Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1964, p. 3

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IN THE LEGISLATURE Ontario Pension Plan Requires Close Study! 2 | s| F 4 The 10 provinces already have|fits at least equivalent to the) gf yg ¥ -- {io hospital insurance plans and) Canada Pension Plan and pos- shawa e"® lit. has not divided them. The sibly wider benefits. The pro- The main topic of discussion province of Ontario has always|posed Ontario plan would be a) at the provincial level at the carried its full share of domin-| completely new plan. The mini-| moment is the question of thelion responsibility, It is interest-| mum pension plan of last March| Pension Plan, I would like 'o/ing to note that at the. present| would' be rescinded. | briefly outline some thoughts on|time the federal government) If Ontario were to 'operate a this: very important item. jraises about 45 per cent of its pension plan we here. in On-| It has' been determined that|tax reyenues in Ontario, but'tario would have complete con-| Quebec is exercising their right] makes only about 30 per cent of|trol over any alterations in the to remain outside the Canada| its expenditures in our province.|plan that may be made in the Pension Plan, By this decision|/Quebec, on the other hand pro- future and would also have; it is apparent that a nation-lqices about 25 per cent of fed-jcomplete control over the re| wide Canada Pension Plan can-|era] revenues and receivesiserves that will be built up to not be arranged. The prime| about 27 per cent of all federal give security to this plan. These minister of Canada has indicat-| ending. points are worthy of important! ed the Canada Pension Plan is} Jt seems only fair and right consideration, Under the present quite able to fanction and to|the government should considerjarrangements of the Canada provide benefits for the balance/the advantages which would ac-/Pension Plan, future amend- of the provinces of Canada) crye from. a provincial pen- ments will be decided by =e which may wish to accept it,/sion plan, when a nationwide|bers of the federal parliament, even if both Quebec and On-|plan is obviously an impossi-|75 of whom come from the prov. tario do not participate. Thus,/pility, The province has much/ince of Quebec, who are not par- from the point of view of On-proader powers to legislate im ticipating in the pension plan. tario, we are free to do what We|the field of. pensions and can| The question of a pension pro- consider best for our own peo- give greater benefits, particu- gram for the people of Ontario ple, without the worry that wejjarly in the field of disability,/must not be permitted to be- might. be keeping something curyiyorship between man and/come a_ political football. The from other provinces. wife, orphans and children, Con- transcendent consideration in There are some emotional siderable advantage escapes be ee Se vac Saat statements being made to the! gained in having available large is > benefits ajo : i -agmenting financial reserves which could|to the greatest number. It is the Soras ar Miawtion' » Pro- ned to advance the econ- duty of the government of On- vincial Pension. Plan, but thislomy of our province. -- _ jtario to _-- : statement would be hard to sub-| Another point which is being scheme which wi a 'a stantiate in view of Prime Min-|considered is the matter of in- most useful ee ne -- ister Pearson's statement. An tegration with existing private who invest in it. -- Ontario Pension Plan may or|pension plans to preserve a per- must at ail times "S - may not turn out to be the/son's equity or savings in such upon the protection Ms . p a best solution, but if it does)plans. The suggested Ontario) sioner and the security he mu : there need be nothing in it to/pension plan wou'd be a public have. This must. be the para- divide Canadians. plan, which would contain bene- mount consideration. Law Covers Use of Lights In its safety tip this week, the Oshawa Junior Chamber of CAPSULE NEWS Beatles Will Invade Metro te Oshawa Junior Chamber o TORONTO (CP) -- The to seek out targets by homing agen ae cae ee Beatles, map - haired English|in on the heat generated by icles tibia onehelt hour be: rock 'n' rol: group, will perform|their motors. fore. panaat. at Maple Leaf Gardens Labor| PLEDGES TROOPS they | Section 88 of , the Highway vii' Exice 198.008 for te a KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia|Traffic Act states: will re h -| ' \(AP) -- Prime-Minister Keith) "When on a highway at any night stand. |Holyoake of New Zealandj\time from pen Maal eried TEEL MAN DIES \pledged today that his country|sunset to one-half hour before pene CP) -- John Hugh| would send troops to defend | sunrise, the driver of a motor 85 ( neral superintend- Malaysia if the crisis with Indo-| vehicle equipped with multiple ape ' fino Steel and|nesia "deteriorated as a result/beam headlamps shall use the) *4 a Mae : steel plant at/°f military aggression." [lower or passing beam when ce re NS. for nie tke 95|cireles in Bracknell. (a) approaching an oncoming) fugu years, 'died "Friday. Survivors | é ' behicle within 500 feet; WILL IMPOSE QUOTAS include his son, Blair, Ottawa) _ | (b) following another vehicle} ~ a i PARIS (AP)--France and Ai- within 200 feet, except when in editor of Maclean's Magazine.|geria agreed Friday to reduce|ihe act of Gretiaias shh taee: a the flood of unskilled Algerian}; ,,» REPORT PROGRESS workers into. France. Quotas) RSO 1960 ¢.172. 5.88 OTTAWA a -- The a. wil] be imposed July 1 based on/ ' wegian expedition ing*to/ the ber France can absorb. i ' : cross the North Pole on foot) With Algeria's economy in bad! ne = ering Bervosetiidy bes now is an estimated 50 miles|shape, 52,798 Algerians arrived teactin when they reflect from north of Alert in the Canadian|in France in hte first three ihe reeks ig Eh Maay Arctic, northern affairs depart-|months of 1964, compared with 4. én eee aks Rhee ment officials said Friday.|49,500 for all last year. Many aor be Sy ee ae Alert, on the forth coast of|cannot find jobs and crime ns ° nd back , cdicaie hel Ellesmere Island, Canada's}among them is increasing. j sigaaitts gurl veidcia.| p most northerly land mass, is|shore or were rescued. jintention of passing a i. : H ;You should not leave your lights | come 699 miles from the pole.| ex ENFORCEMENT [on high beam,- however, untill GUARD'S WIFE SUES | SAN JUAN (AP)--The presi-|your vehicle is abreast of the, dent of the Puerto Rican Med-|vehicle you are passing. Bogie gig in de an ical Association said Friday 10,-| Two vehicles proceeding to- |e Penitentiary guard, shot and 000 women come here each year|ward one another travelling at killed by a fellow guard while|from the mainland United60 mph are actually 176 feet] being held hostage by two pris- States for abortions. The pres-/closer to each other as each) oners, filed a $155,500 damage 'dent, Dr. Carlos Bertram, met|second goes by. The brief semi- suit Friday against the warden|With justice department officials/blindness caused by lights on pie the guard. Mrs, Georgette to discuss. better enforcement of high beam could be costly in Rainville-Tellier, alleges in her|#"ti-abortion laws. lives and property. ee es ee --| ostricr | Hidden Crisis In Land Use from rash and careless acts on} 3 GRASS FIRES 24-hour | the part of Warden Michel Le-| Corre and guard Alphonse Des- The Oshawa Fire Department reports that in the period up to 9 a.m. today, seven routine ambulance calls were} ormeaux. made ahd three grass fires FORMER BISHOP DIES ones san "the man and the hour met"./with his environment. Farms|single tapestry with all was i Mh BY SECTION OF THE SEWING DEPARTMENT By D. F. SYMINGTON TAc heroic eras of land use in people; and life and recreation expert, the] it-yourself ajOnly occasionally have our in-|planning of history|thousand symptoms may be|stitutions reflected the fact thatlinterest of the|supported in principle and criti-| breadth of | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 11,1964 3 SKLAR PLANT TO DOUBLE 'SIZE OF WHITBY PLANT | | (Continued From Page 1) | The time standards are set so jthat the average incentive em- ployee, working at normal in- centive pace, can earn between 20 and 30 per cent. above his or her base rate. This js one production line on which you never hear "speed- up" complaints, The more work performed, the more money earned. : Sklar is enthusiastic about the production line method in furni- ture making. "We introduced it into Canada," says Sam Sklar. "This plant gave us a real op- portunity to demonstrate its