Today s Toronto Stock Market Listings ii ete Gg aetna eiere g 800 BA Ol BC Forest ef 225 BC Bc Pe Burns Cal Pow Can Mait n Can Wire B 6 $7 1250 $33 100 3 e. 53% oD +% 280-275 5 33 2% + Ve aT) Stock Royal Bank 50 $742 Royalite 275 $12 Salada 435 $12 300 $17% 275 $l1% 150 $15 208 $9% 1081* $25% $54 T Fin 4% Trans Air 200 Tr Cen PL 4 Trans-Mt Trans PPL rs 9 Turnbull 100 UnGas 25 Un Steel Vendorna Sales High Low a.m. Cn'es hh -- Ve 2 11% -- Ve Wht 1% Sa Ve 25% SMa + % Hu-Pam Int Helium Ye i] 10% 675 «675 $12% 12% 47% $742 1 $9% %% We-- Ve 50 160 160 25 392 225 WV Stores Dom Ter Dom Text Du Pont East Ch Tr Emco 225 Falcon 250 - Fed' Farms 400 Fed Grein 200 Ford (US) 74 ' Frosst A 725 GMC 210 F Pioneer A 225 300 57% fe 20Ve W"% 20'2 50% 19% 4 19% 24% 45% 4 WM baad 71% 5M sii" $90 $7% $12 $24% $23% $52 $15% $194 $60 it Versatile. Walk GW Wat Equip Well Fin 'Well Fin TC 500 $6) W Pacific Weston A we Wood J Zenith Ailminex Charter Oi! C Dragon Dome Pete Dynamic | Gridoil HB ONG Medal | N. Davies Pterol Ranger Sarcee Spooner Triad Oil Union Oil Un Oils Un Reef P | W Decalta Advocate All Pitch Ang Am | Ang Rouyn Area Arion | A. Arcadia | Atl C Cop |. Atfin-Ruf | Aumaq Aunor Bankfield Base Mets Baska B-Duq Belcher Beleterre | Bethim Bibis leston West A wis 117 1480 700 200 wo $ 225 50 850 850 + 780 $11% 11% 11% 200 430 430 430 OILS. 1100 2567 600 5000 500 625 3600 1500 1100 400 13100 22500 100 203 203 750 18797 4500 516 MINES 525 655 655 500 800 pi 3 2000 3000 3800 4000 23500 1000 2000 500 2500 1000-25 500 33400 ped Black Bay asst Bralorne | Brunswk Bunk Hill | Camflo | Camp Chib $900 37250 72 1900 250 Cam Mines 1500 35 | C Austral 4 ~s gbesiuSisiaseseds Sssse 3a 1000 33000 1000 1000 500 11500 2000 200 3144 13500 1400e 925 100 1000 = eesveeSzsoSessenk 23s $15% 14% W% 1% Wat 150 $576 57¥e 570 35 " » 5 65 ') ee Mn 2 tt 233 4 7. n 2A 32 48 wo 1 S45 535 % 9 7 6 925 555 8 1% S Fs 7 n " 66 oSvboSsesers 20 233 (233 "e % 11:00 Net Stock ., Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge }1400 We W% W% 500 165 164 164 "ol 4+ % -1 -_? +1 +1 Th + Ms 34 4814 -- Va 4" +5 9 =" --0 +1 8 2 a= Va 75 n 2000 | yd $10% 10% wet "% 6 +1 High att. crge WoW, Wt 15% 15% 12+ » 7 7 200 «200 "4 4 +t wv UJ 135 136 23 280 in UCL Mine = Macau +5 West Mines es 620 11 Net Seles "High Low a.m. Ch'ge 7100 20600 4000 «1 12850 25500 MY % 7500 un Sales fo 11 a.m.: 1,773,000. FOREIGN TRADING 100 $12% 12% 12%--% 500, 24 24 24 3 100° 790 790 200. 390 10 100 540 540 100 185 200 340 yo 45 Col Cell Am_ Leauc ¢ Delhi Cochwill Mosher Dickens Siscoe Sherritt Upper Can LONDON (CP)--Traffie acci- dents are Canada's No. 1 social problem, John Atkinson, presi- dent of the Canadian Highway Safety Council, told the 15th an- nual Ontario Traffic Conference here Wednesday. Guest speaker at the three- day conference's closing dinner, Mr, Atkinson called for a revi- Car Crashes Pose Premier Problem defects cause perhaps 15 per cent of all accidents, "the re- maining 85 percent Fg caused by the man the wheel." The conference number of resolutions to be pre: sented to the provincial ter of transport later this year. One calls for "eventual" pest pulsory annual checks of all motor vehicles. Delegates also sion in the attitude of Canadi drivers to show a greater re- Michener Raps 'Confusion' In Administration TORONTO (CP) -- Roland Michener, former Speaker of the House of Commons, said 1,| Wednesday Canadians are gov- erned by five levels of govern- ment and this creates duplica- tion of machinery and expenses and causes overlapping . and confusion in administration and taxation. Mr, Michener, chairman of the Manitoba royal commission on local government, defined these levels as federal provin- cial, county, municipal -- and school boards. Speaking to the annual meet- ing of the