Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Apr 1964, p. 15

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Ex-Ruby Counsel Belli, former defence counse! for Jack Ruby, said Saturday that variety of thought--even in- toleance--is the spice of any 'healthy society, viéwed the trial in Dallas early sin of President Kennedy. was "a sick city gore" in America. wrong with Dallas boiled down to' the fact. that there is much conformity in the Texas community. - said, is "inbreeding--too much Lashes At Dallas TORONTO (GP) -- Melvin|wrong, necessarily, with Protes- tant Republicans, he added, but in Dallas they all think alike. Mr, Belli said even intolerant persons are necessary features lof a healthy community because they make the tolerant react. 'TOO MUCH MONEY' He said Dallas has too much money, too much smug civic jpride. Mr, Belli suggested Dal- jas pt Jack Ruby on trial and transferred its collective guilt to him. Mr, Belli, addressing Cana- this year of the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assas- In his review, Mr. Belli took .. « @ festering Mr. Belli criticized many per- sons connected with the Ruby |tried, from Judge Joe D. Brown |--whom he pictured as reading a comic book during an import-| jant part of the trial--to the local) |prosecutor's office, which he) He said the variety of things too The trouble with Dallas, he pens lnc ecient god amatones BAIR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 13,1964 5 onene sce tensnor ensue cmemenaonmnennrt Douglas Shuns'| Socred Plans -- | | SASKATOON (CP) -- T. C |Douglas, national New Demo- \cratic Party leader, Saturday! rejected a Social Credit propo-| sal for the formation of a na-) tional government in Ottawa. | Mr. Douglas was asked, dur-| ing an interview, what his views) were on a proposal by Robert Thompson, Social Credit leader, who said earlier Saturday a_na- tional government should be formed from the best talent available. Mr. Thompson said it jwas the only solution to the cri- jtical problems now facing the \federal government. He said: 'I don't think there is any crisis facing the country, although there are some veny rea] social and economic prob-! lems." | He said he didn't think a five-| party coalition would result in} Concrete Embossed Operating phe of Aluminum Gloss Panels Gloss atio similarity of thought." |said was proud of having sent|better solution of the problems] A "BAHAMAS ROOM" INSTALLATION by Nash Aluminum -- Oshawa ne ananassae AUN SS : Aluminum Atuminum Door Horizontal : Vertical Panels With -- Panels Mullions §=--- Mullions Protection Aluminum si |24 of the last 25 accused killers|except in a time of war or some) Dallas he said, unlike other|to the electric chair. other national emergency, | great cities of North America) On his own statements, fol-| Mr. Thompson said a five-| is no melting pot. He said that! owing the Dallas verdict in)party government, replacing the! |of 178 prospective jurors called) nich he called the jury bigots,|minority Liberal administration, | eh d A KISS FOR THE BRIDEGROOM lin the Ruby case, there were!yy. Relli said that a lawyer has|would be made up of men con-| 0 | bride, the former Catherine Temple Lutheran Church, and native of Haarlem, Hol- |but two Jews, two Negroes and, duty to speak out in the in-|vinced of the absolute necessity For more details come in or phone ond our representative will call on you, ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING PHONE 728-1633 Chubby Checker, rock 'a' "roll singer, leans over to kiss »a spectator as he leads his Lodders. down the aisle after Pennsauken, N.J., Sunday. land, The. woman at right is |jwo Roman Catholics. "'All the|terest of justice and social|to forget old labels and old for- their wedding ceremony in The bride, is a former model unidentified, lrest were Protestant Republi-| pights. |mulas. si niniceiie eet ~|eans."? : _.| The eight National Newspaper) He said a coalition might be IS ' h A . | Not that there is anything|, wards, announced earliér,/the only way to save the coun- Cotc Irives ------------I went to Anthony Westell of the|try from complete political . 