw." Canada Adopts. Statutory Parole Plan | pote het ee m , a 4 ; tional Parole ald Weds: by the Ontario Municipal Board, needny ¢ R: | | 4 | | | | PICKERING TOWNSHIP --|tail outlet, asked the planning+feet. Council had recommended Reeve C, W. Laycox of Picker-|board for approval of a letter of|a retirement of the building of ing Township clashed with sev-|tolerance for two infractions of|four feet, leaving a setback of eral members of the township/the zoning bylaw. Township|26 feet, which was acceptable planning board duripg-debate|council approved both toler-|to t*e LCBO.. | on proposed: new liqyor stores.Jances at its last meeting, sub-| John Faulkner, platning direc- T. W. Beddall, architect forjject to the approval of the/tor, said that ordinarily this re- two buildings proposed fer erec-| board, i quest would come before the tion at Liverpool road and In-| One of the digressions from|committee of adjustment, but, dustrial road, one a brewer's|the bylaw was a setback of 22|since the zoning bylaw in ques- arehouse and the other a re-ifeet instead of the required 40 tion had not yet been approved Bay Ridges Residents | this was impossible, and a let- ter of tolerance was the only way in which the matter could be handled, DEFEAT MOTION A resolution that a recom- mendation be made to council to approve the letter of toler- ance for the retail outlet, with the 26 feet setback, with several conditions regarding landscape, traffic and loading, was pro- posed, Through the opposition of members Mrs, Jean McPher- son, Norman Lehman, Rex Mer-| ritt and Wells Ritchie, the mo- tion was lost. A resolution. approving the Mr. Craig agreed that there was a slight discrepancy be. tween this zoning bylaw and other township zoning bylaws regarding side yard setbacks, -- "We will take a look at this particular site tomorrow while inspecting the Bay. Ridges housing project, and consider. it at our meeting on May 8, to see perhaps if this particular problem can be solved by the planning board, and have some deviations in our zoning by- laws corrected." form of statutory -- This type of for, persons not rating parole, he told the an ing of the John How: of Ontario. period on' comple- The society's award "diss tinguished humanitarian serv> lee" was presented to vi 99 bar pena . tendent o eo tentiary St. John's, Nfld. 4 i They would undergo: a man- datory parole tion of their sentences, rf ; 4 | /letter of tolerance for the brew- ler's warehouse, accepting 32 Protest Town Housing 4 looked elsewhere '|\Bay Ridges residents last Fri-\and if this is DR. K. LINDEMAN, CONCERTMASTER, DAVID KARRY, CONDUCTOR AND MRS, E, PALMER OF DUNBARTON PREPARE FOR AJAX CONCERT Open Curtain Friday Annual Ajax Concert AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax and/Reverend F. HUH. Wilkinson,| superintendent of Public Schools District Community Choir and Bishop of Toronto; Rev. Canon and J. C, McClelland, inspector Orchestra will present its third C. D. Cross, The Church of St. of Public Schools. annual concert on Friday, at 8 Timothy, Toronto; the Honor- Anyone interested in joining p.m. in the Ajax High School. / able Michael Starr MP; the Nie'-cuble Gr drdhestva will be The program, under the dire¢-/Hanjrable Matthew B. Dymond "© Se eee tion of Mr. D. Karry, will in- MD, Ontario Minister of Health; Welcomed in September clude: 'The German Requiem" Mayor Harry Smith of Ajax and Tickets for Friday's perform- by Brahms, 'Gloria', by Council}* the: Ajax Public Schoo!'ance are available at the door Vivaldi, 'Festival Te Deum", Board; Majo: Brian S. McCool, or from Mrs. L. Davis 1g by Vaughan Williams and "Alle- director of music, Ontario De- Exeter street, Ajax, 942-3413 or luia"' by Randall Thompson partment of Education; Dr..G. Mrs. W. Hewitt, 13 Burcher As in the 'previous two years, Roy