See ae geen ng Y |27---Real Estote For Sale -- Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thoredey, April 23, 1964 21 22--Offices, moeen, Storage MEDICAL OFFICE 700 aa, f further bl Telephone yan 32. ENT hg roa Bs yaatl e om EXCELLENT or con-|HOUSE, suit small family, Good loca 2. Long lease Yo bus. Available June 17, oe o 9. Wen oan land 28 wanted for gar- Real Estate Lid. 728-6286, den and able to Plants soon os need ® si wi cant oe a, oe pag oe le oF fomily 10 Box 921, 21, Oshawa T! Times. quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. NAR BOWMANVILLE. Will share ry Teciities, Ber, Kitchen" parking. Ree| MAAS SOO Merless home with m % sonable rates. 720-2140, aged couple in exchange for care 23-- Ww d To Rent four young children while father, works. 'ante ° After 6 p.m. Dial Hampton 263-2433 pee ED by May 15, in Oshawa, four- apartment or house, with stove, faltlgwcster, laundry facilities. No chil- dren. After 6 evenings, 728-7688. SINGLE man wishes small self-contained apartment including parking space. Write Box 919 Oshawa Times. HOUSE four or five rooms by June 1 of 20th. Adults. References. Telephone after 6 p.m. 728-4301. HOUSE wanted by family With three chil dren, immediate possession, References. Steady employment. Telephone 728-7493. WIDOW needs two mya ag rooms, heavy duty wiring or use rangi 1 orgert, References. Telephone 728-1651 between 9 and 5. a YOUNG couple recently aesaierrst to Osha' need three or four room r rent, unfurnished, centrally located, steadily employed, Telephone 723-3474, WANTED --three-room, furnished apart ment for two. Telephone efter five. 728- 3570. 24---Houses For Rent WEST ROUGE -- May 15 or June 1 reel tix-room, 'sunken fiving foom, . fireplace, atteched garage, schools and shopping. Telephone Scarborough AM 71-7058. tel a poret avi nes oa Jack Sheriff at S. Hyman 25--Apartments "OXFORD. PARK TOWERS One block from G.M. South Plant. 86 Apartments. One, 2 and 3 bedrooms, August , Occupancy. _ Balconies. Elevator service. Fully equip- ped kitchens. Broadloomed corridors. Swimming Pool. Take advantage of groice of location by making . deposit on lease now. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors 16 Simcoe St, S., Oshawa Phone 723-1121 BUSINESS COUPLE with one child re- quire two-bedroom apartment, Simcoe Street North area. After 6 p.m. call 723-1494, THREE ROOM furnished apartment, private bathroom. Suit quiet couple, avail able immediately, Apply 218 Arthur St. THREE ROOM APARTMENT refriger- ator, stove supplied. Private entrance and bath. Close to hospital and Mary al Sas, . Street. AouNs, After 4.772208. |DOWNTOWN Three-room _ self-contained floor OOM APARTMENT, freejunfurnished apartment. Ground nll hr and cold water and parking.;Handy to everything. Suit middieaged Renge. and refrigerator, new building.|working couple without children. Moder- Telephone 728-1544. late rent. Available May 1. Write Box 909 wa Times. BUSINESS COUPLE need three or "Four | Osha al ee room apartment, unfurnished, preferably | MODERN four-room _aherimne eee in North end. Telephonr 725-9792. jduplex, private entrances, ti a ' land kitchen, stove and refrigerator, $110. TWO: OR THREE-BEDROOM rouse, per monin Coupes ov. Avaliable May! furnishd, town or cou 15. Telephone 7 pancy. Telephone Whitby 668-4080. Pg ore oer is 24 Houses For Rent ment. Inquire between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.) peers |406 Dundas Street West, Whitby. CHARMING | three-bedroom home, 1, High-| THREE- and four-room ) apartments s for| way 7 near Brougham. Ideal for pleas-|rent private entrance and bath. One; ant country living. Ol! _heating, $90. child welcome; Call 725-0809 or apply 674) month. Madde fils 839-2504. "ce meee Street South. > contained apart- | | | SIMCOE AND BLOOR STREET.--Larve Must have character reference. Immedi- two-bedroom apartment. Bus at door. ate possession, Write R. Richardson, 300 Equipped kitchen. Free washer and dry- Wellington Street, Kingston. Jer. Apply § Bloor Street East, THREE-BEDROOM bungalow. Available) rWo FOUR-ROOM apartments In apart. May 1. Apply evenings after 6. 308 Jack-!ment building, all conveniences, ample fon. Avenue. |parking. One immediate possession and CARGE, four-bedroom, semi-detached |the other April thirtieth. 