Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Apr 1964, p. 17

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25--Aportments 27--Real Estate for Scle |27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Reol Estate For Sele |27--Real Estate For Scle 27--Real Estate For Sale --Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 14,1964 17 BAY RIDGES. $11,800. at ggg ebay GE ETT ZE| GUIDE REALTY | METCALF L. S. SNELGROVEJOHN F. DeWITH| SAVE $500 zi supra "veer te Mt SS new, heated. t rT N PL K al eS OP ge Eh 723-1121 REAL ESTATE LIMITED CO. LTD. REALTOR HALES TOC" eee a ee "a TILDEN BOATS Oshawa, : 7 40 Ki St. E TORS Ing completion, builder will consiaer CAR AND TRUCK Tr bee St ft, OMC 17, FOUR-ROOM epariment EXECUTIVE HOME custom Ing 2. &- : REAL STURGEON LAKE, 10 acre ONLY 7 older home In trade, For porticu' 'oveler, Starcraft, Lgypishete ' Cali Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. RENTALS Grew, Meson, Chestniut Can- building, jences, heat, , owne! -4678 porcels, with 350 feet loke rew, retigerter sopotions oe ey oghigal pel g, ging Dik. 779-46 723-9810 - 725-8761 frontage. Price $3900 per BUNGALOWS LEFT --|rige-sgonoom brick wungslow in| (All Makes and Models) oot, Evinnade, Peterborough ly lé M session. Glecott Supermarket, cm oRitcen level brick with attached gor- COUNTRY LOTS 43 Park Rd. S. porcel, 3 Bedrooms with gorage pontharal ey on Lakeview Avenue, Holly- erg ee inn a Ese Road 'South, Oshawa, age and paved drive. Attroc- | $1500. Mitchells Corners-- ORONO, 3 ocres with lorge $14,390 mie. piece bai fished 'exer ment. a "| Open Evenings end. Wake TWO-BEDROOM operiment, tive entry hall, living room Just east of Tounton 82 x |. BUNGALOW BARGAIN dsoth, tush. Asking $4,- < iiss es oes mic tie spies. belly Snlered Reeemnent| VOLVO en tvs os ee F greg 1 ear an a veliaie| ome stone fireplace, poo 260. Call now. $1,900 down buys clean 5/2 000. $13, 640 |Mecil Real. "Estate Broker, 728-4285. SALES AND SERVICE en p.m, lo J room 'a m kk em SERRE aanneReanenee mmm! A ' Phone fier' 6 pm, 7214574. | Sornity 'kitchen. Family room | $3,500 Simcoe North ot | Cooy, ay gi AJAX, North, Harwood Ave, | 4 bedrooms 114 baths on DOWN.. Sonciene | Ween. a oe ye pais MARINE STORAGE TWO-ROOM furnished basement apert-| opens onto outside patio. Also | Shirley Road. 5 acres con be 'and oll the extros added, olu- Nice, cleon 3 bedroom bun- $15,140 oven, Call 728-6286. $. D. Hyman, San Repair ond AND SUPPLY ment. Suit couple or two 'gentlemen, shed lit into 2 large lots. mod- a | Estate Ltd. TT agate Bem | + Reltied vere | ee, on ocd oll oe | Sinan ieee ond Smee | oO nine gee This ls the fina! elparence of =i a comrane Sires Fourbes| --_,Auto-Electric Service, HWYS 7 AND 12 ~ > worth look. ' built homes 1% bath ig! family kitch- itson Road Sout! ; ¥ $95, -- . TWO-BEDROOM apartment, stove) 2 pc. powder room. This is on other. Really = nice lot, real ous to sell, choy brick,; jlacterkd, fully ee ee 'The thedern. reach Oshawa 728-0921 BROOKLIN 655-3641 and 'refrigerator. Adults preferred. Avail) oe i tional home. Let us show ¥ londscaped ' able May 1. Apply 498 Simcoe Street ept $4,500. 10 acres - Several value at $12,300. OSHAWA Shochat | Stieat; Garainen GIG: endecebatl) hemes situated on 2, large ie dscaped SPOT CASH wonee yo aaa and Thor dryer, $70, Just like new. Must - North, Apartment 1. Telephone 728-6416, At Ne yee Norte: lots on broken fy 8 or $1,400 DOWN 5% roomed brick bungalow. storms ond screens, twin sinks |and many additional amenities. Owner THREE-ROOM apartment, hastod, stove] FULL PRICE $4,800---4 room sion just East of Courtice. ' Close to school, churches ond clock in kitchen. vanities |transferred. Will consider all_ reasonable sell. 725-79! end refrigerator, $65. monthly. Apply 335) fnighed cott Pigeon : Clean and well cared for 5 Oni $2500 dow ond ith colored fix- |offers. Patrick G. McDaniel, Restor, 108 pets ec ba: lh) River 16 ft rt 'sont in- $5,000. 10 acres - Mople room home with atteched sage e tures ea 'ean ; ae Coborne Wet Teens Se Good clean cars, Trade up pe val baling ee Se Tele FURNISHED two-room apartment, clean, luded j i Clas to Gov- Grove - Terrific Garden soil; gorage, low cost heoting by WHITBY, 3 bedroom, nice immediot aie jon, don't or down. Lens paid. off; a oe, oe sis, hospital, suit working . disail rg singe ee tee Very scenic location. Real iy be gaan wh A BABA ie Bey ite . tng jote sion, 28--Real Estate Wanted DODD MOTOR SALES Negril ROOMS pane el Vornitire only Sem oni couple. 