10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 16, 1964 on her 15th birthday which was|you are out of your minds forlof line. I had to give her the, PEOPLE ARE HUMAN HOUSEHOLD HINT ANN LANDERS exactly 60 days ago. She was|sure. ; names of my best friends. | VANCOUVER (CP)--Dr, Dor- To serve apple pie with to buy her own clothes, lunches,) What do you mean, another; They lost their privileges forjothy Lee, University of British} cheese, grate the cheese and do whatever she wanted with|chance? To do what--assist the|one be ge Song now "oye ~ Columbia anthropologist, says/sprinkle over the crust before the money, and six months la-|economy? Make out a budget of pA gg fink gine a housy iia Aaggetypsrtcg tailings we've removing from the oven. Cheese ter she was to get another $400.|her normal expenses and give pigeon. forgotten that as human beings) melts, adding flavor to the pie. Last night she asked for the|her exactly that--one week at 8) 1 foe) awry. 'Did I do right or|we have our own free will, Bt | second $400 now because she|'#me and not a dime more. |) 4o00 JERRY. it is a problem because people AE fz. |doesn't have a dime to her| Dear Ann Landers: Our) noo. serv: you did right. 1t|are building it into bogey-like ? Mi iname. I wasn't ised be-|beacher was called out of the f proportions." : Call 623-5757 Now tl e I saw th pret-s room by the principal sage oe oe eee ee Dear : ee Core caus: e things : tain tr friends woul ; ter's St ce heen writing -- and she never saw|she did during the first week of righ She i ne) oo not eta iy deserved tojexpect you to use inflaence to Van Belle Gardens Artie knew all kinds of peopie.|(#©™ before--I'd advise her to|the Plan for Independence. She| Because am the class presi-!y. 'reported. Moreover, your|cover up for them when they 3 Miles East of Oshewe A few days ago Artie dropped|@n0re the Pressure. paid $10 for a set of mink eye-|°n : own honor and integrity were/are out of order. Make no apol- on Highway No, 2 dead of a heart attack. The fu-| Dear Ann Landers: Our 15-/lashes and $49.50 fgr a pair of Two of my best friends began/on the line. Real friends can't] ogies--ever. neral was yesterday. After the|YeaT - old daughter complains/gold satin lounging pyjamas. {to throw erasers and chalk, One - funeral several people came by that we never let her use her| Should we give her another/eraser hit a girl in the face and the house to be with my sister/OWn judgment or make her own| chance? She says she has/knocked off her glasses. The and sit around the way they do/Mecisions. She put on a great|learned her lesson and that this/glasses didn't break but the girl when a friend passes away. /big sell, pointing out that shejnext $400 will last six months|is a nervous type and she began Tw iss iatée hed must learn. from experience/for sure. Yes or no? -- UN-|to cry. The teacher walked in 1 ae Venn oy eee jde|MOw to handle money and be|DECIDED right in the middle of avery- nowet seem bears tek Her S0 inteaniinat, | Dear Un: If you give this 15-|thing. She asked me for the 'sol ges a ge pd a We agreed to give her $400\year-old numbskull another $400inames of the kids who were out said he had b ed $400 when he had gotten over his head in 4 a crap game, The other. fellow ¢ said he still had $300 coming from the second Liston-Patter-| son fight. My sister was bewildered. | She knew very little about her |i husband's gambling and betting) practices, She had never seen/| f these men before and they had} fe ie nothing in writing. At the mo- : , . : ment she's plenty short of cash, | BRUNETTE BEAUTY but she says if Artie owed the, i money she wants to pay it. | ' Shirley Janet was just six She is the granddaughter of |What is your advice?--TRYING | months old when this picture Mrs. Marie Jorgensen and of |T HELP. Was taken, and is the daugh- Mr. and Mrs, P. M. Simpson, | Dear Trying: The timing of | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ail of Oshawa. these birds is interesting. { Simpson, Colborne street east. --Aldsworth Photography | Since they have nothing in| . ~ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ZELLER S BACKWARD SPRING WEATHER MEANS lo geltaeme | YOU'LL NOW SAVE MANY DOLLARS From 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. mhivcncrte. | ON YOUR NEW SPRING OUTFIT TOMORROW a a .. } AND | : P| sp wancnaee |MEN ONLY! fi A News THE GREATEST CLEARANCE | @ / | ) iv % A L ia : | Men who like to dress well e ) y ; | thet is . . . won't miss this i me | Spring Suit offer! Z pmo} WE HAVE EVER HAD IN 35 YEARS | FREE Vite' $60,000 STOCK MUST GO = | SPECIAL | || / Whe \ REGARDLESS OF cost aad soo. We : SPORT COAT SHOWING!! i} ) BYA\\ COATS [J me mencen | for spring and summer at Dunn's in downtown Oshawa or the Osh- On Friday, April 17 at 8:00 p.m. and FOR RAIN OR SHINE mr Saturday, April 18 at 2 p.m. Playwear and fe : wary N ji 16.98 to 35.00 SUITS Summer co-ordinates. Modelled in our 4 \ i) PRICED FROM Fashion Centre -- Don't miss this presentation ' CLEARING of casuals, smart outfits for this Summer's Fun, _ a ee YOU CAN WEAR NOW AND RIGHT THROUGH iste age NEW WEAVES IN™PASTEL REGULAR 24.98 to 55.00 CLEARING 16-97 to 39.97 DRESSES & SPORTSWEAR CLEARING 10% to 50% OFF Downtown -- 36 King E, -- Open Fri. Nights Oshawa Shopping Centre 4 SLO i i aca ac Aleit ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE During Assistant-Managers Sale i + ) seis Z 4 L L & ae 5 OSHAWA =" DUNN'S NEW CREDIT POLICY 226 STEVENSON RD. 21SIMCOEST.S. | ° | ; "SHOPPING | @ OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT 723-2209 723-2294 ' S ia G a E J 4 S CENTRE @ NO INTEREST @ NO CARRYING CHARGES AT REDUCED PRICES -- ALL SALES FINAL Open Thurs, ond Fri. Night