165 Verdun) house for sale or rent. Ol! heating, im- |Road | mediate possession. Telephone Alax 942-|sijcog Street North, five-room apart-| 1256 after 5.30 p.m |ment, range and refrigerator, centrally lo-| leated. Available May'1. Telephone 725- 25--Apartments a DO YOU HAVEA | | ROOM APARTMENT COTTAGE HOUSE TO RENT You Will Get Fast ACTION with TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Folks who read The Oshawa Times are looking for places to live There aredfew known vacancies and many of the people seeking a place to live are newcomers to this area . If you have o Room, Apartment, Cottage or House For Rent tell it to the would-be reliable tenants who wan to live in Osh- awa and District through Times For Rent Ad Telephone 723-3492 NOW ! |26--Rooms For Rent WHITBY | | | | ATTRACTIVELY | carp TURE ROOMS Call. between 5 and 7 p.m, ATTENTION 82 PARK RD. N. FISHERMEN-AND CAMPERS 728-8671 Reservations now being - ac- -------- ee |CELINA Street, 55, near downtown!| cepted. A small deposit will reserve your boating or camp- |large furnished room. Suit two gentie-| ing equipment. ;men. Telephone 728-4403, WE RENT Conoes, car top boats, motors {FURNISHED ROOM, suit ond. oF two, $10. weekly, Telephone Whitby 668-3804, SINGLE furnished room, for gentleman,| jcentral. Telephone after 4.30, 728-9348, || cobin trailers, tent trailers, |SINGLE BEDROOM, ait "gentleman; tents, etc. Garden and lawn |day worker preferred. Apply 65 Elgin dh al East, Call 725-6146. equipment, power tools. | FOR SALE |Two "unfurnished rooms In widow's home, | |kitchen Privileges, share bathroom, adults Ivey cabin trailers, Can- only. Abstainers please. Vicinity Camp adian ond Silverliner Sant [Semecs. Telephone: 728-3809, | trailers, Springbok, Aluminum |PORT PERRY -- three-bedroom "split boats, Wiscott -boat trailers, level, four years bia, landscaped, fire-| West Bend Motors WILDE RENTAL | ideally located. 6 per cent NHA mort: SERVICE and SALES gage. Owner transferred. Write Box 393, 1415 Dundas E. Whitby Peterborough or telephone 745-0775, 668-3226 SINGLE, furnished room for gentleman, Do you need near North GM, centrally located, Tele- Gravel or Stone for Drivewa Y, phone 725-8150. | FURNISHED room for one young lady} Sand for your Patio, Concrete Mulch? willing to share. Separate beds. Very Phone 668-3524 entral. Private home, Phone 725-1074 200 KING WEST -- furnished light house- SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuels and Builders Supplies 3. Keeping room, refrigerator in room. Suit 224 Brock St jone' or two. 725-9272. » KING STREET WEST, 460 -- furnished | WHITBY, ae bedroom with vanity cabinet and sink. SEPTIC TANKS cieanca, prompt service Hot and cold water in room, five minutes on'calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street|'o Oshawa Shopping Centre. West, Whitby, 668-25 LARGE, furnished bedroom, "twin t beds, DRESSMAKING -- Suiis, "coats, dresses, (2nd kitchen, suit two gentlemen, Park- alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting|'"9- Telephone 725-1904. specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. DRESSMAKING -- Ladies', children's| 7--Real Estate For Sale Hoar, Quality work. Mrs, Vooglarv, 1110'$11,900-----THREE-BEDROOM brick home Henry Street Whitby, 668 8463. Aluminum storms and screens, partially WOUSE FOR RENT three bedrooms finished recreation room, close to school. available, furnished or unfurnished, newly |Private. Dial 668-5174 decorated, finished recreation room. Tele|LARGE LOT Split-level, three bed phone evenings, 668-8776. rooms, panelled fiving room, natural FOR RENT: Apartment, two rf rooms, | fireplace, 1 bathrooms, rec. room, town cornpletely furnished bed-sitting room|Water, near schools. Apply J. Brain, and kitchen, refrigerator, range, heat,|Prince Albert; Ontario, Phone Port Perry lights, and water supplied. Apply 231;985-2650. Palace Street, FOR SALE: rane Street Telephone 668-5154 atiér six p.m, FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, four-burner | $10,500.--| -FULL ASKING PRICE for six- electric stove, Bealty, clothes reel, fire-|room brick and stucco dwelling with ga- place screen and irons. After 5.30 fele-|rage. New furnace. Taxes only $178, phone 668-4105. herd sh central and ad clean, For ap- ointment to see call Ossie Martin, 728- WANTED TO RENT: by reliable elderly | 5714, or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. woman, two rooms with kitchenette,. cen- trally located. Preferably on ground floor.