pm = at ae 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 24, 1964 EASY - TO - INSTALL patio covers are possible with trans- lucent fiberglass reinforced plastic panels Such as the one shown here. The do-it-yourself- er can install the cover using ordinary household tools. And, occasisonal light hosing is all that's required to: maintain long life and original beauty of the durable, weather-resis- tant panels. Color Used In Outdoor Choosing just the right -color when considering a translucent fiberglass panel installation for more fun in outdoor living can be just as important as the weight and configuration of the material. Each color has its individual characteristics an@ should be evaluated with extreme care, depending on where the home- owner lives and where the in- stallation will be in relation to the home. In warm, sunny and bright areas, colors such as canary, dusty peach, snow, shamrock and tangerine would be best on patio, carport or porch roofs. These colors filter out a major portion of the sun's heat, allow- ing only 20-36 per cent to pass through while retaining maxi- mum light transmission. For temperate, milder areas, turquoise, emerald, coral, green Home Lighting Adds Interest As anyone connected with the theatre can tell you, lighting can make a tremendous difference in setting moods during a piay, im flattering the appearance of the actors and the props. Lighting can do the same for your home, indoors and out. tn modern homes, lighting has be- come much more than a 'means of illumination. Entire walls and cettirigs can be dramatically lighted without a bulb or fixture showing, Light- ing can play up a lovely feature of the home, and soften less pleasant areas. The exterior of the home takes on added interest with the play of lights in soft colors spot- ted artistically around the grounds. Lighting should be planned to serve, of course. It should pro- vide proper illumination for each activity--diffused light for reading and close work, sofi lights for conversation areas, etc. to consider the placement of the switches. These should be lo- cated near entrances to rooms or close to the spot where the light will serve. -- Lamps will probably still re- main in the decor, but these should be selected im line with the other lighting that will be available: And, 'sufficient, wel.- placed outlets for the cords must be considered well in ad- vance. If you want help in planning your lighting, contact the elec- trical power company, or a re- liable electrical contractor. Livi or yellow colors would be suit- able. These colors: have heat transmission values ranging from 37-68 per cent and tians- mit as high as 64 per cent of the light. For well shaded areas around the home, jade and clear colors should be used, as heat would not be a serious problem. These colors transmit 61-68 per cent of the heat and allow up to 88 per cent of the available light to come through. Regardless of the color chosen or required, proper ventilation techniques must be employed for maximum benefit of any in- stallation. If these are not ad- hered to, no patio or porch. will be comfortable irrespective of the color used. Literature containing com- plete information about color selection and proper ventilation techniques is available free of charge. | CREATURE COMFORTS The "stately homes of Eng- land'"' are all very romantic to the poet and are a favorite lo- cale to the writer of ghost stor- jes but to the average Canadian, if he had to live in one of them, they might be found wanting. We Canadians may be short on stateliness in our dwellings but we are long on our desire for creature com- forts. We seem to feel that there is little that is dignified or majestic about shivering in drafty corners or performing our ablutions in tepid water. Yet there are literally thou- sands of older homes in Can- ada, whose plumbing and heat- ing facilities do not match either general decor of their appointments or status of their tenants. It has been noted in countless cases observed by the Canadian Institute of Plumb- ing and Heating, that fine old homes have been kept abreast of the accepted style of the day in most interior details bur re- veal a shocking lack of modern style and conveniences in bath- room and kitchen facilities and something less than maximum comfort in the heating system. Se it is that regardless of the richness and "moderness" of furnishing and decoration, a house can be "dated" as be- hind the times by its yee | and heating facilities. course, this does not apply to all older homes. In_ fact, their number decreases each year as more owners realize their other- wise. beautiful and treasured