: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuccdey, Apel 14,1964 J STUDENT MATHEMATIC! ANS ATTEND SEMINAR Top mathematics high ia Ontarie Gough, a Grade 13 student head of J. Wesley Graham, the university's computing centre on the amatomy of a also visited science and engineer- ine. the university and to 'or the data processing centre of the Mutual Life Assurance Com- pany, As part of the semi- nar, they were treated to a lecture on finite geometries by Dr. R. G: Stanton, head of ad the mathematics department and head of graduate studies at the university. In the photo, the students are shown in the Computer Centre of: the University of Waterloo. Donevan Collegiate plays host Friday night for the annual dis- trict Gymnastic Championships. Teams competing for top hon- ors include high schools from Dunbarton, Whitby and Ajax, plas Donevan, McLaughlin and O'Neill Collegiates. M is expected that the DCI eymnasium will be crammed with spectators for the show which begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are 30 cents at the door. Teenagers Present Hootenanny Boys' Club "Fun Week,"' Mar. 3@ to Apr. 4, came to a close with a swimming meet and a Hootenanny at Simcoe Hall Boys' Club, Eulalie at Central Park. "Fun Week" was full of spe- cial programs, some of which | were: birdhouse building con- test; a float for the Boys' Clubs of Camada Easter Parade in Toronto; a chess contest; floor hockey; biddy and minor basketball games; a badminton playoff, and other activities be- tween Simcoe Hall Settlement House and Eastview. Thhe Hootenanny, which con- sisted of acts of talented Osh- awa Teenagers, was held in the Boys' Club senior games room and marked the end of the week's special programs. An audience of upwards of 200 girls, boys and their friends and parents, saw the show which was kicked off te a rous- ing start by the Teekwood Four with "Hey Laddy" and 'Puff the Magic Dragon." The True Tones (Brian Rutherford, mandolin and Mike Kashul, accordion) let everyone get a breathing space while they played "Washington Square' and "Dominic." Bernie Muzeen who was the master of ceremonies, made with some elephant jokes, but soon yielded the stage to the popular 'Two Spuds and a "Dud" (Jim Hutchinson, Mike McKay and John Gower), who soon had the audience rocking with laughter at their mimicing of "Riders in the Sky,' 'The Beatles" and other groups. "Tom Dooley," and "If I were a 'Hammer" sung by the Teakwood Four calmed every- body only to have the "Two Spuds and a Dud" return with ne Boys' Club at} Youth Groups Meet To Plan Expo '67 MONREAL (CNW) -- Re- presentatives of 24 groups have called upon the Canadian World Exhibition Corporation to create an advisory committee of young Canadians; which would work | ou: details of their participation in a 1967 event. The meeting of the various groups was the first since Com- missioner-General Pierre Du- puy's recent suggestion for a pavilion of youth at Expo. '67. The delegates, who came from ail provinces. of the country; spent two days studying plans; theme, and other aspects of the exhibition. They met in offices loaned by the International Civil -Aviation Organization. Expo's diroecter of exhibits, Pierre De Bellefeuille, was pre- sent at one of the sessions to answer questions posed by the delegates. Later, accompanied by other representatives of the exhihition corporation, the group visited the St. Lawrence River Island site. Groups represented at the meeting were: Jeunesse Ouv- riere Catholique, Jeunesse Ru- rale Catholique, Canadian Coun- cil on 4-H Clubs, Clubs 4H Du Canada, English and French sections of the Union Canadi- enne Des Etudiants, Jeunesse Etudiante Catholique, Fagecco, three more of their fun-filled mimicing skits, The Hoootenanny came to a close when "Itch," with the help of the True Tones and the Teakwood Four, led éveryone in a song-song. "Itch" turned out to be Bernie Muzeen, who soon had the entire audience Singing along. The Hootenanny at the Boys' Club is the first known Hooten- anny to be put on by Oshawa's talented teenagers, who gave freely of their time and talent, and should be es for an excellent show, Presse Etadiante Nationale, Ca-{of La Crue: nadian University Press, Stu- dent Christian Movement of Canada, Student United Nations Assovia.ion in Canada, Confer- ence Etudiante du Quebec des Nations Unies, committee on Young People's Work of the Ca- nadian Council of Churches, Na- tional Young People's Union of the United Church of Canada, Federation Folklorique du Que- bec, Jeunesse Musicales du Can- ada, Boy Scouts of Canada, Scouts Catholiques du Canada, Canada Junior Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Youth Hostels Association, National Indian Council, YMCA, YWCA, and Fedération © des Jeunes Chambres du Quebec. At the end of the two day meeting, the delegates elected a. co-ordinating committee of members. They are: President, Gilles Gariepy, of Montreal, edi- tor of the French Youth Niews- papers, Vie Etudiante and La Crue; vice-president, Stewart Goodings, of Toronto, director of the provisional committee for the Canadian Youth Movement Congress director of the Canadian ittee, World As- sembly of) Youth (Way); sec- retary, Robert Gratton, of Mont- real, past-president of the Press Etudiante Nationale and mem- ber of the editerial committee treasurer, Jean Bellemare, of Montreal, director of the committee on National Affairs of L'Ageuwm (an asso- ciation of University of Mont- real students), and vice-presi- dent of the provinsional commit- tee of the Federation des Mouvements de Jeunesse . du Quebec. Advisors to the committee are Valerie Forbes, of the Conseil Canadien du Civisme in Ot- tawa; Jean-Pierre Bourduas, of Ottawa, L' Union Canadienne des Etudiants, and Bernard Beau- champ, of Montréal, of the Jeunes Chambres de Commerce du Canada-Francais: The initial meeting also. re- sulted in the recommendation. that each youth organization: in - Canada approach international- groups to which they may be affiliated or with which they are already in contact, ang that, later, the official contact be made by the co-ordinating com- Finally, the delegates recom- mended that t cheo-oiatdringn Finaily, the delegates recom- mended that the co-ordinating ccmmittee study all aspects of a proposed. Congress of Youth which would imvolved youth movements all over the world. Perfect For 10% KING STREET WEST Teen Dances R. B. Reed & Sons FLORISTS PHONE 725-1131 ath.