Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1964, p. 17

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= rcs = SA I PIP 7 EP SSUES ad eee nm | New government Sal ah Bo A ds jnanza went to board chairman)907,216 and bonuses of $9,480,750) \ U.S. BUSINESS REVIEW hag moves in the chemical and | MUS AWaAILGS Frederic G. Donner, who col-|were paid in 1963 to GM's 56 of-- NET EARNINGS | oil industries followed close. on | jlected a record $839,833 in sal-|ficers and directors. | é |the heels of last week's price} B GM : lary and bonus for 1963, com-| The bonus payments were) By THE CANADIAN PRESS T 'o/8 '@ | es \fixing indictment of eight lead-' y |pared with $791,475 in 1962 andjpased on GM's record-breaking) Metal Mines Ltd. year ended ling U.S. steel Po wi atts : |$676,475 in 1961. |§14,600,000,000 sales and $1,600,-/Dec. 31: ou $312,938; 1962, |}Supreme Court decisions order- B k R d $e -|000: 1963. |(no corresponding figure): ling breakup of mergers }: * rea ecor GM's payments. to Donner in-|000,000 earnings in 1963 : D i " d $201,275 in salary and) Compensation paid other t Bridge and Tank Co. of Can- r nt banking and natural gas fields. prepRoIT (AP)--Some 14,028 oeaagy as in bam Ge IG coarse an PO lirectors imisda Lad., year ended Dec. 31: The justice department sought fees, $453,7: i 17} M officers and s : to block Humble Oil and Refin- General Motors Corporation em- 808 in contingent credits in thelcluded a total of $285,479 to|1963, met loss, $169,951; 1962, i ; i , i i ice-| SS 8,284. NEW YORK (AP)--A ricté/1964, and record salesin the, =.) >. intended $329,000,000;ployees shared $100,071,999 in form of GM stock. Elis S, Hoglund, retired vice net loss, $968, i copper strike, glowing pis ot 10 days of April purchase of Western Operating|bonus awards resulting from President John F. Gordon's president, overseas ae coe. : peter ig hang af ony profit reports and new feats by) The early April dealer sales|pionerties of Tidewater Oil Co GM's 1963 record-breaking sales 1963 salary and' fees totadied| dian group. eee receiv Marae wes a. ae the hustling auto industry/mark, four per cent ahead.of @pigewater said it would fight and profits. $180,900, and he also received/$7 A79 in salary and fees hog ot ced abe 3 canis ; sparked the fast-stepping U.'i'year ago and eclipsing the cOM-'the government's civil s1" The 1963 bonus awards, in- a $560,000 bonus. ; $215,000 in other compensation, : 600, 6.2 cents. -- economy last week. parable 1955 performance, was Targets in the other two jus- cluded a GM proxy statement' Salaries and fees totalling $3,- nt ' P achieved despite dips in retail); t t oves . werelissued Friday, were $5,900,000;---- coast ~ : elove Climbs in the gross nation al|?° dF chavesietk.:. top: tice department moves 8 ay $5,900,000) : ; jobs of.-(purchases of Chevrolets, t0P-\\fonsanto Chemical Co. and Al-|higher than in the previous year) 4 YN ous, euntns 7) * cent pe-|volume pm a Motors Ror lied Chemical, Activities in the when GM paid out $94,100,000 to OMEN T er, How | Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Beant ¢ ae _jand in Ford's comparatively). 44. ; vere in-/14,031 employees. fl : riods reinforced general opti ig volume Lincoln-Mercury plastic foam field wer ir Cohumbia Pictures hee mism. vciiuas creda volved The biggest share of the bo- * FROM THE PAGES A MAN'S PICTURE : President Johnson announced Division products see acne ig CR TN ig) AG EO irritation caused by & germ, Escherich: OF THE FLAMING THAT WOMEN | | + STARTING fay! A D UL T : Over-all, GM was five per Goli, To auickl bat | the GNP, which measures the 0) ahead of a year ago aches, muscular pains and d i@] NOVEL! LOVE! \Chrysler 914 per cent on a services, rose to an annual ritfe) : pups bath f few days. ke "BHOWANI "THE WRECK of $608,500,000,000 in the first ay agree eae ae je OYSTER tabiets with he OF THE MARY quarter, up $8,500,000,000 from oo rnings reports on the Janu- action, CYST 'Airy fee JUNCTION DEARE" the preceding quarter : ary-March quarter was clogged : + o be a The accompanying job gaiNs,|.it, statements of profit gains M 5 \ m, hy in COLOR with MOR = ovér-all output of goods "smd he said, showed "real progress) Ajyminum Co, of America said eae ss sii AVA_ GARDNER in cutting down unemploy- profits were up 15 per cent. In- STEWART GRANGER GARY. COOPER ment," at a rate now of 5.4 ber ternational Business Machines ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CHARLES HESTON | cent. showed a 50 per cent gain, Mon You Never Know The president coupled his ap- santo Chemical a rise of more ] % | i cseaienhiatll praisal of progress in the ecion- than 85 per cent, General Tele : What They're Doing pooRS SATURDAYS Se: omy with word he was beating phone and Telegraph a jump of OPEN & SUNDAYS ' down heavily to dispel a nvyen- about 15 per cent. 6:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. -- Hwy, No. 2-1 ace to its continuation, 'the a a Re eret | Block & f threat of a country wide ajuil- INCREASE FORECAST 8 , ne PAPA P ALP PL ; " | * Liverpool Reed. way strike : Bethlehem Steel Co., second wee on ' Liverpool Road : © largest producer, said its fig- STEEL LEVELLS OFF ¥ ures. still being compiled, would cas { $ Steel production, climlning reflect a nine per cent increase i IN COMEDY TONIGHT . HELD OVER . DOWT MISS NOW AT REGULAR PRICES steadily since the first of the in operations. Du Pont, chemi he year, levelled off on a very high cal industry leader, said it ex- SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS -. aS A JOSEPH JANN! PRODUCTION plane, an annual output rate of)pected to improve on last year's ' 128,000,000 tons, and retail «gles record first quarter Redeemable ANY time " dipped one per cent in March A major exception was the to- WR Fr to $21,100,000,000. Neither 'was bacco industry. Shareholders of Interest on daily balance . OF ARABIA" MOST HONORED PICTURE OF ALL WINNER OF 7 ACADEMY AWARDS PETER O'TOOLE ALEC GUINNESS regarded as a very disturbing Philip Morris Inc and P. Loril- t ard C yer | } H development lard Co. were told to look for MINIMUM. DEPOSIT $5,000.00 IN COLOR The minerals strike near Tim-a first quarter dip as the an- mins. Ont finally was "con- nual shareholders' meeting sea- SHOW STARTS NIGHTLY 7:30 -- FREE IN CAR HEATER! 190000064 0060088 CS8O4OG @* firnied by Texas Gulf Sulphur 50n moved toward a crescendo i dl ' Tr , ; ala B! 'o, after persistent reports A rise in the industrial pro ( UA R A N TY v RUS I seuaadae swept he Hors duction index issued by the fed | Jy fil ot the Sapa Spee, "+L. qeleral reserve board was the fifth ( Canad and New MG ' a ai -- in a row and shoved the March semipany of Cansas DISCOUNT HOUSE ee = og level to 128.2. The index was vies! ciiadaceiies dune we Gulf. holdi bout 70 121.3 in March 1963. It meas 32 KING ST. E, ; : $ : P ' , holding about / res t 'actori ait " hace exas Gu 1B jures output of factories. and 728-1653 per cent of mineral rights in!mines | | 3 _ aman Kidd Township, where the dis-/ 4 slight gain in non-farm| | ' THE N0.1 covery was made, said rireliml- jobs disclosed by another U.S.| nary data indicated copprt, ziNC| government. report lifted fac.| te | F h TINE and silver ore reserves cif more tory employment to a plane last! than 25,000,000 tons reached in mid-1957 AT SPECIAL F OF ULAR PRICES! Some of the rich ore |ay only aoe -- | ' q 20 or 25 feet below gr bund, it was reported, promisiniz rela- y | mi WINNER OF FOUR tively easy and cheap iecovery| ; : by the open-pit method. ,of min-/ alle a j : : ACADEMY AWARDS! ing | ie ' -- "This is a major discovery," : ( : ' - 4 'TWO SHOWS DAILY » MATINEES 2 P.08 EVENINGS 8P. said Claude 0. Stepheri§, com de - 4 " : Box Office Opens 1 P.M. and 7 P.M, pany president : orn SS 4 i : NO SEATS RESERVED AUTO PICTURE BRIG FIT = " Beh ; ge om ; : ; Every Ticket Holder Guarantend A Seaft The. auto picture, | qng lus : " 4 ' Z trous, was brightened) by a 4 é w EE : ° weekly production high . for d fe etd ae : * 0000880608886 8 0 . = iy, Be COLOR BY DE LUXE Sukarno: GET TWICE AS MUCH FOR A PENNY MORE! Tied fuer ener aInment Cautions | 10 BIG DAYS: tun sivuroay-- arn 25 Aussies = |( Qf) mmtamme tena aseaer tans P C4 toms. . eae re | 3 and 4 Nyi Brist! JAKARTA (Reuters) ast : E=1 brushes. Choice Of st 'td 5 gr. 100's. Regular 69¢ eign Minister: Subandrio Satur h Tutted end; Convex or Multi- 5 3 2 tor $1.30 day warned Australia that any a | N | tuft filling. In acetate tube. gr. 200's. Regular $1.29..2 for ple war over the Malaysia issue Bl Ree BOE Gis: Dior 5l¢ 5 gr. 300's, Regular $1.69... 