he ceca onetime. ps mipateerinen ge WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gauvit Tel. 668-3703 NO DECISION satisfaction" more than 500 employees of the Ontario Hospital Premier John Robarts 'LOW PAY' NO BENEFITS' A petition voicing "great dis- was signed by and sent to Satur- OMH Employees Petition Robarts read: "Due to the great dissat- isfaction among the employees in the Department of Health in the Province of Ontario, caus- ed by low salaries, we ask you low salaries and the high_cost of living. "We can assure you that if the government were as dedi- cated to us, the employees, 'as 'we are to our work and our patients, the atmosphere and morale of the hospitals in On- tario would be tops. "Somewhere along the way, all sense of value has been lost. Perhaps it has never been acquired, _ "Today, mechanics who work in industry and who repair metal machines, demand and THE OSHAWA TI MES, Twcsdey, April 14, 1964 5 parts but have to repair the old part and try to make it like new. "In reality which is more im- portant, the metal machine or the human machine? We never lose sight of the fact. that, we are working with and helping somebodys' mother, father, sis- ter, brother, husband or wife. The gratifying part of our job PRACTISE FRENCH 8 i ef E i i i cf be° pF F eT g 8 a3 i j q is in seeing someone under our care getting better and return- Just Arrived New Spring Samples to be tailored by... © TIP TOP TAILORS to intercede and take immedi- ate action to increase salaries and bring into effect suitable participation by the Govern- ment towards fringe benefits ing to their loved ones and society." NEAL'S | day. Spokesman for the employees, John Harkness said the staff were acting on their own and the petition did not represent receive the highest rate of pay plus having their fringe bene- fits paid. The great advantage of their work is this, they can replace damaged or worn out Whitby Hospital Governors Discuss Three Possible Sites | The location of Whitby's pro- posed General Hospital has not been settled. Strong overtures were made at a March 31 Board of Gover- nors' meeting to have it built in conjunction with the existing ee Lake On- agreed bring this recommendation to the Shareholders Annual Meet- ing set for April 21 in the Coun- cil Chambers. The basic advantages of such a location were presented to the Board by the Property Commit- tee through a report submitted by T W. Beddall of Zurich Con- sultants Ltd., of Toronto. The committee, it was learn- ed had contacted Mr. Beddall on Dec. 4 for help in choosing a location. At that time they had narrowed the field to about 15 sites, By March 31, the committee had the field reduced to five, three on the Ontario Hospital grounds, one at the northwest corner of Rossland and Brock, and one just west of the new County Building on Rossland road, ADVANTAGES OF Ontario HOSPITAL LOCATION Cost: It was estimated that the choice of Ontario Hospital would save the Share- holders and taxpayers some $230,000. This figure was arrived at by adding up the costs of heating location, laundry and hydro for a separate location, It was established that a 15- acre site vag om god se. on government would cost in the neighborhood of $30,000, Al- though exact figures were un- available, it was intimated that Ontario Hospital land could be leased for $1 per year. The estimated cost of heating a 120-bed hospital comparable to the one planned is $120,000. Should the hospital be built in conjunction with the existing yOntario Hospital, the report in- report quotes the Department of, Health as planning expansion of laundry facilities at the OMH, They are presently capable of handling 25 to 30 tons of linen weekly, it was learned, and it was estimated that a 120-bed hospital would increase that figure five tons. It was revealed that an $11,- 000 folding machine had just been installed. Another $40,000 saving could be made by utlizing an Ontario} Hospital grounds site. The hos- pital presently has a stand-by diesel generator to supply suf- ficient electricity to a 120-bed hospital in case of emergency. Hydro-electric power is read- ilyavailable from a nearby. sub- station, according to PUC offi- cials. COST REDUCTION The Board ofy Governors, bas- ing their estimates on the Ajax Hospital, and on the present learned, the sewage removal would have to be accomplished through the use of pumps. Site C is above the level of, and ed by gravitational flow. The Board was assured that sewage would be no problem at any of the sites. THE OTHER SITES Here are the dvantages and disadvantages of the Rossland- Brock site: : --Access is restricted to the northeast corner of the