Fenwick; K. D. Munroe,'street, Ajax, 942-5645. wimicese" Ajax Church Minister In Charge Of Audley Service world's great chorales. AMBITIOUS WORK Each spring the months of am- bitious work terminates in the May production. In 1962 Han-| del's 'Messiah' was produced and in 1963 Mendelssohn's "Eli- jah". Both productions were en- Mrs, Arthur Southwell on thusiastically received by » aupLEY -- The Rev. Rex day of last week. capacity audiences. Norman, of Ajax United Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rogers and This year the four shorter Church, will be in charge of the Brian, of the fifth concession Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carter and family, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rogers on Sunday, Mrs. T. Annan spent Sunday with her son, Fred and Mrs Annan, Pickering. By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN Fri- works will be performed by the corvice here this Sunday at 2.30 choir and orchestra assisted p.m in the absence of Rev, M. by soloists: Bernard Johnson, Buttars, who is in Chicago this bass; Florence Learle, contralto woop | and soprani Elsie Drygala and , Allsie st. The community club will meet Kat Cunningham will 'his Saturday evening at the perform at the organ and Ruth home of Mr. and Mrs. John Walker will play the piano. Ashton, Pickering. A game PATRONAGE _ cuchre has been planned, DAUPHIN, Man. (CP) -- The The choir and orchestra is A number from here attended Kinsmen: club of Dauphin has under the distinguished patron. the drama and music night at pledged $10,000 for the construc age of: The Honorable W. Earle Pickering High School last Fri-'tion of an auditorium for a pro- Rowe, Lieutenant, Governor of day evening. posed school for handicapped Ontario; the most Reverend Sympathy is extended to Mr. children, The school will have Philip : Pocock, the Coadjutor and Mrs. John Puckrin in the|two classrooms, office facilities of PLEDGES MONEY PICKERING TOWNSHIP --row housing in Bay Ridges,|would have the same, day strongly opposed a proposed would not be in favor, zoning amendment which per- or. Seats f into a schoolyard, it might look mit maisonettes, or e. ay. gg tay tA oping A this into the back of a row of mul-| as" a parcel of land in, " wf an! tiple i velli » de-| houses" on a parce [ning board a petition had been| AP! family dwellings. He de-| 2 township that had previous-|"™' 0: "abs shaos"! Le ev ieestevated for x achoer.citoulated by the owsirs adia-|\ine wirech crete nutter ; , along Naroch street, where such Consolidated Building Corpor- ent to the block in question, of vitis had ring erected. ation, developers of the Bay whom he was not one. He had) Chairman W. Hardy Ridges. subdivision, made an patted M3: the tik g summed it up this way: application to the township plan- pbeinsitiatly the lees BBeisid "We cannot let this block re- ning board for the amendment. proposal W!N8) main Stagnaht, How it is devel- Area residents approached the "It is reasonable, in our opin. 9P4 i8 going to take a consid- board en masse prod aed ion," he said. "to 'permit Paci erable amount of time and. ef- ont Williams-was 'eit #0UKSs building on this site, but not} ares avi ee ee The planning board decided to ceaeonaple tq be used for any- munity' in 'eral, -- oe inspect the site in committee of hing other than. the type of 4 the whole prior to making a ants now in the area. Why per-| DIRTY WORD tinal decision, The matter will sth antyhing unforeseen where be reconsidered at the next pub- any individuals hay; made} pi lic board meeting May 8. aprinag por lait investment Mr. W. Shulman, architect,|° ra shies lives? Pcople immediately take the at- and Mr. K. Dickson, represent- We have heard many times /titude that it is somehing un- ing CBC explained that the that the 1,150 square foot house| desirable and could only bring school board did. not require the rte not pay its way as far as/harm. I don' agree entirely. I site in question, and they pro-| 8 mo costs are concerned.