92 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Aprit 24, DECORATOR -STYLED Yaundry alcove is nossible and easily achieved with the addi- tion of handsome folding doors. The doors shown above are pre-hung in- their own frames so' an entire unit can be installed by a handyman in ten minutes with common hand tools, Four patterns are available, all with durable surfaces of polymer plastic that needs no finishing. Home Laundry"s Site Discussed The location of the home laundry puzzles many home- ewners about to build, remodel, er simply improve the house. According to the Hotpoint Home Laundry Institute, the least like- ly place to find laundry equip- ment today is in the basement, unless this is a "family room". The kitchen is a location for washer and dryer that is highly eonvenient and also eye-pleas- ing, as the home laundry "twins"? are stvle - and - color correlated to the kitchen appli- ances. The flat tops of the laun- dry equipment provides addi- tional counter space. A butler pantry adjacent to the kitchen, sometimes found in older houses, is an ideal home Outdoor Boxes Amuse Kiddies With Notions Want to keep the children on the other side of the screen door? They won't bang in and out of the house nearly so often you supply them with a No- tions Nest outdoors -- a gayly decorated box equipped with the items children usually come in asking for. You can get a big wooden eGheese box from the neighbor- hood grocery and decorate it yourself. Instead ~f paint it's faster to use colored plastic tape. Why not alternate two colors for stripes to match the awnings? Or make it a bright red, children's favorite color. You can either screw the Nest to the back of the house or at- tach it to a window sill if there's ene low enough. Otherwise, bang it inside the garage, That way it's always in youngsters' reach. You'll find it easy to equip the Notions Nest. Just think of the things the children most fre- quently need. You'll want to in- elude tissues, of course. They mever seem to have enough of these. Be sure to supply a tube of Vaseline petroleum jelly. They can apply it themselves straight from the tube to relieve the pain and soothe their in- evitable scratches -and scrapes. It's ideal, too, for lubricating bi- cycles so they won't squeak. And, if your children are like most they ask for an adhesive bandage for the slightest scratch. Keep thei happy with a large box in the Notions Nest. Probably the most frequent excuse children use for coming in the house is to ask for a glass of water. Keep a small thermos fiiied with water in the Nest, along with some paper cups. laundry area. Some families prefer their automatic washer and dryer in the bathroom as this area not only has conven- ient plumbing 'connections, but is near to the rooms where much laundry originates, Home laundries are frequently found in garages and, in kindly cli- mates, in carports. The ideal placement for home laundry is, of course, in its own special area -- a separate room devoted to the care of clothes and linens. Sinks, storage clos- ets, folding and 'sorting areas, facilities for ironing, sewing and mending can be located here. While this is sometimes called the "utility room', it need not look utilitarian. Most women buy white rather than colored washer and dryer as they do not wish to be tied-down to an un- changeable basic color for the loig lifetime of the laundry equipment. They they add zest- ful color by decorating the clothes-care utility room with striking wallpaper design, murals, tiles, and plants, Hole Boring Made Easier By Diamonds When your home improvement plans include the addition of new plumbing and. heating pipes or new electrical conduits; you might find that your inter- est in diamonds isn't limited to the kind that go into jewelry. Small industrial diamonds, on the end of rotating drill bits, are simplifying the job of boring holes in masonry walls or foun- dations for installation of new pipes. These bits go through brick, stone, concrete, tile, and cinder block with a smooth, fast cutting action that is 'almost noiseless. Many plumbers and electri- cians are now equipped with diamond drill rigs. The dia- mond-impregnated drill bits come in a wide range of sizes, from one-fourth-inch diameter up to 14-inches diameter. This allows a choice of a bit of just the right size for the pipe to be installed. There is no dust or de- bris created by the diamond bit, .|and it does not break surround- ing material as do old-fashioned impact methods of opening walls for piping. Although the diamonds must be cooled by water while the drill is cutting through mason- ry, vacuum units catch the !; water and remove it to a con- tainer. If you have been postponing the installation of new piping because you couldn't bear to break up the masonry walls of your house, consult your plum- ber wr electrician. Diamonds may be the answer to your problems. Modern Kitchen Good For Party No matter how formal or sophisticated our entertaining may be, it seems that in the case of most of us there comes a time when most parties shift to the kitchen. Actually, this custom of en- tertaining dates a long way back into the past. But while the custom itself is old smart hostesses want no part of an old-fashioned, outdated kitchen, suggests the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating. Since the kitchen is often the centre of social activities, it should be comfortable and at- tractive. And since it is the centre of the housewife's world, in a sense, it should be ar- ranged to make every square foot of space count and give her the utmost in convenience. Most kitchens are planned around the sink. And rightly so since so many of the culinary chores are performed there. Kitchen sinks should be the modern multi-purpose kind and should be selected with great care. For greatest convenience it should be a double-bowl cabi- net style, with a single-handle handle faucet and equipped with a retractable spray nozzle for easier cleaning of vegetables or dishes. Stainless steel is pre- ferred by many while others choose from a variety of deco- rator colors available to match the general decor of the room. One thing should be_ kept uppermost in mind whether planning a new home or re- modelling an old one. Kitchen arrangement should be such that the "work-flow" involves. the least amount of steps. A woman can literally travel miles which are needless in a badly .planned kitchen .A good general rule to follow is that with the sink as a base of oper- ations, there should be a mini- mum amount of steps needed to a both stove and retrigera- or Of course, the truly modern kitchen should iiplade a food waste disposer to eliminate the old-fashioned garbage pail--un-- sightly,; unsanitary and odoro- ous. Should your plans include an automatic dish washer -- now: or in the future -- it will be wise to have the necessary pip- ing installed while remodelling or new building work is being done, This will save extra ex- pense later on and the inconven- ience of cutting through walls or floors, Whether building or remodel- ing, the Institute recommends that a plumbing contractor be consulted at the time of plan- ning. He is qualified to assist you in deciding the best ar- rangement and can help you avoid unnecessary and costly alterations later on. TIME LIMIT AZOLISHED WARSAW (Reuters) -- The Polish parliament . Wednesday unanimously passed a law elim- inating the time limit of 20 years for punishment of Nazi war crimes: Under existing leg- islation, trials against Nazi war criminals cannot be _ initated after May 8, 1965. ATIO SLABS Lurcdiale DeevOY. Wise Home Owners insist on "HYDRA-PRESSED" Concrete slabs for Patio and sidewalks. Eech slab is precision made under 400 tons ef pressure giving for the first time ever, superb quality et @ price you will lke. "Hydra-Pressed" slabs ere frost resistant too. With our complete range of sizes end colors, you now have the widest choice of designs for your Patio end Sidewalk. Coll us today or visit our plant for complete. infermotion end price. BOWE TOMY POR VOR FE SROCUIRE OW PHTTO DESTONG ¢ CONCRETE PRODUCTS LID. "AT THE DO-IT-YOURSELF STORE... ASK US, WE'LL HELP YOU" FLAT LATEX 1.90 qt. 3.70 gal. SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL 6.75 gal. ee. EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT That will quench their thirst and eliminate a few trips. PHONE 723-7351 EDGAR'S Decor centre 34 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA