Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Apr 1964, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotundoy, April 18, 1964 SR, SO A ED SS LO 32--Articles For Sale 145 CARS WANTED IN MEMO#iAb. B a New Car? al your used car to "Ted" "Cash" ir mother, i Passed away April 18, 1954, A mother Ph nage toeted -- in -- memory of @ rtha Ann Meagher, who who gave us the best years of her tife, Who cherished our secrets, our sor- rows, our strife, oo ree ee Oe Dear mother In Heaven, God bless you Your life was unselfish, for others you lived, Not for what ll sents but for what you could g' Juet's ote had Ng yet 9 silent toor, A beautiful memory mother dear, Dear God take @ message fo our mother above, Teil her how much we miss her end give her our love. oy daustter --Lovingly remember Patricia, grandchildren June, Betty and Marilyn, Tol! 10 the New Hog Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 bese rod sud saver automatic spn Po $95 port pee iment dryer, $70. Just like new, GUN WANTED phone Oshawa -- Old antique, Tele 725-6163, GOALIE equipment, nearly new, Winn Well professional pads, Weeks left hand catching glove, chest protec tor. '62 Chev fender skirts, white, Tele-| 32--Articles For Sale phone 723-9760 after 5 p.m. 15 FT. Lakefield, cedar strip, outboerd BOAT SALE 20% OFF ALUMINUM FISHING BOATS 12 FT, CAR TOP .. 15 FT, STARFISH .. 16 FT, HOLIDAY .. 9 FT, PRAM .... $11 12 FT, PRAM $175. $308, _ $168, Like new, steering Telephone 725-0355. controls.|tions were donated to the wey. Dundas Street . East School recently held successful "Var- fety Nights". Proceeds from both eveningss silver collec- Jun- for Red Cross. ELECTRIC 34" GE stove, $25; large crib, spring mattress, $15; 54 padded head board, $5; TA It Garrard turn. fable, $15; 20W hi-fi Peover Coaxial, $15. Telephone Whitby, 668-8 MCCLARY freezer, 21 cubic ft, year-old, In very good condition, Tele. phone 728-7073. MOTORCYCLE NSU 100 |condition, Can be seen aft 324 Anderson Avenue. cc, excellent er 6 p.m, at lifters, $25, on i Brown's Supertest, Park Road South. %43 FUEL Injection camshaft, end solid|" On Tuesday evening Mr. Mar- tin, teacher at Dundas School welcomed all present and intro- ena uced the following program: 36--Legal Play, DEMOLITION ELEVATED TANK ON STEEL TOWER LEE AR GEES. AGS Dundas Street School Offers Variety Nights 1-Songs by Grade 6, Miss Florence Heard's class; 2-Shoe- maker and the Elves, Grades| 1 and 2, Mrs. Moorecroft's class; 3-Three Little Kittens, Grade 2, Mrs. Fairfield's class; 4-Peter Rabbit, Grades 1 and afternoon kindergarten, Mrs, Potestio and Miss Real; Songs, Grade 5 Mrs. Kay Hutchings' class; Grade 6-Beatles; Grade 5, Mrs, Kay Hutchings' class; 7 "The Truth Machine"; Grade », Miss Florence Heard's class, Mrs. Doug Williams provided the accompaniment at the piano' duringthe program. Night" opened with principal ing' all present "She, creed resen: je expres ants to Mrs. Williams bo ange the BoP no for the bog and time they devoted in ee in the program for both evenings. The program was as follows: 4-Musical play, "Th Grade Smith's class; 2-Square danc- ing, Grade 3, Miss Kern's class; 3- songs by kindergar- ten morning class Miss Real's; 4-Dances, Grade 2, Miss Kern's class; 5-Calypso songs followed by the Limbo, Grade 4 Mr. Drew's class; 6-The Beatles, his Pals", tin's class, Grade 5, Mrs. Kay Hutchings; 7-A play entitled "Sparky and Grade 7 Mr, Mar- Mr, Earl Fairman, supervis- incipal, ex ressed his ap- There's Nothing Can Beat The CONVENIENCE SUPPLEMENTARY HEATING UNITS @ Permanently Installed @ Or Portable Units For YOUR Home! BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived 4 the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. (E.D,T.) on Wednesday, May 6th, 1964 for the Demolition of the El- evoted Tank on Steel Tower -and also the repairs to the brick structure situoted be. low the tank etc., as specified at the Boys' Training School, Bowmanville, Ontario, Specifications and Tender Documents may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Pub- lic Works, East Block, Parli- ament Buildings, Toronto 2, 'ario, A $250. 00 Bid Bond, 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified, Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms suplied by the Department. The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted, J, D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERN tion to all who had ar- pany j both fl Bg He made a special mention of the need Don't have @ home that's obsolete, Make it Modern with Electroheot! PHONE 728-4611 FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ° 56 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA RUNABOUTS 12 FT. SKIPPER .. $430, 15 FT. SPEED KING $543. 16 FT. ADMIRAL .. $632. 14 FT. FIESTA .... $712, 15 FT. SEVILLE ..., $824, TRADE-INS ACCEPTED CONVENIENT TERMS OSHAWA YACHT HAVEN LTD. HARBOUR RD. 723-1901 BOX 305 BOATS Traveler, Starcraft, OMC 17, Grew, Mason, Chestniut Can- oes, Evinrude, Peterborough. Evinrude Motors, OMC Mo- tors, and Gator Trailers, Open Evenings and Week- ends until 9 p.m. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY HWYS 7 AND 12 BROOKLIN 655-3641 | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS. Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16% BOND W. 728-4401 GARDEN tractor § hp, rototilier, 30" wide, good condition, Also 8" tilt arbour| Wide fare to " in today's Classified section, table saw, floor model. Hampton 263-2152. whole family will be glad you did , GOWN, size 10-11, full length white organza, with applique bodice, 34---Lost and Found bustie back, original cost $110, will seli complete $60, Between 4 and 8 p.m. call|/LOST -- Two-year-old holstein helfer, In Brooklin area, Telephone Brooklin, 655- 728-3934, BUYING or selling furniture or appii-| 9047. LOST -- Transit level in metal box, ances. Call Elmer, Hampton, 263-2294 or vicinity of Ridgeway and Elizabeth or; Bel Air Automatic, 263-2695, TYPEWRITER, portable, $35, like new,|Simcoe Street North and Sunset. Reward. loaded with extras, electric adding machine, standard type- PHONE 728-5430 writer, cash register. Snap for quick sale. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN station wagon 1500,|723-4434. shepherd, Vicinity of Grandview Golf Phone Blackstock 986-4470, ineuis suds-saver automatic washer,|Cclub. Tag 68, named "Bruno". Reward. 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, four - door,|"@bullt. three month guarantee. Delivered |C2!! 728-6641 or 723-7195, green finish, six cylinder, and Installed, $95, 725-7917. FOUND -- Bicycle. Owner may have power brakes, custom radio, good condi-|"SINGER" featherweight Sewing ma-|seme by Identifying, and paying for od, Hon, $1800. Atier 630 pm. "Whit by|chine, $59.50, "White" automatic, 89.s0.| Telephone 725-5760, Singer round bobbin, portable, $49.50. wed 35--Swap and Barter NEED piano to practice on. Will swap 17" Admiral TV, radio and record com- bination, Telephone 728-4733. 36--Legal CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND BY TENDER The Corporation of the City of Oshawa hereby invites of- fers for the purchase from it of the following lands: 1. Lot 6, Plan No. 685, on the east side of Wilson Road North, having @ frontage of 50' 7" by o depth of 110', . Part of Lot 7, Plon 685, on the east side of Wilson Road North, hoving a frontage of approximately 47'7" by a depth of 110', . Part of Lot 1, Lot 2 and port of Lot 3, Plan. No, Hot on Dover Street, hav- a total frontage of Tao! by a depth of 110', . Lot 15, Plan No. M-55 on REID -- Treasured dear ari fal Paterson, he Al , Ove. pig hae sald Id miss , Those words have proved too 1 lost my best, my dearest 'end, Dear mother, when | lost you. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, 1t's sweet to breathe thy name, As In life ant a ip liypabs yoatig » in dea lo oud) | Aways remembered by Geoghier Betty. ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) badge lage ACHING Sunbeam used, $35, in eal ion, After 5 p.m, telephone 7 CANVAS ening ngs, curtains, canopies. Free estimates. Complete ice. waiting, Mil i Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. PAINT special at Edgar's. Paint and Wallpaper by Para Paints since 1915, 20 per cent discount on semi-gloss, latex, high gloss, Interior and exterior at peoet Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King "whe fel WEDNESDAY PROGRAM Wednesday eveningi 'Variety 36-- -Leqal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors' and others having claims against the estate of FRANK GERACE, late of the Citf"St Oshawa, ore required to: send full particulars of a such ¢laims to the. under- signed, solictor for the Exe- cutrix on or before the 5th day of May, 1964, ofter which dote the Estate's as- sets will be distributed hav- ing regord only to claims thot have been received. ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. Eost, OSHAWA, Ontario, He mentioned how helpful { is for them to acquire self con- fidence which would help them in future life, Innisfail, Alberta. In 80th . Mrs, Burnett Is resting at the Mc- jerson Funeral Home,. 152 King Street East, for service in the chapel on Monday, April 20, at 2 p.m. interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Friends are re- not to call at the funeral tome ontil Saturday evening. McHUGH, Helen J. At Toronto Western Hospital on Friday, April 17, 1964, Helen J. McHugh, aged 56 years, wo te Blog of Thomas peHugh, 6 RANGETTE, automatic, oven controlled, excellent condition, $40, Refrigerator, large size, top freezer area, good run- ning order, $50. Call 725-6126, PAINT SPECIAL by Benjamin Moore and Company. interior Lafex flat, $1.90 per quart; $5.70 per gallon, Semi-gloss enamel, $2.20 per quart; $6.75 per gallon. Exterior $1.95 per quart; $5.95 per gailon, at Edgar's Decor Centre, 34 King Street _West. Phone 723-7351. GIRLS F mauve 'and while spring coat and two piece paddy green wool suit. Both pre-teen sizes. Like new. Very reason- able, 728-6584, TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with all channel antenna, Installed $50, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-6180. PETERBORO 17-11, Fiberglass boat, con- vertible top, 75 hp Flying Scott jor, remote controls; generator, heavy duty tilt trailer, Excellent condition. $1,700, Call 725-6757. TENTS, two Bell, army type; boy's bl- cycle, medium; girl's bicycle, large; Boy's bicycle, large. 728-8960. JOHNSON 25 HP, outboard motor, con- trols, excellent pty $250 or best offer, 7 725-1933. WRECKING the following: 1949 to 1956 Ford, Chevrolet, Pontiac, All parts rea- sonable, Telephone 728-1322, 33--Market Basket MAPLE SYRUP for sale, Take 35 high- way from 401 to concession 12 Manvers, Andrews Heaslip. Call Bethany, 17R11, HOURS of family fun are ahead when you own a boat. To find rea] value and 32 PAID TAXES Britain's 92 millionaires -- more than twice the number there were six years ago--paid more than $19,635,000 in taxes in 1963, 29--Automobiles For Sale TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK _ RENTALS (All Makes ond Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Ma Cars Biv . Resting et the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, Service In St. Joseph's Roman Cath- @lic Church on Monday at 10 a.m. Inter- ment Bowmanville 'Cemetery. No flowers by request. How flameless electric heating makes all other heating systems out of date! @ it's the world's safest heating system--completely flameless. @ It's cleaner than any other heatmg system--cannot create dust, smoke, soot or dirt of any kind. PERRIN, Alfred Thomas At RR 2, Newcastle, on Friday, April uf 1964, Alfred Thomas Perrin, aged years, husband of the late Edith aes, @nd dear father of Grace (Mrs. W. A. Reid), Kirby; Hilda (Mrs. Howard A. Cook), Newmarket and Alfred George, RR 2, Newcastle, Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service In the chapel on Monday at 2 p.m, Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. Casket closed by request, In leu of flowers, donations to QOnterio Heart Foundation would be ap- preciated. B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 ond 723-7712 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 1963 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON LATE DEATH NOTICES may appesr oa 2 Tse 3 of The Oshawa Times. Desth Notices are accepted until 9.30 a.m. for! lication the same day In this reguiar Boath Notice Column. In order to publish > our readers all Death Notices, as as possible, other notices will be Sccopied until 11 a.m, but will appear fn the Late Death Notices, Page 3 In the present day's edition of The Times. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and * floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING NTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 28-6555 Your' Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM -- Well marked Lost large German @ You get custom-comfort in every room--electric heating offers you a separate thermostat in each room. 668-: 1956 METEOR Ridea ir Mae Was eae Ge ck ae CABIN CRUISER, 174 foot new, "ook phone 725-1933. framed, mahogany trimmed, % Plywood 30 HP Johnson, electric 'ork 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 9-passenger bus, new|ing with Instrument panel. Lighted cabin, motor, excellent condition. $1150. -_Miness sleeps two. Steering and motor controls, forces sale. Dial Whitby 668-4500. with running lights; aiso heavy duty BATTAMS In loving of 2/1961 PONTIAC healt ec - memory a Laurentian, two-door, « deer gered phony re dl Pg? a ha ee 6, Ua "discs, 28,000 Slnure yt Bae se Rtage see) "the "chy toms, Apri miles, Excelient condition. 728-0745, . What we we would give if we aoe say, - Merial ll Store, 446 Simcoe Street Hello, Mother, in the same old way,| 190 CHEVROLET, Bel Air four-door, Im-|S°th, To heer your voice and see your smile,|™aculate condition. $200 cash or take over|CHESTERFIELDS only $159.68. Brand To sit with you and chat awhile. payments, Call after 6 p.m. 728-4454, new, four-seafers with matching chairs, 1956 MONARCH automatic, a foam cushions, lovely, long-wearing fab- ric, Unbeatable value! Payments only tion, $350 or closest offer, Phone 728-4912, $2.50 weekly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 1954 MONARCH, rebuilt motor and trans.|{24 Simcoe Street South. mission, four new tires, A-1 transporta- NIAGARA Cyclo Massage, pad and hand tion. Telephone Midway BP 726-4411. bpenah thd in carrying case. Half price. 3-$125, 1961 OLDSMOBILE F85, four-door, wie|s matic, radio, 24,000 miles, Private. After) THREE antique swords, spinning rod and 6 pm. 725-3605, reel, for sale or will trade for photo graphic and dark room equipment. Tole 1960 AUSTIN 850. phone 726-8501. original owner, eighteen @ Easy to install-no furnace or fuel tank. @ No annual maintenance costs--nothing to clean, no filters to replace, electric heating is truly a carefree system. For you'll never know the heartache FL fe lage vacant chair, Sadly mis: son Douglas, ro Jovee and grandchiidren. ~~ Reduced operating costs--in many municipalities the rate for electric heating has been reduced as much as 30% during the last 2 years. CORBY -- In loving memory of e@ dear mother, Elmira who pas wi April 19, 1959. sshd penne oe Just @ thought of sweet remembrance, dust @ memory fond and true, dust @ token of affection And a renee ty still for you. Sadly missed Gladys and son-in-law Arthur, DOBKO -- In loving memory deer father, John Dobko, who @way April 19, 1957. You suffered with courage, We knew not your pain, You fought to get well, But al! was In vain. God called you home To His garden of rest, 1's true