property from Brock street north (High- way 12) or from Rossland road --This, the report suggested, could be used to advantage by the opening of semi-basement floors, with service entrances on the west side of the building, and the higher-level east side reserved for patients and visit- ors. --One disadvantage, Mr. Bed- dail's report explained, was extra cost involved in footings, exposed basement walls, insula- tion and heating. --These costs would be over protesting poor pay and no paid the Civil Service Association. He added the employees were fringe bnefits such as hospi- talization. The petition to the Premier sewers available within two years. --A six-inch watermain is now in existence along the east side of Brock street. No problems in hook-up are seen. --Hydro is available from On- tario Hydro of Oshawa. The site and above the cost-totals al- ready mentioned. --At present no sewers run up| to the site from the Town of Whitby; although residential at: the southwest, jareas below the site are ser- --The field of vision for ve-|viced, Their sewers are present- hicles on Highway 12 is restrict-|ly at capacity, due to a bottle- ed so that access from Rossland| road would be, according to the) report, a better solution. --The land falls away to the west, ne k at the CPR overpass. | --Mr. Bedall quoted the En-| gineering Department, however, as making plans to reduce the bottleneck, and to make full rates of government grants, placed the ultimate cost of the| 120-bed hospital at $1.7 million. | $5000 per bed. This reduction ot $600000 would drop the price for the shareholders and the County to $1,1 million. The further deduction, should the hospital site be chosen for Ontario Hospital grounds, would bring the total to about $870,000, | It was learned that the Coun- ty of Ontario would be called on to pay 75 per cent of this fig- ure, or $652,500. The remainder must be raised by the Hospital Board ($217,500), There were three areas on Hospital Grounds' suggested as likely sites: One north of the existing buildings on Anne street (Gordon street); one at the southeast corner of existing buildings; and a third at the The Ontario Government pres-/ ently pays a grant of about} WHITBY PERSONALS Viscount Greenwood Chapter IODE are holding a Spring Dessert Bridge at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Thurs- day, April 16, at 8 p.m. Receiv- ing at the door will be Regent Mrs. Alex Ingram assisted by Vice Regent Mrs. J. A. Ander- son. Co-conveners Mrs. A, S. McLean and Mrs, William D. Leathers. Ticket conveners Mrs. R, .J Pantony. | Whitby Kinettes are holding| its dinner meeting Wednesday, road; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Appleton, Ricky, Melodie, Mon- ita and Ryan, of Scugog Island; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard, Brenda, Heather and Lori Ann, Hampton. Mrs, Louis Villeneuve re- cently visited in Valleyfield, Quebec, with members of her family: Mr. and Mrs. Rene Aumais, Mr. and Mrs. David] Adelard Gobeil. April 15, at Spruce Villa Hotel. Nomination of officers will be held, three new members will be initiated, they are: Mrs. Lois! Broughton, Mrs. Sally Forrester} Mrs. Murray Stubbings, 918) Greenwood Crescent entertained) her Progressive Euchre Club Group. Present were: Mrs. Ernie Collinson, Mrs, Clifford Partington, Mrs, Grant Locke, and Mrs. Corrie Bokker. |Mrs. Ron Butts, Mrs. Tom Wil: The winner of the "Money|Ccox, Mrs. Ken Edwards, Mrs. southwest side of the property. The first one, Site A, pro-| vides direct access to the base-| line road, and has ample room) for car-parking. It covers 20) lwas made by Kinsmen Presi- Fertile, Mrs. Herbert Walton. Bunny" is Mrs. Carrie Drago-|Robert Smith, Mrs. Roy Mollon, motz, 513 Kent street. The draw|Mrs. Tom Cullen, Mrs. John dent Howard Souter. Mrs. Wilcox was a special President of Rebekah As-|guest the occasion being her | Times. is in Whitby Township, 'and out- side the Whitby PUC area, ROSSLAND ROAD SITE This site is in the Town of Whitby just directly west of the new Ontario County Building, It is level, with a slight dropoff of Yand to the south and west, --It offers a panoramic view! over the Town of Whitby to the! south, and according to the re-| port "'wouk$ be a distinct land-| mark", | --Access to the site is un-| restricted, and plans are in the! loffing, it was learned, to widen| |that partcuilar section of Ross- land road from 66 to 86 feet | (allowance). --Sewers, as in the case of| the latter location, depend on the elimination of the bottle-| neck. In this case, however, a) second problem arises, as there| are residential sewers in the! area to the south, and a trunk-| line would be required. --Nothing official conceming| possible times of construction of oO |Bordeleau and Mr. and Mrs.