22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 24, 1964 UNFAMILIAR ROLE CCF Party Hurt By Defensive Position REGINA (CP)--There- arejical care insurance scheme, many theories but few clear- first of its kind in North Amer- cut explanations for the down-|ica. fall of Saskatehewan's CCF gov- For the first time the gov- ernment in a genera] election/ernment weni to the electorate after 20 years of uninterrupted rule. ; Some observers felt the Lib- without a crugade. In the 1960 election it was medical care in- surance, bitterly opposed then erals won Wednesday because/by doctors and opposition par- the people on_ theities. a change--a selling through what their termed high-powered Social Credit Premier E. C. Manning of neighboring Alberta said the defeat signifies disillu- sionment of the people with So- cialism. The Liberals' program was: Attract more industry, reduce taxes, help the farmer. Liberal Leader Ross Thatcher,| a former CCFer, concentrated) on his party's platform. He did, not rip apart his opponents. The CCF, organized during the depression years, defeated a Liberal administration in 1944 in what historians believe was an agrarian protest vote. Crops were bad, farmers couldn't afford seed, drought memories lingered and debts mounted. GOT IN VENTURES The government got in a va- riety of business ventures, in- cluding a shoe factory and a paper box factory. Some were dropped, some expected. Saskatchewan's econ- omy is booming with returns from big grain export sales which followed last year's bum- per wheat crop. In 1961, when the OCF na- tionally became the New Dem- ocratic Party, the CCF in Sas- katchewan adopted the name: elally when Jabor union unrest; There was doubt whether the' threatened movement of export!1962 medical care crisis played cies, All were defeated. A can-|and the Saskatchewan medical didate who ran as CCF-NDP in|profession -- which withdrew a byelection to fill the Weyburn|normal medical services for 23 seat vacated by Mr. Douglas|days two years ago to protest was defeated. the plan--remained silent. In Wednesday's election, only) Health Minister A. E. Blake- two of the 59 government can-/ney, minister in charge of the didates listed themselves as|medical care insurance plan, CCF-NDP. The others called/was returned in a Regina seat themselves CCF. Both were de-)put Liberal Walter Erb was de- feated in bids for re-election. | feated. The Liberals scored their vic-| Mr. Erb piloted the medical tory with rural support andjcare insurance scheme through Mr. Thatcher said he believes|the legislature in 1961 and then his candidates received votejresigned from the government support from Social Credit andjand CCF party over compul- some Progressive Conserva-|sory features of the plan. Later tives, he joined the Liberals. | CCF, Saskatchewan section of the New Democratic Party. T. C. Douglas, then premier, be- came leader of the new party and turned over the reins in Saskatchewan. to Mr. Lloyd. ALLIANCE NOT POPULAR Observers said. 'the alliance with labor in 'the NDP was not \popular in Saskatchewan, espe- | | | ee YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING "In past elections we have|grew. Biggest government en-| attacked the government and) we were always on the de-| fence," he said. "This time we} stayed with our own policies! swer to us and go on the de-| fensive."" WENT DEFENSIVE It appeared to some that the government went on the defen- sive mid-way in the campaign and apparently didn't know how to react to this unfamiliar -role,} On top of this was a new leader fighting his first general elec- tion campaign, Premier Wood- row Lloyd took over in 1961 but is no political novice. He was in the first CCF cabinet in 1944. | The government fought the election on its long record) which includes the introduction in 1947 of a government hospi- tal insurance plan, first in Can- ada, and implementation -two terprise is the Saskatchewan Power Corporation which sup- plies electricity and natural gas across the province. There is) and the government had to an-|also a compulsory, government-| operated automobile insurance! pl an. | The Liberals were better pre-| pared for the election cam- paign. The party claimed a rec- ord membershi, <f 25,000 and said it had $135,000 in the kitty from dues alcne. Economic -- conditions were thought by some to be favor- able to the CCF at the start of the campaign but they did not carry as much weight as | | | Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Slipped Disc Nervous Stomach years ago of a compulsory med-| | ooo OF | he DISCOUNT HOUSE 2 | GLECOFF'S | SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA @ Open Daily 8 a.m. to 10 p.m, @ SPECIALS!! | In Our Clothing and Health Aids Dept. THUR. FRI. SAT.--APRIL 23, 24, 25 LADY PATRICIA . . . SOFT & FORM CONTROL HAIR SPRAY REG. 69¢ SPECIAL 59¢ COTTON BALLS tec. sx sprciar 39° SHEAFFER'S . . . WITH REFILLS CARTRIDGE PENS (tec. 1.98 sreciar 98° lroning Pad & Silicone Cover scx 89° LADIES 1.. QUALITY . . . BAN-LON & NON RUN NYLONS REG.98e SPECIAL 69° ALKA SELTZER tec. 35. sprciat 33° MODESS REG. Sie sreciat 40° f COTTON SLACKS °75,0%*" -- ,.,, 25¢ Just arrived . ... Large quantity of Girls' SPRING DRESSES . . , Ito 4 years at Low Prices. SHOP & SAVE! ! We Cash Bonus Cheques 100 King St, E. 728-5156 Fun is the excitement of a fishing excursion. (Part of the fun is organizing it... but a lot of the fun is getting there, in your eager-to-get-going Comet.) Fun is in the 'sing' of a line over water, the flash of a lure in the sunlight. (Like the muted 'hum' of a Comet cruising a highway, casting highlights from its glimmering body.) Fun is tying into a real scrapper and playing him with finesse. (You. never have to fight Comet's easy-going ways, and it's always ready to tackle the toughest, most tortuous roads.) Ke Fun is the end of a perfect day, a satisfying day. (That's when you appreciate Comet most--the relaxing welcome of its comfortable seats, the smoothly considerate ride, as you wend your weary way home. . . contented.) Fun is a visit to your Mercury dealer (to discover how economiéal all this fun can be.) Model illustrated 2-door Caliente Hardtop--one of the Ford Famity of Fine Cars made in Canada COMET Certain features shown are optional at extra cost. _ BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD., 1271 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 123-4675 ap grain. ' ' Ti the 10 eect he =| 9 the NDP 'ran candidates in|#'. 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Included are A- line, Demi-Fit and classical stylings with 34 or full length sleeves. Sizes in the group are: Junior 3 to 15; Women's 28 to 40; Misses' 8 to 18;Half-sizes 8Y2 to 22¥2. EATON 10 A.M. SPECIAL, EACH 25.00 » 79.95 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244 Limited Quantity Specials On Sale at 9:30 a.m. Saturday and only while quantities last PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Misses' All Weather Coats MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! @ Choose from o wide range of fobrics in stripes ond novelty weaves. 1 © Colours of beige or blue; sizes 8 to 16 in the group. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, 14 99 eee i) EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 744 Va PRICE CLEARANCE! Juniors', Misses', Women's And Half Size Dresses REG. 16.95 to 29.95! REDUCED FROM STOCK! @ Choose from a wide range of chic Spring styles in various colours and fabrics @ Sizes 7 to 15, 12 to 20, 28 to 40, 12% to 22¥2 in the group LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, 8.47 to 14.97 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 241, 341, 441 AND 541 USED CARS Seeman EATON'S Open Tonight (Friday) Until 9 i