|can think of many instances in duced drawings of these propos- This type of proposed develop-| Metro where this type of hous- od jnulti attached dwellings,)ment would be, more. deficient) ing has served a purpose. Per- taggered, to, lend vaniety, S¥4in than the 1,150 size. This type./haps there are some locations in all : besides being a deterrent to| Bay Ridges where such housing Mr. Shulman said that an at- surrounding buildings, presents/can serve a good purpose. I tractive town housing commun-| # danger to traffic conditions.| gon' see how we in the plan- ity was proposed Ha we : going to compete) ning board can condemn just be- wi egent's Park in the City} cause ems irty COMPLETE RANGE of Toronto? Be reasonable, seliear it seems to be a dirty "Town housing has not been/ ask you. Would you yourselves acceptable in wt past, er be in favor if you were pur- Mr. Shulman, "but a_ recent) chasin 299? stiidy points out that a healthy 4 home? | Ridges leaves much to be de- community must have a com-|LATITUDE GRANTED sired. There is responsibility of plete range of dwellings". Mr. Williams said that a cer maintainance of front and rear He said if it was not good for|tain amount of latitude was|Y@"ds. If people are merely a community, CBC would suf- granted to the builder in Bay|"enting and have no pride in fer more than anyone. Ridges, ownership, it could arrive at a "CBC has the well being of "To sce some of the homes ioe hoi people could not the community and protection of that are going in there now, they neo ; the present home owners fore- are a far cry from what the o> ae oroke es yh in their thoughts," he| original models were when Bay|Pects of row housing such as Ridges first opened up." parking in front driveways, chil- Mr. Dickson pointed out that Donald Mopkins, of Bay dren who have no place to play. the block designated for a/Ridges, said many residents|He assured the gathering that school, now abandoned, would| were not made aware when they all aspects would be taken into become an .isolated piece of! purchased of: the many expen- consideration before any deci- property, and there was a-rea-|sive rates, and were forced to Sion was made. sonable hazard that it would be- move, "We have to make sure devel- come sterile land, "an undeserv- 'There should not be any en-, opment takes place in an order- ed disadvantage to the develop- deavor to create' more hard-|ly fashion, and that econdmic ers." ships on the citizens,' he said.|development is maintained in Davic Lennox, a member of George Meecham said he|the area,' the Planning Board said he was| oo = : not enthused about the other) he'for a residence if he thought! that instead of his patio looking} Craig "This multiple housing in Bay dges and elsewhere has be- come somewhat of a dirty word. "However, we have found that multiple housing in Bay most added. ge |per cent of landscaping rather than the required $0 per cent, was passed, with Mrs. Mce- Pherson and M. Lehman op- posing. ' Mr. Ritchie explained his argument against the first reso- lution thus: "If this were some one else's we would expect them to at- tempt to make some adjust- ment. This is for an industrial) exception, but the planning board has to make rules for| people moving into the town-| ship. The idea of simply say-! ing that someone wants to do} this or that, and not willing to} make adjustment at all, is} wrong. I think thére should be some further discussion or at- tempt to compromise on_ this thing. No one else would stand a chance, If the LCBO can ex- propriate -- then that's another thing." , TOO RESTRICTIVE "We are too restrictive in some of our regulations," said Reeve Laycox, a member of the planning board, and of the ic.dustrial committee. "We are not here to promote industrial development," s aid Rex Merritt. "'We are trying to promote this planning board, I think if anyone should uphold our bylaws, it should be our Chief Magistrate." 'I certainly don't 'vant to have people come here to be knocked about," said Mr. Lay- cox. "" have worked hard and long trving to locate industry." Mrs, McPherson said that she would have to vote against any- thing dealing with intoxicating liquors, "That's not the thing," de- clared Mr. Laycox, angrily. "This is'a letter of tolerance for infraction of the measure- ment of yards. It could be Loblaws, or any retail store." "Don't you yell at me, Mr. Laycox!" warned Mrs. Me- Pherson. "All I ean say is," said the Reeve dejectedly, "'we sit here Inight after night and scream LEREKE KEKE - LAWN SPRA provides complete Jawn and spraying problems, For carefree enjoymen teed and insured lawn GENERAL LAWN SPRAY SERVICE costs no more than if you did it yourself; weed spraying as low as 39¢ ; per 100 square feet. 18 SCIENTIFIC LAWN SER money, materials and mistakes ® WEED CONTROL ® FERTILIZING PROGRAM - @ INSECT AND PEST CONTROL EKO RE KER ERE KRE KEKE KEKE KEKE KEE RE REE BARRIE--726-9233 BELLEVILLE--WO, 2. AREAS WHERE GENERAL LAWN SPRAY SERVICE I$ AVAILABLE. CORNWALL--WE. 2 GALT--621-5890 KITCHENER--7 44.7 MONTREAL--861.0: For Prompt Service OSHAWA, COBOURG, AJAX- PICKERING, BOWMANVILLE, WHITBY & PORT HOPE AREA -- Phone 728-4974, REE EEE OEE KEKE BRANTFORD--756-5144 BROCKVILLE--DI. 2-7317 CHATHAM--354.4670 GUELPH--TA, 4-8080 HAMILTON --527-4944 KINGSTON--546-7770 UNDSAY--324.2304 LONDON--438-6625 GENERAL Y SERVICE care, by expert tech- nicians, relieving you of weeding, fertilizing for the whole season. t of your lawn, all summer long, enquire now about our guaran- spray service, ee VICES that save you time, @ TREE AND SHRUB ROOT FEEDING ® DISEASE AND FUNGUS CONTROL ® PLUS 13 OTHER SPECIAL SERVICES NORTH BAY--474.4528 ORILLIA -- 326-9812 OSHAWA--728-4974 OTTAWA--233-5176 OWEN SOUND--FR. 6-9820 PETERBOROUGH~742.9621 ST. CATHARINES 488-4725, ST, THOMAS 631-6800 SARNIA--ED. 7-7338 STRATFORD 273-0129 SUDBURY--673-9400 TORONTO--636-0218 WINDSOR--252-9941 "7361 4706 a2t 806 NIAGARA FALLS--354-6471 WOODSTOCK--539-9921 * Information, booklet on LAWN CARE and estimates, FREE, without obligation. GENERAL LAWN SPRAY LIMITED x 130 OAKDALE ROAD, DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO PHONE 636-0215 Archbishop of Toronto; the Rt.' passing of Mrs. Puckrin's aunt,'and rest rooms as well. pasado Bee eh asus th ah a chair mete oa Ries hes Mr. Merchant 30,000 MOTHERS In this area will receive a MOTHER'S DAY GIFT! .. . YOU can help the thousands of eager shoppers select the gifts that will suit their "Mom" by ad- vertising your Mother's Day Gift Ideas in The Oshawa Times. SR take Aaa ASHWAY TOP QUALITY 13 GAUGE CHAIN LINK FENCING 42" HEIGHT $1 ? ~ AJAX YARD On Rowe Street South off Highway No. 401 at Interchange 66 PHONE: 942-1221 FULL 100 FOOT ROLLS | 10-77 FOR 36" HEIGHT | BROOKLIN YARD Corner Highways No. 7 and No. 12 PHONE: 655-3313 $ 1 6' T-Bar Posts +88... 3 Colors A-1 Quality 210 LB. 3 INT Asphalt Shingles _dust 5.98 SQUARE WE DO NOT SELL SECONDS JUST ARRIVED! First Quality "VINYLFLEX" VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE 5 nice colors KNOTTY PINE PANELLING 7' or 8 LENGTHS ac BOARD FOOT Beautiful Stock COTTAGES 6 FINE PLANS $595 $1550 VISIT OUR YARDS * AND PICK UP A PLAN BEST QUALITY WHITE CEILING TILE FQ tert MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY j0th-ACT NOW- PHONE Ghe Oshawa Cines DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEPT. - 123-2474 IN CARTON LOTS IN CARTON Lois PA LOND emit ia teaesempenicn tc ee oe age asst ie RANA mie He IR eR ohne ) | ne