dwelling place can. be made completely modern with the help of a good plumbing and heating contractor and what is often found to be a gratifying smal] outlay of dollars. Cer- tainly, whatever money is spent on such remodelling is imme- diately reflected in greatly in- creased property--~--value. Much is being done to make older homes 'completely com- fortable during the cold months by replacing an out-dated, often inefficient heating system with modern hydronic automatic heating. The even temperature to be had in every room -- every part of every room from floor to ceiling -- is something our grandfathers never dream- ed of. The health benefits atone to the occupants are ample justification for such ment. As a method of heat, d:s- tribution, baseboard radiation-- which eliminates bulky old- style radiators by replacing the present wooden baseboards -- is a. delight to the housewife, giv- ing her greater freedom in arranging her furniture. It is also possible to control the tem- peratures of different rooms through special equipment keeping a 72 degree level down- stairs with a level im fhe six- ties for sleeping rooms. For bathrooms, . manufactur- ers today offer a fantastic vari- ety of styles, sizes and colors in fixtures and accessories. Your bathroom today can be modernized to take on as much delicacy and charm as your Many Older Houses Lack Conveniences living room. Modern plumbing fixtures' in the kitchen can be the starting point for the mest up-to-date ork room"' for the housewife in both appearance, convenience and _ efficiency. Many older homes, too, are be- ginning to be enhanced by the addition of an extra self-con- tained shower cabinet or powder room or even an extra complete bathroom, All these emenities add to the joy of liy- ing and you can be sure are most impressive to _ visiting friends and relatives. There are many aspects te the modernization of plumbing and heating facilities in an old- er home. While all may be nee- essary and desirable, the com- plete remodelling job need not all be done at one time. Best of all, most home owners discover that the work required costs less than they had imagined. Way To Brighter Curtains, Getting curtains, drapes and slipcovers to come clean is only half the battle against the win- ter's accumulation of dirt. Of| Brightening colors and fabrics is the other. If whites look tatle-tale gray and colors look faded and wan, add a special bleach with brightener to the wash water. Avoid bleaches with chlorine which could harm rather than brighten colors and fine fabrics. Rather, use a_ chiorine-free bleach which works by oxygen action. Remember when we depend- ed upon bright sunlight to bleach our curtains? First there was the all day ordeal with the collapsible curtain stretcher. After that duel in the sun there remained a long and painstak- irg ironing job. Science, with its beautiful man-made fabrics for curtains, drapes and slipcovers has per- formed labor saving 'miracles | t Drapes for the housewife. Today's drip dry materials are laundered quickly and safely by hand or automatic machine. Just be sure to use the detergent and bleach designed especially for them, Here is an idea from the Care research laboratory regarding of the housewife's most difficult tasks -- cleaning Ve- netian blinds. Draw the bath tub about half full of medium to hot water. Use favorite de- tergent ..nd one-half cup of ox- ygen type liquid bleach. Wash Venetian blinds one at a time, reaching the hard - to - get - at places with a scrub brush. Ox- ygen type bleach is absolutely safe for the hands and for the tapes. Place washed blinds aside until all are finished. Drain the tub and refill with clear, cold water for rinsing. Blinds will drip dry without streaks. Un- painted metal _-- should be toweled dry. In planning lighting, be sure ; Is Your Old Furnace .. . ON ITS LAST LEGS then now is the time te investigote THE COMFORT -- CONVENIENCE QUICK AND EASY TO INSTALL -- WHETHER YOUR HOME IS OLD OR NEW You can install "ELECTROHEAT" to heat one roorr or your entire home for MUCH LESS. than you'll spend on a new furnace, Regardless whether your home is OLD or NEW, "ELECTROHEAT" takes only @ short time to install. it leaves your cellar FREE of PIPES, FURNACE, etc, .. . just @ turn of the thermostat and each room can be heated separately if desired. "ELECTROMEAT" is Clean, Noiseless and odorless, flameless -- Guaranteed for 10 years --- C.S.A, - E.H.A. Ap- proved --- Ideal for industrial, commercial, of- fices, motels, etc, . . .« and is inexpensive te Operate. Find out the FACTS NOW before you decidé on thot New Heating System, suas PH: 728-4611 56 PRINCE ST., OSHAWA