| THREE-FAMILY house. Enjoy living in Call 66 8153, this centrally located, better than average sms, |nome. Owners' apartment features a Two. furnished Tight t housekeeping r rooms, large living room with a real fireplace, suifable for couple and one child if °& | dining room, kitchen, bedroom end bath. quired. Apply 604 Dundas Street East. Other apartments have their own mod d baths. Let the rent from |SINGLE furnished room, for "gentleman, jvery centrally located, Apply 182 Athol | Street East, |ROOM FOR RENT in |Home priviteges. Private home. Telephone 723-3336. |PRIVATE -- Large, modern four-room Coch- |bungalow, fir trim, large landscaped lot, asphalt drive. Apply 210 Three building lots, 0 North, on township property.)Orick garage, Hillside "Avenue. ONTAINED apartment "or smal GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 BYNG -AVE. Neorly new 2 bedroom brick, on a lot 64 x 122 F.H.A. Oil heoting, The house comes complete with storms and screens, venetian blinds, and some drapes. Ful price $12,500. DREW ST. 7 room brick in spotless condition. Large mod- ern kitchen with lots of built- in cupboards, double sink ond tiled wolls.Storms and screens for all windows, and new ga- rage, Close to schools. hae now for an: appointmen inspect. Priced ot $12, 500." GARKARD RD. N. at Ross- land Rd. Commercial property. Builder's terms. (7 ocres) COMMERCIAL LOCATION. Bond St. W. 40 ft. frontage, with 3 bedroom bungalow, and good basement. Hot water oil heoting. Full price $14,900 POPLAR ST. Custom built for present owner just 312 years ago, a quality built 3 bed- room brick bungalow with attached garage. Large living room, with L-shaped dining area, Beautiful kitchen, with dining area. 4 piece tiled bathroom. Comes complete with aluminum storms and screens, T.V. Aerial. N.H.A. 6% % mortgage. CENTRALLY -LOCATED:- 4 room brick bungalow, with low taxes, Just off Simcoe St Storms, screens, 7.V.. Tower. In excellent condition. KING ST. E, Close to Down- town, on a lurge iot 82 x 199 with 7 apartments and'4 ga- rages. Property clear, and all rented, If you are looking for Income or investment property that' will pay for itself, in- quire about this one ROSELAWN AVE. Excellent suburban living. 3 bedroom home, with double attached garage, and lorge wooded iot. Large living room, and separ- ate dining room, divided base- ment. T.V. Tower. Can be purchased with $800. down payment PARK RD. N. 6 room brick bungalow, with attached ga- rage. Sunny large kitchen, liv- ing room 'and 3 bedrooms, seporate dining room (or 4 bedrooms). PIGEON RIVER --~ 4 room furnished cottage including 16 ft. plywood boat. Close to Government pork and new Trans Canoda highway. Full price $4,800. INCOME BUNGALOW. One of the best homes we have in the south west orea. Living room has fireplace, 3 bed- rooms, plus 4 piece bathroom, kitchen with dining area for owner. 3 Room basement opertment with private en- trance, and bathroom, rent- ing for $80. a month. Base- ment apartment furniture in- cluded, OXFORD PARK TOWERS-- Now renting 1, 2, and 3 bed- room units for August occu- poncy. For full particulars coll 723-1121 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Soturday 9 until 5 After hours call: Steve Englert 728-5581 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 John Hutchuk 723-9266 Leon Manitius 725-8068 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Anthony. Siblock 725-4362 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 BUYING OR SELLING --call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St S. KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East GARRARD RD. N. 4 YEAR OLD RANCH BUN. GALOW with attached garage and 7 rooms, Int 100 x 150 ft., close to separate and pub- lic schools. Call Ron Hether- ington 623-3637 DOCTORS - LAWYERS EXECUTIVES Here is a beautiful tri-level home with 2 car garage, spe- cial imported willow trim and luxusious English wall paper, wall to wall broadioom covers main floor, interior door co- vered for sound proofing, large spacious clothes closets in all 4 bedroms, attractive wall pannelling in-den, large windows overloking spacious