95 ATHOL ST. EAST 'Cancer Probers Offer Comfort To Smokers CHICAGO (AP)--Cancer re-| In fact, the person smoking a 'searchers came up with a wee/filtered cigarette is exposed on bit of comforting news for cig-\the average to about half as ~arette smokers Saturday. much "tar" and nicotine as the , And they offered some tips smoker of a regular cigarette for making Cigarettes still ten years ago, they said. "safer." ae And there is less. of the can- A majority of filter tip cigar-\cerinducing materials in the {ettes now contain less "'cancet-|remaining tar, if the tobacco inducing properties" than cigat-|has been homogenized, and air- ettes formerly did, said Drs:\cureq rather than flue-cured or Ermest L, Wynder and Dietrich| g:in-cured, they added. Hoffmann of Sloan-Kettering In-| 4, for tips for further im- stitute, New York City. | provement: Kenya Police Fight Squatters FIRST CANCER STEP NAIVASHA, Kenya (AP) Destruction of cilia is thought Prime Minister Jomo Kenyattas|by some experts to be a first government is cracking down|step toward inducing lung can- on hundreds of illegal squatters |cer. : threatening to take over many| They discovered this in draw- European farms in Kenya's for-|ing smoke through water in the mer white highlands. manner of a Turkish waterpipe. Police armed with rifies,| For smoking without need of machine - guns and tear gas|carrying a glass of water, a fil- have been raiding squatter|ter - tip might be developed * fective than a dry one in pro- tecting the cilia, the fine hair- like projections on linings of bronchial tubes. camps. Several Kikuyu tribes-|which becomes moist with the eamplete combustion by adding men have been jailed. first puff of smoke through it, Many white settlers believe it/Dr. Synder said. is a case of too little too ate; Drawing smoke through com-; They fear they soon may be|pressed charcoal cut down on forced out of business unless ac-|the cilia-injuring gasses more tion against the African squat-|than drawing it through a filter tere is stepped up. of fed activated char- "The European farmer is be-|coal, the researchers found. set by 4 breakdown of law and| Ail this evidence is based on order," says the president of|chemical analyses and tests the Kenya National Farmers|with laboratory animals, they) Union, John Pollard. "His live-|toid the American' Association | stock and produce are being|for Cancer Research. stolen and his tabor fs un-| Whether the changes in to- disciplined to an extent un-|pacco and filters would really known before. lreduce lung cancer could be "On the farms near Naiv-|jearned only by keeping track esche the majority of the landio¢ the health of smokers, they has been taken over by illegal|., id. squatters and the farmers are or soon will be out of busi- wg gg ene ~ 7 A, E. JOHNSON 0.D. o many Kenya Negroes, in- dependence was the promise of OPTOMETRIST an unbridled land grab. When 14% King St. East it failed to materialize squat-| 723 2721 ters took the law into their own hands. "BROWN SPOTS" IN PREGNANCY Q. Is there ony way to remove "brown spots" that develop on the face during pregnancy ? A. Since such spots usudily fade after childbirth, most worten oré cOntent to mask the discoloration with ¢os- wretics. The medically unsupervised use of chemicals to bleach the skin is not recommended. Very often the bleaching process is corried too for and the unfortunate do-it-yourselter is left with permonent white spots that con be quite disfiguring, REMOVING ADHESIVE TAPE Q. 1s there any wey to gemove adhesive tape without "taking the skin off ?" A. When asked the question, 'What is the best way to remove adhesive top ?" most professional persons ore likely to say, 'Just rip it off!' Though speedy, "ripping it off' €ah be Very poinful. A North Caroline doctor suggests dn alternative method. Gently lift a corner of the tdpe with the thumb and index finger. With fingers of the other hand, géntly ond slowly press the skin just beneoth the fope. The pressure should be awoy from the tope dnd toward the center of the dressing or bandage. Continue to press oway from the skin until the tope hos been removed. This methéd isn't poiniess but it is said is the function of the patient's personal physicion. Rernember--the diagnosis ond treatment of disease fo couse less pain thon 'ripping'. of today's medicine little. The real "miracle" is: thet so much eure costs so @ FREE DELIVERY ® OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. 723-4621 A moistened filter is more et-| In Irish Ship | | | DETROIT (AP) -- An Irish | freighter brought a cargo of \Scotch whisky to Detroit day and won a fourth consecu- é tive trophy for her owners for Dr. Wynder, one of the first haying the first foreign ship ar- researchers to point to an as-/rival of the season here, sociation bet ween cigarettes bag! yang! rer Peas yee : gis ; wag first in Detroit in 1962 an and, tung bowen eald he felt ships of the Head Line of Bel- it is our job to set up prin- tact have been first since 1961. \ciples of how to produce less hazardous cigarettes. The only|the first regularly - scheduled| way to cut out the risk is not! gcean vessel docking in Detroit! to smoke at all, But I fear|... scheduled today many people will continue to) Capt. Edward G. Davey will |smoke. accept it for the third time. He | "No single agent in cigarettes) was master of the Torr Head in jis responsible for the hazards,"'|1962 and of the Carrigan Head Dr. Wynder said. "A multiple|jast year when it