4 Salas : lue here. H c i ' Y: ; Sgr eB ve f E-ROOM apartment, furnisned,| Conado Highwoy. Owner will vole 'ond doors, " ar $9, Asking $12,500 with % ,500 GERRY HILL AM 7-9712 | {FIVE 'e ie en worked in Oshawa. 314 ie oe Honest Cal's, 424 King | ne Private bathroom. Available Immediate-| take house trailer or lond os CLOSE TO HOSPITAL 900, carries for per down. Private, After hone 5 CHESTERFIELD end ag aha, Tair eae 4 ose gee, Oe Sr ee eae, : iia co OSHAWA,' Lewson: Rood, 4 AM 1-2309 TWO. or threwbedroom bungsiow" with! GENERAL REPAIRS (raiajii" 2 colton. $70. Tolonene 5 oor asi. Large 7 room rug bric' , 20d, ' . 735-6017, - 1 ! onditi iS roomed home on good size lot. under VLA. Telephone _TB8535, ALL MAKES OF CARS TYPEWRITERS, adders," coshlers, dupib 26--Rooms For Rent gay «el ie aly ha pag gg be, 4 sad he PORT PERRY . Only $500 py sia MANDERHILL WE NEED » 1\sslorey or 2-storey home PARTS AND SERVICE pen me 4 x ooms a WELL LOCATED! This dern os can be, $11,800 full price for spaci- REAL ESTATE LIMITED _ |for genuine. cash client. Call Henry Stin- All Foreign Make Ca new and TTRACTIVELY sours buses Be 5m upstoirs - clase to all a ous 6 room bungalow, fully BOWMANVILLE; West, 10 son at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. Carl foreign Me rs Be. South. Private poved drive downtown -- shopping. Only modern, high basement, oil ocres with 8 ed 'brick Over 30 years experience. Ce ee STATHAM be tom South, Whitby. FURNISHED ROOMS and gorage, good gorden with en $14,000 ond flexible f ' built in 'age, nice he ; WE have cash buyers for three- and four- B.-A. SERVICE OWERS special @ tt. tower os Available in private home. fruit trees. All aluminum - Well worth @ high lot toate crarced , all ore Sonvanit< ----| bedroom homes and duplexes. Cali Ralph Ritson Road ond Ki pi "on at ate tly Bg A Call between 5 ond 7 p.m, storms and screens, 4 pc. both Careful fal' inepection. ' ' ences, Only $4,000 down. Vickery Real Estate, 728-5157. 723-4733 od 723-7712 $i, Oshawa TV haws y teow bic ney SZ PARK RD. NN | Pee es reo onl DUNKIRK AVE. ee | ee ee H. MILLEN 29--Automobiles For Sale | BUYING OR SELLING ~~ [WRECKING 'ne ae 728-8671 bore kitchen. Full price $14,- Just look: a quiet street close 4 'bedrooms, extra large kit- Excellent income property. REAL ESTATE LTD. 1964 PONTIAC TED CAMPIN sonable. Telephone 728- to schools and shopping - o chen with loads of cupboards, Only $3,000 down. OUTBOARD motor, : is t T 5 os g iP Johnson, ex DIVISION STREET, 25 -- double furnish- i 'condition, e2'oom cis and speci. Sut "two| . SOUTH WEST AREA -- At- | reel forily Rome wit Yar large living room, neorly new | 144 4. iGHwWay FARM | 9 BAGOT ST., OSHAWA e MOTORS Johnson tes. Private i, ah ie ladies or gentlemen, willing to share. ' ; Tiled bath with van- double cement block garage, ae ; Pp. Custom Sport ban s or gi 5 9 t 6 brick bunge- | 'rooms. i ; arisienne Custol Pp lo, one year old, $30. After 6 p.m. Ample parking. Main floor. Apply ad-| fractive 6 "room bri ing ity, extra large living room low taxes, full asking price with excellent --_ buildings, 728-1679 vB 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA telephone 725-5555. dress, i oe ee low with 3 large bedrooms, 4 ond kitchen plus attached $9,900 with $3,000 down. streom. Home with oll modern 2 door hardtop. F automa- | Uust East of Wilson Road) WEDDING arauas hosdavens' eal SO, nee ag od i teaiec, Kitchen pate Hiei iy hfe Gerage and lots of extras. Of conveniences. Asking . $30,- New: houses new. way for 4 tic, power equipped, radio, | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _ =| anne SR 12, Original price $100, privileges, laundry "'feciitties, $10. week. lot wih dh arden: Close te | course, its brick ond lovely : ORONO 000. . Terms. | occupancy, three locations to | white with red interior. Will [1952 GMC one tone stake truck, $275. wouEaT CALE ore a 728-2767 9 landscaping too, - Priced ot Smoll cosy and compact ; R t- .| accept trade. | Call _afetr 6 p.m. 723-4871. HONEST CAL"S Furniture and m0. hools and 100 Acre form with river chose from, TRADES accep ep ances, Name b GRENFELL STREET, 62 -- Furnished o-- KF eal 314,500. | $14,900 with o reasonable home, nice location, large Brick home. Asking $9,000 ed on three bedroom bunga- | 1958 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, whitewall wy SLi. sae aheoning Contre. Atior b Bam. urch. Full price down payment. Call us to- lot with variety of fruit trees T : sh Na iar lows ond split levels, fourond | BOWMANVILLE tires. Will accept 'trade. $395. or make|ly mattress furniture en vor. conan telephone _ 723-2434. a alt Geein night to inspect this quality and 'bushes, hot ond cold erms. L fing" bedesons two: phere | joer. Telephone 725-8132. ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on ELIZABETH STREET--5 rr ' e Y, 623-3854 ~--_----------1494 King Street West hens PORT PERRY -- threebedroom split) jo cioy with large fenced home. woter, cupboards in kitchen, NEWCASTLE, Orchord Height sone with ottached garage. |-___C<". > >-"_| 1954 FAR@O ¥ ton panel truck, No rust|termerty" Avalon Bence Hell. Teliphens ee ee co wany more extres,| yard and terraced front lawn. EAD good size living room, one | Subdivision, near No. 2 High- | KELLY DISNEY __|{rom,_,the, west coast. Excellent me-i7204191 : hanate tnewies, § bey int NN mart) Divided basement. Hoge kit- SOUTHM é bodman, 2. piece, bONrea, | wey. Homes. Bull fo ermeh | ety 'ih ae ond USED CAR LTD. een een ees --;|€ANVAS awninah curtains, eongpies, gage. ner transfer rite Box Fi si rage, ci ' get } : 'omplete service. Free estimates. Peterborough or telephone 745-0775, psn _. a an oe cunens pots "gt bed- rite $4,500 with $1,000 en | en te, sien paved drive, mony extros ask- | 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST good 'condition, Telephone 728-0963. _|waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. SOUTH AND. Tyee conn tet' AA| Sranew LGA, market Ona | reom bungolow, Large iand- | down, boionce on one open | $13,100. Reasonable' down | 0G ony $12 200-00 "Con Bought one sold tam be and ns al 649 encom tb. tle ing. Gentleman only. Telephone 723-1399. ert =-- complete with | scoped lot fond in good con mortgoge. payments. For further information coll Liens paid off | 84 CHEVROLET converilble, good fires, and iby 32 ff. mast, 0" | Tight house i s. I orated and in g' zs ' t <1 - tor and befor tien. "Reeson po) Dag lOO yh oy 5 aay Yor" Clone fo Schooks VILLAGE BUNGALOW | Donoid Mountjoy - Guy LeBlane | 198 MRO vila. 83. Areca spond itm laganment 1 a ote re gt room. Sulit one or two. Telephone) 10 ACRE VACANT LAND -- ping etc, DON'T LET THIS 2 bedroom brick home just 6 Idso Wiersma - John M. Sandy | 3672 | dd i955 CHEVROLET Vton pickup, At con-| one Ysa Just north of the Ridges on | ONE GO BUY! few yeors old, modern in i959 "MONARCH 2-door "hardtop, tulone ition, radio, new seat, painted Inside and|PAINT special af Edgars Pelnt and WOLFE STREET -- furnished room or| the Port Perry Road. Priced every way ond loaded with eer oii ak AT 8 CONST. Sauer Wallpaper by Para Paints since 1918 |A-1 condition. Seaway Motors Ltd., out, After 5 Oy Cott anti nte light housekeeping ie for gentle] oe $5,500. Good woter sup- | INVESTMENT SECURITY | exros, the perfect home for AJAX fete rr thiel whitoy," 66s. eae aaa a 2 pr cont Gent on semni-glons tafox, xno STREET WEST, 440 -- Fornishea| PIY- ere. $16,000 retirement, full list price 'door sed choose veh xg ee Low down poy ; high lor and exterior $8,800 with $1,500 down Built and backed by [12 ECONOLINE picvp' "5000 sual Cire" seoway meintalned eee nundeslnager'® Peint end: Wallpaper, 36 King bedroom with vanity cabinet and sink. decom ; t ' ui G Armstrong & Sons |west, whitby 668-5893. |West, Whitby, 668-5893. in room, fi inutes| GIBB STREET -- 3 be And just look what you ge' ' g | vy nck iA OEE ODN wewcvar ye' GE dove, gy th gy Hote Centre. ee bungalow with aluminum sid- for the money - 0 five room BUILDING LOT REALTOR {1957 "PONTIAC 4door sedan *, auto 1959 ifn nage imvpee, wounematie (20 spring mattress, $15; basta" oad SINGLE ROOM for rent, beth en_vame| ng ond goroge. Lerge sunny | bungolow, plus 4 cottages | Courtice 66 x 660.ft. $1,350 723-1133 $950 DOWN Inst, cao. step, ngie: Sewer ete wal 'custom di iow mileage anaes fow 'crrard Looe ie floor, cooking and parking facilifies.| living room, full basement rented as housekeeping units cosh \60-5893. : A-l condition, Call Gladys 728-4688 be-/sis. Telephene Whitby, 668-8724, Semi-private entrance; gentleman pre| with olf fumace. T.V. ceriol the yeor round, plus 3 cot- One N.H.A. Mortgage lee RUSS iow Ane [harper 9a. = 6 BM. SHACK BAR, Tully ined iW neadad', terres, 7227". ith rotor, Full price $7,700. toges rented on overnite rates NORTH WEST--Spocious six Carries $79 Monthl i se rena OSS ie PONTIAC convertible, radio, bucket on Bag sng wi pr og) ' y, fittons $400. After. 5 primes call 7259627. SINGLE room, for from May to end of Septem- room bungalow with attached © cid A bade inindaiows, v8, with console, excel-|or. gAosivy grok: * ly pn og central. Telephone after 4.30, 728-9348, NEWCASTLE--85 acre form ber, Ideal retirement business Peterborough, 3 bedrooms, garage, lorge living room with 4 fecsi pil ing 1 eg Aised Black, "many, extras, including tet "condition. Apply Apt. §, Lansdowne! 