enclosed rear yard, bathrooms on each level, fireplace in living and recreation room, indirect lighting in living toom. Call Robert Johnson 728-2548. GRENFELL STREET 7 ROOM 2 STOREY nice iot, seporote entrance to apoart- . ment, Asking $12,000. give us on offer, Call Bill Irvine 728-2868 SUBURBS RANCH BRICK BUNGALOW with garage, finished rec room, fireplace, six' rooms, stove, fridge, T.V. tower with rotor, storms and screens and living room drapes. Phone Bill Rat- cliffe 655-3917 TRY AN OFFER! RIDGEWAY--Red clay brick, 3 bedroom bungalow, d garage, fireplace, gsphait drive, beautifully landscaped, 6% % interest, close to sep- te and publi¢-schools, Call Earle Allen 725-7782 |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estete For Sale METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 4 BEDROOMS MASSON STREET Luxuriously appointed and well cared for 2¥2. storey home in this quiet yet cen- tral well established prestige location. The refine. merits added, such as broad- loom, all new kitchen with ample cupboards, new bath with vonity, fireplace, ret. room, garage and paved drive, will afford many yeors of gracious living. Asking $18,900. MAY Ist POSSESSION 6 room 2 storey brick veneer home, paved drive and gor- age. Fully landscaped and only 11 years old. Consisting of large modern kitchen, new 4 piece tiled bath, Dining room -and living room. 3 large bedrooms. Priced at only $13,900. WANT TO TRADE Sure -- we'll trade a brand new home in Downsview Park with electric heat, fully landscaped lot; and all the extras; for your older home, and allow you sufficient time to sell your own home first. This way you con get top dollar for your home with all the risks eliminated -- Want to talk it over -- call this office tonight. We'll fill you in completely $869 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT New 5 room clay brick bung- alows will be built to your specification in this conven- ient south east location. Your balance will be one N.H.A, Government approved 6% % mortgage. Only 3 left in this first section, scheduled for Spring completion. To wait is to risk price increases. En- quire NOW. Open Evenings 'Till Nine Dial 728-4678 Dick Barriage Ken Hann Bob Johnston Joe Maga Jack Osborne SCHOFIELD- AKER 723-2265 ONLY $10,300 For this immoculate 6 room 2 storey, plus really nice sunroom, only $1,500. down. Taxes just $135.00. First come, first served. (Corries for only $80.00.) BELOW MARKET PRICE! Neat nine yeor old bungalow. Good fenced lot, 3 B.R. right on bus line, Simcoe St. 5S. Low Low priced ot $12,500. with $3,000 down Taxes just $274.00 6 ROOM BRICK 1Y2 STOREY HOME Located on Rossland road east. Comprised of large L.R., separate D.R., family room, very modern kit- chen, & laundry room, & 2 pc. bath on main floor, Up- stairs 2 huge bedrooms & 4 pc, bath. A real dream of o home in a very choice loca- tion NORTHWEST LOVELY LARGE 5 ROOM -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. THREE YEARS OLD and in spotless condition inside ond nicely landscaped exterior, The real large kitchen features --_ in. oven and counter stove, copper tiled in splash double sinks and mahogany cupboards. List price. $17,800.00 and open to offers, For full particulars call 723-2265. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Allan Thompson 728-2870 Charlie Chaytor 723-7996 Margoret Lee 723-2894 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Steve Macko 728-5868 Irene Brown 725-3867 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St. West Free Parking. SAVE $500 WINTER BONUS PLUS 4% SALES TAX ONLY 7 BUNGALOWS LEFT 3 Bedrooms with. gorage 4,390 3 extra large bedrooms $13,640 4 bedrooms 14 baths : $15,140 This is the final clearance of N.H.A. WINTER built homes clay brick, plastered, -fully decorated and landscaped, storms and screens, twin sinks and clock in kitchen. vanities ond some with colored fix. tures. Many more extras, immediate possession, don't delay GERRY HILL AM 7-9712 AM 1-2309 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LIMITED Over 30 years experience |BEAUTIFUL RANCH style |with attached garage. Complete bungalow wit S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED | 323 KING STREET WEST | | | 728-6286 PARKLANE AVENUE This ranch bungalow with at- tached garage now available