what they say, He takes only the best. Ever remembered by son William, daughter - pron + law Mary, grandchildren Robert and J miles. After 12 noon. 725-1781. baor vba lace ethanol ak Sore 1956 MONARCH sedan, radia, BO. Cal after six. 72S7IR1, no rust, Original biack finish, best cash/AIR conditioners, new and used. Free offer. Call 725-6132, survey and estimates, Telephone 9 to 6 1932 DURANT sedan, 1950 Pontiac, Good | > sc running order. Also wrecking 1946 Cadil-|'16-FT. PLYWOOD boat and fraller, $250. jac. Dial 728-5838, Apply 20 William Street East after 4 p.m. 1961 CORVAIR, automatic, windshield washers, radio and rear seat speaker, aun Wes save ve fo 2 oa cae 2 aluminum doors, windows,, awnings, sid- safety, belts, 29,000 original miles. Excel- : lent condition, $1,395 or best offer. 723-3588 ing. For example: windows $10 up. Phone anytime 728-5253. 1958 CHEVROLET v8|BUY and sell, good used furniture and standard, radio. a One location only. Pretty's Telephone 725-8504; Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. 1955 OLDSMOBILE super 88, four-door| TELEVISION Admiral, 21-inch, very good hardtop, V8 'automatic, new tires. Body|condition, $45, Please telephone 728-1742. mechanically good, Call 728-7926, TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc- ture, including all channel antenna, in- 1986 CHEVROLET Bel Alr, automatic! staiieg and guaranteed by experts with Call your qualified electric heating contractor or: your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY of our passed PRINTED PATTERN SMART FOR SUN, OR AT NIGHT HIGH FRONT, LOW BACK---,fabric now -- you'll need this the halter neckline is an allur-jfeminine, flattering dress soon- ing fashion choice for Summer.jer than you think, Station wagon, $900. LUKE -- In loving memory of James owe Luke, who passed away Apri! ™ Without forewell, he fell asleep, Leaving memories for us to keep. Within our hearts he'll always stay, And be remembered every day. Always remembered by sister - In - law Edna, brother-in-law Doug and nephew Werren. LUKE -- In loving memory of James R. Luke, who passed away Apri! 19, 1963. Just a thought of sweet. remembrance, Just @ memory sad and true, transmission. This car Is in excellent condition, body iike new, Telephone Whitby 668-4908, 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television, telephone 72 728-5143, 1956 FORD four-door sedan, tires, Radio, '64 plates, offer, Brooklin 655-3589, 1960 MONARCH two-door, 8 TP, all extras, immaculate, reasonable, accept trade. Dial 668-8084, 1964 CHEVROLET Bei Air automatic, 6 V8 = good $175 -- best N beauty salon equipment for sale, new condition. For particulars tele- phone 728-6861 or 728-0781. VACUUM CLEANER, compact model, good condition, three months old, $45. Telephone Whitby 668-8587. GOOD assoriment of young semi-dwarf apple trees, also one English riding sad- Northridge Street having a frontage of approximately 60,13' by a fa of ap- proximately 1 . Lot 16, Plan No, M-55, on Northridge Street, hav- ing a frontage of approx. imately 60,06' by a depth of approximately 102', Sew Pattern M309 in sheer cot- ton or linen for your season in the sun, shantung or crepe for after-five elegance the year 'round, Alice Schweitzer design- ed this slender dress with all the meticulous details that have won her great fame. Note the Slight blouson of the bodice in Printed Pattern M309 is avail- able in Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 requires 2 yards 39-inch fabric. Send ONE DOLLAR for Print- ed Pattern M309 to The Osh-' awa Times, Pattern Depart- ment, Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario) residents add $c. sales -tax. Oshawa Public Utilities Commission PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- TELEPHONES Just the love and sweet devotion of one who thinks of you, " ovingly remembered by sister-in-law jeen. WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .......... 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ............ 942-0500 die. Bowmanvillé 623-2186. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- cators, chequewriters, comptometers, cylinder, -whitewalls, wheel discs, $2695 ie or _make offer. Call: 725-8132, 1956 M MONARCH four-door, clean, '|front that gives a comfortable, Sale of these lots Is sub- | rotaxed ease to the fit of the Please print plainly your ject to the approval of City STYLE NAME, ADDRESS, LUK® -- In loving memory of a dear her, James Richard Luke, who passed @way April 19, 1963. His weary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are past, And in our aching heorts we know He has found sweet rest at last. w-Sedly missed by daughter Carleen and son-in-law Neil. LUKE -- In loving memory of a dear fwsband and father, James Richard Luke, Passed away April 19, 1963. Your last parting wish We would like to have heard, And breathed in your ear Our last parting words, Lovingly remembered by wife Doris and gon Wayne. * LUKE -- In loving memory of a dear -in-law and uncle, James Richard ke, Who passed away April 19, 1963. Your presence is ever neor us, Jim, Your love remains with us yet. | You were the kind of a brother-in-law Your loves ones ci never forget. Always remember by. sister- in-law Hilde and Harold a family. "MONUMENTS -- MARKERS" . RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. §, OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS 723-1002 728-6627 Smort Business « People Sing the Proises of Oshawa Times Classified Ads good condition, Standard shift $445. Telephone 728-4260. 1956 MONARCH, 4-door hardtop, power brakes, power steering, good tires, $300. or best offer. 725-0949, 1963 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, V-8, power glide, power steering, radio, white- walls, discs, Like new. Low mileage. $2,475, Phone 725-6008, 1963 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, Biscayne, 4-door sedan, avotmatic, radio and many other extras. Excellent condition. Tele-|¢ phone 725-3491. 1960 PLYMOUTH Savoy, good condition, 38.000 miles. After 6 p.m, dial Whitby, 668- 2527. 1958 CHEVROLET for four = door deluxe. Radio, good tires, extra snow tires. No rust, Private. Must sell by weekend. 668-5152. Whitby. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner, perfect mechanically, New exhaust system, new fires. Telephone 725-8717. 1958 PONTIAC Strato | "Chief, tv two door door, two-tone brown with matching trim. Au- tomatic, radio, 6ne owner. Very nice con- dition, Best offer. 668-4517, 1953 PONTIAC "th eftain, two-door, six- cylinder, automatic transmission, radio, whitewalls, plus set of snow tires. Price $575. Call Whitby 668-4053. 1987 FONTIAC, 'convertible, fully equipp- |, $900. Telephone 728-0582. 1963 CHEVROLET Impala, sedan, 6 cy- linder, power brakes and steering, posi- traction, radio with rear seat speaker, back up lights, whitewalls, discs, 723-9263 1954 BUICK "Special, 'automatic, , recently overhauled, good motor and fires, fair body. Telephone 728-9217. 30--Automobiles Wanted $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we oo up. or down. Liens paid NICOLS MOTORS LTD. $1. NOR rH ne BROCK Whitby 668-3331. OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, "| washing machine, three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. FURNITURE! three rooms full, only $299 Complete new bedroom, living room and kitchen, quality ensembles, Unbeat- able valve! Payments only $2.95 weekly! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. STANDARD transmission, $10; rear end from 1956 Plymouth, $10; car radio, 12- volt system, $10. All In excellent condi- tion. Bowmanville 623-2900. COMPLETE living room set, also kitchen table with four matching chairs, like new, one year old. Telephone 725-3227. GIRL'S CLOTHING, sizes 1 to 3 years. Maternity clothes, sizes 10 to 12. Beatty Good condition. 