499.299), eae nen - homes. wi s, wire wheels, mi Sea wee bare tee nome | bedroom: brick | bury: with steady income or solid prec Ani rig natural stone fireplace, lorge Tohinne coon, Cha echearie linal owner. Excellent condition, 725-8461. \rse pOWTIAE Comronilan"3aser horde ELECTRIC Fender, BI downtown golow ath fumnece ond pees: investment with Tying pre g sr 'o d vere, roger nine aed, hooded exhaust fans, vanity |1953 PONTIAC for sale. In perfect Y con-| automatic 6, radio, discs, 28,000 miles. E.S-TIA 5500 REM. Also one set tt Giri 'eferred. Phone 723- t sou lethal sure system. Gorage. This perty for on _ industrious asking $5,500. three large bedrooms, 4 piece |Wnont 170), Charles 'street, Port Whitby. letxcellent, condition," 728-0745. bathrooms, built-in Ranges oom, central, elose fo roperty is in.a good stote of le. Call right now for full as both, lovely treed yard with y 668-4267. ta Sg " mS for an Gu and up al aentieman repair ond has frontoge on porncutars ond @ personel in- aoe aa M eet, 5. plenty of shrubs, handy to ond Ovens. S| 1960 AUSTIN 850, excellent condition. Tigran alr Sw" mileage,' good| day. 867 Ritoon" Need "Seute Telephone 723-9895. both Hwy's No. 2 ond 401. spection. ooe , waterfron Fi F stores ond bus, etc, Owner PLUS, GRIFFIN ! [Original owner. After 12 noon, telephone! condition, Call 6232020 after § p.m. ee ee THREE ONLY. Single rooms. Running] Good woter supply. Priced ot : leoving city, priced to sell | HGR 25-1781, Gass PORTIAE irate Chiat ' - water, TV founge. Parking. Pontiac Inn.|' ¢40 000. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Scugog Island, 4 rooms, fur- ¢ $18,500 ad agenign | "Real Estate Broker 183 CoRvnn ey impala sedans fen matic, $1.95, or, best cash offer. Can out yas: rig nished, waterfront lot, $4,- wn payment. To see co' ; i redio with back seat ki Can, Sens Noreen, Oh gu SIMGOE STRETT NORTH = DIAL 728-4678 975. Haney Stnion ot 728-1188; | Ajax 942-3310 Peer anals, back-up lights, whtte 'walls aga biles Wented (Continued on Page 18) preferred' Call after' 6 p.m., 728-2822. afi od skis as ie! < Ken Hann Jack Osborne ¢ ji ; evenings 725-0243. | Whitby 668-5371 |discs, $2550, or best offer, 723-9263. 0--Automobiles Wa red i esarea, 6 rooms, just o few --| i955 CHEVROLET, standard shift, f 6 cyl f permet Ride i ogg Sg ig oround the north A & P store | Joe Mage Bob Jehyiston years old, Aahiehed: $800 HIBBERT ST.--Bungalow with . linder.. Telephone Moog p.m. - § p.m. $ ALL CASH $ . Suitable a me girls, willing fo share.) we hove commercial front- Dick Borriage | down ot: $5,900. 3 room: opartment all in ex- | Two Family Home 10-1799. For clean cars or 'trucks we COMING EVENTS 4 Light housekeeping. 725-0575. oge in this area some with iss pence a cellent condition, contains 1 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, xe, fed, in aap up or down, Liens paid rent, Pie ithout. modern kitch i Soren acon, Sot Fe). eiieee Oe for donate ro MAKE YOUR MOVE Cal LS. Snetorove Co. Lid | Engr, eicom, wes good | separate Kitchens Whitby, 68-8404 NICOLS MOTORS LTD. FURNISHED ROOM, =) use Of kiteh- gording this choice location. ON THE CHECKERBOARD 723-9810.or 725-8761 size bedrooms, 4 piece both 1986 PONTIAC, eight critters automatic, 146 8 BROCK sr. NORTH a Toes 727 for the owner, ond a 3 room Separa.e \Weeitey scares: Ae Bae Se 'oval Hotel OSHAWA FURNISHED ROOM, sult one or fwo| NORTH WEST AREA -- 7 B 0 LA H 0 0 D | <. D. HYMAN apartment always rented. | joss VOLKSWAGEN, custom radio, gocd| Awhitby by "668: wae LIONS CLUB ladies willing to share, redecorate, 1%) room brick ranch. bungalow Good income home equipped $2500 Down ba pig lg Be Excellent sec- 145 CARS WANTED B | N G 0 hospital. After a yeu with breezeway ond ottached with aluminum storms and eh 9 ee ee he locat Ask- will purchase this 943 CHEVROLET, standard, radio, white Buying a New Car? Two Aone vipa Bae] SS ihing com, sesorse | BROTHERS REAL ESTATELIMITED) font 667th reurct eee es OmRenay ee guy Mat Nee Crag or two willing to share. Sorting, taun-| dining both joom- 323 King Street West down poyment. Coll Nace . Annapolis Street, 728-7302. Talk. "Cash to, the New WED. NIGHT ary Len Telephone 7 ed. 2 bathrooms and attroc- -- REAL ESTATE -- 9 Hodgson ot 723-1133, even- Aciavbebin: tok weecebuen aie 1h CHEVROLET Bel Ar _ radio, 'power Cor Dealer and "SAVE". stan heme. room open entre vor set s \, ie " Home: privileges. 7 mrp gfe thy tot. "Be in -- INSURANCE -- 728-6286 ings 728-6408. session. Owner leaving coun- |mileage. 