for the first time. Home con- sists of three bedrooms, dining room, large kitchen and living room overlooking a wooded lot. Some of the features are o finished recreation room and a notural fireploce. For more information call Bill Swar- brick BRUCE STREET Two ond a half storey home just listed. Four bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining room and kitchen. Asking price only $12,900 with terms. Call Bob Stevenson, $12,700 This is the full price for @ new five room bungalow to be built. Only a limited number at this price. Low down pay- ment. Call Doug. Gower, N.H.A, RESALE Six room brick bungalow available for the first time. One existing mortgage at 6% which corries for $68. per month, Reasonable down pay- ment. Call Glen MacKinnon. ATTACHED GARAGE New five room bungalow with attached garage located in "Golfview Heights'. Save $500 under the winter works Program by calling Howard McCabe NORTH EAST New three bedroom, split level with attached carport present- ly under construction. Built-in stove and oven as well as decorating included. For more information call Jack Sheriff. $1040 DOWN Full down payment on new bungalow to be built in a choice area, Built-in stove and oven, decorating, vanity, hood and mony other extras. For more information call Les Hall, j JOHN F. DeWITH! REALTOR | Bowmanville, 14 Frank St, | Oshawa. Good milk contract, barn. Price $13,500. Terms barn, drive shed. Buildings in good repair. Hampton orea. Open for offer. drive to Oshawa, with house, born, 000. KIRKFIELD, 5 Roomed cot- tage on Mitchell's Loke, All furniture included. Price' $7,- 200. with $1,500 down. Donald Mountjoy - Guy LeBlonc| Idso Wiersma - John M Phone 623-3950 156 Acre DAIRY FARM with exceltent set of buildings. A-1 land. Only 5 Miles from | | 100 Acre DAIRY FARM with goed buildings, stable clean- er. New pig barn Asking $32,000. Terms. 185 Acre DAIRY FARM, with good milk quota. All build- ings in good repair. $42,000. Terms Asking 100 Acre farm with house, m conveniences. 100 Acres with house and drive shed. Asking $12, 500 Terms 140 Acre farm on 115 High- way with excellent buildings Home aif modern convenien- ces, Asking $30,000. Terms. 125 Acre HIGHWAY FARM. Excellent Buildings A-1 Loca- tion. Close to Port Hope, schools, etc. 84 Acre HIGHWAY FARM, Good buildings, barn. Asking $30,000. Terms. River, large 18 Acres with house and bom. All buildings in good repair, Asking $7,200. Terms. 10 Acres with house, barn, 100 Acre form, only 15 min. stream. Asking $25,- Terms. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church St. Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board Orono--Retirement Home on large lot. $10,000--$3, 000 down. Newcastle--3. bedroom bun- golow, a beautiful clean home. $12,500 -- $2,500 down. Hampton--10 scenic acres with brick ranch bungalow. Fost trout stream. Asking $26,000--terms. Sonya -- -brick 4 bedroom house on vag fot. $8,000-- $2,000 dow Bowmanville -- 4 bedroom bungalow, lot 82' x 125', $9,000--terms. Estate Sole--Brick 4 bed- room house. Very Central, $15,000. Bowmanville. Bowmanville--Central 3 bed- room brick home. Lorge lot. Asking $11,900 -- $1,000 down. Commercial comer lot at Ma- ple Grove. $5,000--terms. Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. 623-3077 623-3154 2202 Newtonville Pot Yeo Jack Ricard Joe Barmoski WHITBY 205 HALLETT ST. This is a bungalow with three large bedrooms, attached garage and bright .basement. Close to St, John's Church and School. Asking $15,000. with $1800 down. 217 LEE AVE. Six room bungalow with rec. room and bar, This well kept home has large landscaped lot and de- tached garage. Property is close to St. John's Church and School and also near Hillcrest School. VACANT LOT: 1006 Byron St. South. This well-tred lot is 70' x 145' and is ideal for spilt level or ranch home with basement garage, Ask- ing $4,300, PATRICK G. McDANIEL REALTOR 108 Colborne St. E. Phone 668-2311 RALPH VICKERY for finer homes DOWNSVIEW PARK Brond Spanking New! Long rancher with attached garage, separate dining room, H family size kitchen with the newest in cupboards. Reason- able down payment $2000 DOWN Brick bungalow, three large bedrooms.Only $13,200. $6,500. $900 DOWN Lovely little home near New- tonville. Try an offer on this cute young two year old to-day, $9,500. $1000 DOWN Large clapboard steroy and holf just outside of twon on Trulls road. Lots of land with. this home ond the house just needs a handyman. 