SIGNING THE REGISTER Sandra Ann Harrison and David William Owens ex- changed vows of marriage be- fore the Reverend S. J. Hil- lier in Albert Street United Chureh, recently. The bride ANN LANDERS He's a Smart Pooch To Get What He Wants Dear Ann Landers: This is a true story so help me. Our next door neighbors, the Kellys, went to Europe for three weeks. They left their cocker spaniel, Lucky with us.| The first week Lucky didn't eat much. He was lonesome for the Kellys. The second week his appetite perked up but then on Friday he wouldn't eat the pieces of left-over roast. He just drank his water. The next day Lucky ate fine and continued to eat well all) through the week. When Friday came around he turned his nose! up at the hamburger and Te- fused to touch it. | |what the problems are. ik Ween Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 24, 1964 9) Prince Philip Chapter Celebrates } '14th Anniversary of Formation The fourteenth anniversary of the Prince Philip Chapter ODE was celebrated by the members fat a dinner at Adelaide House. |The tables were attractively de- corated and forty-two members and guests were present with the Regent, Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, presiding. Head table guests were Mrs. Donald Brown, Ist vice-regent of Golden Jubilee Chapter; Mrs. J. L. Beaton, past regent; Mrs. ;|R, B .Smith, past regent; Mrs. '|John Vivash, regent of Golden Jubilee Chapter; Mrs. Albert Hambly, the speaker; Mrs. K. R. Wagg, immediate past re- gent; Mrs, Alfred Austin, past) regent and treasurer and Mrs H. W. Sheridan, secretary. Mrs. J, A. Mitehell when in- troducing those at the head \table, paid a tribute to the past regents, regretting the absence} lof Mrs. Frank McCallum, first jrecent of the chapter, who was jon vacation, The regent also oke affectionately of the late |Mrs. W. F. Mercer, a past re-} jgent who died while in office jin 1959. =z; Mrs. L. O. Irwin and Mrs. W. S. C. Lanmer placed a birth-; day cake before the regent who jblew out the candles. Mrs. Ir- |win and Mrs. Larmer, in charge jot table and program arrange- jmeats, were congratulated on the suecess of the event. Mrs. John Vivash brought 8 jgreetings from the Golden Ju- plan. Your proposal could mean|bilee Chapter. disaster. for all of you. An attractive brooch was pre- Dear Ann Landers: My\sented to Mrs. K. R. Wagg, im- daughter was asked to be almediate past regent, by Mrs. bridesmaid at the wedding of a| Alfred Austin in appreciation of girl she does not know very/her service to the order for the well. If my daughter says "'yes'"'|nast two years. Mrs. Wagg ex- this will be the seventh wed-|presseq her thanks and wished ding in the past three years in|the chapter continued success which she was asked to takejunder the leadership of Mrs. part. | Mitchell. I know it is an honor, but it) Other guests present includ-| is also a heavy financial bur-leqd Mrs. Laicas Peacock, Mrs. den for middle-income people.|Morley Canning, Mrs. George Gwendolyn is in college, not a|Morgan, Mrs, Harle Wells, Mrs.| working girl, so you can see|j. G. Carter, Mrs. John Stacey,| |Mrs. H. K. Reynolds and Mrs.) Bridesmaids gowns, as you|Lloyd Metcalfe. Lucky prizes were won by) is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Harrison and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Owens, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio now, are selected by the bride} Leslie Palmer, Mrs, R. B. Smtih, Mrs Hatle Wells, Mrs. F. J.) Peirce, Miss Flossie Coyte, Mrs./ Mrs, John Reid, Mrs. E. J. Luke, Mrs. J. E. B. 'Shortt, Mrs H. W. Sheridan, Mrs. Al- fred Austin and Mrs. John Stacey. Terrence (Terry) Smith, son Entertainment consisted of| of Mr. and Mrs. William D. the showing of pictures of the) Smith, Oshawa, were united Eskimos taken by Mrs. Albert) in marriage recently in St. Hambly on her trip to Povung-| Shirley Harman, daughter of Alvin Harman, Ajax, and WAVING GOOD-BYE Paul's United Church, Ajax. The Reverend T. Rex Nor- man officiated at the double- ring ceremony. ~--Ireland Studio nituk, Quebec, where she was a| house guest of Mr. and Mrs.| J. D. Furneaux, the Northern LODGES AND SOCIETIES Affairs officer at this point. Mrs. Hambly travelled by) ONTARIO TEMPLE No. 1 train to Moosonee, flew to Po-| Ontario Temple No, 1 opened vungnituk, taking a side trip to,with MEC Ann Holt presiding. Cape Dorset in Baffin Island.