|such a line, or indeed the fact\™@@"Y for all employées." Similar petitions, he said, were sent by the Ontario Hos- pitals in Hamilton, North Bay, and Midland representing more than 800 more signatures. Mr, Harkness, speaking on behalf of the Hospital employ- ees said: "Extreme dissatisfac- parts of engines and motors) with new parts. | "The personnel employed in Mental Hospitals, they too are. good mechanics. Unlike the, mechanics in industry and the fact that they work with human machines, the damaged parts tion along with a state of very low morale exists among em- ployees in the Department of Health throughout the province. "So much so that signed peti- tions by most of the employees at many of the larger hospitals are being sent direct to Premier Robarts. "Contrary to Finance Min- ister Allen's statement that the average salary for Civil serv- ants was $4,431.00 per annum, 80 per cent of those employed in mental hospitals receive under $4,200, "Some 60 per cent of those employed in mental hospitals cannot qualify for an NHA mortgage despite the fact that the minimum salary in order to qualify for: this loan is $2,850 per annum, i OTHER JOBS "Many of those employed in the Mental Hospitals and who BARBER SHOP 123 BROCK ST, NORTH | "WHITBY'S FINEST" ! Four Expert Barbers ! Adults 1.25 -- Children .75 OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY Closed Mondeys 668-20 cannot be replaced with new || © HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN e WM, B. LEISHMAN ar Russ Reeves MEN'S SHOP 129 BROCK S$, PH, 668-2091 iii | } Lrrediwle Dekbivery, Wise Home Owne rs insist on "HYDRA-PRESSED" Concrete slabs for Patio and sidewalks. fach slab Is precision made under 400 tons of pressure giving for the first time ever, superb quality et @ price you will like, "Hydra-Pressed" slabs ore frost resistent too, With our complete range of sizes and eolors, you now heve the widest choice of designs for your Petio and Sidewelk. Call us today or visit our plant for complete information end have families to keep have to| OWE /ZUMY Al JOUR FUE BROCHURE OW PATIO DBIONG seek other employment where they can work evenings as well as on their days off duty at the hospitals in order to make enough money to keep their families. This is a must in many cases due to the of such construction, has been| considered. The County. Building | is on septic tank. | --Water and hydro are not a} problem. REACTIONS: The Board of Governors dis-| caused the advantages and dis-| advantages of each location at length. More on the situation | will appear in Wednesday's| and Creative Styling in a relaxed atmosphere TH BEAUTY CLINIC HAIRSTYLISTS 301 BYRON ST. SOUTH PHONE 668-3061 For the Best in Hair Care || mein | %, CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD,| 659-8911 dicated that present and propo-|acres with room to expand. sed facilities could easily ser-| The second site, Site B is vyice the heating requirements.|aiong the existing entrance road At present the Ontario Hos-jand commands a view of Lake has three coal-fired boil-|Ontario. The Zurich report sug- i. of turning out ajgests that although the area is sembly of Ontario, Mrs, Mathil-|birthday. The hostess served a da MacDonald will make her/@elicious lunch including a official visit Wednesday, April| nicely decorated birthday cake. 15, at the regular meeting: to|™TS- Wilcox was also presented be held by Benevolent Rebekah| With a gift. Prize winners were: Lodge No. 132. \Mrs. Collinson, Mrs. Wilcox, Ibs. of in size, sufficient page ye et Locke per hour. Two of these room could be realized by com-| wr. Wiseman, Supervising Partington. replaced within two years with-|bining existing, and new, C@f-\school Inspector will o meat va oo out affecting the output. park areas. speaker at the Kathleen Rowe| LEAVE MARK | The present peak load of the) 'The thira choice, Site C, over-|Home and School Association a ae s Blarney Castle, | present hospital is 45,000 Ibs.,|lo0ks Lake Ontario. It is also|meeting of Wednesday, April 15. custodians each morning have it was learned, allowing consid-lon the existing access to the] pis topic will be "The new to scrub the lipstick of yester-| erable capacity to provide for a|hospital, but the report suggests| mathematical course for Grades |4@¥'§ women visitors otf, the general hospital. \that the use of this access is!7 and 8", All members urged Dlarney Stone. The a. also By an| not. deirable. men auxiliary boiler (gas-oil) C@-| 1, explains that an increased| pable of a 30,000 Ibs. per Me ate 'on might endanger| Sunday dinner guests at the 4 ' lest 4 at trees andjhome of Mr. and Mrs, Harry| 'The present boilers also pro-| renin i the Aes Appleton to help celebrate the vide hot water by means of Con-|""7y ore is an unopened road al-|61st wedding anniversary of! Verters and pumps oe var~| lowance on the west side of the|Mrs. Appleton's parents Mr.