'Call to-day. "NEAR HOSPITAL" ABERDEEN STREET Seven room two storey brick in excellent repair, very large back yard, priced for quick sole, taxes only $317. Good terms, would like $2900 down, call today. Call 728-5157 Steve Zurbo Bill Horner Bill Johnston Steve Lehan RALPH VICKERY REAL ESTATE 46 King Street, W. Sandy Secluded Home Large three bedroom home, set on acre of land, with gar- den and beautiful pine grove. Well constructed and maintained, winterized cot- tage- will provide one or two apartments for revenue, $18,000 open to god offer. Terms. | Scenic 25 acre Farm With three bedroom house, barn ond chicken house. 800 ft. frontage on highway 12. Ideal for industrial worker, contact DOUG ANDREWS RR. 1, BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD. 46 Eglinton East, REALTORS Toronto APARTMENT LAND Sites for six plexes at $1,000 per suite, Sites for ten plexes and over at $900 per suite. Serviced frontage -- terms. Call George Koornneef at 728-9474 or 723-2859 even- ings PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 King Street East WHITBY HOME Near all schools, Private sale. * Large modern six room bun- galow, five years old, storms and screens, lawns soddéd, private driveway, Early pos- session, Rent $120 month. PRICE $14,200 Down Payment $4,100 MAKE YOUR MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- Real Estote -- MASSON ST. SPECIAL Look only $12,500 for this immaculate 6 room brick with garage, Choice location, close to lpg bus, ond -- sure to inspect. 9 $3, 500 down. Call Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217, WHITBY Three bedroom brick bungo- low with hollywood kitchen, 12 feet by 17 feet, --- living room and dining Nicely one lot 50 x 139 feet. air A fun a peid mortgage with monthly payments of $93 including taxes. To inspect this excel- lent home call Mr, oo Cruikshanks at 728-512 COUNTRY EXECUTIVE $22,900.00 10 minute drive to Oshawa, 1 year-old tri-level with all the extras including built-in gorage, fireplace, Hot water heot, decorated, 2 bathrooms, family ond rec room, Can be appointment only Mr. Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725-9345. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening ORDER NOW for Early Possession RESIDENTIAL LOCATION 5 Plans to Choose From Available Feotures Built In Range and Wall Oven Range Hood with Fon Vanity Storms ond Screens Fully Decorated to Your Choice Phone 725-9991 if Busy 728-7083 W. E. ROTH CONSTRUCTION LTD. or YOUR BROKER QUIET SOUTH END Prices from $13,950. AJAX Built and backed by |G. Armstrong & Sons $950 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, split level and 2-story homes, featuring storms ond screens, hooded exhaust fans, vanity bathrooms, built-in Ranges ond Ovens. PLUS, PLUS, PLUS! H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker Ajax 942-3310 Whitby 668-5371 W. Schatzmann REALTOR 668-3338 ATHOL STREET -- A fine home and exceptionally well priced. About 4 years old, solid brick, 3 nice bedrooms, L-shaped living and dining room, 4-pc. tiled bath with vanity, aluminum storms and screens, finished rec room, paved driveway, well land- scaped, A real honey for only $14,900. Good down pay- ment required to one mort- gage carries for $102, includ- ing taxes. 114 Brock St. N., Whitby YOU SAVE $500 Government Bonus $900 DOWN 3 bedroom bungalow, interior completely painted, clay brick construction with stone fronts, divided kitchen with double sinks. Colored bath fixtures, only one left. Hurry Call Bill Millar - 725-1186 W. 'T. Lamson Real Estate H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot St 728-1679 $1500 DOWN Beautiful new bungalow with stone work under front win- dow. Large living room, very attractive kitchen with ma- hogany cupboards and ex- haust fan and' dining area. 4-pc. tile bathroom with van- ity. Three good size bed- rooms. Basement that is any man's dream, This house is completely decorated inside and out, even the basement is painted. To inspect call Phyllis Jubb at 723-3240. 