| Flags were presented by Sis-| She observed the manner initer Iva Oliff and Sister Mary which the Eskimos lived, find-|Northey. ing them quite prosperous in| There were 15 members out an ideal settlement of 500 popu-jat this meeting with still a few lation, all of strong Anglican|on the sick list. faith. The Provungnituk Co-op-| Cancer and Red Cross work erative Society did some of the/is still going on with Sister Mae best soapstone carving in the|Feasby and sister Shields. Arctie, also stone-cut prints, she| Plans were made for the discovered. penny sale at the next meeting Mrs. Wallace Butler thanked|in May. Starting at 6 o'clock, Mrs, Hambly and presented her|@!! the Sisters were asked is try with the table arrangement of 204 be there as their 'help is flowers. ineeded. uk , ' z Sister Northey won the mys- The evening drew to a Close} story prize. All the Sisters that with the singing of God Save/nad tickets to sell for the grand the Queen. draw were asked to get in i Itouch with Sister Fitches before the end of -this month. Meeting closed in short form Refreshments were served by Sister Jessie Goyne and her committee. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA The regular monthly meeting of the Daughters of Isabella was held recently. Mrs. G. T Forrestal, Regent, presided The meeting was opened with prayer. Mrs. G. T. Forrestal and Mrs Clifford Harper were appointed as delegate and alternate dele- Be hie i HOME ECONOMIST Miss Barbara Woodall, | @bove is a home economist with the Ontario Hydro. She | will give a talk and a dem- | onstration for Oshawa mem- | gate to attend the Provincial Convention to be held in Hawkesbury, Ontario, ber. A membership drive will conducted with initiations take place in September. A combined rummage and bake sale will be held at St. Gregory's Auditorium on Wed- nesday, April 22 at 1.00 p.m. Conveners are Mrs. Sidney Meringer and Mrs. Harper. A social evening in the form of a talent night will be held on Monday, April 27. Mrs. R. A. Nagel was install- ed as recording secretary, re- placing Mrs. Frank Flynn who resigned for health reasons. The Regent pointed out that a spirit- ual exercise could be practised by all each day by reciting the ejaculation, 'Oh, My Jesus, have mercy on the dying. The meeting was closed with prayer and singing of the theme song. to in Octo-| - | King Street School Choir Gives | Splendid Program For Parents | Members of the Home andiguidance and leadership of School Association. of King/Miss Yeaman, home economics) Street Senior Public School were instruetor. At this time girls! entertained by the school choir,/from the home economics! during the April meeting, un- classes from King Street, Cor- der the leadership of Mr. A. E.jonation and FE. A. Lovell Schools |Maycock. would model the outfits they | The choir presented a varied|had made during classes this and delightful program includ-\¥ear, and expressed a desire! ing some well known and well-/that parents would allow their loved selections, ranging from|Children to participate. "The Cowboy's Meditation" and Mr. Galbraith also announced jthe '42nd Psalm" through spir-|the Grade & classes had plann- jituals such as "'Fairest TLordieq their annual trips to Toronto gee Pay pl grape ST") stops at the Parliament {closing of a well received pro-|Buildings, the Museum Rown- gram with the "Marine'sitrees, the Metropolitan Police! \Hymn" and the "Caissons Go/pept., O'Keefe Centre, Laura |Rolling Along". 'Secord and the Christie Biscuit Mr. Maycock paid tribute to|\Co. on the agenda. A successful bake sale vened by Mrs. W. Hambly was hee before and after the meet- ing. Members of the school choit * were entertained in the hall while parents and s were served by Mrs. G. ton, Mrs. G. Gage, Mrs. D. Ja. mieson and Mrs. L. W. Hurren. Mr. A. FE. Mayeock won the roll call for the greatest num- ber of parents present. SPIKE HEELS BANNED TRONDHEIM (AP) ~-- No ihis hard working choir and a lyote of thanks to Kathy Jones jwho had acted as MC. The business portion of the jmeeting followed with Mrs. La- jverne Devitt presiding. | It was resolved that a gradua- tion party be given for the Grade 8 students, f In the principal's Mr, J. D. Galbraith announced the fashion show to be held at E. A. Lovell School, under the remarks, be' MATTRESS TICKETS AT WILSON'S WIN A FREE TRIP TO MEXICO TICKETS AT WILSON'S You're Alweys @ WINNER WHEN YOU SHOP AT WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH §T. Jokingly, my husband said,| and her mother, The girls have/Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, Mrs. C. E. "Vou know, that darned dogito pay for them whether they) Hill, Mis, J. Bone Mire A. bers of Beta. Sigma Phi at | their Founder's Day Banquet | é like the Kellys--no meat-on) jie them-or hot. Then there are| for the Beek of 1k 1 opened. alse Sey. Sear ise adnd ens 3 " jto Duy. Only one out e Six) = ot -- = ne it down| gowns Gwendolyn has bought tin. y. He cleaned up the!jooked good enough to wear : elsewhere. wen, ask