725-0142. TED CAMPIN MOTORS ,200 In eash Lat g CARGE, clean bedroom. Suit gentieman, Gave and oven and dishwash- -- MORTGAGES -- SHARBOT $T.--Better than try. Call Bill Millor, tele- i084 DODGE sedan, standard, Tadio, heat. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 willing to shere, single beds, $6.59 Per) or are included in the full TRIPLEX usuel well built five room | phone 725-1186. [1180 Simeoe North, 725-6937. | OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, JUBILEE bungalow with walkout base- | week. Close to South General Motors. es i 4.15 p.m., 725-8645. ice of $23,900. MILL Waal : s i960 PONTIAC, 4door. Good transporta-| 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck-) ean ae . INCOM Income property just listed, ment. contains three good size | W. T. Lamson ter for second care $75, Telephone! ing. Telephone 725-2165 or 723-4245, PAVILION CLEAN, furnished light housekeeping) nial fully rented and locoted in | i -- Toor five 'minutes. from. downtown, suit] OXFORD PARK TOWERS Special only, $9, i for this 5 n | bedrooms, large L-shaped liv- | Real Estate Ltd. 773-1080 940 "OR 1961 station wagon wanted. For FREE ADMISSION working girl or woman, $7. weekly. Dial The newest in modern apart- 7 room 14 storey income | ee einer we ing and dining room, good | i959 OLDSMOBILE 68, power brakes|'urther_informa jon, telephone Children Under 16 ; 723-7257. ment living coming soon to h 4 rooms with bath on ras cena Ounst kitchen with ample cupboards. and steering, in excellent condition, $125.|1962 AND 1963 Chevrolet or Pontiac cars f 5S\with small mileage. Harcourt Motors, 16 . We are exclusive f fl 3 rooms, plus 7" Aski price $13, 400 with 13 200 leash and take over payments. After | 27--Real Estate for Sale agents and are now renting \poth floor. 1 lear, Monthy: wil take beck one mortgage, St Gab down, For nicemecion eee See id ag Mill Street South, Port Hope, 885-6281. BINGO ' them for August occuponcy. ly. income of $145, Htirry cee jetails co ar on this one call Wes Elliott Large new~ brick home: on lautomatic and radio. One owner, the 32--Articles For Sale WILL BUILD! For full particulers call for this pole dur Bie ot ny evenings 728- large lot. North end of city. |mileage, al cenattien. Fag aig T HAVE A SECRET TUESDAY APR 14th Switzer Drive (south side) 723-1121 ose 728- 2217. _ $12,700 saat Three bedrooms, lorge kit: |i942 "GALAXIE 2-do0r, "sedan, economical ' . : Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, This is the full price for @ SUBURBAN WEST--An out- chen, large living tor ated |écvlinder engine and radio. Gleaming WE PAY MORE 7:30 P.M. nardisinomeneeiner BEAU VALLEY new five room bungolow tebe | tending forge six roomed | fou piece Tae, Path: oir iene West, Whiby sare, SELL FOR LESS. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED SPLIT LEVEL Puli gia 2 eo. brick bungolow- on a large $1. 500. Pita Asda epi Mf ia CHEVROLET, T cilindery Blocayne, Buying and selling used fur- 20 regular gomes $8 ond 810°. Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. $22,500. |; Se wn psy treed ond hedged lot. Feotures oe + [1963 CHEVROLET, tice 'radio 'end| niture and appliances. Call Shore The Weelth ment. Call Jack Sheriff tot approval necessary. For ap i TERMS a 24 ft. living room, 16 ft. | cointment. to: see coll Doug many, other, extras, Excellent nee Valley Creek Furniture $150 Jackpot 728-8882 APPROVED V.L.A, | [285123 BRUCE STREET mayor bedronm piss 2 betty | Elimar' 726-4800" or 728+ | uaregm rime Gao ei) 694 BOND W.TaBAAB_ | TTT Sarena e ae ; Two a half storey home just able property ond priced at offer, Call anytime during day. Tele- BUY NOW! Save up to 50 per cent on FREE ADMISSION luminum doors, . windows, awnings, sid- uilder Michael ZYGOCKI LOTS 4 BEDROOMS listed. Four bedrooms, living only $16,000 for quick sale. JOSE OSCO phone 728-9914. eR Fon eb ning b OXFORD STREET room, dining room ond kit- | Reasonable terms. Coll Henry PH B Bight tegen ah in owner | anytime 283 ne natansncies DNIPRO HALL $2 900 Asking $11,500.00 for this chen. Asking price only $12,- Stinson at 723-1133, even- REALTOR 'lear, $650. Apply 76 Eastlawn Street, |TELEVISION tower special, 40-f. struc: Corner Bloor Street end Edith ' six yeor old brick home. 900 with terms, Call Les Holl. ings 725-0243. --| 1950 PLYMOUTH, good condition, cheap. stalled and guarsnieed OF psntiagd id 10 minutes to city hall. Needs decorating. $1,700.00 PRIVATE SALE -- Large house, oll Tel Bay Ridges. 