pos- sibilities. "When we moved in here, we did not anticipate any expansion for about four years -- but by last February, within one year after we occupied the plant, we knew we had to double its capacity, quickly. With this ad- ditional expansion, we look to be able to still further reduce costs, get a still larger share of the Canadian market, and pass the resulting savings on to the con- ;sumer."" The largest dollar investment jin the new addition will go into} the woodworking section. At! |present, this' section works on| a double shift, to supply the |plant with its current needs. The addition will see the woodwork- ling section expand to four times Ff lits present size. More modern '/equipment will be installed. DIAMOND TUFTING SPECIALIST lfrom the viewpoint 'of the wild- municipal affairs departments. |these set the pattern for future| democracy needs a kind of do- public sh! comprehension and largesse of are often seen as times when|seen of man somewhat at odds|our environment is, after all, ajprograms should be understood, concept, and the leaders must! be carried by the people. TORONTO (CP) -- Rt. Rev. George Anderson Wells, 86, a former bishop of the Anglican diocese of Cariboo; B.C., died at his home Friday. Bishop Matheny aeaagg gh THREE-CAR CRASH 'Churchill, his grand challengejare posted against 'ur|threads interwoven and mutual-! cized the| a ob "pe bece War ph of; Three cars were involved in a blaring out against the counter-| naturalists, sportsmen apfd gun-|ly dependent. tpeople. army 2 ' rear-end collision Friday on|point of Dunkirk, produced ajtoting vandals alike. We have made a few valiant| The land use crisis does exist, King street, just east of Ritson Tesonance that will be remem-jand marshes are drain "|attempts, however: The River|and people - - most people - - road. Damage was estimated|bered; yet had this particular|stroying fine wildlife haljitat to|valley Authorities of Ontario,{are affected by it: This crisis, at $300. Drivers were: Danny|hour not come, he might have|make dubious farms. Mrivate| Manitoba Development Therrien, RR3, Bowmanville; bee" merely a brilliant failure.|shooting preserves are ought|ority plans, ARDA the|sharp focus like the Battle of Edward Darch, RR4, Bowman.-| Kennedy, if in power a decade|by the wealthy. Shorelines kome| Agriculture Rehabilitation and|Britain, the New Frontier, or constructively by val FIRST FESTIVAL The first Shakespearean festi- in Stratford - upon - Avon, England was a grand affair. or- Auth-|however, will never come into| ganized by actor David Garrick in 1769. Within a year, the entire plant will have automated inventory control and data processing. QUALITY CONTROL Quality control is maintained constantly by everyone from the section foreman to the inspec- tresses who clean and inspect \the finished pieces of furniture. 'Members of management are the final arbiters as to what is acceptable, and they are con- stantly spot-checking the plant, to ensure that their concept of high standards of quality is maintained. Even the wrapping of the fur- niture is a highly specialized Baltimore Farmer Escapes TORONTO (CP)--Glenn At- jkins of Baltimore, Ont., a free- lance tobacco farmer, said Fri- |day that he and five other On- tario tobacco farmers have pur- |chased land in Quebec to escape jrestrictions of the Ontario Flue- ;Cured Tobacco Growers' Mar- keting Board. | Mr. Atkins and Ervin Robbins both grew flue-cured tobacco during the last two years with- out the board's permission. Mr. Atkins said the group in- cluded Marshall Faulkner, also of Baltimore, about 20 miles south of Peterborough, and oth- ers from the same general area who have board permission to grow. He declined to name th others. He said the six have ecquired at least 1,000 acres near Shaw. ville, 50 miles northwest of Ot- tawa, about one-third of which may be planted this year. Quebec has no restrictions on tobacco growers, Mr. Atkins and skilled operation. Sklars were the first to ship chester. field sets in cartons. They de- veloped their own packing meth- ods and cartons. The efficiency and quality of packing can be seen right down to the heated Sticky paper on the machine from. which the packer can "dial" the length of tape need- ed to seal a carton. The 'new plant will enlarge the new