you, Ann Landers "lait writing to ask if you feel cat} 8 er ch -- ge bi it would be a slap in the face ay? 1 wouldnt have belleved'ty the girl if Gwendolyn refuses it was possible, but I'm not 80|to serve unless she has a voice F. Annis, Mrs, E. H. Bradley,| to be held April 28 at Glen- | holme School for Retarded | Children. Miss Woodall's numerous duties include the preparation and testing of special recipes, the planning of menus, and the conducting | of cooking. schools. She has also written various articles | on subjects pertaining to | LOOK TO FUTURE LONDON (CP)--The Arabian joryx, a rare desert antelope in |danger of extinction, has been |put on ice. Spenm from Lon- \don Zoo's oly male oryx has been deep-frozen and will a the SMART WOMEN... have their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned "The Sofe Way' DURACLEAN sure now. Comment, please.-- ASTONISHED Dear Astonished: Dogs do not know when it is Friday. Per- haps there is a logical explana- tion for this fascinating story| but I don't know what' it is.| Maybe the Kellys will be able to come up with the answer when they get home. Dear Ann Landers: Our teen- age daughter just told us she is pregnant. She says the boy. will! not manry her. I don't believe she knows who the father of the child is. She wants to go to a home for unwed mothers and put the child up for adoption. My husband and I want her to stay home and haye the baby. If she doesn't want the baby after it is born, we would like to adopt it: The only thing that worries me is that I am in my middle fifties and not in the best of health. This daughter has made me terribly nervous. I'm not sure I have the patience and strength to take on the re- sponsibilities of a newborn baby. You seem to be able to. see things so clearly, Ann. Will you kindly tell me what to do?-- JUST HEARTSICK Dear Just Heartsick: Please, for the sake of everyone in- volved (particularly the unborn child) let your daughter make this decision. In my opinion, it would be far better if the girl followed her AT. Ansus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY | 282 King W., Oshawa ® Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-T Rug Cl in the selection of the dresses.\stored to help preserve May we hear from you?--IRRI.|breed. 728-8518 homemaking. TATED MOTHER Dear Mother: Better Gwendo- lyn should say she is unable to serve--and be honest about the reason. The bride and her mother do indeed (and should) select the bridesthaids' gowns. Gwendolyn would be way out of line if she asked for a voice-in the selec- tion. LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 NUTTY NOTION | Re-crisping nuts is easy and very effective. Just spread nuts DRAPES ESTIMATES BROADLOOM SLIP COVERS BY HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH "DECORATING IDEAS" 725-3144 | SPRING FULLY in a pie tin and heat in a 300/- degree F. oven for 10 -min- utes, Nuts remain fresh longer} if stored in a covered jar in the} refrigerator, | AT KING OPTICAL! DRAPERY MATERIAL 98° yord and up Compore ot $1.98 yard 'M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 CHECK LIST of VALUE, QUALITY and SERVICE ~ ~~ - -- e@ WE FILL ALL PSI, LOW PRICES. AION G ile-Linoleum 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA eaning I. @ BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE @ DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS @ FIRST QUALITY, GUARANTEED LENSES--WHITE OR TINTED @ FOR MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN ... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT... OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME 7 | SEE KING AND SAVE pt over 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS . SINGLE VISION +17 Complete with Frames Lenses and Case BIFOCALS $17 Complete with Frames Lenses and Case ) /) gob ok av a GP 6g MER HOURS: MON, TO SAT. 9 A.M, -5 P.M. Closed All Day Wednesday FU Completely Installed Using Existing Duct Work costs 9 OMY. (Payable on Your Gas Bill) NO PAYMENTS TILL SEPT. '64 NATURAL GAS FORCED AIR INTO FALL... WITH A BRAND NEW AUTOMATIC NO ec RNAGCE re PER WEEK It M m No Down Payment -- Low, Low Monthly Payments CALL - A Jonsumers ('las 29 CELINA ST. P.S. You MR. BEST - 723-3468 sk For Complete Details ] OSHAWA OTHER FUEL GAN OFFER YOU ALL THESE ADVANTAGES! leanest heat for your home, saves on -decorating costs. Burns silently and is fuel best suited to automatic control. Modern furnace styling is compact and attractive. costs LESS TO BUY... LESS TO INSTALL and BY FAR LESS TO AINTAIN. @ FREE BURNER SER- VICE on all equip- ent, can have o NA- TURAL GAS Rental Conversion Burner In- stalled i Furnace Your Present ter as little as 4 PER ® MONTH