839-2639. . WHITBY | ee tae tis ies sean $1041 DOWN 299 KING ST. WEST heated, Good condition. Drew Street,| <> ooe- ae sc ee eee VF teh experience, 890, Trle Televislen, | TWO ONLY loceted in a mortgage ot 6%. Call Mr. Full down payment on new 723-1133 Telephone dab sinratan cite long steel body, clean appearance end|sTANDARD tranimission end reer end SPECIAL CLASSIFIED | BUILT-UP SUBDIVISION, Charla "Ronkine. at « 728- bungalow to be built in a i SIX-ROOM house end one acre of land|good condition, hmall mileage for 8|from 1956 Plymouth. In excellent condi- surrounded by N.H.A. and 5123 : Bult in stoves for sale on No. 2 Highway at Courtice.|1955 model, Suitable for a camper OFition, Radio, fit any car from @ 1955 up. MEETING a | V.L.A. new HOMES, hurry : ee ia ae Telephone 725-4924, contraclor. 395 cash. Telephone or oll Dial 623-27 ' » | these will sell quickly, just pee tlolry lth KEITH PETERS. Siisea, BARK BRICK bungalow, 5 andiNr aay eee ° *\BUY and sell, good used furniture and TTENTION | listed. OSHAWA ~~ sub? "ge wae ee ee Bilal a half rooms, garage. Kitchen and bath ae "WOLIEWABEN Gi ee oier appliances, One focation only. Pretty's RADIO PARK FISHERMEN AND COAMPERS FISH and SWIM pe oy ghey nc tbe peal Bm eet. ; REALTOR . 728-7328 tiled. Centrally located. 725-3773. fee fone ptodae af peat oe Simcoe South. 723-3271. Neigh ve die 900.00. 'oom ' : ) size 10-11, full length bourhood SOC. es rough pt gen ca | COTTAGE FOR RENT | b>ungolow. Call Mr Ed Drumm NORTH-WEST 103 King Street East Moar auth, oF Bloor east, Oshawa, oF san i a ee white vrgana, with ppliaue bodice | Es 2 = --enerrcenno mm | BUSTS ick, original cos' » wi i ets ecreewea tc cine: | OR SALE rPRESIA9 or 7259505, | | NORTHWEST | 9 acnes oF, vacant [inrtnatai atse MP |ne PONTME wes, nage oboe a's om cn Wednesday, Apr. 15 fr scddlieacal Ecsta RR } ' | 728-3934, ing equipment | LAKE SIMCOE BUILDING LOT MEADOW RD. | with finished rec. room avail- ph age ish oe pie) |§1000. DOWN, 10-acre lots, Choice, levellpower brakes, custom radio, good condi-| ain 8 PM WE RENT 4 bedrooms, suitoble for two 5 80' 190! built | able for the first time. One St boll idibsid il nah ot | garden soli with Madetheslly) ar wot cobtause After 630 pm. Whitby Cudes' seleaker; frester: Seanone Bal mM. Conoes, car top boats, motors | families, SAFE, sandy beach, | ses Aue 33 500 A existing mortgage ot 6% a Tl goa lg all tots are. tree aoe fee rl eae ' ssc piyeaoaih wage yO De Oter. After 5.90 pm, call 72-1007. RADIO PARK cobin trailers, tent trailers, perfect swimming, boating, é dab which carries for $79.00 in- " : your new home. Located only 10 miles Py Whitby |PRESSURE systems, bathroom sets, fix- ' Only one: left so better hurry. with terms. Phone Bill Rat best offer, Telephone after 6 p.m. y tents, etc. Garden and lawn fishing, etc. ONE HOUR from | 728 cluding taxes. Reasonable ; from Oshawa on @ good new road. Fulll 69.0979 tures, sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, CLUB HOUSE ipme tools Oshawo. Call Mr, Ed Drumm at'728- Aoi vy wed. Coll oliffe 655-3917. |price $3700, McGill SReal Estate Broker, Goat, anotors trelleca, cata: Ghekhh, Gar SUP EATN, DOMME ' 5123 or 725-9345. Sayinernt coqured: 728-4285, 195 METEOR Rideou fourdoor V-0 auto|nece' lawn rowers, Harry 'Chinn, corner FOR SALE $20,500 Bob Stevenson. EXECUTIVE OR DOCTORS |pive.room bungalow, twobedrooms, To.|Tetlc heater, radio ond. clack." Tole atlanta Park South. KINSMEN BINGO phone 725-1933. i ccsinc snaps Ivey cobin trailers, Con- Executive type "HOME", lo- TWO ATTACHED GARAGE HOME IN WHITBY fed edi very let treet ee Fe nei at eae gaara fae wa new PABY ~pargains 1964 model carriages| TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK adion and Silverliner tent cated in Oshawa's preferred SIMCOE ABERDEEN AREA hae Pe? th GOOD AREA, secluded lot, 7 [723 oA ated la ¥ motor, excellent condition. $1150. Iliness sa, i reppe eigh td ic le eek FREE ADMISION trailers, Springbok, Aluminum | rea this Home hos every. | We hove two lovely homes sad ie famed | rooms and 2-cor attached | wairevi soe Arthur" Street. Modern| rces_ sale. Dial Whitby 668-4500. , 20 Church Stree tly oy boats, Wiscott boot trailers, | thing, the WHITE COLLAR, to chose from in this very vue arbi -- garage with numerous extras [bungalow with basement apartment. This|1960 AUSTIN 850. Excellent t condition, caaarisoc eg igs, spring claen West Bend Motors | family man needs, substan- select area, Both homes have Golfview eights. e ineluding 3 bathrooms and 2 [home has large kitchen, living room and original owner, eighteen thousands miles./up time. Hundreds of yards of bright EARLY BIRD 52 es $500 under the Winter Works fs ees bedrooms