27--Real Estate For Sale OPEN HOUSE Daily 1:30 to 5 p.m. TWO BUNGALOWS Priced $14,240. and up. "Built by ond Thomeliffe A) REALTOR "TB-7897 Hogenboom Directions: East on King Street to Missionary wren South two ay hod to Lisgor JOSEPH BOSCO $500 On this new home - payment $1,000.00 Call Harry Bates W. T. Lamson Real Estate STILL AVAILABLE 5 room brick bungalow with built-in oven, colored bathroom fix- tures and lots of extras. Down TELEPHONE 725-1186 Clear, Flat, Land. $7,000.00 CALL BROOKLIN 655-4480 10 ACRE LOT GARRARD RD. NORTH 28--Real Estate Wented GUARANTEE if You Must SELL List With BOLAHOOD BROTHERS REALTORS They Will Buy Your Home - PHONE 728-5123 Wanted to Rent 3,500 hi FT, GARDEN SPACE Preferably in north outskirts of Whi PHONE: 668-3822 29----Automobiles For Sale WILL BUILD! Switzer Drive (south side) Lots 60° or more x 200' Ready for spring building. Ravine Lots Available, 728-8882 builder Michael ZYGOCKI 4#-ACRE FARM, with eight-room barn, double on paved e@ farm or price $27,000 win § $13,000 Geo. Blyleven, Realtor, 423.5900, road, gerage, eight miles from marcel ai Excellent for oF - Yorveig Asking Phone $1000, DOWN. 10-sere lots. Choice, garden soli__with ancoeh ee: hk treed at the enoug! make a perfect trom Oshawa' on # 900d" om Oshawa on @ new road ea $3700. McGHii 1 "Real Estate Bi loth the front, ust setti only 0 for miles |. Full roker, and oven. Call S. D, tate Ltd. 728-6286, $1040 DOWN, spacious fi 'e-room bunge- low, fully decorated with bulit-In stove' Hyman Real Ee locate North east end, bullf in and oven, plus decorating yng S. D. Hyman Real Estate L RE Deareen spilt level with carport stove Call » 728-6206. of town well travelled road, Write or Mrs. Orono, Phone 1 R 16, Property, choice bullding| lots. Approximately Mee acres, » On with stream, Sadie Hemiiton, | ful, parklike property wi! trout stream in the y pray along road Oshawa, J, J. Van Herwerden, Sear' 7m Street Best, Oshawa, 723-4471 10 TO 30 acres; gern sag id beaut ith the best brown paved near. k for information. 10 Acres excellent Rove sivll with wide road frontage (700 feet) near Oshawa. King PORT PERRY -- New bungalow, recreation room, planning. se. fo schools, sree Pod Ltd, Port Perry, 985-739 three-bedroom , modern en, four-piece bath peg vanity, new open kitch- can be arranged, Lake Scugog Phone NEW FIVE-ROOM, two-bed: J. Carnegie, Realtor, Telephone 985-2881. room bunga- tow, well situated, water softener, $10,800. w. Port Pi erry. FIVE-ROOM, two-bedroom _ brick, land Road West, fully landscaped, ranged to sult. Telephone 725-5135, Rose- close to transportaiton and scHools. Terms ar- $12,700 FULL PRICE for a new bunga! down. .Only a five-room jalow, $900 5 limited ore available. Call Howard McCabe! D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286 NICE THREE-BEDROOM bu 1106 Cloverdale Street, low price. Phone 728-6302. Tele USED CARS. Roy W. Nichols 1963 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR STATION WAGON 6 bag standord trone- mission, steering, pow. er broke, A A real sharp one owner wagon, 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN 6 cylinder, outomatic trons iy te eau dase White with red trim, 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SEDAN 6 automatic, radio, white woll tires, discs and and washers, You should drive this luxurs fous ae gad to really op- Preciote it. 1962 OLDSMOBILE 98" 4 DOOR HARDTOP Power brakes, power steers ing and power windows, won- der ber radio, whitewall tires, many more extras, This one mobile is immaculate, In Le- vender mist color. 1961 AUSTIN AS5 --_ bya yet lady and is in showroom condition, Ride in luxury and still get big 90s mileage. "VOLKSWAGENS" THREE 1958 MODELS From which to choose, PRICED FROM $450 1958 CHEVROLET Coach 6 standard with radio. Priced to sell $895 1957 eh hi SCUGOG LAKEFRONT cottage, rooms, three-piece bath, floor, furnished. Owner leaving Full price $3700, T. Murphy ealtor. Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton 986-4894, winterized, four tile, province, Call LARGE LOT, overlooking city, full 7377, Joseph Boscor, Realtor. $4,200. This lot has been approved price by NHA, Call Doug Skinner, 728-4900 or 728- p.m., dial TWO LOTS for sale. Cochrane Street area, Whitby. For Information, after 6 668-5769. 20 cattle easily. Good loam soil, good fences. Barn 30 x 60 with shade trees and well brick, three bedrooms, bath and oil furnace. New drilled $17,500. with only $4000 down. Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. 5S0-ACRE farm. Will pesture and winter Pond, good Clean stable. The house, nestled among landscaped is modern kit chen, well. Located in the Ashburn district, Asking McGill FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, schools and church, Nicely Large recreation room with nautral Realtor, 728-7377, place, $13,900. with only $1500. down. Albert Midgley, 728-0320; Joseph Bosco, close to decorated. fire- Call LOVELY HOME. on quiet resid street, cludes 20-ft. living room. Asking $ with excellent terms, Mr, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. ential near King and Ritson. Can be used as duplex or spacious residence. In- 12,900 Bosco, 728-4353, half. $9,900 with $1,200 down. Johnston, Vickery Real Estate, 728- a Call Bill TWO-BEDROOM, brick, Povaed and ae radio, ete. 1957 VAUXHALL SEDAN, Idea! second cor. $175. 1957 FORD 6 cylinder standard in good running order. $395 Open Daily until 9 p.m. Seturday until 6 p.m. ROY W. NICHOLS LOTS Bowmanville 623-2556 Courtice 728-6206 1066. Good buliding - site, down, Call Joe Barnoski, W. Frank Estate Ltd., Bowmanville 623-3393. 10 ACRES on Maple Grove Road North. $4,300. with $1500, HOUSE AND TWO ACRES, in city its, modern, all conveniences, lim. small orchard, rec. room, on Bloor, northwest corner of Grandview. Apply E. C. Miller, room home, bank barn, both electri trout stream, ideal for year around or Rod and eo Oi oe miles ONE HUNDRED ACRE farm with six- ically wired, modern conveiences, oll furnace, home from 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne Custom Sport 2 door hardtop, V8, automa- tic, power equipped, radio, white with red interior, Will accept trade. BOWMANVILLE 623-3854 Havelock on Call Harvey Mottath, Homes 263-2343. season, Cam pail-a-day toilet, screened ver: Cayley, RR 3, Sunderland, Line oe 32, Manilla, SUMMER COTTAGE for sale or rent for eron Lake, byrbaviernlige G. Ring three bedroom brick bungalows ing completion, builder will older home in trade. For Call Joseph. Bosco, Realtor, 728-73; KINGSMERE GARDENS -- two only-- near- consider porticulars: 77. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668.5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality OMEMEE -- 153 acre farm, d house, other juplex 1956 H good condl- tion, $350 or closest offer. Phone 728-4912, all ei, Never falling water. Omemee 799- 1954 MONARCH, rebuilt motor and trang mission, four new tires, A-1 transporte- mr Estate Wanted tion. Midway BP 728-4411. 1961, OL 1 F85, four-door, auto- TWO-OR THREE-BEDROOM bung: with Va acre of land, Suitable tor, 728-8535. chase under VLA. Telephone VACANT land, up to 70 acres sixth, concession west, Cash, "for jalow pur-|° on fifth or right matic, radio, aad miles. Private. After 6 p.m., 725-360! 1955 ae coach, six cylinder, stick, radio, Bing lhaaa new paint job, A-1 condition, 728-479 back seat speaker, spill? price. Private. Gordon, Box 43, Ont, 1963 SOMTIAE Laurentian, « 4-door, écyl HAVE CLIENT wanting thr bungalow In south-west part of Oshawa. Mr. 5123, Roy Yeo, Bolahood Brothers, extras, 798-| 725-6133. ar radio, er $2,425 of best offer. Telephone SINE 1947 Dodge, licence, good WANTED: We have a good out of town body and tires, Clean inside, $150, Phone ieee ee _ Eis Wheat sep rnopenemey iy Bh wae Hg yee 2 nice three-| after 6.30 p.m. 725-8503. tor | FOR SALE, 75' x 275', at Thickson's|bedroom Road North, near King Street. Telephone|srea. Call Can Henry y BL. r FaN133) eve 725-8955. nings 725-0: ' @ 1. Phone 660-3554 - - : INCOME HOME. storey brick, ga-|LARGE brick seven-room house, doubie|broadioom and lovely tile floors. Well) -- BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-jrage, central, near school, park, con-jlot, garage, close to schools, reasonable|landscaped. In @ choice residential ht SOLID BRICK three bedroom home,| Telephone Jaae 1303 cma ll Try Goold's Furniture, 215 Dun-| aus of four-room and three-reom apart-|txes, $10,500, Terms. W. J. Carnegle,|tion. To inspect call Sally Wallace, 725|North East section; oll heated, Private Best, Whitby, 666-6481, |men Telephone 725-190: Ir Realtor, Port Perry. Telephone 11,16297, Joseph Bongo, Realtor, 728-7377. Apply 365 Jervis Street, Oshewe, (Continued om Page 22)