10 THE OSHAWA TimEs, Monday, April 20, 1964 ONCE DENIED VOTE groes once: denied the right to| vote .will dictate the outcome of this year's elections in racially troubled Macon County, They have a small but clear| majority in the newly published) official voting list, both in the} number of voters eligible to cast) their ballots for state, county and federal office; and for these qualified to vote only for Con- gress and presidential electors. Only those who have paid their' poll taxes or who are ex- empt by law can participate in; state and county elections,. but) the poll tax has been outlawed as a voting requirement in the election of federat officers. The voting list shows 3,624 Ne- groes and 3,499 white residents, qualified to voté for all offices) in the May 5 Democratic pri-| mary election, and another 423} Negroes and 244 white voters eligible to express their choice Negroes Hold Majority -- In County Polling List -- TUSKEGEE, Ala. (AP)--Ne-at the outset, They could have --and didn't--put up candiuaies for another place on the school board, another on the board of revenue, and for probate judge. Negro candidates probably will run for the city council in the municipal election later in the year, but whether they will try to elect a majority to the coun- cil remains to be seen, | Shifting Ice Stalls Shipping On River SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. (CP)--Shifting ice has tied up early-season shipping in the St. Mary's 'River near here. _ The United States Coast Guard announced today it is holding 12 ships in the upper and lower St.-Mary's River be- cause shore ice that broke away Tuesday in a wind storm is) blocking shipping channels in YW e Wk AWE at ~ LUMINUM AWNINGS 'BUY NOW AND SAVE! Choose your style of frones from our many designs. Ask about our complete "PATIO SERVICE" . . , includes Aluminum Patio Awnings and Cement Work, : HORIZONTAL. _--_ 'VERTICAL e OPEN AND CLOSE © STANDARD FEATURING: Xo Moniccured'n Ostove ne nn © FREE ESTIMATES © = sr mt a ee SDRAM SOR SSR RAN SESSA Quality-first ALCAN Aluminum Siding in your choice of color. .. Horizontal or Vertical . . . EXPERTLY APPLIED. = S ORES Gs = iil] {pine only for Congress and electors. CAN ALTER OUTCOME Thus, if all the eligible Ne- the lower river. The ice-breaker Mackinac was to leave here to break up groes vote, they can elect the/ ihe jammed ice so shipping can five members of their racelhe resumed whose names are on the ballot : | --one running for the county school board, another for the, MADE MOST FILMS leounty board of revenue, still) Japan produced, the most full- lanother for circuit clerk, and|length films in 1959-493 com- SOMEBODY UP THERE HELPED HIM UP THERE _ |two for justice of the peace. {pared with 310 made in India : 0 yi .jand 200 in the U.S. | A 12-year-old California boy sist in take-off operations, He Hills, balloonist William R. ground, After a safe landing, esas cite col dangles helpless, hundreds of wrapped a cable around 'his 'Berry heard a faint voice Danny, at right, was admitted |didates wins a race for probate feet in the air Sunday after hand and when the order to Calling "Mister, please help to a San Francisco hospital |judge. he failed to let go of a bal- , 'cast-off' was given, found me", The boy was dangling suffering shock and a chafed | Despite their voting majority, | loon cable. The boy, Danny himself unable to release the from the rope by his left hand. \the Negroes apparently have Nowell had volunteered to as- 'rope. High over the Marin hand some 3,000 feet above (AP Wirephoto) |chosen to exercise it cautiously @ FREE ESTIMATES @ Serving Oshawa & Area Over 12 Years LES EVENISS SALES iro. 15 PRINCE ST. PHONE 725-4632, EVE, 723-2707 termine which of two white can- Why nickel in stainless steel? and why it is SO important to modern | design in household products % It was a terrific year--the best we've ever had. And we're grateful. Grateful to the thousands of Canadian insurance buyers who chose Sovereign in 1963--and grateful to our Representatives and employees who have made 1963 such an outstanding success for Sovereign. NEW BUSINESS $219,947,000. oooh INCREASE OF «5. isssscssoiscsoniscasesieshepsuavancoronie $196,475,000. IN FORCE BUSINESS $421,159,000. | --AN INCREASE OF $202,351,000. TOTAL ASSETS $ 48,524,000. --AN INCREASE OF ................. Coes ee eeeeeneesenereconsosene $2,432,000. We intend to build upon this success in 64. The outlook at Sovereign Life--expressed in our new symbol--is one of energy and optimism. We're plan- ing and working today for continuing progress and growth. The success of 1963 is an indication of the confidence that Canadians have expressed in Sovereign's ambitions, What kind of a year was it? ... . NICKEL Nickel's contribution to quality stainless steel is toughness, durability and resistance to corrosion. Nickel stainless steel is easy to keep clean, sanitary and gleaming; it will not crack or chip; it will aot rust or stain. 1S THE HALLMARK OF QUALITY IN STAINLESS STEEL Look for products carrying this 18-8 seal which indicates - a nickel content of. approximately 8%, NICKEL... its contribution is quality THE SOVEREIGN <) LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE -- WINNIPEG, CANADA The International Nickel Company's continuing programme of research and market development helps Canadian manufacturing industries produce quality products, and helps strengthen Canada's economy. NICKEL QUALITY C. T. Peers, Branch Manager, Ste. 206 East, Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa, Ontario, Tel: 728-7504 THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 55 YONGE STREET, TQRONTO ' e ~ "A MEMBER OF THE IAC. GROUP OF COMPANIES"