| ious buildings, as well as heat-| ; 'hich Mr.jand Mrs. Joséph Cowx, 408 ing through underground pipes. property, however, which } r.| d Mrs. José , itieg Beddall suggested could be|Dundas street west, included | LAUNDRY FACILITIES extended from the Baseline road|Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodd and Installation of laundry facili- SUPPLY TEACHERS Required to supply in area comprising Ajax, Picker- ing Village, Bay Ridges, and Rosebank. If neces- and Mrs.{ sary, transportation may be provided. Apply by | phone or in writing, stating qualifications to: MR. H. BURNIE, 739 Lublin Avenue, Bay Ridges, Ont. Phone Dunbarton 839-3890 to attend. (Victoria street) to the propos-/Tom, Alliston, Mrs, Hazel Little, ties at a 120-beq hospital were figured at about $40,000, The ed hospital. ' In. Sites A and B, it was CAROLE 'ANNE FRANK' MACKENZIE Mr. and Mrs. James Wong, |Wendy and Tracy of Thickson Anderson High Star Top Festival Actress Carole MacKenzie, High School's number one thes-|sented at the school in Febru-|i € i pian added new personal laurels|ary, was ranked in the top six|interior design', and hopes to} 'enter Ryerson Institute in To-| last. weekend. She was standing actress of 15 schools chosen the out- at Anderson'said the play, which was pre-|Grade by Mr. Sweeting. All of the cast which partici- June. She "furniture 12 interested this in jronto toward this end. from a field|pated in the excerpts presented) She will coninue her drama, the Second|at the Port Hope Festival were/she claims. ' | Annual Kawartha Drama Festi-|cited for their efforts, Miss) Carole'is the daughter of Mr. val at Port Hope. The award was presented for her inter- pretation of Anne Frank, from "The Diary of Anne Frank". Dennis Sweeting, of Toronto's Canadain Players group and 'adjudicator of the competition, referred to Miss MacKenzie's performance as "sympathetic, sensitive and moving" and de- scribed her voice as "just beautiful'. "Diary" director Sylvia Sloan, an Anderson English teacher! Sloan said. CAROLE THRILLED Miss MacKenzie was asked for reaction last night: "I was plenty thrilled', she bubbled in a voice that is half jJulie London and half Mary Martin, "it was so unexpected I'm just so happy" She revealed that she jhoping to study drama this summer as a course, A career? She is not sure yet. At 17, 'she will graduate from 18} * and Mrs. George MacKenzie, of Garside avenue, Brooklin, | IF YOU DON'T DRINK | ++. pay less BROCK WHITBY apurrranct Oa | MIRISCH COMPANY. EDWARD Jack LEMMON Y Evening Shows Start at 6:55 Last Complete Show Starts 9:15 (8) s" MacLaine BIL WILDERS TJ RMA"DOUCE story of passion bloodshed, desire ind death everything in fact, that makes life worth living L. ALPERSON recess SHIRLEY | for your auto insurance! Insure with ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, the one insurance company in Canada that issues poli- cies only to non-drinkers, We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. RIEGER 'and OSBORNE _ INSURANCE mountain climbers don't need one PH. 668-5431 -- WHITBY 218 DUNDAS STREET E. Representing the ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY et, Box 444, Simcoe. Ontor is| and| most people do: a bedroom extension! Save worry and hurpy: call us for yours today! BELL How do you shave on top of Mt. Everest? EF] Get there before the barber shop closes. & Gather wood, build a fire, melt snow, thaw soap, and use a blade, S Use a regular shaver with a 37,621 foot extension cord. [] Use a cordless Remington Lektronic f. It works anywhere, or] The Lektronic Il is self-powered. It works outdoors, indoors, up- stairs, downstairs. Even on moun- tain tops, So forget about sinks, cords and outlets, With the Lektronic II you get a powerful shave any- where, Energy cells store up power for many fast, comfortable shaves. To recharge, simply plug in the special cord overnight. If you forget to recharge, just plug in the cord and shave. There's no waiting. No half- shaved face. Like all Remingtons, the Lek- tronic If has adjustable roller combs for comfort. And a more powerful motor. And surgical steel cutters. But the big feature is cordless convenience. Great for around the house, in the office, the travelling man. Even mountain climbers. You must fit in there some where, REMINGTON LeALh aT ll