on the first floor and a|After 12 noon, 725-1781. © cheerful patterns. Out they go from 23 WILDE RENTAL | taecrmuenrcstaime: | petoam.medan tachen |: Rgam ty eating' Boos | greene, nse (Ratan mutes (Te feo" 2", Galera ee mr KIgveN COMMUNITY Cera Stove and refrigerator go with this home. ition, $100 or best offer, T Church Street. : Iso has fireploce. Paved Gower. oy Owners anxious to sell. Asking $3,000 down cond SERVICE and SALES ing aavaus 723-2120. SAIL BOAT, like new, fully equipped. RUMMAGE AND | ay and garage. Priced to one mortgage. Patrick G. McDaniel, Ne Ice $400; al t trailer, I 415 Dundas E. Whitby CONANT STREET to sell. Call Mr. Irwin Cruik- N.H.A. RESALE $13,500.00 Realtor, 108 Colborne Street. Telephene| 1996 MONARCH seca automatic, redl|2 Sto.tb, capacity, hee ores Vi aah BAKE SALE 1. , i i low Y THREE LOTS LEFT that (02:22! Used one season. Priced to sell at $399. i ? 8-322 | $12,900. age, 5 Years, shonks ot 728-5123, Six room brick --bunga ONL oO eee wee hol Ticed building offer: Call 725-8192. er Wed., April 15th at 1:30 p.m. se 66! ' 6 _| three good. size bedroome, avoilable for the first time. homes can be built on, for" |iot near "gs se Telephone | 1932 DURANT sedan, 1950 Ponflac. Good weconarieiet ante Oshawa Recreational Centre - Do you need toxes only $268, this is 6 jBOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED One existing mortgage ot this price. Included are clay ~ |723-4916. ine [running order. Also wrecking 1946 Cadil-/ Vo i visions, $198 pode pod nng Gibb Street Gravel or Stone for Drivewoy, reol buy at this price, ACT : 101 Simcoe Street North 6% which corries for $68.00 brick, storms and screens, [BUCKINGHAM / ood full two-| 86: Die! 720-5808. ela Waneet Gale Discount Furniture bee (TB aie bane Sponsored by The Sand for your Patio, | QUICK NOW ond be in your per month. Reasonable down ceramic tile, some stone, ma- [storey brick home, three large bedrooms 1961 CORVAIR, tiances, 424 K 728-91 MEAN TO BE ene Concrete Mulch? | new home by May first. Ready for spring building. Ravine Lots Available. Open Every Evening: . mittee poyment. Call Glen MacKin- ts on jand separate dining room. Down pay-|washers, radio and rear seat speaker, mene cialis miayiesy | = d _trim. lment of $2,500. Douglas J. M. Bullied,|safety belts, 29,000 original miles. Excel- F e' TOPS CLUB hogany cupboar Cr) 2 : . Call Parle Allen 725- Zid Aes year-old, Nine-year warrenty, $200. Tele CALL 728-5157 Ee eck Realtor. 723-1168. lent condition, $1,395 or best offer. 723-3588|YFer Old. Ninewveee, | " OCIAL a MILLEN | oo INVESTMENT PROPERTY |PRIVATE: Low down payment. 14 slorey i958 CHEVROLET | tation | wegen. V8) Go0D" assortment of _young semi-dwart s ST. AL BINGO PRIVATE SALES 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING |Houdsilie. Low taxes and heating. Full|Telephone 725-8504. Het ge emo ene Rnglien GG 96! er Simcoe ond Bldor Sireet Phone 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED gate ov ba ag ae STEVE ZURBA BILL JOHNSTON WHITBY, Ont STEVE LEHAN BILL HORNER LIMITED ST. between Division. and {price $10,900. |__| i957 CHEVROLET convertible V8, auto-| <- MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soli RALPH VICKERY Four new bungalows to choose Mary Street, 1] room brick |PRIVATE. North west area. 3-bedroom|matic, new top, radio. Apply 70 Warren GOLF clubs and bas, Ridge gat WEDNESDAY citors, Notaries Public.. Mortgage funds , REAL ESTATE from at Virginia Beach Boule- home, modern kitchen, 'well sie ago ei ean te pS dalled Ce nee A available, 36 King Street East, 723-1107. | \ H dacchated; i goed condition: Cece em ns ee [i957 PONTIAG, convertible, fully equiPp-|q-.- HEAVY DUTY box taller, 12 |: APRIL 15, 8 P.M. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service| RALPH VICKERY 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 vord near Lake Simcoe. .Heav- Here ha. weed money: moker ed, $900. Telephone 728-0582. civwoed fishing: baat; avail tral GLK Everyone Welcome, Lunch served. gayle ai itee| 70! cre ooatuey Neen ily insulated, electric heated, priced to sell. Don't delay call OUFLEX feo-storey_ brick Ei | i962 CHEVROLET sedan, In good condi-|Ideal for cottage SO" x $0" picture win-|------ MAMMOTH lest, A good " . 4 AMI SRaveMARINS -- Suits, coats, pe | REAL ESTATE fences, running weter with two, three ond four bedrooms. today. Robert Johnson 728- |Call to Inspect. Arthur Weinberger 723-|7urgyq) rer: After 420 Pom. He Ee a cc. tr 4 ios 2548. 7244. Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377. fhe cE alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting sorne maple. bush, seventeen Large living reom, dining 8 TWO-BEDROOM, brick, storey end a 1962 VOLVO, red, sedan, model 1228, In;CONTENTS of house, owner moving -- BAKE SALE ecialty. M Toms, 668-2372. : F ' a 4s - specialty. Mrs. Toms, é | 46 KING ST. W. miles fram Oshewe. room ond kitchen. Built in SOUTH WEST Tw 59,900 with $1,200. downy" Call, Bii!|902d, condition, with all extras. Financ-everything must be sold -- private, no} APRIL 17; 1:30 p.m. DRESSMAKING - =~ Ladies', , children's ; Johnston, Vickery Real Estate, 7- 1066. ing If necessary. Telephone 723-1058. dealers please. Frig, stove, living, dining, s A er, Seat Wook ar Prat rat VEEN? eM: Beggs Pie ge psy oe ee, ASKING $900 down. Ask any good build- 1958 CHEVROLET station wagon, six cy- fraller, reer ton ond f lee ona St. George's Memorial Henry _Street, Whitby, | } i railer. arden is an lurniture an > fe Re bush, good trout stream. This TELEPHONE 668-2861 6 years, aluminum storms ond |)°"the cost today of bullding this spotless Neder siencerd ive, good cotati + Inany. teams tee HUTDereus" 46 nenitas : Church BABY SITTER to care for wo smal LOVELY CLEAN three-bedroom brick| . Property may be bought in soreens, antenna, rotor, rec |six-year-old six-room brick bungalow with Sh ae nae aby rs an-|169 Warren Avenue. Can be seen untill PARISH HALL, CENTRE ST. boys from 10 a.m. re pg ernat ry bungalow. Only six years old. Profes-| ten acre lots with low down WHITBY room, $97.00 P.4.T. Call Bill |rec. room and you will realize what a sae fogs tg lag pply Wal s ovclock Friday. Gaaniorsd tae = Pacea bi Guild 4.30 p.m, to ua p.m. Live @ ease Calli sionally finished recreation room, 12 by poyment, Irvine 728-2868. prize it is at the full asking price of) -- ee Sch EE ANCOR ONTO i CABIN CRUISER, 17% foot new, oak Kk 73 Whitby 668-499: 4%, with natural fireplace. Close to| $13,200. Mr, Bosco, 728-4353, Joseph Bosco|1964_ CHEVELLE, Malibu, super-sport|s-ameq, mahogany Bld bl gpl |FERNHILL Park Bingo, Tuesday, FOR RENT: 30 ft. mobile home traller,|schools, churches and bus. Asking $13,900./ Six room bungalow in Bow- James Harding Freages ggrgeeagen-cemasrd ~ Realtor, 728-7377. hardtop. Diplomat blue, fully equipped) pianking. 30 -- " abn Bie Bhai ors 16 games $6; 4 games $10, $15, $20 m three rooms. Ideal for small family. Ab-|with $1900. down. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, | 4 HOUSE AND TWO ACRES, in city lim-|goR SALE -- six "wooded land, on|4:400 miles. Owner must sacrifice! 728- od t Light abi $30. Share the Wealth. steiners only: Call 668-3226. 78-7377, | manville with attached gar- [ONE HUNDRED ACRE farm, slx-noom|its, modern, all conveniences, smalllvighway 35, lust Poh Peak gare eae ald i ema on rae iets ein' | GUCHRE at" Merman Park Clubheuse GinTED TO RENT -- Furttshed or Uv leiva US en offer on this one one ene| ont Asking only $10,500.00 {house Firirtobes eaypntiet ery Leper habia roy Som, nortowest Osnews, $2000. or nearest offer Tele-|1988 HILLMAN Minx, radio. washers,|with running lights; also heavy duty|every Wednesday, 8 p.m. sharp. Prizes, furnished house for May and June. Wil|rigif storey six-room home Cast" %0 with good down payment. For ness Trout stream Ideal for Haghbtys petal nda ws : Lali posted venient, Lbacooai very good condition. Before 5 p.m. tele-|tral Ln = ls jmontnly prize, door prize and lunch liar D. Winter. Telephone 668-3805. | school and transportation. Taxes $178,| further information call Joe pace eta ind Gun Club, Nine miles|FOUR-BEDROOM home available with|10 ACRES on Maple Grove Road North,| none 725-589). _ WE BUY sell and exchange used furni-\Se'vee- a SS TS for sale, Cochrane Street|Owner very anxious fo sell. Call Sail Crowford 728-1679, evenings -- |from Havelock and l'a-hour drive fromitwe washrooms, built-in stove and oven.|Good building site, $4,300. with $1500.) 1963 CHEVROLET convertible, super|ture or anything you have. The City RUMMAGE sale | Chureh Hall TWO LOTS for iv} | Harmony ¢ eres, $4,000. Call 668-5769 after 6 p.m. for| Wallace, 725-4297. Joseph Bosco, Realter,, 623-3672. Oshawa, $5,000. Apply Mr. Harvey Mof-|carport. NHA financing. Call 728-4286,/down, Call Joe Barnoskl, W. Frank Real|sport, 300 HP, four-speed, dark bive, | Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street|on Wednesday, April 15, af 9.20 a.m. Good 70-7371, fat, Hampten, Onteria, 262-2340, |S, B, Hyman, Reel Estate Lt, Estate Ltd, Bowmanville 423-2393, radio, Immaculate, Whitby 668-5754, South, 723-1671, used elothi information, ing. r

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