crowded shipping fa- cilities. There will be seven in- door truck loading docks, and space for loading five railroad cars, and goods will be carried into the shipping room on a con- veyor. Behind the sleek operation ig a hard-working staff of product development and methods engi- neers, They are continually im- proving product design, solving technical problems and search ing for faster and more effi- cient production methods, while at the same time ensuring that the quality standards are main- tained. "United States furniture mak- ers have sent their engineers up here to see how we main- tain quality using production line methods," revealed Louis Sklar, in tribute to his staff. KEEP CLOSE WATCH The Sklar brothers, together with members of their staff, visit all the large furniture and supply shows around the world, hunting for new and improved techniques, equipment and ideas. In this way, they keep pace with changes in engineer. ing and construction, as well as new developments. in fabrics, colors and design trends. An 18man sales force roams Canada from coast to coast, Seven of these handle the Merie dian brand, an economy line of goods, and the balance sell the regular Sklar brand. The beginnings of an export trade are seen in the recent apponitment of a sales repre sentative in the Caribbean. How- ever, exports are not being pursued too avidly now be- cause the home demand is so great. This is also given as the reason for the company still re- Stricting its activity to the up- holstered furniture field. It igs hoped that other types of furni- ture will follow. BIG SHOWROOM Topping off the company's selling facilities is a 16,000 square foot showroom north of Metro Toronto on Highway 400. It is not open to the general public. It is used primarily for visit- ing buyers. "And it gives our franchised dealers a place to show their customers our com- plete range of products," adds Sam. Between 60 and 70 individual room settings have been ar- ranged so as to show the differ- ent furniture lines and group- ings in living room surround- ings. The interior decorating is done every year by Phyllis Mor- ris, who is a top california deco- rator. CALLS GOOD GUY BAD LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Ac- tress Barbara Luna divorced actor Doug McClure Friday after testifying he 'slapped me around for no apparent reason.' Miss. Luna, 26, and McClure, 28, star of The Virginian television series, were married in Los An- geles Dec. 17, 1961. They sep- said. In contrast, Ontario's 4,300 flue-cured tobacco growers this year have been ordered by the marketing board to reduce acre- age to the lowest since 1945. Land in the Shawville area is light and sandy and of little use for anything but tobaeco, he jadded. | NEED... FUEL OIL ? PERRY Day or Night 723-3443 arated last August. CONTACT LENSES | CONSULTATION by APPOINTMENT Payment pian includes one month trial period. PHONE 723-4191 F. R. BLACK NC 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Fender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF 12 KING E. -- 723-3633 Meat Specialsi Mon. & Tues. $1.00 BUYS @ ANY ONE ITEM e@ PURE PORK 2 LBS. LINK SAUSAGE 4LBS. BOLOGNA END CUTS BY THE PIECE 8 LBS. PORK NECK BONES 2 LBS. SLICED SIDE PORK 2 LBS. PORK STEAKS e FREEZER SPEIALS e HINDQUARTERS : op | BEEF... . 120 120 North, Mrs DH Coviter « D H Coulter FOURTH RACE -- Purse $1800 4-year-olds and up, 5¥a Furlongs No Boy A-122 Shove, Gomez 116 No Boy 116 Wa x109 ($2500 claiming foaled in Canada Charley's Pak, t Don't SECOND RACE -- Purse $1800 ($2500 aiming). Three-year-olds. § Furiongs: Love Quest, Hate 115 jet Blond, No Boy A-106 Dan Miss Cobalt, Potts 111 Baby, Black Coral, Walsh X110 r Demijohn, Gordon A-122 Linscott, Patsons X106 Miss Speedy G., Harrison 114 Azizi Girl, Potts 115 Peter Wrack, No Boy 116 Around fhe Hills, Shuk A-118 Mary's Reward, Walsh X112 Arm Crest, Parsons X108 Our Johnie, Potts 112 Jet Impala, Shuk 115 Yon Rich, No Boy 122 Lady Domain, Simpson 110 Whitville, No Boy 116 Mr. Flirt, Walsh X106 Joe The Captain, No Rov 114 Susie's Roman, Barrison 110 Also Eligible: Whispering Wind. Tur Also Eligible: Mérit Rippey, Robinson XXX1N6: Sastie Maid, Harris 4 Steel reinforced, one piece and principal chaplain of the were no injuries, Wellington have 'been, hadjsatisfaction