24 'THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Wednesday, Aprit 22, 1964 US. Busines Pamaypetinig. r -Ay/ Eyes Defence Dollar Cuts ee ! NEW YORK (AP)--Announce- : : if éf ment of Russian and American i Fa: cuts in nuclear production adds ii fresh impetus to a question that has lately commanded special attention. i : How well is U.S. industry pre- paring for the day when the de- fence dollar stops coming President Johnson, in reveal- ing the atomic cuts, empha- i sized 'this is not disarmament" but "it is a step forward." : There have been several pre- vious hints of warming East- West relations and the sensitive ears of U.S. business have re- corded them carefully. With about one of 10 jobs con- nected with defence, the sub- ject is pertinent. Interviews with business lead- ers found general confidence that they can handle fairly well any readjustment they consider reasonable to expect. A sudden drop to zero defence dollars would make things rough, they soncede, but they don't think ; itl this will happen. ca r One answer is to shift = money-saver joins the fam- different kinds of governmen' ily of Dominion's own pro- business. Another is to diversify : . 1 - into established consumer pro- ; ducts! It'snew Domino BLUE ducts. Both courses are being Detergent ...a high quali followed already, with mixed heavy duty ranule that'll success. Z ' give you the kind of results Radio Corporation of Amer- ica's president, Elmer Eng- you want and expect! strom, notes that any successful sass es company has had to learn long} &% Mice Pomel J are oN of ago how to switch when mar- ; ; : © pai age isc early shown ae canes. i é' ie. 4 in pound sizes, making it a "Whatever happens TER. eit at aadeasaa." te vin : whole lot easier to select the "we wouldn't dare to put on the vas size you need at a glance! penaghie yyy Hage on = Try this outstanding new s us in the forefront. jl ri 'At Lockheed Corp. in Bur-| Mineo" product this week and look bank, Calif., Vice - President ai for the many more money- og agg ml Ld gricanom saving --t brands that ne ir conven wi ¢ Z F . equipment. His firm has leaned - A are made exclusively for away from the Polaris missiles Dominion! it is completing and is hitting harder its troop transport pro- duction. Still, executives say, the de- fence industry has become over- corwded and hotly competitive and further shrinkage in total orders could make the going in the areas that remain. rough ¢ back make," saya, Bociag| MANY FLAVORS TO a nar ig gag CUTS GREASE LIKE MAGIC, MIR SAVE 10¢ CHOOSE FROM Therefore many businesses pag =, to Ay yong argv DIET-RITE or iy, sacha the oe beng pur LIQUID DETERGENT 2 ar 79. shih Canin THREE MEAL VARIETY, ROAST, CHOPS, STEAK of Rohr Corp. i CONT. Rohr telis of applying aircraft LAMB | C U fabrication skills to making sandwich panel homes that canlwitite PINK, YELLOW, AQUA, 3c OFF BALLET SAVE 7c SOFT cheaply =272eTQILET DRINKS Ri wantmes TOILET TI me Ye BASKET company pulls in its horn," , Rohr said. "We wanted to get into something of our own (in addition to other work) thati/ECONOMICAL SPREAD COLOURED SAVE 21e¢ 12 FULL CUT utilizes our skills." : ws {LAMB LEGS 49: 1 } i Study Urged te c : " LEAN LOIN, ROAST OR Into Lakes "CUDNEY" FROZEN SLICED SAVE 28¢ . LAM ¢ noo B CHOPS: 49 15-0Z. 'TORONTO (CP)--The provin- PKG. c SCONE cial government should take the = ; initiative in launching a prelim- bay sty of pat © Fe 1Q¢ OFF PACK, MAXWELL HOUSE saver ROLLS p ORK LOIN SALE -- (L--Sudbury) said Tues-| ay. Mr. Sopha said in the legisla-| 6-0Z. PKG. I ge INSTANT COFFEE we fe OF TENDERLOIN AQc = TEANLOWN. 5d: iesgirs a the Arctic eased, has END ans, a Sodbury ci engineer ONLY AT DOMINION, RICHMELLO |. B. 5. SAVE 8¢ 3 TO 4LB. PORK ae ris businessman. The t AVE, LB. WHE RIGHT and Libe: member said the idea had ' = exciting implications." Mr. Kierans' proposal sug-| C BURNS DAISY BRAND RINOLESS TO gests changing the flow 0: tee Harricanaw River at the heigh bi LIMIT of land between the Arctic eal ON § QUANTITIES Great Lakes watersheds at| CANADIAN SPECIAL MAPLE LEAF , Que., 960 feet above sea} Amos level ; Pe river, which flows north' Thien which flows wort 24.02 c SKINLESS SAUSAGE change direction a al JAR ' tions. | BONELESS SHOULDER complex of pumping sta ee than be hieerne Ge START: YOUR DAY RIGHT, KELLOGG'S : | would then be diverted nto gating VEAL ROAST inze ' River | . : : INTC GEORGIAN BAY | i LONG GREEN From there the water flow ' 2 KING SIZE 27° ¢ CUCUMBERS 24's would enter Lake Temiskaming,| the Ottawa River, the Mattawa River, Lake Nipissing, the : U.S. NO. 1 THICK SHELLE og Aga and finally gall GIVE YOUR FLOORS THAT SPARKLING SHINE 29° . Mr. Sopha said the Sudbury/ GREEN PEPP 3 FOR stints od" WALUES EFFECTIVE wr ; e MEXICAN NO. | RIPE SWEET an he ggg Koss Peagooad - of tales. oe ee AT. YOUR PET INSTANT POWDER SPECIAL CANTALOUPES 2 me He said Bg ee been ed oe suaded by Mr. Kierans that the S IMME MILK "LB, plan will become a reality. DOMINION STORE K D PKG. FROM 6 P.M. TILL CLOSING U.S. NO. | FRESH omer ialer "commented" tha WASHED SPINACH 2 oe oe Spooner later commented that , ; 1 NCA NE : ; Aa Aan geal Aeaeaees hs pegwatln shh oe Richmello Delicious ONTARIO CEE-GRADE EATING OR COOKING 1 Min the ead water levels CAKE MIXES 2 po 89° 5 Flavors 3-18. OSHAWA | ieee SPY APPLES waite 39° in the Great Lakes were becom- | ing alarmingly low. "'We cannot) continue to draw water from - CHICKEN NOODLE -- LYON'S the Great Lakes in the fashion | : dae erst SOUP MIX 2 waits something to replenish them." ; PKGS. r thin Mr. Kierans' plan would prob- WHIT BY ' : Eve y ' g Guar anteed ably cost more than either the ; Panama or Suez Canal, Mr. So- : ST. LAWRENCE pha said. But he described its e possible benefits as "'jultiple, CORN OIL 26-07: BQe glamorous, daring, attractive, Lh ng gy onl : PINT c r. Spooner said he believes CORONATION : the plan may have considerable UNTIL CLOSING SAT., APRIL 25 shia seh cea ae DRANGE DRINK = "*: 59 : would be involved. JUG : DOMINION STORES LTD.