2 for $1.70 * OSHAWA would not be a local one : L = 10 gr. 100's. Regular $1.29. 2 for $1.30 | |) In a statement on recent com- REXALL EFFERVESCE resres DB} Children's 24 gr.50's. Reg. ments by Sir Marfield Bar- SACCHARIN Airey sia heidi diated 4942 tor 50¢ | | wick, Australian' external af- -- REXALL PRO-CAP fairs minister, Subiandrio said 100 4 gr. Regular 35¢... ADHESIVE TAPE "I got the impression he was] 500 % gr. Regular 98¢ (Waterproof) inreahening AAseoeny wis war 1000 % gr. Regular $1.19....2 for $1.20 A' x 10 yds. 2 tor 60¢ = | ALL ABOARD FOR THE PUNVENEYER f Indonesia does mot want to Reg..59¢ accept Australia's demands." 100 %4 gr. Regular 40¢....:0.....2 for 41¢ hee 7 * 2 or 60¢ | | OF THE YEAR !! Subandrio added: "'For us, if} | 500% gr. Regular $1.10 2 ior $1.1 : a : | #6Bs this is the case, Indonesia will 1000 gr. Regular $1.59... 2 for $1.60 = ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET when you do you shut the door Five Weeks In A Balloon" not-run away frora this region : (With Lanolin) but the responsibfity (for any CARA NOME GOLDEN Reepeyour hain soft perfecto | pick up your phone-- on everybody else? | a ee t . a ills even on da or windy days. Ne | pascealinel chordal? saat esr FLARE LIPSTICKS sticky orbritte | ALL COLOR SHOW prtige peoyoay hg pret ear " In 6 glorious Spring shades } With just one line, you do. That's why smart AND THERE'S MORE WHERE THE PHONE CAME FROM: n a Subandrio made ,the statement Regular $1.50... 2 tor $1.51 | businesses use extra lines to make sure that pot ny pues peingids mage YOUNG GUNS OF TEXAS i pegertiey at the foreign min | their telephone door is always open--instead drawings and maps, business machine data of every kind, with Stry nere. . A f turning customers and prospects away with tolemetry--and, of course, complete telephone, radio and | JAMES MITCHUM JODY McCREA mae ee beet Waning THESE ARE ONLY A FEW | eal i gaat ice é Intercom services for every business purpose. Better com- | a "confrontation" campaign : a busy signal. , | against the British backed' Mai OF THE MANY SPRING Je SALE SAVINGS Oia oie munications are vital for better business--and extra lines | BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 FIRST SHOW 7:30 Sain Badecation _ just one missed call going to your competitor are just one way in which Bell can help you improve your | STILL ONLY 75 eS gaan Pres bjt could give you enough business to pay for your _usiness through better communications! | ADULERATIEE OFtEY 7 he change without notice, extra line for a year! Make sure you get that ¢ COMMUNICATIONS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! Students Win : a _ lines for all the business a 1S OUR BUSINESS | ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON you can handle! Pant Milk Boycott th ORILLIA (CP -- A student cafetetias in Orillia's | ge og hel per PRESCRIPTION teed CHEMISTS night foges -- gn - 2 n . at a jrecent two-ce taamnane in tos cate of eal Wil CITY WIDE FREE DE t. | VERY i THERE'S iN be reduced. " co - a -- - --_--__---- gees mmr) S KING STE.) Qounwy 530 SIMCOE ST 5S. fute refused to, buy the milk PHON E 72 3- 2245 | PHON E 725-3546 ° CHEVROLET when the price, was raised 10 | Ji asc? cc gles ---- ie ipa ge eh : @ CHEVELLE, : @ CORVAIR 12 cents from 1) cents a carton Y [ROSSLYN PLAZA aa 728-4668 | e CHEVY rT CORVETTE Wednesday. Students at Perk th tte tnitacedd dat 18 eae trmmen me ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA anything at the-cafeteria GIVE MOM A BREAK! Teke Home A Bucket of Chicken SCOTT'S CHICKEN | "he "Serving Oshawa & Area Over 40 Years" SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 728-9487 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Another Chicken Villa at ° COOMING SOON a sis 973 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. 140 BOND WEST LIMITED PHONE 725-6501

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