O'NEILL TEAM SPORTS JACKETS - Members of the O'Neill Track and Field team proudly display their new team jack- ets in canary yellow. Front row, left to right, they are Mike Armstrong, Nancy Will- eon and Bruce Mackay; sec- ond row, Garry Gulliver, Dave Spicer, Ron Kitchen, Mike St. Thomas and Steve Warburton; back row, Larry Hicks, Dave Hammond, Jim Hammond, Eugene McDonald, Ted Robertson and Ozzie Rob- ertson. Recent competition saw the girls' relay team cap- ture second place, and the boys'. relay team miss a first place by inches. Glenn Willl- son placed second in his heat in the 300 yd. and Larry Hicks fourth in his heat in the 880. --Oshawa Times Photo THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 21, 1964 7 IS TEEN-TALK BLAND TRASH? A regular contributor to Teen-Talk submitied for publication this week what was termed a "'satre on cen- sorship'"', The writer suggested that if the item did not appear, it would be followed by a "blast". The writer also suggested the item would be a change from the "bland trash usually pre- ented in Teen-Talk". May we take this oppor- tunity to remind this person that the idea behind Teen- Talk is the reporting of high school news of interest to teenagers and their parents. We are not a vehicle for the voicing of one person's views. The editor takes this op- portuntiy to state we are not obligated to publish any article we feel falls short of our standards. By the way -- what are YOUR views regarding the content of Teen-Talk? FAMILY PLANNING India, Pakistan and Comme nist China were the only devel- oping countries before 1960 in which governments adopted na- tional family planning policies. Student Exchange Trip Scheduled For July By CAROLYN CLARK OCVI Reporter Congratulations from O'Neill are in order for Hugh Gough who placed third in an inter- provincial mathematics contest in which 7700 students par- ticipated. Hugh is a Grade 13 student at O'Neill. Also congratulations to Judy DCI Assembly Features French Club By JACKIE ROGAN (DCI French Report) Le quinze avril, le Club Francais a remporte un grand @uccess dans Tl assemblee de notre ecole. : La presentation du programm qui comprenait des chansons et des courtes pieces de theatre furent bien acceuillies par les spectateurs. La presentation du programme plupart des etudiants du lycee Donevan ont vu se deronler devant eux un programme qui avait ete soigneusement, prepare et pas moins bien presente. Je prends la liberte de Le programme fut ouvert par Molly Johnston, presidente. MacDonald and Evey Kirby of O'Neill who placed first and second respectively in the Miss Rodeo contest . . . Once again proving that the O'Neill students are tops. EXCHANGE TRIP It was announced that again this year there will be an ex- change trip program.~Each year 1@ students from O'Neill will participate in an exchange visit from Ontario to Quebec. Students from Oshawa will be visiting French homes in Que- bec for the first two weeks in July. The second two weeks the French students will be visiting homes here. Students on the trip should tearn French culture and French -| students English culture. While the French students are here there will be an _ organized schedule of events for them. This is an annual event which was jast year sponsored in Osh- awa by the Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce. It was announced by o ur French teacher. Miss Edmond- son, that Mr. Richard Jones, af- filiated with this trip, will be FAMILY HAS 20 CHILDREN MONTEREY, Calif. (AP) -- The ever - growing Beardsley family was increased to 20 Sun- day. Mrs. Helen Beardsley, 34, gave birth to an eight-pound, six-Ounce namesake -- Helen Monica--at Fort Ord Army Hos- pital, Helen Monica was her eecond child since her marriage im September, 1961, te navy Chief Warrant Officer Francis Beardsiey, 47. He had 10 chil- dren by his former marriage and she had eight by her first husband. danseurs etaient des garcons, mais Bonnie Snyder et Jennifer Johnson ont ajoute a la danse une role femine. Donc encore ume fois merci a tout le monde et a la prochane talking to the O'Neill students about it. Meanwhile, the committee for the Student Information Book- let for 1964-65 has been an- nounced. The chairman of the committee is Lionel Chrotin. Other members of the commit- tee include Heather Davis 11C, Barbara Holland 11C, Hans Hel- lemond 12C, Rich Townsend 12A, Judy Sutton 11F, Lesley Townsend 11A, and Barbara El- liot 11D. Friday, a gymnastic meet was held at Donevan Colleg- iate. By press time the re- sults are not known. Congratu- lations to 10D who sold 74 tickets at a cost of 50 cents a ticket. HERE IS A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO PASS ON TO MOTHER! The Oshawa Business College is offering a . Special Business Training Program for Housewives Complete. details are available upon request. Tel mother to act quickly -- Get the facts -- there is no. obligation. This could make a tremendous dif- ference to Zing ee Young people mey in ir business training any Monday morning. Eight Dey Scheol Courses from which te choose. Free Literature available upon request ---- No obligation. Registrations now being accept- ed for Summer School starting as soon as Public and High Schools close. Last yeor 110 young people took 'advantage of this opportunity to moke their Summer really count for some- thing. Sumer School class hours ere 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with « choice of up to 5 subjects. Tui- tion 40.00 per month or helf- day sessions. Class hours -- 9:00 a.m. te 11:00 p.m. with a choice of up to 3 subjects. Tuition 20.00 per month. Summer School class hours are Get your copy of "Your Invitation to Summer School" fer complete deteils. Oshawa Business College 10 Simcoe St. North Dial 725-3375 er | MORRISON'S Sweetheart (4 Sw ' @ OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. @ *. sf Always "right" for casual wear... work or play... in soft popular new pastel shades ... fashioned for ultimate comfort ... choice of fabrics for easy wash 'n wear. ..and long wear. Choose from our vast selection today ! YOURE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT | NO DOWN PAYMENT . MORRISON'S (opposite the Armouries) 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-6312