arrived here japproach is the key to making! first. |them less harzardous."' -------- am | The more completely the to- ISSUE SECOND BOOK [bacco burs, the less cancer in) REGINA (CP)--Rapid growth| ducing effect there is from thelin northern and southern sec- tars, Dr. Wynder said. Homo-| of Regina have forced fiat . "tions | dienes gig anise ain Saskatchewan Government Tel- In the laboratory, even more /enhones to issue its second tele- complete burning was achieved! ,hone book within a year for with agen pre Looted Tlthe city. An SGT spokesman jentirely of stems and homogen-| av. rearrangement of numbers ized tobaccos, or by use of finer bier yi cuts of tobacco. Drs. Wynder and Hoffman also achieved shower and more necessitated the reprint. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Slipped Disc traces of metals, such as copper nitrate, to the cigarette. James, Sun-|" Presentation of the trophy for|* JAMES PLANS COMEBACK |Tornonto Globe and Mail for edi- WINNIPEG (CP) Gerry|torial writing; Robert Hill, Ed- former star fullback)monton Journal, spot news re- with Winnipeg Blue. Bombers, |porting; Robert Turnbull, Globe} said Wednesday he will try tojand Mail, feature writing; Alex-| earn a spot with Saskatchewan ander Ross, Vancouver Sun, | Roughriders for the 1964 West- staff corresponding; Kent Stev-| ern Football Conference season.jenson, , Calgary Herald, news James, 29, has been out of ac- photography; Boris Spremo, tions ince Blue Bombers gave|Globe and Mail, feature photog- him his. unconditional release injraphy; Jan Kamienski, Winni- 1963, James spent last winter| peg Tribune, cartooning; and coaching a hockey team in|Gary Lautens, Toronto Star,| Switzerland sports writing. | The reluctant young suitor was finally cornered by the girl's s father and had to declare his in- 'tentions one way or the other: >| "I'm very much in love with your P daughter, sir, but I'm afraid I'm | not making enough to support | her." i "Don't let thet stop you, son, neither am |." Here's a note for prospective brides When the knot is finally tied and you settle down to keep house we'll help you save money in one department . . . and that's clean- ing your clothing, wedding gift linens and other household fabrics. Quality cleaning is my personal guarantee. BOB.EAKINS Cf hat But they quickly noticed a se- rious drawback to this kind of) cigarette--it smelled horribly. | Nervous Stomach | 100 King St. E. 728-5156 | Cal CLEAWIT SERVICE? 725-3555 NEW THRIFT SENSATION FROM GENERAL MOTORS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Great new standout in the economy car field | how at your Vauxhall-Pontiac-Buick Dealers a Viva is no ordinary small car. Comp gives you tight-fisted economy that 30,000 miles between lubrications to 45 mpg. Viva is roomy. Has lots space. Rides smoothly, handles delig we said--Viva is no ordinary small c drive one soon. windows for extra shoulder room Canadian-designed heater system THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT, PHONE 723-4364 others, it gives you more power--much more. It More facts on Viva--50-hp engine + 10% cu. ft. trunk + 4-Speed all-Synchro- i ! E . -Synchro-Mesh transmission with floor-mounted finger-tip stick-shift « Magic-Mirror finish * Full rust Protection + Curved glass SEE YOUR LOCAL VAUXHALL-PONTIAC-BUICK DEALER VIVA SEDAN ared to the VAUXHALL VIVA $1,773 * "Suggested maximum retail price of 2 Viva Sedan with heater and defroster at Oshawa-Whitby Price quoted includes delivery and handling char; Federal Sares snd Excise taxes. Provincial and ieeal lets you go and get up of luggage htfully. Like ar. See and chaos ' Choose from - 22 tlights Norwich, England 0.and save with the lowest jet fares ever! when you please--this summer, take your pick ONLY BOAC AND TCA FLY DIRECT FROM of 22 BOAC and TCA flights a week to Britain! TORONTO TO BOTH LONDON AND EUROPE Fly how\you please--by magnificent BOAC Rolls- \ Royce 707 or TCA DC-8 jet. Fly where you please ALL OVER THE WORLD --direct from Canada to Glasgow, Manchester or London, BOAC's gateways to all of Europe. You'll, be pleased, too, by this summer's big TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU savings because never before has it cost so little to jet to Europe! Save with new 21-Day Economy Excursions<or with new low Thrift or Summer Season Fares. And take advantage of BOAC's Budjet-Air Plan (10% down, 24 months to pay the balance of your air fare). See your BOAC Travel Agent. BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA --. WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 taxes and licence are not included. ¥-564C H. DICK PONTIAG-BUICK LTD. 103 DUNDAS EAST, WHITBY, ONT. MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 723-9441 PHONE 668-5846

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