Bureau of Municipal Research, Mr. Michener said electors are confused and un- certain whether to pin. respon- %s| sibility on the aldreman, the Metro Bolsters Residence Tax spect for life. He said: "Death passes us by on the highways and we have come to accept it as a way of life. How do we create an attitude of rec- ognition that this is a problem TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Board of Control Wednesday ap proved a residential tax rate iy" 69.1 mills, up 3.9 mills from last year, If approved by city council wg erg this will mean a tax of $345.50 on the average home with on 000. assessment. The bill will be $19.50 more than last year. : The new commercial tax. is 76.55 mills, compared with 72.50 for last year. member or the member of Par- liament. Electors were not cortaia whom to blame for poor a istration or whom to praise for a job well done. And politicians, Mr. Michener said, find it easy to pass the buck. "Tt is high time to sort out and redefine the administrative responsibility and fiscal power of each level of government," school trustee, the legislature he said. ON SPECIAL 0 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS that must be solved?" He suggested Canadians|the voted to recommend that age officers be given authority to arrest, without warrant, speed- ing drivers who refuse to pro- duce their licences or fail to identify themselves. The minister also will be asked to review for simplifi tion, the speed limit sec of Highway Traffic Act. might be shocked into recogni tion of the problem if announce- ments were posted: 'Wanted! Killers armed with 2,000 horse- power, possibly lurking in this hotel, 'Their crime--killing 4,200 injuring many more." Mr. Atkinson said the known paid costs for accidents in Can- ada during 1968 was almost $400,000,000 and said that for every dollar of known cost there is approximately $8 of unknown costs covering such things as lost wages, increased vehicle ™ depreciation and the fact that 10 percent of all hospital beds and associated services are re- quired for accident victims. Mr. Atkinson said mechanical people in Canada last year and| Letter Threatens To Shoot Queen WINDSOR (CP) = A 'etter \threatening the life of Queen Elizabeth which stated she would be shot if she steps on Quebec soil next October has been turned over to RCMP for' investigation. The letter was received dur-| ing the weekend by the Windsor Star. It is similar to others which have been received by other newspapers. The letter was signed "FIQ |(Ont. Br.) and was mailed from Scarborough. Launch Appeal In Santa Claus Bank Murder OTTAWA (CP) -- Georges a\Marcotte, 32-year-old Montreal .|day against his murder convic-| tion for the machine-gun slay- ing of a Montreal policeman. Marcotte was found guilty in March, 1963, of capital murder this count until next fall. in the so-called Santa Claus LIGHT STATUE LONDON (CP) -- Sh speare's statue in Pro'! Que., December, one of the bandits wore a Santa!400th anniversary of Square Gardens here bank hag in St. Laurent,/fioodlit every night 1962 whenjnext few months to Pmnetaona yt | SALES REPRESENTATIVE cations. Future earnings dependent INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION A leoding ond long-established continent-wide financial in-. 