from our gfeatlisters, to name a few of the|and urge his people. through. U.S. Army Friday ordered the} first,Canada. The analogy is based who pay taxes so hopefully? is called the Redeye. Its high class honors in Grade 9 at Cen- 9M the carry his nation through it. trate us. But somehow _ the Damen, Pofts 115 Journey Home, Walsh B-X115 P : }. : and many millions of acres ofjis virtuous but public planning Ninth Wave, Wick 120 The. Rodent, Nedeau C-112 Also Eligible: Right Chief, No Roy, 115 Turcoite, ural resources to compare what|separate empires of govern- A B--G C Frostad entry entry ONLY concrete construction. Fully 2quipped and installed ready army, navy and air force, then chaplain of the fleet during the Napoleon remained on Elba? | wealth of resources is becdming| most important. Programs like'Sound land use in a federal | first production of a bazooka- WRONG NAME These thoughts may seem a/smaller under the pressure of a --E like guided missile that it said) It has been drawn to idea that great men|Our wants are simple enough explosive warhead: is designed tral Collegiate Institute. have been great because each The gamekeepers and custo- Elements of Canada's grow- crisis in Jand use becomes more, THIRD RACE -- Purse $2100. Two-year: ing ¢ j 4 li wie y Gane Malden\cld' Wales 3 Rarities eve" ing crisis in land use include|intense year by year Garden Prince, Hernandez, He's A Poppin, Walsh x115 Andrea Inez, DitMach'C-112 raver (atny) tee Sar tee good forest land and grass{is suspect. We have hired cus- land -unused or misused. The |todiars to protect our resources Checkpoint Kid, Nedeau A-120 Launch Out, Stadnyk 120 } aca, No Boy D-117 Bright Object, Gomez 120 Sardan, Harrison, 120; Pot O Doe, Ben is with what might be jment; agriculture, 'other re jamin, 115: Mohammbeau, Uyeyama, 120; Looking at the land use crisis sources', water resources and Lanson Farms and sa Basi SEER ' Me entry B--Kinrara entry. fon your swimming pleasure. 2675 # YOUP INQUIRIES ARE INVITED @ n KXK104; New F W D Lat ae! tg A and & Poloniato and Willow Downg Second World War. the at- roundabout, insidious way of 200 million people with diverse will enable infantrymen to'tention of The Oshawa recognized the true elements of'dians we hire are sincere MONDAY, APRIL 13 Top Record, Remillard A-120 pressing recreation and wild-| The problem centers around Zalapa Curry, No Boy 115 Chop Turkey, No Boy 115 crisis is not easy to discern'- too often passively and Judo King, Rogers B-115 Also Eligible: York Putt nn' Smoke. Ditttach. A-120; Balli. silat _ D--J Hess and D Hess entry S IMMI NG : " 725-9991. 'We Have The Experience" 728-7083 a--H E Ciose and Mrs ei genery, ght, Shuk the first chaplains to go over- ville and Clifford Lloyd Smith, earlier, might not have burned | under private ownership - - ynd Development Act, and the Can-| Waterloo. No great man-is like- ORDERS WEAPON A Times |leading to a theme, "wildlife,jand often conflicting needs. knock down tlow-flying enemy that Judy Stevenson and a crisis and was able to formu-! enough. The bureaucracy FIRST RACE Purse $2100 Chiet Brant, Armstrong 115 life needs, impoverished farms|the uniquely North American Secret Storm, Potts 110 Red Banner, Armstrong D-120 unless one. is. knowledgable |restrictively. And we have di- Big Boots, Walsh X110 A-XXXK110 gaily, Gomez, 8-120 Stable -and Norcliffe Farm RELIABLE » Farm entry. / a MCCLARY \/ EASY 'S301 CROSS-CANADA SALE STARTS MONDAY 9 A.M. I'VE GOT 2% MILLION DOLLAR BUYING POWER! " FURNITURE WORLD seas in the First World War, 1180 Windermere court, There 8° brightly. And what wouldjso ad infinitem. Our individjial|adian Council of Resource Min-|ly to see its elements and lead WASHINGTON (AP) -- The not|recreation and land use' 'in| What shall we do, we citizens jets. The shoulder-fired weapon Lorraine Stevenson won late a concept that would!doesn't really set out to frus- three-vear-olds. § Furiongs. ire toe qunkels Ne Boy 6-118 in the hundreds of thousands, | concept that private planning Dolphin Striker, Fitzsimmons Crying Jerry, Gordon 120 enough about renewable nat-!vided our custodians into Bive Sky Law, Gubbins 115 Addison Hall Stable entry A--P E Boylen and Mrs. W. E. ROTH CONST. LTD.--OSHAWA, ONTARIO L

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