728- 0822, RASPBERRY canes, vigorous, bears large fruit, twenty-five per dollar. Hun- --|dred per three and half dollars. Thousand per thirty dollars. Baseline, Bowmanville, half mile east of Liberty Street. 623-7067. 1962 MERCURY 22 HP outboard motor, $300, or best offer. ._ Telephone 725-4997, FOR SALE -- Minolta pocket camera, petri telephoto and wide angle lenses, tripod, light metre, developing tanks, 35 mm film, etc, Offers. Telephone 728-3067. WINDOW SHUTTERS. May be seen at 903 Byron Street North, Whitby, affer 6 Whitby 668-5629 PIANOS good selection of small planos -- {now In stock. Several slightly used models to choose from. Monthly payments as tow as $18.00. Wilson and Lee, Ltd., 87 Simcoe Street North, 725-4706, GLENDALE 1963 cabin traller, sleeps four, ready for the road. Many extras. Electric wiring. Can be seen at 469 Crom- well | Ayenve. i solid frult- wood dining table, No-mar finish, three extra leaves, five diners, one arm chair. Replacement cost $650, sell . half-price, Cruet, lamp, dresser and barbeque. Whitby 668-5717. TWO double beds complete, $15 each; two single beds complete, $15 each; baby crib complete $10. "Apply after 6 p.m., 237 Athol Street East. KENT eleciric quitar with amplifier, pro- Slonal, six months old. Cost $290, sell i 0. After $ p.m. telephone 723-9546. 12-FOOT car top, canvas back boat, $100. 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck ing. Telephone 725-2165 or 723-4248, 4577, ' Good condition. Telephone Uxbridge 852- "71, Council and the Minister of Municipal Affairs for the Province of Ontario. Offers for the purchase of the above lands may be made on forms provided for that purpose by the City Clerk, 3rd floor, City Hall, Oshawa, The closing date for tenders D.S.T., Monday, April offers shall be sent to the City Clerk, City Hall, Osh- owa, in a sealed envelope, clearly marked 'Tender for Lond' and shall be accom- panied by a certified 'de- posit cheque payable to The Corporation of the City of Oshawa. for an amount equal to 10% of the omount offered, The Corporation 'of the City of Oshawa reserves the right to refuse any or all offers whether such offer is the highest or not. L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk 1, RAY W. BROWN, of 131 Keewatin Street South, Oshawa, will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted in my fame by anyone on or after this date, April 18, 1964, without my written. con- sent. --Ray Brown 1, ROMAN KONAROWSKI, will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, April 17, 1964, without my written con- sent. -- R, T. Konarowski, 1111 Clover- dale Street. Want-Ads Dont' bodice. In back, a series of folds create the effect of tucks above a slender, willowy skirt. NUMBER and SIZE. Next Week -- Watch for a Prominent Designer Pattern by Better start thinking color and To Limit Quantities AT 0.D.H. LESS >< ce 8 ROLLS TOILET TISSUE MONDAY ONLY Oleg Cassini, We Reserve The Right PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ....... 942-2930 Arnels; acetate AT 0.D.H. EA. 0.D.H. ONLY OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M, DAILY -- SATURDAY UNTIL 6 LADIES' BETTER QUALITY tricot. MONDAY ONLY $ SPECIALS Large Family Size Tube IPANA TOOTHPASTE MONDAY ONLY AT 0.0.H. 12 QUART SIZE MONDAY ONLY AT 0.D.H. Adults Only 44 <> WONDAY ONLY AT O.D.H. Y FEN Sar \ BY SIGAL-MEN'S UNIFORM PANTS Compare at 5.95 3.97 MONDAY ONLY AT 0.D,H. Infants end Small Children's GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES Package of 12. Compare at 59¢ 38° Ledies' Cotton Knit: SPORT TOPS Compare at Compare ct 2.9 3.95 144 2.22 10-0Z, BOTTLE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Compore et 29 MONDAY ONLY AT O.D.H. + A No Where For Price Sake It's 'OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE ' 038 King St. W. At Garrard Rd. Cost -They Pay WISI S SOOO So

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