4} stitution is seeking @ man between age 25 and 45 to join its sales organization in the Oshawa area. Storting income came te $700 monthly depend on quolifl- 3-year on-the-job train program, only on individual ability ong initiative. bt aers § group, Lia health and penny ees prefer background. Anoheents should be Oshawa for some time, and must be Tiree « executive material. P.O, Box 1284 Winnipeg, Manitobe mi his k Exceptional opportunity to develop proven sales territory. All enquiries will be answered end treated in strict confidence. Send resume to: ee Pe ey GOING-OUT-OF- ) BUSINESS SALE 314% $12 $72 $18 | C Dyno | Candore with the Canada Permanent SAVINGS * TRUST SERVICES * MORTGAGES Vat 500 35% 35% 354 100 275 275 275 6500 2423 231% 24 CONTINUES! I I STILL HUNDREDS OF MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR BARGAINS AWAIT YOU! l |Men's SUIT SALE ca hcg 36 to 46, 9. ip ep 24% Sete scat Oe ik Sie Better hurry for this one! .88 finest styles. Regular values to 69.50. ONLY a a" ouT ; 6.00 30$715 215 215 bpd 2 376 $492 492 49'2-- Me) $13% 134 13%+ % $23%4 23%4 23% $67 6% a a 6 --M% B 4" --% 6. 9 | Dade in es 3 + MEN'S WINDBREAKERS | VALUES TO 12.95 2. 99 Boys' CLEARING AT SPORT iCKETS | All the infest enters, B te 16. Values to 14,95. FOR ONLY MEN'S AND BOYS' Withdrawals on demand, interest calculated monthly. Special pre-paid envelopes provided for deposit by mail, FOR DAY TO DAY NEEDS USE OUR 314% REGULAR ACCOUNTS WITH CHEQUING PRIVILEGES Business Hours: Closed Mondays Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. From Tuesday Thru Saturday Friday -- Open Until 8:30 p.m. $5) $56Y2 56a S6¥a + Va 450 450 450 --5 30 «(+5 Now OMLY $ 4 $2712 214 24+ Ve 100 $19% 19% 194+ Ve $7, ™H Tat $8 8 8 = 20% gh ) --V eee eeewe 1 Bae: $12% 12%4 12% 828% 28% iy Yay 300 295 25 so 7 - Drop In and Get Full Details Anytime i At Our Office In The OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 1s io" 0 Phone Oshawa 728-9482 2 =«12~«12 6A 6% 6% Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Canada Permanent Trust Company 2nd GROUP Better quolity suits at terrific savings, Reg. to 49.95 NOW ONLY seme ee eeeeeee seen $52% 522 $144 14% 50 $5%--> 5H $332 33% Wa-- a $132 13% S11% 11% 14 Glenn Ur 2200 35 30 30 --3 | Goldale 1000 37 397 7 1 GF Mining 14200 36 35 35 --2 Grendroy 500 18 18% 184+ Va 2 $80 580 --20 % 2 Nat vi 30700 253 --™ sO 618 "' we 2 100 390 390 390 275 $304 306 ia 300 $69 Geco Giant YK 1" | Granduc Gulch Gulf o Headway High-Bell | Hollinger Hud Bay 30 1000 $13% 13% 13% 430 425 «(425 $12%4 12% 12% $44 44 AA $162 6% l62+1h ose Men's Brand Nome & T-SHIRTS SOX % OFF | PRICE BOYS' SUITS Continental style suits with Dak pants. Sizes 8 to 18. Values to 21.95. NOW ONLY EVERYTHING MUST BE. SOLD! BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Reg. to 4.00 Sizes 8 to 18 All Colors Men's Brand Name UNDERWEAR MEN'S Belca: er" 50 » 49° DRILL AND CHINO MEN'S PANTS A Red-Hot Special for Work or Play. 2.77. MEN'S WORK CLOTHING % OFF BOYS' DRESS PANTS Volues to 6.95---BUY Pets] ® NOW POR SPRING 720 QNG Hw 125 a | Remember when Bonded Stock came in that plain old bottle? MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Sizes 36 to 46, Values to 35.00 "x £8.88 AT e Men's First Quality Brand Name WHITE DRESS SHIRTS OUT THEY GO ] 28 AT ONLY MEN'S POPLIN TOP COATS \. In beige or black. Values to 21.95, oc. 15.88 WE MUST VACATE Store has been leased % BOYS' Outdoor SHORTS Sizes 8, 10, 12 From BOYS' & MEN'S BATHING nowoniy || SUITS 1.88 || #/s.orF The. Time Is Short ... SAVE NO ENGEL' MEN'S « BOYS' WEAR 16 SIMCOE ST. N. ie ae i. wy Well, it doesn't anymore., That fine old bottle has launched its last sip. We've designed a new container for Gooderham's Bonded Stock. Tall and refined with classic lines. (Our whisky's now in the best shape ever.) And we age Bonded Stock longer now as well. To make every drop just a little more mellow. One thing though. Bonded Stock's smooth lightness we don't change. Our blenders know a good thing when they taste it. Judging from the number of people who buy Bonded Stock Whisky, so does the rest of the country, i 4 Gooderham' s have been distilling fine whiskies since 1832 PeWNTOWN OSHAWA ee OPEN TO 9 P.M, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY